Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 423

Episode 46: Princess Meer, Bumble Your Arms

When Sharoke Cornrogue fell, it was Tatiana who made the most move.

In an attempt to receive a falling giant, unacceptable, fall together. Still a good guard not to hit just the head.

Then, when you crawl out of the bottom of your body, secure your airway…, apply the minimum treatment.

Meer stared at Tatiana, who gave instructions, blurring open her mouth.

Because of this, it was unexpected that Meer could physically collapse where she mentally went to stab the stomach.

So, beside Shalok’s giant, carried by four large men, Meer spoke to Tatiana.

“Mr. Sharoke, are you okay?

“Oh, yes…… Perhaps, but I think it’s a temporary seizure. I’ve calmed down my breathing, and if I lay down a little…”

“Is that some kind of illness?

“I don’t know if I’m sick…… unless I find out. However, I have heard stories of similar symptoms. The aristocrats of a wealthy country died of such symptoms… He ate a lot of delicious food and lived in his room without exercising.”

Tatiana has a difficult face and arms up.

“I mean, overeating and lack of exercise make you sick like that.”

Listening to Tatiana, Meer tried to rub her own stomach.

– Overeating and…, of exercise, lack of… Huh!

“Fortunately, I’m not so sure I can make it yet…, you know…, I’m sorry, Your Highness Princess Meer…, I’m concerned about you, Sharoke, so may I come?

“Huh? Oh, yeah… of course you can. You’ll be worried…”

Speaking to Tatiana, Meer nods in haste…, again, after rubbing her own stomach… Hmm, I think.

“Where is the treatment room where Mr. Sharoke was brought in? Oh, in the castle, a little far away…… Hmm, I see… that’s convenient…… It does bother me…”

Meer nodded, yeah, and then,

Then I’ll come with you, Mr. Tatiana.

“Huh? Why is that? Meer.”

Tatiana tilting her neck properly. In the wake of that pure gaze, Meer changed the angle of her body to hide her stomach softly before……

“Why…, er…, you’re right”

… I can’t tell you. No way, I need to exercise a little before I go to bed, because I thought it was bad, etc… There’s no way I can tell you.

Even Meer has a pride.

I don’t know… it’s a strange story that you’re going to visit. I don’t care what I can do where I go. We’re enemies in the first place, so I don’t have the in-laws to go.

Rather, on this occasion, it is normal to continue the talks with King Yuhal……

Therefore… Meer often thinks with a difficult face… and eventually opens his mind.

“… Mr. Sharoke is weak.”

Yes, General Meer knows. No mercy in battle. We need to beat the weaker parts of the enemy thoroughly.

Sharoke is weak now. Therefore, now is the time to stab him in the stomach and make sure that he never pokes at the Empire again.

No, not for exercise. Meer’s going to the last fight!

And, well, Meer smiled nicely as she told herself how it was.

“Your turn has finally arrived, Mr. Tatiana.”

Yes, Tatiana, the trump card to stab Shalok in the stomach, was brought here precisely for this time.

Show her presence and tell Sharoke.

“You’re such a ruthless, rational merchant. You are nothing but a normal human being, sweet, weak and caring”.

To this end, the cooperation of Tatiana is essential.

So Meer stabs the nail so she can’t get away with it.

“Hold on, you’ll be working, Mr. Tatiana.”

and stare into Tatiana’s eyes……

“Dear Meer…”

Hearing the words, Tatiana is convinced.

Meer’s, some words mean…, now is the time to understand.

– Mia, look at Sharoke’s weakness… she’s going to visit!


As far as the earlier exchanges are concerned, Meer and Sharoke are not close. Or it feels like enemies to each other.

So exactly, Tatiana thought that Meer was “using herself, trying to hurt Sharoke”.

But… no.

– Mia, they’re trying to save Sharoke!

It was as if all the events, now exactly, were going to connect in front of Tatiana.

Every single thing you can do in that pond in Chlorio… Meer said.

“Don’t lose your candor,” he said.

“Be careful not to spoil things,” he said.

And when Tatiana was in a crisis, she braved herself to help her, and pushed her back.

Meer’s words came back to life one after another.

Meer said. “It all depends on Sharoke,” he said.

That’s exactly what I was saying right now.

I knew… that Meer… If Sharoke keeps eating like this, it hurts her body.

That’s why I brought Tatiana. To make life detrimental to your health……

– Yeah, that might not be all. Maybe…, Mia… Shalok, maybe you’re trying to remind me…

He tried to save Sharoke’s life by letting Tatiana stifle his unhealthy health and yet remind him of the wonderful things he had done in the past.

Didn’t Meer bring herself in to restore her mind and body and at the same time her health?

I even think about that.

– Saying that it’s up to you, Sharoke, as much as possible, so that you don’t have to be ruined…, so that you can get back on the right path…

That may also lead to the doctor’s path, Tatiana thinks.

It really depends on Sharoke whether or not Sharoke makes the moderation, whether he lives longer, but whether he’s healthy or not, ultimately it depends on Sharoke’s choice…

“But I can work”

If you can’t do anything, you don’t have to give up.

Tell those who don’t have ears to listen, and still keep telling them as many times as you want. That way, one day there may come a day when we will listen to the word.

Take it sincerely, but not because of it. It’s just weird, so you might listen to me to stop the words.

– It depends on you, Sharoke…, Meer, your words sounded like cold words…

Tatiana thanked Meer from the bottom of her heart now.

On this occasion, that you have brought yourself…, whether you can save a benefactor named Sharoke Cornrogue…, to this watershed, that you have brought yourself!

“Dear Meer, let’s go”

Saying so and Tatiana sees, I wonder why……, Meer, kind of, was spinning his arm around.

It was similar to the move of Belle, the girl Meer was taking.

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