Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Lu Yu, who was a researcher in the Dragon Kingdom in his previous life, naturally understood what kind of weight the five words “controllable nuclear fusion” had!

The so-called controlled nuclear fusion is the release of energy through the fusion of atomic nuclei and lighter atomic nuclei.

As we all know, the majority of human energy consumption on the blue star is oil and coal mines, which are not only highly polluting, but also always exhausted.

Controlled nuclear fusion is different.

As long as the sun is shining, this energy is inexhaustible!

Like in the previous life science fiction movie “Iron Man”, the energy core of the mecha comes from controllable nuclear fusion.

As long as the reward of the system can help the Dragon Kingdom conquer this technology faster, not only can the Dragon Kingdom return to the top of the world, but mankind will also embark on a journey to the starry sky.

Our goal is the sea of stars!

“Why, aren’t you crazy just now? I tell you, today you have to apologize to our family Dudu!

“Otherwise, our relatives won’t do it!”

Seeing that Lu Yu didn’t say a word, her cousin thought that Lu Yu was provoked, and her posture instantly became more arrogant.

“Son, don’t be afraid, we…” Father

Lu was about to say something.

But Lu Yu, who had not said a word before, suddenly smiled: “Apologize to your family?” Yes.

“Uncle and aunt, I didn’t do something right just now, so I should apologize to Dudu in person.”

He took a few steps forward, and then looked at the bear child with a sincere face.

Hearing Lu Yu’s words, Father Lu was a little confused.

Lu Jinshan’s family’s attitude today is so arrogant, even his always calm self can’t help but get angry.

But Xiaoyu, why did your attitude suddenly change one hundred and eighty degrees, and bowed your head?

“Hmph, that’s pretty much it.”

My cousin was arrogant and said with a sharp voice: “When you apologize to my family, you have to bow, you know?”

“Got it, Auntie.”

Lu Yu was still smiling.

“If you know it’s wrong, it’s good.”

Lu Jinshan was condescending and waved his hand: “As long as our family accepts your apology, the busy uncle of the repeat class will help.”

“I don’t have to help, apologizing is what I should do.”

Lu Yu shook his head lightly, and then walked slowly to Dudu.

“Do you know where you’re wrong?”

The bear child pouted with an arrogant look and said defiantly.


Lu Yu took a deep breath, and then smiled: “Dudu, I’m really sorry.”

“When you tore up my file just now, I shouldn’t have hit… It’s so light! Before

the words fell, he raised his wrist and slashed at the arrogant bear child in front of him, splitting his head and covering his face was a big fight!


The crisp applause echoed in Lu Yu’s room.

At the same time as the sound sounded, a bright red palm print appeared on Dudu’s white and tender cheeks!

“Wow! Mom, he hit me woo-woo-woo! After

the dizziness, the sharp cry burst out instantly.

If before, the little fart boy was just fake crying, then now he is really forced by this big fight and slapped the defense!

“Don’t cry, don’t cry.”

The cousin quickly hugged Dudu to calm his emotions, and at the same time raised her head to look at Lu Yu resentfully: “You, you bastard!”

“Why did I mess around?”

Lu Yu spread his hands innocently: “Isn’t this at your request to apologize to Dudu?”

“No, did I also educate him for your second elder?” You should thank me.

Hearing Lu Yu’s words, her cousin was so angry that she almost vomited blood: “You, you…”

She turned her head and turned her gaze for help to her husband.

Lu Jinshan was also completely enraged by Lu Yu’s actions:

“Dare to hit our family Dudu, right? Okay, don’t think about re-reading things! Just a barbarian like you, it is impossible to get into college in your whole life! Wife, let’s go, we will not have this relative in the future!

“I will definitely make you regret this slap of yours!”

Lu Yu smiled disdainfully: “Regret? Who regrets it, not necessarily, right? ”


Lu Jinshan glared at Lu Yu and Lu’s father fiercely, and then left with Dudu in his arms.

When leaving, the cousin also deliberately raised the tone, yin and yang strangely sarcastical: “The family is so lawless, no wonder they can’t even pass the college exam, it turns out that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked!”

“Hmph, this kind of poor relative with low education and low quality is like this. Still make me regret? I would like to see how he makes me regret it!

Lu Jinshan angrily slammed the door out.

The two took Dudu, drove their own Audi, and left Lu Yu’s family without looking back.

“Son, don’t take today’s matter to heart, repeat class… I’ll think of a way again.

Father Lu comforted.

Although my son’s slap just now seems a little reckless, I have to say, relief!

“It’s okay, Dad.”

Lu Yu smiled and was just about to say something.

But suddenly, the familiar electronic prompt sounded in his ears again: “Congratulations host, complete option three!” ”

Newbie Reward: Controlled Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough Experimental Data, Distributed!”

“Congratulations to the host, activate option one: repeat for one year and be admitted to Huaqing University. Award: Bluestar Introduction to Liberal Arts.

“Activate option two: find a way to get the admission letter from DST this year. Reward: “Blue Star Science Logical Thinking.” ”

New options again?

Lu Yu pondered for a moment, and quickly made his decision in his heart.

As a scientific researcher, if he wants to produce high-tech products for the country more quickly, logical thinking in science is naturally much more important than introduction to liberal arts!

As for how to get the admission letter of Longtech University?

Lu Yu believes that there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and there will always be some way.

The prompt disappeared, and a huge amount of knowledge instantly poured into Lu Yu’s brain like a wave.

Immediately afterwards, some unprecedented understanding and data about controllable nuclear fusion made Lu Yu’s eyes shine and his body tremble slightly.

Lu Yu, who was a scientific researcher in his previous life, was able to be sure that with the data provided by the system, the research on controllable nuclear fusion in the Dragon Kingdom could be at least fifty years ahead!

“Son, don’t worry, it’s a big deal, let’s change to a middle school to repeat.”

Father Lu looked at the silent Lu Yu, and thought that he was worried about the matter of re-reading.

“Dad, you don’t have to worry about re-reading first.”

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: “This year, I plan to… Give it a shot! ”

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