Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Dragon Science University?!

Hearing Lu Yu’s words, Father Lu was stunned at first, and then said seriously: “Son, the college entrance examination is a major event in your future life, and you can’t be sloppy!”

“Listen to Dad, repeat this year, understand that you will take the exam again, and don’t give up because of a failure.”

He also thought that Lu Yu was making excuses and didn’t want to repeat it.

After all, Longke University, but together with Huaqing University and Capital University, is the three best universities in Longguo.

Even in terms of cultivating scientific research talents, Longke University has more advantages than the latter two!

Most of the people who can be admitted to Longke University are dragons and phoenixes among people, and there is no score above 650, so they basically do not have to consider filling in volunteers, and they are also used as cannon fodder.

Just based on Lu Yu’s score this year, let alone go to Longke University, half of the admission score is a dream!

“Dad, don’t worry. This matter can’t be explained in a word, can you give me some time to let me brush it off? Lu

Yu also felt a little big at this moment.

He can’t tell his father about the system, right?

Even if he was willing to say it, would Father Lu believe it?

“Okay, let’s talk over dinner then.”

Father Lu glanced at his son worriedly and left the room.

He also thought that Lu Jinshan’s affairs stimulated Lu Yu, so he wanted his son to be alone and quiet.

After Father Lu closed the door, Lu Yu frowned in distress.

The rewards given by the system are tempting, but the difficulty of the task is not ordinary.

His college entrance examination score this year is only 350, and with this score, he wants to enter Longtech University through normal channels, which is tantamount to dreaming!

If he was allowed to repeat his studies for a year, it would be nice to say.

After all, as a scientific researcher in his previous life, it was not too difficult to take the dragon science exam for another year.

But the problem is, the system wants this year’s admission letter.

“How about asking Longke University?”

Lu Yu turned on the computer and logged in to the official website of Longtech University.

Soon, he was finding a recruitment channel.

Because this year is the graduation season, the University has specially opened the admissions hotline to give some guidance to outstanding candidates who are willing to apply for the university.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yu entered his college entrance examination admission ticket number and called the real hotline of the admissions channel.

“Toot, toot~

” After waiting for about ten minutes, the voice of the admissions office teacher finally came from the other end of the phone: “Hey, hello students, do you have any questions?” ”

Good teacher.” Lu Yu hurriedly said politely:

“That’s right, I hope to be admitted to your school, it’s my college entrance examination score, it’s lower…”

In the second half of the sentence, Lu Yu’s tone was obviously a little empty.

“Students, if you have participated in the summer and winter camp activities held by our school before, or have won a competition award at or above the provincial level, you can reduce the admission requirements in accordance with the admissions policy.”

Admissions Office Teacher Dao.

The corner of Lu Yu’s mouth showed a wry smile: “Teacher, then if the college entrance examination score is only three hundred and fifty points, can there be any way to be admitted to your school?” ”

Three hundred and fifty?!

As soon as these words came out, the voice on the other end of the phone fell silent.

“Students, if you have won a Nobel Prize-level award, our school can not only admit you, but also hire you as a special professor.”

When the voice came from the other end of the phone again, the tone already had the meaning of a joke.

Nobel Prize level?

Lu Yu moved smartly.

Although he has not won the Nobel Prize yet, he has the experimental data of a breakthrough in controlled nuclear fusion.

In terms of gold content, it is higher than most Nobel Prizes!

And just having a theory, you also need an institution that can help this theory land. And Longtech University… Great fit!

Thinking of this, Lu Yu hurriedly said: “Teacher, I have some research on controlled nuclear fusion, and I have made breakthroughs so far. ”

There is no need for a special professor, as long as he can be admitted to your school…”

Before Lu Yu finished speaking, there was a hang up sound on the other end of the phone.


Lu Yu reluctantly turned off his phone.

He also knew that the other party probably regarded him as a troublemaker.

However, the call did bring him some gains, at least the direction.

After thinking about it, Lu Yu packed some of the data in his mind and sent it over.

At the same time, he also left a sentence: “I hope to get an admission letter from your school.” Only an offer letter is required, no additional hiring is required. After

the sending was completed, Lu Yu turned the phone back on.

The class group, which was originally silent after the college entrance examination ended and the score was released, suddenly jumped out a lot of news.

Teacher Ke: “Let’s think about it, where is the most appropriate graduation party?”

Zhao Hui: “Or Linjiang Hotel?” Our family has VIP there and I covered the cost of the venue.

Liu Sheng: “Boss Zhao is arrogant!” I also vote for Linjiang Hotel. ”

Looking at it, it turned out that the teacher and the students discussed the matter of holding a graduation party.

This kind of party, Lu Yu has always felt that it is of little significance.

After all, buddies with good relationships, even if they graduate, will not break contact, as for those who have a general or even poor relationship, what is the point of getting together?

Just as Lu Yu was about to turn off the screen, the ID “Zhao Hui” suddenly spoke up again: ”

Eh, we’ve been discussing for so long, have any of you seen Lu Yu speak?”

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