Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

As soon as Zhao Hui’s words came out, many students couldn’t help but show a gloating smile.

Lu Yu’s results were originally extremely high in the class, but I don’t know how, the college entrance examination only scored 350 points!

This can be said to be the bottom score in their second class of rockets!

“Hahaha, Zhao Hui, you laugh, if I were him, I wouldn’t be in the mood to speak now.”

“Yes, yes, if I were Lu Yu, I would be busy looking for a junior college now.”

“Looking for a junior college? Did you misunderstand something, Lu Yu these three hundred and fifty points, even junior college can’t go to college!

“Boss Zhao, it’s too hurtful for you to send this news, right? You’re the only one in our class who can storm Kyoto University this year! ”

Zhao Hui has good grades in the class, is handsome, and his family conditions are superior.

Therefore, many boys in the class took him as the core, and when they heard their boss speak at this moment, many of Zhao Hui’s younger brothers echoed the topic raised by their boss.

Of course, there are also people who are not accustomed to this kind of schadenfreude who stand up and refute

: Liu Miaoer: “Lu Yu is out of order this time, but shouldn’t we comfort him as classmates?”

Liu Miaoer: “Isn’t it too much for you to do this.”

As soon as her words came out, the originally lively class suddenly fell into a short silence.

Liu Miaoer is the squad leader of their rocket class, who is beautiful and kind-hearted, and is regarded as a goddess in the heart by many boys.

After half a ring,

Zhao Hui: “Don’t be angry with the class elder, don’t be angry, I’ll just ask Lu Yu about the situation.” Seeing

that his boss had “bowed his head”, several male classmates who had planned to step on Lu Yu’s feet again, their fingers that pressed the “send button” stopped.

After all, their boss has only been unable to get by with Lu Yu, but isn’t it because of Liu Miaoer?

In a single-family villa, a handsome, tall young man had a gloomy expression at the moment.

“Forget it, a fool with only three hundred and fifty points in the college entrance examination is not qualified to be my competitor at all!”

“Miao’er, when the day of the graduation party, I will let you know that the only person who can deserve you is me.”

Zhao Hui has already made up his mind to launch a vigorous romantic offensive against Liu Miaoer on the day of the graduation party!

He believed that as long as Liu Miao’er saw her sincerity clearly, she would gladly throw herself into her arms.

Thinking of this, Zhao Hui, who was originally a little angry, unconsciously evoked a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

“It’s all high school students, why are you still so naïve?”

Lu Yu shook his head with a smile and turned off the screen of his phone.

The original owner of his body does not deal with this Zhao Hui, but this kind of child’s grievances and grievances are obviously difficult to enter his eyes.

Lu Yu only felt that this rather childish noisy noise was somewhat naïve and interesting.

But having said that, Lu Yu still had a little affection for Liu Miaoer, the only one who spoke for herself.

“Xiaoyu, come out to eat.”

Father Lu’s voice passed through the door of the room and into Lu Yu’s ears.

“Got it.”

Lu Yu deleted the data on controlled nuclear fusion from the computer, turned off the computer, and went to the dinner table.

Today’s meal is very hearty, fragrant pot chicken wings, spicy chicken… It’s all Lu Yu’s favorite food.

However, the atmosphere at the dinner table was somewhat silent.

“Dad, say whatever you want.”

Lu Yu also understood what this silence was about.

Father Lu sighed and said, “Xiaoyu, Dad didn’t go to high school, and some things really don’t understand.”

“However, you had such a big accident in the college entrance examination this time, and 350 points is not your normal level at all.” I think I can repeat it, we still have to try.

Lu Mu was also worried: “Yes, Xiaoyu.”

“In this era, it is not as good as before, without a bachelor’s degree, it is not easy to find a job in the future.” Although the conditions of our family are not good, it is still no problem for you to study for another year.

Lu Yu put down his chopsticks and was a little helpless: “Parents, I understand what you say.” “It’s

just, it’s just that there are some things I can’t explain to you, I don’t want to repeat it, it doesn’t mean that I gave up on myself, I have already applied to Longtech University for admission, it should be in two days, there will be results.”

Of course, Lu Yu understood that his parents wanted to let him repeat it for his own good.

But about systematic and controllable nuclear fusion, he can’t explain it to his parents.

If he really said it, I’m afraid that the second elder will go to the hospital to find a doctor and show him his brain….

Weighing all aspects, he can only cut first and then play, and after the admission notice of Longtech University comes down, everything should be easy to say.


Hearing the three words “Long Keda”, Lu’s father and mother looked at each other and sighed.

They all think that it must be a failure in the college entrance examination that their children have been hit too hard to the point of some mental imbalance.

It’s not that they don’t trust their children, it’s just 350 points, how can they get the admission letter from Longtech University?

After a short conversation, the atmosphere of dinner became even more silent.

After getting off the table, Lu Yu returned to his room and continued to sort out the newly acquired knowledge in his mind.

Mother Lu looked at her son’s back, and when she wanted to say anything, Father Lu pulled Mother Lu aside: “child, this matter, we can’t be anxious, we have to let the child figure it out by himself.”

Lu Mu sighed: “Alas, I’m not afraid… Isn’t this life ruined?

“Okay, it’s useless if we push too quickly, give the child a little space.”

Father Lu pulled Lu’s mother downstairs and went to the park next to the community to wander around and relax.

However, just after the two walked for ten minutes, they met a group of parents in the nearby community, gathered together and seemed to be talking about the college entrance examination that had just ended.

“Oh, Sister Lu, what a coincidence!”

A woman in the center of the crowd recognized Lu Mu at a glance and greeted from afar.

“Sister Wang, have you eaten and come for a walk?”

Lu Mu replied with some reluctance.

Their family and Aunt Wang used to be neighbors for a while, because of some trivial things, the careful Aunt Wang always made the corridor uneasy.

Only later, Aunt Wang’s husband developed, and the family moved to a better neighborhood next door.

Unexpectedly, the two who have not seen each other for almost a year or two actually met in the park today.

“Isn’t that? Our family just held a dinner for our son, and we went for a walk after eating.

Mentioning her son, a proud smile appeared on Aunt Wang’s face: “Don’t you know, my son went to the Kyoto People’s Congress this year, and it is one of the best universities in our Dragon Country!”

Many parents next to them listened, and their expressions were suddenly full of envy: “People’s congress? I heard that this year’s NPC will cost more than 600 cents!

“In the future, people will come out of the dragon and phoenix among people!” Sister Wang gave birth to a good son!

Father Lu and Mother Lu also smiled awkwardly: “Haha, congratulations.” ”

In the past, the grades of the children of Aunt Wang’s family were not comparable to Lu Yu, but I didn’t expect that the college entrance examination could actually pass the Kyoto People’s University!

To say that the two of them are not envious, it is impossible.

“Oh, that’s right.”

Aunt Wang suddenly thought of something, turned her head and asked, “Sister Lu, your family Xiaoyu is the same as my son, right?” This year’s college entrance examination, the results should be good, right? Hearing

Aunt Wang’s words, the surrounding parents all asked: “Yes, yes, Xiaoyu’s previous achievements were top-notch, what is this year, Sister Lu?” ”

The former Lu language is standard in the community” for other people’s children. ”

Whispering… Didn’t play well this year… I won’t say it.

Lu Mu blushed and said.

“Oh, Sister Lu, don’t be modest!”

Aunt Wang urged, “What’s so embarrassing about this? Talk about it.

“That’s it, Sister Lu, what is your baby like this year?”

The parents next to them echoed.

“Whispering this year… I didn’t get into college. Lu

Mu’s voice was softer than a mosquito call, but it still fell into the ears of this group of good aunts.

Aunt Wang sneered and said, “It’s not that you didn’t play well, you didn’t play at all!”

“Gee, I didn’t even get into college.”

Several parents who had originally asked enthusiastically shook their heads and walked away in disgust.

Some parents pretended to comfort: “It’s okay, Sister Lu.” Although your son is not as big as Sister Wang’s Kyoto people, if you can go to a junior college, you can support yourself in the future.

Lu Mu’s face turned pale, and her lips trembled slightly.

Seeing that his wife’s face was wrong, Father Lu hurriedly pulled his wife out of the park and returned home.

After entering the house, Lu’s mother finally couldn’t bear it, and a tear flowed from her eyes: “The child and his father, Xiaoyu didn’t do well in the test, but how can they…”


Lu hurriedly put his arm around his wife and comforted: “Xiaoyu has always understood reason, I believe he will not let us down in the end.”

“The child didn’t do well in the exam, he must be more uncomfortable than all of us in his own heart, and we as parents can’t put too much pressure on the child…” Lu

Mu wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and nodded gently: “Hmm.”

She glanced at Lu Yu’s room and saw that her son did not come out to see the picture of her tears, and she breathed a sigh in her heart.

As the night grew deeper, researcher

Zhao of Longke University

planned to turn off the computer and leave the office.

But a newly received email in the mailbox recaptured his attention….

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