Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 75

Chapter 76

Seeing the change in Minister Sun’s face, Zhou Lao and Li Lao, who were still arguing, were all stunned: “Minister Sun, what’s


They all smelled an unusual smell from Minister Sun’s expression.


Minister Sun coughed twice and said, “Two, I’m sorry, the funds you both want to fight for, maybe…”

His tone was more tactful, but both of them could hear the meaning.


Elder Zhou’s brows furrowed, and he said eagerly:

“Minister Sun, only me and this old man have reached the final review stage for this batch of funds approval, why can’t this fund …”

The cake is so big.

If they can get less cake, it most likely means that this cake has been divided by others.

“Cut the queue… Nor can I say that.

Minister Sun was a little hesitant and said, “The whereabouts of this batch of funds is a secret project in our country, as for the detailed details of it.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t reveal it to you both.”

Secret project!

Elder Zhou and Elder Li looked at each other, and there was some unwillingness in their eyes.

They have been arguing here for a long time, just to get the latest batch of funding.

Just saying “secret project” will not scare them off.

Li Lao asked unwillingly

, “Minister Sun, can’t you reveal the general direction of the project at all?”

Li Lao was eager to get a new batch of funds, absorb the lessons of the failed launch, and start the second launch as quickly as possible!

Therefore, he was the first to speak.

“Let me think about it.”

Minister Sun thought for a while and said, “The specific details of the project cannot be revealed, but I can explain it to the second elder, it is related to the national chip field.” ”

The chip field … Related to lithography machines? Elder

Li and Elder Zhou frowned at the same time.

Elder Zhou was even more straightforward and said, “Minister Sun, you must think twice about the lithography machine, the H-core incident in the past is still vividly remembered, shocking!”

“Yes, Minister Sun.”

Li Lao also took the stubble and pressed:

“Recently, in the field of chips, many scandals have been exposed.”

“This breath to cut the queue costs 5 billion, which is not a small amount, do you want to ask for instructions?”

Minister Sun shook his head lightly and said solemnly:

“I’m sorry, two, this document was sent directly to the xx bureau, and only after the approval was passed, it was sent to me.”

“The matter of funding is already set in stone.”

Hearing this, the second elder, who originally wanted to argue with reason, was stunned:

“This… Already approved above?

Minister Sun patted the second elder on the shoulder and said apologetically: “Your second elder is the pillar of China’s scientific research community, and this time it is a special situation and special treatment.”

“But I can promise you both.”

“When the next batch of scientific research funds is issued, the projects of the two will be the most preferred.”

Silence fell in Minister Sun’s office.

After half a ring, Elder Zhou sighed and said helplessly: “Minister Sun, if you say so, we can only take a step back.”

“I hope that these five billion funds can be used where they should be used…” The

two looked at each other, although they were unwilling in their hearts, they also knew that there was no point in entanglement like this, and left the office.

After walking out of the scientific research management department

, “Old Zhou, what do you say this new project is?”

Elder Li’s eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

Elder Zhou slowly shook his head and sighed: “I don’t know, I can swallow five billion in one go, and I know that this project will not be small based on this appetite alone.”

“I just hope that I don’t repeat the same mistakes.”

“Yes, the H-core incident of that year caused too much blow to the reputation of domestic scientific research.”

Elder Li nodded in agreement.

The two who almost fought in the office before are now chatting like an old pair of old friends.

It’s just that between the words of the two, there is a lot of distrust of the new project.

Elder Zhou “snorted” and said with a snort: ”

If I want to say, it is estimated that some related elements above are doing ghosts, otherwise why would they suddenly cut the queue?”

“And the approval of funds is a green light, I’m afraid this relationship will not be small!” It’s not good…” ”


Seeing that Elder Zhou was talking too much, Elder Li quickly cleared his throat.

Elder Zhou also knew that he had lost his words, and muttered, “I’ll just say that, don’t take it to heart.”

“But then again, if only we could take a look at the project proposal, and we could figure it out a little bit.”

Elder Li agreed, “Yes.”

“Unfortunately, the project plan is a confidential document, and we are afraid that we will not be able to read it.”

Scientific Management Department

: “Minister Sun, please take a look.”

The secretary said respectfully.

She put a file bag in her hand on Minister Sun’s desk and immediately left the office.


Minister Sun took a deep breath and cast his gaze on the red-headed file bag on the table.

On the tape of the document, a layer of red lacquer wax was sealed, and the word “top secret” was written on it!

“If you can make a decision so quickly, what will be the content of this plan?”

Minister Sun rubbed his hands and carefully opened the red-headed file bag.

The top-secret document contained in the file bag was nothing else, it was the project plan application for which the Lu Language Project applied for funding.

In general, the project plan application will display the project content in detail, and the standard economic utility, funding requirements, experimental difficulty…

“Rip and pull!”

With a shredding sound, Minister Sun finally pulled out the document with great difficulty.


, the moment he saw the content of the document, the whole person seemed to be shocked by electricity, and he was stunned in place:

“This… ”

Usually, the content of a project will consist of 10,000 words to 20,000 words.

In order to pass the funding review more smoothly, some scientific research projects will extend the word count to 30,000-40,000 words, and explain the pros and cons of the project in more detail.

However, this project proposal is different.

On it, there were only two words written by Zhong Lao himself:

“Lu Yu!”

That’s just the word, nothing else!

However, on this project list, it miraculously gave the green light all the way, successfully passed all the audits, and cut the queue to obtain five billion scientific research funds!

In ancient times, there was a word called a thousand words!

And the value of these two words has even exceeded this word!

“This kid… It’s really bullish.

Minister Sun wiped the sweat oozing from his forehead, and a complicated smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

“How long has he been engaged in scientific research?”

“Half a year? Four months?

“Such a genius, God bless my dragon country…”

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