Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 76

Chapter 77

Longke University Exoskeleton Equipment Research Center


Lu Yu said hello and dragged his tired body out of the laboratory.

Perhaps because of the failure of Zhurong’s launch, everyone present was slightly stimulated in their hearts, and the efficiency of work increased exponentially.

Even with the strengthening of the small pill for strengthening the body before, Lu Yu felt that his body was almost at its limit.

Walking on the streets of Longkeda, the evening breeze brushes my cheeks, carrying away the exhaustion and pouring in bursts of refreshment.

“Have you heard about Zhurong…” On

the street, students came and went, also discussing the latest facts.

And the hottest topic at the moment

, without a doubt, is that Zhurong’s launch failed!

“It’s a pity, I almost succeeded, why did the good engine suddenly explode?”

“yes! I’ve been looking forward to it for three years, and finally… Alas. ”

Although most of the students at Longtech University are more rational.

However, with rational people, there will be angry jumping beam clowns.

“Hmph, I know, what kind of shit Zhurong’s launch, one hundred percent will not succeed, sure enough!”

A tall and fat man squinted his eyes and said:

“The so-called aerospace of the Dragon Country is just that, and it is far worse than NASA in the Eagle Country!”

“We should put down our bodies and learn from the Eagle Country well, only by following the Eagle Country is the way out for the future of our Dragon Country.”

“Otherwise, hmph…” Listening

to his remarks, Lu Yu’s brows frowned.

It seems that even in a top institution like Long University of Science and Technology, there are such people who are admiring outsiders.

“Classmate, you can’t say that, can you?”

A classmate couldn’t stand it anymore, and interrupted:

“You said that, is it a little too much?”

“Zhurong did fail the launch, but this does not completely negate the achievements of our dragon country in the field of space!”

“From the beginning of our poverty, to the continuous successful launch of the Shenzhou rocket, we have been at the forefront of many countries, and have even become the existence that some countries look up to, and these advances are real.”

“But if Zhurong fails, it is a failure!”

The tall and fat classmate knew that he was at a loss, and said forcefully:

“If the same launch is handed over to NASA in the eagle country, it will definitely not fail!”

Another classmate, can’t stand it:

“Classmate, you don’t seem to be from the aerospace department, right?”

“Do you really understand astronautics? Know the Heavenly Palace? Know Shenzhou? You don’t understand anything, why make a big fuss?

Yu Yang was stunned, and said,

“I… If I buy a refrigerator, do I have to refrigerate myself?

However, the students who were discussing around him did not pay any more attention to him, but only glanced at him with disdain and continued to discuss the details of Zhurong.

“No, is there something wrong with what I said? I…” He

tried to continue to force his words, but there was no more attention to him around.

Feeling the disdainful gaze, this grandstanding clown could only leave the playground in ashes.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Lu Yu’s mouth couldn’t help but evoke a smile.

It seems that most of the young scholars of the University still have a patriotic heart.

In the future, they will also become the backbone of the scientific research of the Dragon Kingdom, and continue to shine for the scientific research of the Dragon Country….

Back at the professor’s dormitory, Lu Yu asked Ah Chu to go to the cafeteria to help him bring some food.

Immediately, I reopened the original video of Zhurong’s launch and carefully observed it again….

“If controllable nuclear fusion technology can be further improved, then it is not impossible to create an engine of the second cosmic speed level in science fiction.”

“If this is the case, our human journey will truly march towards the sea of stars.”

Lu Yu took a deep breath and turned off the video.

Engine has always been a big problem facing the current aerospace industry of Longguo!

Whether it is an engine in the aerospace field or a power force in the automotive field, Longguo has always lagged behind the developed countries of the Western world.

However, Lu Yu is confident.

In the future, with its own help, it will definitely be able to raise the engine of the Dragon Kingdom to a new level!

However, the most urgent thing is to solve the problem of lithography machines and exoskeleton equipment faster, and help the dragon kingdom to be shamed!

Minister Sun of the Scientific Research Management Department

was resting quietly in the office, but suddenly the secretary came over with a telephone.

“Minister Sun, your phone.”


Minister Sun slowly got up from his seat and took the phone.

“It’s so late, who will look for me at this time?”

He looked at the screen of the phone, but saw an unfamiliar and familiar number, and hesitated for a moment.

“Do you want to answer?”

The secretary observed the words and asked for instructions.

“Forget it, take it.”

Minister Sun took the phone, beckoned, and signaled the secretary to leave.

Then, he slowly pressed the answer button: “Hey, it’s me.”

“Old Ren, the two of us should have been in contact for nearly ten years, and we haven’t been in contact anymore, right? What’s the matter with looking for me so late? ”

Meet and say… Do you have to meet and say? Yes. Hanging

up the phone, Minister Sun’s expression was a little solemn.

The person who called was none other than his old classmate and the boss of HW Company, Mr. Ren!

Although the two were old classmates in college, they embarked on two different paths after graduation, and as their status became higher and higher, they met less and less.

After all, one is an official, the other is a businessman, avoid suspicion.


, at this time, Lao Ren suddenly proposed to meet, and it seemed that something really happened.

“Xiao Zhou, prepare the car.”

Minister Sun got into the special car and went all the way to the ground where he met with President Ren, the Verdant Green Pavilion.

Minister Sun pushed the door open and entered the private private room of the Verdant Pavilion

, and after checking the surroundings, he sat down with confidence.

“Minister Sun, I’m really sorry to take the liberty of looking for you this time.”

President Ren slowly poured a pot of clear tea and pushed it to Minister Sun’s seat: “Neither of us like to drink, let’s replace wine with tea and toast you with a cup.”

“Old Ren, what’s wrong, let’s be blunt.”

Minister Sun drank the tea in the cup and said with a smile:

“If nothing happens, with your personality, I am afraid that you will not think of meeting me before we both retire.”

“Minister Sun, it’s not an ordinary thing, and I won’t look for you.”

Mr. Ren sighed and said bluntly:

“It’s not a secret, at present, my HW company has encountered some operational difficulties, and due to technical reasons, a number of high-tech companies have been organized by Yingguo to ban the sale of our HW chips.”

“I want to know if there are any support policies in the state that can help us a little.”

“Or, can we buy a batch of treasury stock, I can buy it at 1.5 times the market price.”

Chip ban?

Minister Sun’s brows frowned slightly, in fact, he had heard of this matter.

“Your previous partners are no longer providing new chip supplies?”

Minister Sun asked with a frown.


Mr. Ren bowed his head slightly and said, “Our original chip supplier was Alstom in the blast furnace country, but not long ago, Alstom publicly announced the renegation of the contract.

“I sent a delegation to fight for a high price in the past, but it didn’t work.”

“It should not be a problem of money, but the ghost of the Eagle Country behind its back.”

Minister Sun’s brows frowned slightly, and said: “Although the current support policy of the state has always poured out policies for your high-tech companies, I am afraid that the problem of chips will not be solved for a while.” ”

The chip situation of our Dragon Kingdom, you should know better than me.”

He knows Lao Ren very well and knows that he is not a person who likes to be opportunistic

, but due to the international blockade and suppression, the current chip of the Dragon Kingdom is also in an extremely short supply!

If we talk about 28nm chips, they can barely be mass-produced.

But 14nm chips have been counted as strategic resources in the Dragon Kingdom, and they are used in extremely critical areas of people’s livelihood defense, and they are in short supply!

Even if there is a policy tilt, it is absolutely impossible for a private company like HW to buy directly from China.

“Oh, I’m just asking.”

Mr. Ren sighed.

He had already heard the answer from Minister Sun’s silence.


Minister Sun suddenly thought of something, and tapped his finger on the table.

“What’s wrong? Minister Sun, you just say. Mr

. Ren heard the turnaround.

He came to Minister Sun, in fact, it was also a helpless move.

This is really the current situation of HW Company, and it is about to fall into big trouble that cannot be handled!

So, whenever there is any life-saving straw, he will try to hold on to it.

“We have an expert who is currently developing content on the chip field at Dragon Science and Technology, but I’m not sure if his content will solve your needs.”

Minister Sun said slowly.


President Ren frowned and asked, “Minister Sun, how long has the expert you said been conducting chip research?” ”

He… Just getting started.

Minister Sun hesitated.

Lu Yu’s chip project research has indeed just started, and even the funds have just been approved.

“It’s just beginning…”

Mr. Ren’s eyes couldn’t stop being disappointed:

“Minister Sun, you also know that the lithography machine is known as the crown pearl of industrial history, and without five years and ten years of research, I am afraid that there will not even be a trace of progress.”

“The expert you are talking about may not be able to solve our urgent needs at HW!”

He once paid a lot of money and paid a high salary to hire a mathematician who was one of the top mathematicians at the national level.

And the mathematician also spent nearly four or five years to help him solve a multivariate string theory and successfully help HW break through 5G technology.

Even a top international mathematician takes such a long time to make some progress.

He does not believe that a researcher in a domestic university can achieve anything in the field of chips in a short period of time….

“Old Ren, ordinary people may not be able to, but he, maybe he really can.”

Minister Sun’s eyes were a little subtle: “In this way, I will ask my superiors for instructions later to see if I can let you meet him.”

“I’m sure you’ll be surprised to see him.”

Ordinary people, want to break through the chip field in a short time, naturally it is tantamount to a fool’s dream!

But Lu language, is that an ordinary person?

Can the average person break through controlled nuclear fusion technology in two months?

Can the average person explore many of the data theories of controlled nuclear fusion so far ahead of time before going to college?

Minister Sun believes that in a short period of time, Lu Yu can break through the chip field!


President Ren was confused and asked, “Minister Sun, what do you mean by this?”

“With your level to bring someone to meet him, do you have to specifically ask for instructions from above?”

Lao Sun’s level, even in the “yellow and purple sky” of Kyoto, is definitely not low!

“When the time comes, you’ll know.”

The corner of Minister Sun’s mouth hooked an intriguing smile.

He couldn’t help but raise a little expectation in his heart, how surprised would his old classmate be when he saw Lu Yu?

The two pushed cups and changed cups, and after drinking a few pots of clear tea.

President Ren slowly got up and toasted, “Minister Sun, it’s late at night, so I won’t keep you.”

“Okay, I have news here, I’ll contact you again.”

Minister Sun did not feel angry at President Ren’s “chasing people” behavior, but was still a little relieved in his heart: ”

Old student, after so many years, you still haven’t changed at all.”

As the head of the research management department, many scientific research projects have to pass through his hands, so he is also the target of countless companies and universities.

Ordinary bosses, if they have the opportunity to eat with him, they want to curry favor with him to death.

Therefore, Minister Sun also particularly hates to contact these bosses, and many things can be solved as quickly as possible.

But Mr. Ren, it’s still the same as when he was in school.

A cup of tea, order until it ends.

The two clinked glasses for the last time, and after drinking the cup of clear tea, the two waved goodbye.

After bidding farewell to Minister Sun, Mr. Ren returned to the company, staring at the moonlight outside the window with a complicated expression…

Although the expert proposed by Minister Sun seems somewhat mysterious.

However, Mr. Ren still does not hold out much hope.

After all, as the CEO of the top technology company in Dragon Country, he knows too well how difficult it is to achieve something in the chip field!

It’s like dripping water through stones, how can you break through without years of accumulation?

At this moment,

a knock sounded outside the door.

“Come in.”

President Ren shook his hand and signaled.

After the door was pushed open, the secretary lowered his head and looked at

Mr. Ren with a complicated expression: “Mr. Ren, someone outside wants to see you.”

“It’s the head of the fruit company in the Asia-Pacific region, Mr. Smith.”

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