That Time I Got Reincarnated With Some Cheats [COMPLETE]

Chapter 20 A deal

I get hit by an electric shock. Well, I don’t feel anything nor do I take any damage. I could’ve dodged it, but I wanted to know how esper related abilities work in a magic-based world and if my resistances still work. They do, by the way. How can she use her electromaster abilities in an astral state though…?

Ooh, now’s not the time.

The girl is now kneeling on the floor covering her sensitive areas with her hands while glaring at me with righteous vengeance.

What a lovely first impression.

Rimuru- “U-Uhm, calm down. I know you’re very angry with me right now and you must also be very scared, but-“

???- “Who the hell is scared!?”

She immediately fires back. Now that I think about it, she doesn’t seem to be lying. I mean, there’s some caution and a fuck ton of anger, but I don’t see anything I consider to be “fear”.

Hmm, well, it makes sense. If she is who I think she is, she must live in a world of superpowers. She even has a friend/admirer/stalker that can teleport, so suddenly moving from one place to another shouldn’t really do anything to spook her.

Well, if she learns that she’s in a whole different world, that might change. Ignorance is bliss…

Rimuru- “Right, I'm sorry. You don’t exactly look scared either. First and foremost, I'm not your enemy. I have no intentions to harm you. Furthermore, I'm not human. I'm just a harmless slime, so you don’t need to be so embarrassed.”

… She’s not letting her guard down. She’s still looking at me like I'm her mortal enemy. I mean, I can talk so she must be thinking there’s a human mind controlling my body remotely.

Well, she’s half correct, I do have a human mind.

What? I didn’t say that so I can look at her body. No sir.


More electricity sparks off her. Did she notice my intentions? What a fearsome intuition.

Rimuru- “Right, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Rimuru. Nice to meet you.”

I just realised I don’t have a last name… oh well, I don’t need one.

???- “… I'm Misaka Mikoto.”

I fucking knew it.

She even looks like that girl in that elf’s crystal ball. The image was hazy most likely because she was in an entirely different world. In fact, I'm surprised if even showed her outline.

Rimuru- “Misaka Mikoto, you’re Japanese, right? That means Misaka is your last name.”

Mikoto- “You're not Japanese? Your name doesn’t sound like one either…”

Rimuru- “My dear Mikoto, you’re not even in Japan right now.”

She snaps her eyes back onto me and glares.

Shit, I forgot calling someone by their first name in Japan is a really intimate action. Especially without any honorifics.

Rimuru- “Oops, I forgot. I should call you Misaka-san, right? Let me explain your situation…”

Without waiting for Mikoto to answer me, I explain her general situation.

First, I told her that she was summoned. After that, I told her where she was summoned to, the world we’re in and the changes in this world to hers. Basically, I told her magic is real and that we’re in a world of swords and magic.

Mikoto- “Haah!?”

She was really shocked. But when I told her that magic is real in her old world too, she was even more shocked.

Rimuru- “Hmm… Hey, Misaka-san, have you heard of the Misaka Sisters yet?”

Mikoto- “The… what? I'm sorry, did you say Misaka Sisters?”

So it seems canon hasn’t started yet or at least it must be in its early stages. Which is good. It’s a bit embarrassing to say, but I'm completely infatuated with this woman right now. If she’s already in love with Touma, then that complicates things.

But she’s not. So it’s all good.

Rimuru- “Nothing. Moving on…”

Mikoto- “Hey!”

I continue explaining the general workout of the world while Mikoto continues to look sadder and sadder.

Mikoto- “… Why me…?”

Rimuru- “Hmm? Why were you the one that was summoned?”

She nods while looking at me.

Rimuru- “To be honest… I didn’t specifically ask for you.”


Rimuru- “W-well, I wanted someone I could consider my lifelong companion. I began the summoning process with that in mind, and you popped up.”

Her face shows a hint of surprise before she grumbles to herself while looking away. I have a feeling I shouldn’t mention the maid part to her.

She looks down. I really can’t stand to see her like that anymore so I just have to ask…

Rimuru- “What’s wrong?”

Mikoto- “… I can't go back, can I? All of my friends and family… What do I do…?”

Her eyes water. Her voice trembles and her hand, still covering her privates, shake.

I speak up.

Rimuru- “Well, that’s not exactly true you know?”

She quickly snaps her head up and looks at me, urging me to continue.

Rimuru- “Right now you’re in an astral body state. Your real body is still in your world. This is also the reason you’re naked right now.”


Rimuru- “Y-you can just say the word and I can send you back! No questions asked. This isn’t an abduction you know?”

I've read enough novels to know what will happen if I do. She’ll escape from me and go off on her own adventure and come back to get revenge on me with broken ass plot armour.

I'm joking by the way.

The tension immediately leaves her and she shuffles closer.

Mikoto- “Really!? Then send me back!”

NOOOO! Fuck! Should I have kept it a secret from her!? Wait, no, then she’ll hate me. But I don’t want her to go. But I also don’t want her to hate me… *Sigh*, what’s done is done…

… Hold on…

Rimuru- “Well, wait a second. Are you sure you wanna do that?”

Mikoto- “Hmm? What do you mean?”

Rimuru- “Do you remember the Misaka Sisters I told you about? Well…”

And so I told her about the Misaka Sisters. I told her that some scientists got their hands on her blood and made clones of her using it. At first, they wanted to make an army of her using it, but that failed. So they decided to use her clones as fodder for the Level 6 Shift Project.

The moment she heard that, her face drained of all colour.

Mikoto- “It’s my fault…”

She whispers. My heart clenches seeing the devastated look she has.

Rimuru- “Oh come on, that’s not true.”

I hide my feelings with my usual playful attitude.

Rimuru- “You gave your blood away in the first place to help people. Those scientists are in the wrong. Furthermore, those Sisters are alive. Are you just going to deny their existence by saying that you shouldn’t have given your blood away? They wouldn’t even be alive right now if it weren't for that.”

Her eyes widen. Implanting this thought process into her this early on should help her relieve the burden she has. In the Toaru series, she was always feeling regretful about it. Maybe this can help…

Mikoto becomes resolute. She looks at me with eyes that hold an unshakable will and speaks.

Mikoto- “Send me back.”

Rimuru- “And do what? Fight Accelerator? Destroy all the secret labs containing their research data by yourself?”

She flinches. I fucking knew she would do that, I mean, she did that in the series, but come on! Think it through a little.

Rimuru- “Accelerator can wipe the floor with you. You can't win. Furthermore, you can't destroy all of the labs. You don’t know how big this project is.”

Mikoto- “And what do you know!?”

Rimuru- “I know a lot more than you do. I also know that the whole of Academy City is supporting this project. I’ll say this again, you can't win. Not by yourself.”

Mikoto- “I have to do something! Are you telling me to just sit back and do nothing!?”

She yells at me. She’s so worked up, electricity sparks off her and she doesn’t even cover herself with her hands anymore. Not that it’s the time to take a peek at her right now.

Her face crumples in indecision and her teeth grind in frustration. Her hands are clenched so hard that if this were her real body, I wouldn’t be surprised to see blood. Her will is shaken right now. She knows what I just said were indisputable facts.

But even so, she has to try.

I smile (internally) at her. This woman… is just trying to make me fall or her, isn’t she? Honestly…

Rimuru- “I’ll help.”

Mikoto- “… Eh?”

She barely squeaks that out.

Rimuru- “I said I’ll help. In return, stay with me.”

I bounce up to her and speak again. She looks down at me and I look back at her. I feel like an ass right now. I'm technically blackmailing her. I don’t really want to do this, but even more so, I don’t want to never see her again. If she leaves…


Mikoto keeps staring at me, weighing her options. She opens her mouth.

Mikoto- “… Ok.”

In the future, Rimuru thanked his present self for acting like an ass and making her stay with him. Future Mikoto also believes agreeing to this was one of the best decisions in her life. Of course, the present versions of them don’t know this.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit

Ultimate Skills: [Illya, Heaven's Feel]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense]

Unique Skills: [Great Sage] [Predator] [Limited Creation] [Rune Master]

Extra Skills: [Control Water] [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Shadow Motion] [Cloud Step] [Language Comprehension] [Control Wind] [Far Sight] [Snipe] [Silent Movement] [Evasion] [Reinforcement] [Greater Prediction] [Hinder Senses] (+14 more)

Common Skills: (There's a fuck ton, I'm not writing this.)

Tolerances: [Resist Temperature] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Pain] [Resist Electricity] [Resist Paralysis] [Resist Earth] [Resist Water] [Resist Wind] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack] [Resist Ranged Attack] (+7 more)


A/N: I don't get why people are all so hung up on the [Penetration] Unique Skill. I mean sure, it has a lot of potential, but he literally has a Space attributed Divine Protection (Crest of Space), later in the story he can do the same thing and MORE.

MC: Let's not forget my Rune Master skill.

AN: Yeah, it's not going to stay at Unique rank forever, when it evolves, it can easily do the same thing too. You guys dont need to get so hung up on it. I mean, I lterally had MC to get the skill JUST so he can summon Mikoto.

It's fine, no one is going to die.

MC: I'll die though, if I meet an OP bad guy and get wiped out...

AN: Shush. Not now.

Let me know if I missed anything!

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