That Time I Got Reincarnated With Some Cheats [COMPLETE]

Chapter 21 And she’s gone…

1 week later.

I'm sitting inside my newly built house, lazing about. The goblins and dwarves immediately built this for me so I can have a place to stay.

I mean, I'm thankful, but I'm probably the last person here that needs a house. I can sleep at the bottom of the lake and I wouldn’t care…

Wait, I can't sleep. Fuck.

Anyway, it’s been a week since the summoning incident. And… Well, Mikoto went home.

But it’s not all bad. She’ll come back… probably… I mean, my dad said that too, but…

I gotta stay positive! So yeah, here’s what happened.

(Flashback meat bun attack!)

Rimuru- “I’ll help.”

Mikoto- “… Eh?”

Rimuru- “I said I’ll help. In return, stay with me.”

Mikoto- “…”

Rimuru- “…”

Mikoto- “… Ok.”

Phew! She agreed! I wouldn’t know what would happen if she disagreed. I mean, I would have helped her regardless, but I want her to stay with me.

Wait, am I too clingy?

Mikoto- “So?”

Rimuru- “Hmm? Oh! Right. So, here’s what’s going to happen. There’s this thing called the “Tree Diagram”. It’s this massive supercomputer space satellite thingy and the calculations it makes are next level shit.”

Mikoto frowns. Oh…

Rimuru- “Sorry for my crude language. I’ll try to hold back next time.”

She stops frowning and urges me to continue. Honestly, she didn’t even say anything about my language but I went out of my way to apologise. Am I simping already?

Rimuru- “Anyway, the scientists see everything the Tree Diagram spits out as sacred scriptures. It’s never been wrong before, after all. It’s this Tree Diagram that made the calculations for the Level 6 Shift Project. Furthermore, the project is also based on the assumption that Accelerator is the strongest, which, once again, the Tree Diagram said he is.”

Mikoto’s eyes glisten as she connects the dots together. She’s a pretty smart girl.

Mikoto- “So if someone beats Accelerator and proves that the Tree Diagram isn’t always correct while showing that he isn’t the strongest, the Level 6 Shift Project will no longer have any reason to operate with Accelerator as the centre…”

I only gave her half the plan but she already worked it out. I have a strange sense of pride. It’s… odd. This feeling of “Ahh, that’s the girl I fell in love with” sort of thing.

Not that it’s entirely love, it’s mostly infatuation. I understand my feelings, and I don’t believe in love at first sight. Therefore, it has to be infatuation. Well, it’s quickly changing though…

Mikoto- “But can I beat him?”

Rimuru- “Haha! Not a chance!”

Mikoto- “Guh… *Sigh* You don’t have to say it like that you know…”

Rimuru- “Well it’s true. The Tree Diagram is VERY accurate, so much so that it can even predict human interactions. You’ll definitely lose in a fair fight against Accelerator. A FAIR fight, that is…”

Mikoto- “… I'm listening.”

And so I told her about Accelerator, the guy she has to defeat to shut this whole thing down. I told her about his esper ability, Vector Manipulation, and that is has a weakness.

Vector manipulation is the ability to change the vectors of anything as long as it has a medium, or rather, something to channel through.

For example, say a bullet was flying right towards Accelerator. As soon as the bullet touches him, it’s something Accelerator can control. He can reverse its vector, making it go flying right back the way it came from. He could also increase its momentum or completely remove its momentum, making it just drop to the ground. He can control the vector of anything he’s touching…

As long as it’s within his calculations.

So, if you attack him with something outside of his calculations, or rather, something he hasn’t been in contact with before, say for example… Magic?

Mikoto’s eyes widen.

Accelerator is scary strong. If I'm correct, right now, he’s never been in contact with magic before. He doesn’t know how to calculate to nullify something that’s outside the laws of the physics he’s so used to dealing with. If she can hit this weakness while it’s still there, she can win.

Anyway, this is a massive info dump but it looks like Mikoto got it all. Well, of course, she got it all. Why wouldn’t she? She’s also scary strong, and for an esper, being scary strong means being scary smart.

Mikoto- “But there’s a problem with that plan… I don’t know magic.”

She points to herself and states the obvious.

Rimuru- “Well, I know that. Furthermore, as an esper, the moment you try to use magic, you’ll get a backlash and there’s a good chance you’ll die.”

Mikoto- “Eh!? Seriously!? Then why are you telling me to hit Accelerator with magic!?”

Rimuru- “Well, I have a certain skill that can help you.”

And I give her a shit-eating grin. Not that she can see, since I'm just a slime and I have no face, but judging by the deadpan face she’s giving me, I think she knows.

Anyway, let’s do this.

[Rune Master]!

And just like that, a bracelet appears in my slime-hand-thingy. I'm still not used to holding things without fingers…

Mikoto- “How are you holding that without fingers?”

She doesn’t ask about me taking a bracelet out of my body, but she’s confused about how I'm holding it!?

I like her even more.

Rimuru- “*Cough* Ignore that. Anyway, this bracelet will unleash a lightning spell. It’s already infused with the energy needed so just point your hand at the target and say ‘Lightning Strike’. This will release the spell contained and hit the target with a rather powerful lightning strike. You can do that 3 times before the magicules within runs out and it will be forced into cooldown. It will be ready to use again a day later.”

Mikoto- “I can take this back home?”

Rimuru- “Of course, MY summoning spell isn’t just limited to bring stuff here, it can send stuff there as well.”

The pride is practically oozing from my words. [Great Sage] is looking at me like ??? but I ignore it.

The bracelet is rather plain, just a silver one made out of magisteel. (A/N: Just look up “Silver Women Bracelet” and you’ll get a general idea.)

 I can't make things with energy in them with [Limited Creation] so I had Dold make me a bracelet which I scanned and learned how to make on my own with [Great Sage] and [Predator].

Thankfully I can at least make my own touches, so I inscribed some runes on it.

Mikoto grabs the bracelet and slides it onto her wrist. I made it so that even she, who is in her astral body, can touch it. She looks at it, before looking at me and asking me a question.

Mikoto- “How do you know so much.”

Hmm, a good question, but very troublesome for me.

Rimuru- “I… can't answer. Not now.”

I really can't. I mean, if I told her I saw her in an anime… Well, I believe that all those worlds are real and that every single character is real as well. But I don’t know what will happen if I just say “hey, I looked up hentai about you once”.


Woah, scary intuition.

And so… she left. The moment she did I got this sense of… indescribable loneliness. A little cringe and a little generic, but it’s the only way to describe what I'm feeling.

I trust her to come back, she’s not the type of person to promise something before just walking off. But I told her that she can do whatever she wants for a month because that’s how long the hole to her world will last. I also told her that one day I’ll be able to time travel, so we can travel to her world and it wouldn’t even seem like she left.

 Any more than a month and even if I get [Penetration] again, I might not be able to locate her world.

So, she’ll go home and do what she has to do. She’ll say goodbye to her friends and family and heal the sisters of their genetic defects, you know since they’re clones. This will be done with a healing meat bun I gave her. I made it so it can multiply over time so all the sisters can get one.

After that, she’ll come back here a month later.

I… hope you’ll come back soon.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit

Ultimate Skills: [Illya, Heaven's Feel]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense]

Unique Skills: [Great Sage] [Predator] [Limited Creation] [Rune Master]

Extra Skills: [Control Water] [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Shadow Motion] [Cloud Step] [Language Comprehension] [Control Wind] [Far Sight] [Snipe] [Silent Movement] [Evasion] [Reinforcement] [Greater Prediction] [Hinder Senses] (+14 more)

Common Skills: (There's a fuck ton, I'm not writing this.)

Tolerances: [Resist Temperature] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Pain] [Resist Electricity] [Resist Paralysis] [Resist Earth] [Resist Water] [Resist Wind] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack] [Resist Ranged Attack] (+7 more)


A/N: Coulden't you just make something to, I dont know, nullify Accelerator's esper ability altogether?

MC: I dont know, probably.

AN: Then why didn't you?

MC: Cos it wont feel right to just solve the problem outright. I said I'll help, but I dont want to make this a cakewalk for her. This is something Mikoto can use to grow.

AN: Mhmm... I see... And? What's the real reason?

MC: Can't be fucked.

AN: Ah I see.

Let me know if I missed anything!

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