That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

From A Legendary Race To Pet

Xao stood there, a silent observer to the unfolding drama, her hand finding solace on her forehead as she watched the scene play out before her. With a heavy sigh, she muttered, "Sigh... he's done for."

Meanwhile, Morgass, ever the confident charmer, turned his attention to Scarlett with a gleaming grin, his words dripping with anticipation. "Don't you dare remove those clothes. It'll add a dash of excitement. So, my dear Scarlett, how shall we begin?" he inquired, his excitement palpable in the air.

Yet, Scarlett remained silent, her face shrouded in darkness, until finally, she spoke with a gravity that silenced the room, commanding Morgass to kneel.


"Kneel?" Morgass echoed, confusion etched across his features. "Do we begin from the ground up?" Before he could comprehend the situation, an unseen force compelled him downward, his knees meeting the ground with an audible thud.

Perplexed, Morgass attempted to rise, only to find himself immobilized at Scarlett's command. Panic and confusion washed over him as he pleaded for an explanation, but Scarlett's expression betrayed no mercy.

"What's with that terrifying look?, Wait wait wait... don't tell me—"

With a sinister chuckle, Scarlett closed in, her visage twisted with anger and disdain. With a sharp crack of her fingers, she prepared to unleash her wrath upon Morgass, her fists poised for a barrage of blows.

Slap.... slap.. slap

"You worthless piece of shit, Cheap copy of Charizard, Ain't even worth putting into pokeball. #*#*#*#$#@##.....," she spat, her words laced with venom. Even Xao, witnessing the scene, couldn't help but shiver at the sight.

As Morgass attempted to protest, Scarlett's barrage of slaps rained down upon him, 

Slap... slap....Combo slap...Combo+ slap...

Each strike landing with humiliating precision. Realization dawned upon him as he recognized the grave error of his decision to engage with Scarlett.

In a desperate attempt to plead his case, Morgass attempted to speak, only to be met with another round of punishing slaps. His once-confident demeanor shattered, replaced by tears of fear and regret as he realized the extent of his predicament.

"I-I'm zourry Sob...sob... sob...," he whimpered, his voice barely audible amidst the chaos. Caught in Scarlett's web of deception, Morgass could only lament his foolishness as he endured her relentless onslaught.

"Sorry? Son of a—" Scarlett's foot swung towards Morgass's face, but suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind, stopping her mid-kick. Scarlett whirled around, glaring, only to see Xao standing there with a determined expression.

"Stop, mistress. He'll die at this rate. Let me handle it," Xao said, her voice tinged with concern and emotion.

"You want to handle it? Umm... okay," Scarlett said, backing down and letting Xao take over.

Seeing that he had been saved, Morgass's eyes widened in bewilderment. He could only see Xao as his savior. As she approached him, he saw her as a divine being, like a goddess sent to rescue him. His mouth hung open in awe as he stammered, "My savior, I was so cruel to talk to you like that. Sob... sob... Finally, I got a girl who understands m—"


Xao landed a direct hit on his face. "A critical hit," That didn't Only hurt him physically but also mentally and emotionally. Morgass's mind reeled, unable to comprehend what had just happened. "What were you saying? Next number is mine, huh?"

Bam... bam... bam...

One after another, Xao started kicking him relentlessly. This time, it was Scarlett who grabbed Xao's back, her voice panicked. "Hey... we still have use for him. He'll really die at this rate."

But then a thought struck Scarlett. She let go of Xao, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "You know what? It's more fun this way."

With that, Scarlett joined Xao, and the two of them teamed up, beating Morgass down. He lay on the floor, unable to escape their furious kicks. Every hit was accompanied by a yelp or groan from Morgass, each sound a testament to his growing regret and realization of the mess he'd gotten himself into.

Xao and Scarlett didn't stop until they were thoroughly satisfied, their breaths coming in ragged gasps, Not because they were tired but because they were very satisfied. A sense of camaraderie blooming in the midst of their shared rage. Scarlett's eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and vindication, while Xao's stern expression softened into a satisfied smirk.

Morgass, bruised and battered, lay motionless on the floor, barely able to process what had just happened. His once confident demeanor was now a distant memory, replaced by the stark reality of his foolishness.

"Next time, think twice before crossing us," Scarlett spat, giving him one last kick for good measure. "Well Now, you can't do that even if you want to." Scarlett's smiled in her heart.

Xao nodded in agreement, stepping back with a sense of finality. "What did you write in the contract?" Xao asked Scarlett.

Scarlett didn't reply immediately. Instead, she grabbed Morgass's unconscious body and hoisted him onto her back. She gripped his legs, leaving his face almost touching the ground and his hands dragging along the dirt. As she started walking towards the exit, she finally spoke, "Ed wanted a pet, so I thought, how about giving him a dragon? For the next one hundred years, Morgass will be a pet and also serve as a living furnace in the smithy."

"Whoa, what a good idea!" Xao clapped in excitement, following Scarlett towards the exit. 

As they reached the exit, Yum was waiting for them. When she saw Scarlett carrying a man on her back, she immediately realized he was the dragon. Her eyes widened, not in surprise but in resignation. After meeting Scarlett, such scenes had become a regular part of her life. She sighed heavily and said, "I can only hope he stays alive."

Scarlett, Xao, and Yum began their journey back to their village, Dreadhaven. Scarlett carried Morgass on her back, his weight hardly a burden to her. Along the way, she healed his wounds; she couldn't hand over a half-beaten man to Evadne. Even though he was fully healed, Morgass remained unconscious.

The journey took them around two hours. Despite the distance between the cave and Dreadhaven being dozens of kilometers, it wasn't much of a challenge for Scarlett or Xao. For them, the trip would have taken only a few minutes. However, Yum's slower pace extended the journey to more than two hours.

As they walked, the forest around them buzzed with life. Birds chirped, leaves rustled in the gentle breeze, and the occasional small animal darted through the underbrush. Scarlett and Xao chatted casually, their mood lightened by their earlier triumph.

"Do you think Ed will be pleased?" Xao asked, glancing at Morgass's limp form.

"Oh, absolutely," Scarlett replied with a wicked smirk. "He's wanted a pet and I'm giving one, That's it."

Yum trailed slightly behind, listening to their conversation with a mix of amusement and exasperation. She had grown accustomed to their antics.

As they finally approached Dreadhaven, the familiar sight of the village brought a sense of relief and anticipation. They walked through the newly made entrance gates, the villagers casting curious glances at the strange procession. As they moved further into the village, they spotted Evadne with a group of children, some of whom were goblins, others orcs, and a few of various other species. The kids were playing, chasing after Evadne, who was running ahead of them.

Evadne was holding a golden apple, one of the prized fruits from the golden trees that Scarlett had grown using her mana. The other children were chasing him, trying to get a bite of the apple.

"Everyone stop!" Scarlett commanded, her voice ringing through the air. The kids froze in their tracks, and even the passersby stopped to see why Scarlett had halted them.

Scarlett didn't say anything else and approached Evadne. Seeing her heading towards the children, the villagers sighed in relief and resumed their activities, realizing there was no immediate danger.

Scarlett reached Evadne and gently took the golden apple from his hands. "It's not for children. Where did you get it?" she asked sternly.

"From the farm," Evadne replied innocently, looking up at her with wide eyes. It was Scarlett's fault; she hadn't told anyone to stay away from the farm, nor had she put up any barriers around it.

Scarlett sighed, thinking to herself, "I guess I'll have to put a barrier around the farm."

She then put Morgass down on the ground and pointed at him. "Here, you wanted a pet, right? It's a dragon. Make sure to share him with your friends," she said casually. To the children, it was like she had just given them a treasure.

"A dragon?" Evadne yelled in shock and bewilderment, and the other kids shouted in excitement too.

At that moment, Morgass's eyes fluttered open. His vision was blurry, and he slowly whispered, "Where am I?"

The children circled around Morgass, their eyes wide with curiosity and excitement. Evadne, now clutching the golden apple tightly, looked at Morgass with a mix of awe and apprehension.

"Is he really a dragon?" one of the goblin kids asked, poking Morgass gently with a stick.

"Yes, he is," Scarlett confirmed, her tone firm. "And you all must treat him with care. He's your responsibility now, As long as he's alive it's fine!"

Morgass looked around, bewildered. "What's with these kids? Where am I?" he muttered to himself. As his surroundings came into focus, memories of a brutal beating flooded his mind. He recalled the pain vividly. "I remember now. I was beaten to death. But normal monsters can't even scratch a dragon, let alone make one bleed. Yet her slaps… they left me bleeding all over."

His gaze fell upon Scarlett. Her beauty was striking, with unmatched seductive face and body. He couldn't reconcile her delicate appearance with the brutal force that had overpowered him. "A succubus who is strong enough to beat a dragon… she must be a Succubus Queen," he thought, misunderstanding her strength because of her looks.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought about his life. "I'm around eight hundred years old and still haven't married. Or rather, no one wants to marry me," he lamented, feeling a deep sorrow. "Sob... sob..."

He remembered the annual event in the dragon world: a grand flying race. Dragons who were five hundred years old or older and still single could participate. The winners were guaranteed at least two female dragons and three hundred different species of women as concubines. Even those who didn't win outright could impress female dragons with their performance and find a mate. But for Morgass, things never went well.

"I was lazy from birth," he thought bitterly. "The race spans three full laps around the planet. How was I supposed to manage that? Every time I entered, I ended up falling asleep in the middle of the competition, completely forgetting about it. My reputation sank to rock bottom because of that."

His eyes darkened with regret. "That's why I came here. I heard about a cultivation cave where all you have to do is sit and cultivate. It sounded perfect. I thought I could get stronger, like the famous Zephyrion-sama, and finally marry many women. But who would have thought I'd be beaten by a demon girl and a succubus queen?"

He overheard the situation that Scarlett is going him to these kids as a pets, he wanted to run away but Scarlett have already engraved commands, For next one hundred year , he'll be pet of these kids.

"What's your name?" Evadne asked, his eyes wide with awe.

"M-Morgass," he stammered, still disoriented. He didn't wanted to reply but still his mouth starts giving answers without his permission.

"Wow, a real dragon named Morgass!" one of the orc kids exclaimed. "Can you breathe fire?"

Morgass sighed, realizing that his plans had taken a bizarre turn. "Yes, I can," he replied, though his voice lacked its usual confidence.

Scarlett watched the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction. She knew Morgass would never have expected this outcome, but it was a fitting twist for someone so arrogant.

"Remember, you're our responsibility now," Evadne said seriously, holding up the golden apple. "We'll take good care of you., Come with us, we'll show you around the village"

Morgass looked at the kids and then back at Scarlett, who gave him a knowing smile. Despite the strange turn of events, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, in this odd village, he might find a new purpose and, just maybe, a chance to redeem himself.

As Scarlett, Xao, and Yum continued their journey through Dreadhaven, the village buzzed with the news of their new dragon resident. Scarlett couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Morgass adapting to his new role.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Yum asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

Scarlett shrugged, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "He'll be fine. A little humility will do him good. Besides, I think the kids will enjoy having a dragon around."

"I have some work to do, so I'm heading out. If you need me, I'll be at the peak of that mountain," Scarlett said as she unfurled her six wings and took to the sky.

The setting sun cast a warm glow over the village, bathing it in shades of orange and gold. Scarlett felt a rare sense of peace. Despite the day's chaos, everything had fallen into place. Perched atop a mountain near Dreadhaven, she had a bird's-eye view of the entire village, each winding path and clustered rooftop clearly visible like a detailed map.

But then she remembered her real purpose for coming here—telepathy.

Scarlett had been learning telepathy for the past few months. Though she could use it, she hadn't yet mastered it. Still, she decided to give it a try. Sitting cross-legged on the mountain peak, she concentrated. A thin, almost invisible thread of mana extended from her mind, reaching out to the person she wanted to contact.

To her surprise, she succeeded. The thread linked directly to her target. With a mixture of anticipation and anxiety, she prepared to speak in her mind.

(Umm... Can you hear me?) she asked, rolling her eyes in nervousness.

Suddenly, a voice resonated in Scarlett's mind. It was a boy's voice, filled with a seductive and authoritative tone that could charm any woman. Who else could it be but Aoto? [Ackk... I was about to get my 26th girlfriend. Who's messing with my mind?]

(Your second father, you son of a bitch,) Scarlett yelled, her thoughts seething with anger and irritation. "Twenty-sixth girlfriend? What the hell is he doing?" she thought, feeling a mix of fury and disbelief.

Aoto immediately recognized the voice and realized that she was using telepathy. He sighed in relief. [But you sound more like Mommy than Daddy, Scarlett,] he said, unwittingly roasting her.

Scarlett wanted to slap him, but she couldn't. She exhaled deeply, trying to calm her anger. (How are things going there?) she asked, forcing herself to stay composed.

[Oh, everything's changed,] Aoto replied. [They've started taking the academy more seriously. The curriculum now includes advanced magic that we were previously learning from the library. I think they were waiting for you to leave so they could teach these things only to humans. Everyone's afraid of you, you know. They used to make up lame excuses to keep you out of martial arts and swordsmanship classes.]

Even after hearing this, Scarlett's heart remained calm and unmoved. She had always known there was discrimination against her. Yet, she knew they were more afraid of her than anything else. Who knew what she might do? Not that she cared about it. The academy or the kingdom—it was none of her business.

[Why didn't you tell me you fought an army of Darwitz? If I hadn't received your letter, I might have ended up in the demon realm myself,] Aoto said, his voice filled with concern.

Scarlett was shocked. (How do you know about this?) she asked. This was a matter the kingdom had prevented anyone from knowing.

[Well, you didn't know, but blahh..blah..blah..and after that, I became the king's representative,] he explained. [It's a secret kept from ordinary people, but those with high authority know it. I found out after I became the king's representative.]

[You didn't even mention that you destroyed six villages in that fight. I partied all night when I found out!] Aoto's voice was joyful and amused.

(Six villages? When?) Scarlett asked, bewildered.

[Umm...The report said that in that fight, you unleashed a powerful flame punch that annihilated the whole army and six nearby villages. More than fifteen lakh people died,] Aoto revealed.

A memory rushed back to Scarlett. She had fled without clearly seeing what had happened. To think that one punch had such destructive power...

(Come on, are you scolding me? If you have something important to say, then say it,) Scarlett replied, irritation creeping into her thoughts.

[Hahaha... of course not. Who cares about them? But I do have something important to tell you,] Aoto's tone turned serious. [The Holy Knights—they are very strong. Particularly the captain and vice-captain. They have the blessings of a true drago—]

His telepathy cut off abruptly, and Scarlett only heard half of what he was saying. Frustration boiled over as she punched the ground in rage. "Shit! My luck! Just when he was about to give useful information, my telepathy cuts off!"

Scarlett lay down on the ground, staring up at the sky as her mind raced. "Holy Knights... they're just another tool to fight demons, but they have another purpose too—to control heroes. If a strong hero ends up becoming evil, who will protect the humans? That's where the Holy Knights come in. They're a group of strong individuals who won't hesitate to kill heroes if necessary.

"And vice versa, if one of the Holy Knights turns out to be evil, the rest of the members and heroes will gather to kill that traitor. When it comes to Holy Knights, the kingdom of Almeida comes first. They produced two Holy Knights: the Captain and the Vice-Captain. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Gwarga doesn't even have the right to call anyone a Holy Knight..."


In the middle of a Japanese-style wooden house, a tall woman with neon green hair and tanned skin sat with her arms hugging her legs and her head resting on her knees. She was clearly embarrassed for some reason. 

Behind her stood a Chinese-looking girl dressed like Chun-Li from Street Fighter Six. She looked almost like a twin of Chun-Li. Who else could it be but Xao Feng Nova?

"C'mon, Sister Reiza. No need to be that embarrassed. You can just apologize," Xao said with a mix of amusement and concern.

Reiza's face was red, and it felt like smoke was coming out of her head as if she were on fire. She had lost her composure and acted wildly in intimate moments with Scarlett. After letting out all her desires, she had slept soundly. But now that she was awake, all the memories of what and how much she had done came flooding back. Because of her tsundere nature, she was too embarrassed to even talk to Scarlett now.

"It's not that I'm embarrassed... but what if she's angry?" she said in a low voice, just above a whisper.

Xao had already seen Scarlett, and there was no anger on her face. She didn't mind it at all. "She's at the peak of that mountain. Just go there and, umm... just apologize. And if she looks a little angry, just compliment her a little," Xao suggested.

"Compliment?" Reiza turned her face towards Xao, her expression like that of a ten-year-old child trying to make up with a friend after a fight the night before.

"Yep! Say something like 'You look good in those clothes' or something like that. Every girl likes compliments, and it's not like you're lying," Xao said with a smile.


The soft light of the moon poured over Scarlett's face as she lay on the peak of the mountain. Her mind raced with schemes and plans. Without pollution, the sky was a tapestry of countless stars, and Scarlett's eyes traced their patterns, finding different shapes among them. As she lay there, a figure approached her. Scarlett sensed her presence and sat up, turning her face toward the approaching figure. It was Reiza.

Reiza slowly approached, her hands hidden behind her back as if she were holding something. Just as she was a step away from Scarlett, she stopped and took out her hand, revealing what she had been hiding.

"Here!" Reiza extended her hand toward Scarlett and quickly turned her face away in embarrassment. In her hand was a hot barbecue skewer.

"Whoa... a barbecue? You sure know thousands of recipes," Scarlett exclaimed, clearly impressed and astonished.

Reiza started playing with her fingers nervously. "Umm... I actually wanted to apologize for what happened today."

"Ohh..No need, I don't mind it at all," Scarlett said with a reassuring smile.

"Really?" Reiza let out a smile, but then a sudden thought made her turn her face away in embarrassment. "Now for the last thing: the compliment," she thought, bracing herself.

She turned back to Scarlett and took a clear glance at her clothes. She couldn't help but marvel at Scarlett's beauty. "Beautiful!" she blurted out before she could stop herself.

"What?" Scarlett asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise.

"Umm... Y-you look beautiful in that dress," Reiza said nervously, her face flushing red.

An amusing and playful grin emerged on Scarlett's face as she stood up, ready to tease Reiza. She stepped closer, stopping just before Reiza's ears. "Owww... I look good in this? Did it turn you on? Wanna go for another round?" she said in a mockery tone.

Reiza, already red from embarrassment, felt her face heat up even more. It was just too much for her. She resorted to her last tactic—run. She spun around and dashed away in embarrassment.

Scarlett let out a bright, genuine laugh, watching Reiza's hasty retreat. She sat back down on the ground, her smile lingering as she gazed at the night sky. "Huff... Well then, from tomorrow I'll start practicing cultivation," she said to herself, feeling a lightness she hadn't felt in a while.

The moonlight continued to bathe the mountain peak, and Scarlett felt a renewed sense of purpose. The stars above twinkled brightly, as if cheering her on for the next day. 

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