That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Honey Trap

In this world, cultivation isn't like the traditional Chinese Murim cultivation where one breaks through many realms and increases their qi or chi. Instead, it's a unique process centered around mana, an intangible force that can be manipulated in extraordinary ways.

"Mana in this world isn't only something you gather and use," Xao explained. "You can also suppress your mana in your heart or abdomen for stealth purposes, but that's just one aspect of it. Here, cultivation means converting mana into a physical, liquid form and letting it run through your veins, mixing with your blood."

Scarlett's eyes widened with fascination. "Oh, is that so?" she asked, clearly impressed and intrigued by this novel concept."Damn, the genre just changed" She laughed bitter in her heart.

"Yes," Xao continued, sensing her curiosity. "Converting mana into liquid form has significant benefits. Everyone possesses different quantities and qualities of mana. By cultivating, you improve the quality of your mana. For instance, if a spell initially requires 100 mana, after cultivation, it might only need 10 mana."

Scarlett nodded, understanding the practicality of such an enhancement. "So, it also increases the capacity of mana one can hold?"

"Exactly," Xao confirmed. "Cultivation enhances not only your mana capacity but also your physical, mental, and spiritual strength. It allows you to achieve feats that would be impossible otherwise."

Scarlett was astonished. The implications of this new form of cultivation were immense. "Does this mean I can replace my blood with mana, storing it in my body? That could benefit me greatly."

Lost in her thoughts, Scarlett pondered another question. She had always wondered if true dragons had blood. Avion had once claimed to have seen blood from a true dragon, yet as a true dragon herself, she had no blood. Suddenly, the mystery seemed to clear.

"What if true dragons also cultivate?" she mused aloud. "The blood Avion saw could have been liquid mana. Just as I have both red and vibrant blue mana, that dragon might have had red mana, which Avion mistook for blood."

This revelation answered a significant question about her kind, but it also brought up a new puzzle. "Then what about the blood I was injected with? They said it was true dragon blood, but how?"

As she pondered this new mystery, she realized there was only one person who might have the answers she sought: the Third Demon King, Asmodeus. Scarlett felt a mixture of hope and trepidation at the thought of confronting him, but she knew she had to uncover the truth.

While Scarlett pondered deeply, in reality, only a few seconds had passed. Her face turned to Xao, glowing with a brilliant light, as she energetically asked, "Teach me how to cultivate."

Xao felt a surge of happiness at Scarlett's enthusiasm but sighed heavily. "Actually, for cultivation, one needs a place with a very dense mana environment. I thought within the cave, you were going to release your mana so that the place would fill with dense mana."

"So, how do all of you cultivate then?" Scarlett questioned, her curiosity piqued.

Xao sighed again, preparing to explain further. "Few kilometres away from our Village, a cave with an extremely dense mana environment, one of the best places to cultivate. But a few years ago, a red dragon entered the cave to cultivate and forcefully took control, refusing to leave."

Scarlett's eyes widened with surprise as Xao continued, "A dragon can become an ancient dragon after ten thousand years, but through cultivation, it can achieve this in just one or two thousand years. The dragon plans to become an ancient dragon and won't come out for at least a millennium."

Xao sighed deeply, frustration evident in her voice. "With the help of Reiza, even when she was an ogre, she might be able to defeat the dragon. But the main problem is, if a battle unfolds, the cave will definitely be destroyed. These kinds of caves are very precious; we can't afford to lose it. Thus, we have to find some other way to make him leave."

Xao's face turned to astonishment and then to shock as she saw Scarlett.

"Pfft... Hahaha... Is that it? I guess for the first time in my life I'll have to use my appearance to get this done," Scarlett said with a confident smirk. She turned back and ordered with authority, "Show me the way to that cave. I'll show you Llyod Frontera's route to get things done."

"Llyod Frontera's route?" Xao repeated, confused. She didn't understand Scarlett's plan but decided to trust her. She began to show Scarlett the way, her mind racing with questions. Meanwhile, Yumi, who had been quietly listening, decided to follow them discreetly.


After more than a two-hour journey filled with battling monsters along the way, Scarlett, Xao, and Yumi finally arrived at their destination: a massive cave nestled in a mountain so large it could easily house an entire village. A river flowed from the mouth of the cave, its vibrant blue waters glowing with an eerie luminescence. Scarlett knelt by the river, dipped her hand into the water, and scooped up a handful. "Hmm... the water is saturated with mana, like it's a river from the underworld," she mused to herself before letting the water slip back through her fingers.

Turning to her companions, she declared, "Let's go! And don't do anything—just let me handle the situation." Her voice carried an air of authority that brooked no argument.

As they ventured deeper into the cave, they were met with an otherworldly sight. The walls glistened with magical stones, their light casting an enchanting glow. The air was so dense with mana that it felt like a physical weight pressing down on them. Yumi, unable to withstand the oppressive atmosphere, chose to stay behind while Scarlett and Xao pressed on.

The cave felt like a portal to another realm. Deeper inside, they came upon a colossal red dragon, about 20 meters long. Its thick, scarlet scales shimmered in the low light, while its underbelly gleamed a deep yellow. The dragon's eyes were closed as it lay there, seemingly asleep but actually deep in cultivation.

Xao halted, allowing Scarlett to take the lead. She approached the dragon, stopping a few meters away, and then dropped to her knees. In the presence of the dragon's immense form, she seemed incredibly small.

"O mighty dragon, please spare us some of your precious time," she implored with utmost respect and gratitude, her voice filled with sincerity. Xao watched in astonishment, her mind racing with disbelief at the sight before her.

The dragon, however, did not respond. Scarlett's expression darkened with anger. "Is he pretending not to hear me, or is he actually deaf?" she muttered under her breath. She called out again, but still received no reply. With a deep sigh, she stood up.

"Xao, use your ice magic," she commanded, turning to her companion. Xao nodded and began to weave her magic, causing the temperature in the cave to plummet. The air thickened with icy winds, and frost began to creep along the walls.

The red dragon's body trembled as the cold seeped into his scales. "Achoo... sniff..." He sneezed, his eyes slowly fluttering open. Having been in deep cultivation for months, his vision was blurred at first, but it soon cleared to reveal Scarlett standing before him. Her beauty was striking, Breasts that seems like it will tear that clothe apart and show itself any moment, Ass that anyone want to grab in thier hands.

Skin that seems like it's glowing, Slippery purple lips with purple hair, her features seductive enough to make any man tremble with excitement, with her modern type outfit that was a bit wierd to him but it was actually making her even more seductive and appealing, In short, bet on appearance anyone can mistook her for an women with Loose legs.

He blushed at seeing Scarlett and a forbidden word came out of his mouth, "A succubus?" he asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"Tch... damn cheap copy of chrizard ," Scarlett cursed, grumbled, her irritation flaring. Despite her anger, she kept her expression neutral and repeated her plea. "O mighty dragon, please grant us some of your precious time," she said, her voice dripping with respect so exaggerated it bordered on cringe-worthy.

Finally, the dragon's eyes focused on Scarlett, and in a deep, rumbling voice, he responded, "What business does a succubus have here? Very well, I'm not one to disappoint beauties like you. I shall hear you out. But make it quick, for my patience is not endless."

Scarlett laughed coldly in her heart. She was setting a "honey trap." However, she wasn't sure if the dragon was male or female. If it was a female, her plan would be wasted. But based on his response, it was clear he was male and a foolish one at that, the type who acts all high and mighty but in reality, they have no experience with women.

Suppressing a victorious smile, Scarlett said, "Thank you, mighty dragon. We are honored by your grace." She shot a quick glance at Xao, whose eyes narrowed as she watched Scarlett's performance. The encounter had begun, and they would need all their wits to navigate the conversation with this creature.

"The great Morgass-sama, you are very famous in the outside world; everyone knows your name," Scarlett began. She didn't actually know him, but Xao had informed her of his name on their way to the cave. The dragon closed his eyes in admiration and pride, believing himself to be more famous than he truly was. In reality, barely anyone knew him.

Without wasting time, Scarlett continued, "But you might not have heard my name. So let this lowly being introduce herself. I am Scarlett Nova, and I am here to offer you a splendid contract."

"What kind of contract?" the dragon questioned.

"Since the great Morgass-sama has chosen this cave for his cultivation, it is a very splendid decision. But because of this, my people can't cultivate. What I want is for you to allow them to cultivate here with you and not to attack them," Scarlett said.

The dragon grinned sinisterly and began to laugh. "Hahaha... You know that a contract is a medium of give and take. What will I get in return?" he questioned.

Scarlett made a seductive look. She hugged herself and deliberately bounced her breasts while exhaling loudly, making herself look like a delicate woman who was turned on.

Seeing her ample chest, big enough to be used as pillows, Morgass's sinister grin widened. He believed Scarlett was trying to seduce him, not realizing he was about to be outwitted.

He mistook her sexual appeal as a succubus's ploy to use her body to get things done, which was exactly what he wanted.

Laughing heartily, he said, "Don't pretend you don't know. After seeing you, every man in the world would want nothing but your body."

His face turned towards Xao, contorting into an angry scowl. "I was about to borrow your body for a few years, but this woman," he snorted angrily, pointing at Xao. "She used her ice magic to deliberately disturb me, and now my body has caught a cold. Because of her, you will have to submit your body to me and bear as many children as I want." He laughed sinisterly, confident he had won.

Instead of being angry, Scarlett maintained her composure. She turned towards Xao, her face twisted with feigned fury. "You scoundrel wench!" Scarlett shouted at Xao. "You dare to do this to the mighty, handsome Morgass-sama? Bow down and beg for forgiveness!" she ordered.

Xao was dumbfounded but had no choice. She bowed her head to the ground, touching it, and repeated this three times in quick succession.

Morgass laughed, finding the scene hilarious.

Scarlett felt a mix of disgust and triumph. The dragon had taken the bait. She deliberately used fire magic to raise her body temperature, making herself sweat profusely. "Of course, mighty Morgass-sama," she replied, her voice dripping with false sincerity. "It is more of a reward for me. I have a thing for strong men, and seeing your mighty aura, I can barely hold back my desires. Ahh... my body is sweating a lot." She started stretching her clothes, giving him a better view of her already exposed skin.

Xao watched in mixed confusion, admiring Scarlett's splendid acting. She struggled to interpret her own feelings. Was it astonishment, puzzlement, annoyance, or nervousness?

Her eyes narrowed, turning expressionless. Her thoughts churned. "Why am I even here? What's the purpose of my life? I should have waited outside," she thought to herself.

She knew this was a critical moment. They needed the dragon's agreement but had to ensure they could fulfill their part of the bargain without truly giving Scarlett over to him. She didn't understand Scarlett's exact plan and feared that if the contract were sealed, Scarlett would have no choice but to submit to Morgass.

Morgass licked his lips, his eyes gleaming with lust. "Very well, Scarlett Nova. I accept your contract. Your people may cultivate here, and I will not harm them. But remember, you belong to me now."  

Scarlett produced a book out of thin air. It was an old, brown tome with a strange star marking on the cover. This was the "contract book." She handed it over to the dragon, who extended his large claws to take it. He opened the book, but to his surprise, he couldn't read a single word.

The languages of Scarlett, Aoto, and this world were very different. However, ever since Scarlett and Aoto were summoned to this world, they had been able to communicate effortlessly with its inhabitants. How was this possible?

The answer lay in something called the "Voice of the Souls." This phenomenon allowed individuals from different worlds to communicate freely. If someone from this world were to travel back to Scarlett's world, they would also be able to understand and speak the language there. However, the "Voice of the Souls" had two crucial limitations. First, it only worked with beings that had souls, so communication with undead creatures was impossible without some form of translation skills. Second, the "Voice of the Souls" only translated a person's first language.

For Scarlett, her first language was Japanese. If she spoke or wrote in Japanese, others would understand her. But if she used any other language, they wouldn't comprehend it. This was the loophole Scarlett exploited. She wrote the contract in English, rendering the "Voice of the Souls" ineffective and leaving the dragon unable to read it. 

However, Scarlett knew there was still a risk. The dragon might possess some kind of translation skill. To prevent this, she decided to hurry and continued her act.

Scarlett began squeezing her own breasts, feigning urgency and yelling seductively, "Please hurry, Morgass-sama! I'm so wet down there ♡. I can barely hold myself back!" Her voice was filled with excitement and arousal.

The sight was too much for the dragon. He couldn't resist any longer. How could anyone? He immediately used his large claws to sign the contract. As he did, he reached out towards Scarlett.

Scarlett laughed coldly, quickly grabbing the contract book. The contract was sealed. Suddenly, Morgass began to transform. A surge of light enveloped him, and his massive body started to shrink. In less than a second, he became a man with red hair, wearing a red shirt and black pants. His face was still above average, and he had a slightly muscular build.

He laughed heatedly. "Now then, we should start here and now." He tore off his upper clothes, then turned to Xao. "You, ice magic girl, you can go now. Give us privacy. I bet you'll also be falling for me, but don't worry. After her, it will be your turn!"

Xao didn't say anything. She placed her hand on her forehead and sighed heavily. "Sigh... he is done for." 

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