The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

“The sphere of influence of the Duke Tenardier extends to the southern part of the Brunei Kingdom centered on Nemetacum. Before the battle with the Duke of Ganron, Mauguiner cannot be left alone. Because It was attacked from there.”

Lim understood Mashaas’ explanation and stared at the map.

“Since Mouginel has retired, Lord Tenardier will quickly fight Gonron in a referendum. At this time, there is no reason for our army to show up there.”

Mashaas put the chess pieces on the map while explaining this. Waiting for which side is defeated, crusade against the wounded and exhausted side that survived. This is the basic policy.

Chapter 049 Where Are You From So Many Dragons?

“The second reason?”

It was Lim who answered Tagler’s question.

“When the Muognell army retreated, praise Secretary Tiger Willmud. After that, they seemed to promote your activeness in the Brunei Kingdom.”

“The battle between Tenardier and Gunlon is going to let Tygler appear as the third force to prolong the chaos.”

“Can’t my name help?”

Laiqi asked with a slightly unwilling expression. The fact that she was thought to have died in the battle at Dinant was actually alive, and only a handful of people, including those present, knew about it. It also includes the matter of living as a prince, but in fact it is not a man but a woman.

“To be honest, I really can’t help at the moment.”

Cao Shurui, who had been silent before, spoke up.

“In the past few days, those who came to the fort to see Tagler are not allies. They are still suspecting Tagler as a person. Moreover, more people come here just to see what the traitor looks like. At this time, Once we name your name, it will be suspected that Gistat actually captured the prince in Dinant’s battle, but has been hiding until now before using it. After that, conspiracy theories will be overwhelming, our power Disintegrate quickly. After that, the two grand dukes who don’t want you to survive will come and kill Tygler and you.”

After speaking, Cao Shurui frowned and then spoke.

“Or, it is said that [the betrayers who brought Gistato’s army into the country, this time seem to want to use the name of the deceased prince. They brought a girl with a similar appearance and shape, who did not know where she came from,” Saying that the prince is actually a woman] Such a rumor, then we are completely finished. After all, we still have no way to prove your identity.”

Looking at Laiqi who was wilting, Cao Shurui thought for a while and continued to speak.

“Because of such a thing, if you want to use your Highness’s name, I intend to keep it for a later stage.”

“Later stage?”

When Laiqi heard these words, her eyes widened and raised her head.

“When we were victorious. In order to make the success rate higher, we thought about borrowing the name of His Highness.”

Laiqi relaxed a little and sat down in the chair again.

“I see. I was relying on you from the beginning. Leave it to you.”

“Deeply apprehensive, Your Highness. But-although it sounds contradictory, to some extent we intend to send out information such as “protecting women who have a relationship with the Wang family”.” Tygler continued.

This is for insurance when Tenardier or Gun Long reveals Laiqi’s identity. “Tegler Wilmud Voruen hid the royal family. It is for my own selfish desire to keep this matter secret.” If such rumors are spread, no one will probably explain how to explain it later.

“It can’t be explained, hidden, and it’s dangerous. It’s really embarrassing.” Cao Shurui and others looked at Leiqi, thinking in their hearts.

“In order not to cause harm to Your Highness, I will do my best.”

Looking at Tagler, who answered the prince with a smile to prevent the prince from worrying, Mashas watched with a slightly worried expression. Regarding the inability to disclose the identity of the prince’s daughter, Tagler has another reason not to say.

That is, Laiqi is too weak.

——Actually, she is a prince, but she was born as a prince for some reason. Even if her identity is disclosed, as long as this adult has the actual performance to calm people’s hearts.

With regard to political or military affairs, there are extraordinary abilities or achievements. Or they have the loyalty of powerful people who are not underestimated by Tenardier or Gunlong.

For example, if Roland, who has been murdered by Gang Long, is by Laiqi’s side, Mashas would strongly recommend that Laiqi’s identity be revealed. Then those who know the facts will be able to remain calm because they see Roland following.


When Cao Shurui and the others were holding a military meeting, they had never thought that the shadow of the dragon was gradually approaching.

On the grasslands of Modobane, which was about ten days south of Arutsmu, the Tenardiya army carried out unilateral killings.

Modobane is a grassland in the northern part of Nimetakum. There are not much ups and downs, and there are rivers and hills. This is the most suitable place to use the military strength of over ten thousand.

The Tenardier Army, led by Stodor, has been slowly retreating since it fought with the Ganglong Army on the outskirts of the capital. And now, I finally started to fight back here. On the vast grassland, there were fierce battles between the 25,000 Tenardiya Army and the Ganglong Army of more than 30,000.

As a result, Gang Long’s army was ravaged, scattered, and ushered in an overwhelming defeat.

There was fire everywhere on the grassland. It was caused by the flames ejected by the fire dragon. The grass that had just grown at the end of winter was burned up with people. If it’s spring or summer, probably the entire Modobane will be surrounded by flames.

Caught in the crowd, there are five things that resemble hills moving on the grassland.

The whole body is covered with horns and scales, with sharp teeth and claws, a huge beast that is more powerful than anything else-the dragon.

Although the dragon in this world, in Cao Shurui’s view, is not worthy of being called a dragon, after all, it is called a “dragon”, and its power is indeed overwhelmingly powerful.

These five-headed dragons fiercely attacked the Gang Long army, and did not mind the existence of swords and guns. Together with the people, they squashed, shredded, swallowed, and advanced fiercely. When the first soldiers dyed the ground black with blood and brains, the Gang Long army had almost collapsed. The dragon’s tough scales can’t be pierced by any blade. But the dragon only needs to step on the front foot, and the flesh, bones and stomach of the human are all shattered.

Even the army horses that were not afraid of the anger that were trained on the battlefield screamed and were greedily devoured, and the piled up corpses crumbled and scattered all over the grassland.

Even the Tenardier Army soldiers who were in the position of the victor felt chilled by this cruel situation. The only people who can look straight without frowning are the commander-in-chief Duke Tenardier and the nearby Stedo.

Felix Anron Tenardier was riding a horse in the middle of the army, looking at the battle with an expression of hatred. She has a tall height, broad shoulders and a thick chest. On this trained body, there is a serious face that releases sharp eyes. He is forty-two years old this year.

He was still in the south sea ten days ago, in order to repel the M’ogner army that had crossed the ocean to invade. After the repulsion, he immediately went north without much rest, and received the five-headed dragon from Dolkavakna to join with Stodor. Then, in this Modobane, confronted the Gang Long army.

The war, which started in the morning when the winter ended, ended before noon.

The grassland bathed in the sun that has not yet risen above the head is adorned with countless corpses, blood, and tiny flames and black smoke.

Tenardier looked at the scene in silence.

The next battle has already begun in his mind.

At night, Tenardier was alone, walking through countless barracks and out of the camp. Then, not far away, a trench appeared.

This trench was built to buy a little time when the dragon suddenly ran away, even if it was a little bit. The five-headed dragon is surrounded by double trenches and fences. This is not to protect them, but to protect the people outside the trenches and fences.

Through the double trenches and fences, Tenardier and Stedo walked in the dark. In addition to the light of the moon and stars, and the loose flames that Stodor holds, they can walk smoothly.

Soon after I walked through the second trench, I saw that it was made of solid wood and covered with a hou cloth, but it was said to be a dragon house.

There are no guards on the inside of the trenches. Tenardier is the only one here.

Except for the two-headed dragon that was originally chained, the other four-headed dragons were all locked by chains that protruded from the stakes driven into the ground. Of course, it is impossible to control the dragon just like this. To insist on one reason, it is a measure to reassure the soldiers.

Among the fences built under huge tents that were scattered and connected by barracks for nearly twenty people, each had a dragon. No matter which one was awake, staring at Tenardier who walked into the dragon house.

“Oh, just treat these guys as cats.”

Tenardier spoke suddenly. He seemed to be talking to himself, and continued.

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