The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

“Don’t be afraid. If you are afraid, you will be eaten in that moment.”

“Thank you very much for your advice.” His confidant Stedo’s voice came from the shadows. He held the torch and walked behind Tenardier.

Tenardier walked towards the two-headed dragon sitting further behind. That is a huge body that will make one realize that something like a human being is simply an inadequate existence in front of this monster. In the darkness, two pairs of white-lighted pupils looked down at Tenardier and them without emotion.

If the two-headed dragon wanted to touch Tenardier on a whim, his whole body would become **** and fleshy in an instant. But if you add Stodor in, there will be two meatballs.

Tenardier, who knew this truth well, stood at the feet of the two-headed dragon. He put his hand on its thick, hard scales. With a slight movement of the double-headed dragon, the thick black chains made a heavy noise.

“No matter how elite the soldiers of Gistato are, it is impossible to fight the dragon. Not to mention the soldiers of Arthas. Then, what brought down the dragon?”

Although the topic changed abruptly, Stodor quickly understood. His master had already figured out how to fight Tagler.

Then the key to this war is the dragon here, and the enemy is the warrior.

“I heard from the soldiers who participated in that war that Zhan Ji swung the sword and blew the dragon away. There is also a rumor that a Gistat knight could use the sword to repel the dragon.”

—Although I just treated it as a joke when I heard this report.

However, after seeing the dragon’s strength with my own eyes, I can only admit it. You can only use that, supernatural power to defeat the dragon. Even people with excellent martial arts like Tenardier and Steddo think so.

“Oh, Zhan Ji’s power is still a bit possible. As for the knight? That’s just a joke of a scared soldier.”

Tenardier stopped and turned to look at Stodor. The torch that Stodor was holding reflected his sad expression in the darkness. Uncontrollable passion and freezing coldness appeared in Tenardier’s eyes.

“Next time I will fight Volun. Steddor, think of a plan for me.”

Chapter 050

At night, Cao Shurui changed into his leather clothes and slipped outside quietly.

The night breeze was blowing gently, and Cao Shurui opened her hands comfortably, as if to embrace the world.

There is only a bright moon and numerous twinkling stars in the night sky, and the darkness becomes thicker the closer to the ground.

The busy work of these few days has come to an end, and now is a rare time to rest.

“Oh, it’s reasonable. I want to go back to school more than I go to war…. It would be better if my parents are still there.” Cao Shurui whispered softly.

He raised his head and looked at the bright starry sky.

—One day, I will tear the starry sky full of anti-armor.

“Puff, haha.” Cao Shurui chuckled softly after thinking of a funny sentence.

“Unexpectedly, I would actually become a knight. But then again, the hero I loaded is originally Saber. It is very suitable to be a knight.”

“But, I don’t like war at all. If I didn’t do this, I couldn’t survive, become stronger, couldn’t complete the mission, and couldn’t let me meet Ellen and others. I would have found a peaceful place to live long ago.”

“Oh, it’s terrible to get used to this kind of stuff. Since when did I get used to killing people? And, I didn’t treat them as human beings. When I killed them, I was not worried about the safety of my companions. , I was thinking of gold coins and power. Am I abnormal?”

Cao Shurui embraced her body with her hands. He lowered his head. The cold wind that shouldn’t have made him feel so bitter at this time.

“Hey!” Accompanied by a slightly rude voice, a hand knife struck Cao Shurui’s head.

“I’ll just say why your state is wrong these days, because you were thinking about this kind of thing.”

Allen’s voice came from behind Cao Shurui. Immediately afterwards, a warm embrace included Cao Shurui.

Allen hugged Cao Shurui from behind.

“You think too much, and you think wrong. When I first became a mercenary, I often had nightmares at night. The tragedy of those who were killed by my own hands reappeared over and over again. Then I realized that this Everything is for survival. If you don’t kill them, they will kill you. It doesn’t matter whether you are right or wrong on the battlefield. Only survival is important. As long as you have a clear conscience.”

“Is my mentality still normal?” Cao Shurui’s voice trembled.

“Haha, can you ask such a thing, don’t you know the answer?”

“…Thank you, Ellen.”

There was no more sound, and the two of them hugged like this, silent.


After that, nothing happened. Seeing that Cao Shurui seemed to have figured it out, and the whole person was a lot more cheerful, Alan took him back to the city.

However, they were not able to rest immediately. Because there was surprising news.

“The scout who came back from Luttia just now got a report. Alutsimu caught fire and all burned out.”

Cao Shurui and Allen couldn’t understand what the soldier said the moment they heard the news. After a few breaths, they finally understood, and Allen stood there dumbfounded.

Beside her, Cao Shurui, who had heard of the Burning City incident of the same era for the first time in his life, was angry with his chest.


“Envoy, isn’t it?”

Sophia put on a questioning expression with her knees bent, tilting her head as if feeling incredible.

She is the war girl with the title of “Glorious Yao Ji”. Although she is a young girl in her twenties, she is also the third elder among Zhan Ji.

Here is Hillesi, the capital of the Kingdom of Gista. The audience room inside this palace. Sophie knelt down on the red carpet that stretched out to the throne and looked at the old man sitting on the throne. Now Sophie and the old man are the only two in the room.

“Yes. Although you have just been to Bruny at the end of the fall.”

The old man is Victor, King of Gistato. Gray hair and beard can’t be said to have no style, but the black complexion and the lifeless eyes in the blue pupils are more impressive.

The hand that he stretched out from the luxurious silk clothes seemed to be only bones and skin.

“After the invasion by the M’ogneer Army, Brunei’s situation has changed again. Moreover, it has been almost half a year since Eleonora Wiltalia started the war. It would be okay if the goal was almost achieved, if it was extended. You must bring her back.”

To say which side it is, it’s Allen’s side that is the main reason. But this is not surprising.

Thinking this silently in her heart, Sophie acknowledged the legitimacy of the king’s idea.

Even if the government affairs of the principality are handed over to someone who can be trusted, it is really not good that Zhan Ji has not been in his principality for six months.

It may be a good time for the king to weaken the warrior’s power, but he still wants to avoid having a bad influence on the whole country of Gista.

“Your Majesty’s care, I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of Zhan Ji who is not here. However, regarding Eleonora, Lyudmila Laurie is already an inspector. Considering the relationship between the two, I think Ai is dull. Leonora will not act unscrupulously.”

Alan and Mira’s bad relationship is also known to many people in the palace. So Sophie felt incredible that she was suddenly summoned by the king to talk about these things.

“You are right, the relationship between the two is not good.”

The voice of the old king, which was rubbed by dead wood, contained some obscure feelings.

“Therefore it is possible to have information that I have not heard of. About this, Sophia. I heard that you and Eleonora have a good relationship. And you just visited Brunai the other day. So I decided to appoint you.”

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