The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

A Contract

The two dragons get up from the ground and sit back on their respective chairs, meanwhile the four Satans compose themselves and also stand up from the ground and sit on their respective chairs.

The only one that's not sitting is Grayfia which is still unconscious and currently is in the grasp of her king Sirzechs.

The demon still doesn't speak, so Red concludes that he doesn't want to start speaking without all people present listening, so he sends a healing spell to Grayfia to wake her up from her dream, as he is the dragon of dreams.

“Wh- What happened? Where a-” 

The poor maid doesn't get a chance to speak as everyone in the room is staring at her, including the hateful man she both hates and fears.

A few seconds pass and the maid understands what she has to do, she gets up from her king's embrace and walks behind him to resume her regular duties.

“Now, I assume introductions are in order, I'll start myself, I'm called Xeron Kezgenoth, Ruler of the Abyss, and Master of all that burns”

Xeron speaks, breaking the silent tension that's taking a hold in the room, and introduces himself and gesturing for Ophis to do the same.

“Ophis, the Infinite Dragon God” 

Speaks Ophis, which produces a chuckle from Xeron.

“Interesting choice of form there Ophis, may I ask why that of a little girl?”

The infinite dragon stares at the demon for a few seconds without a change of expression, and seemingly coming to a conclusion she answers.

“I choose it on a whim, there's no deeper meaning behind it”

“Very well, then your turn Dreams”

The Dragon of Dragons clears his throat and answers introduces himself

“I have no name but some call Red, and as all know I'm the Dragon of Dreams”

Red turns his head to the devils, which prompts Sirzechs to introduce himself in turn.

“My name is Sirzechs Lucifer, the current Lucifer, and one of the four Satans”

This results in the demon raising and eye in bewilderment, which makes him ask

“Lucifer? Are you a descendant of the angel Lucifer? because you certainly don't look like him”

This makes Sirzechs smile wryly, and proceeds to explain

“No your majesty Xeron, I hail from the house Gremory, but after the great war and the death of the four old Satans there was another civil war between devils that resulted in a new government structure which ‘we’ the four new Satans are now the head of”

The demon nods, and then asks another question

“So in short Lucifer turned on his father and became a ‘devil’ and then spawned other devils and fought his father in a war that resulted in him, his father and his four strongest death?”

“That's correct your majesty”

“Stop with the majesty it's annoying, just call me ‘Xeron’ Sirzechs you look like a nice kid, now tell me, what about the Angels? Did they perish along with their father?”

Sirzechs, inwardly and outwardly smiles, despite being called a kid, which is true really, as he was only about 700 years old at best and the being in front of him is as ancient as the two oldest beings in their world

“No Xeron, the Angels still live along with their four Great Serafs and it's their helm is Micheal, the new ‘God’, but some angels fell and became fallen angels which led to them forming an organization named ‘Grigori’ with the governor of fallen angels Azazel leading it”

Xeron nods again, and doesn't ask any more, but still speaks nonetheless.

“We'll continue this discussion after the main business is over”

Sirzechs nods and waits for Ajuka to introduce himself, which he does immediately.

“My name is Ajuka Beelzebub, the current Beelzebub”

Ajuka speaks in a serious tone, but not too rude for obvious reasons.

“My name is Serafall Leviathan, previous Sitri and the Satan in charge of foreign affairs”

Surprisingly, or not, Serafall speaks without a hint of playfulness in her voice, but if one takes a look at her hands, you'll see them clenched hard enough to shake, and as that happens when one is either angry or afraid, we can deduce which one this case belongs to.

“Serafall calm down, I won't bite you”

Xeron speaks in a loud voice while looking at the Satan, which surprised everyone.

Certainly, no one expected the domineering demon, that's been stoic since his arrival to calm down the agitated Satan, but what's more surprising is the mischievous smirk dawned on his face, that's for some reason making Serafall really nervous.

“Your precious Sona-tan will be sad if she saw her sister like this. I was watching the planet to look for a location to break into and stumbled upon your little meeting”


It took everyone a second to process what just happened, and when they did everyone had different reactions.

Serafall was looking at the ground and her face wasn't visible, but one can see her ears are bright red, and if one listened to her thoughts right now, it would no doubt be ‘I wanna die' a thousand times.

Sirzechs, for some reason, has a troubled smile on his face, which looks equally shocked and nervous.

Shocked because of the sudden revelation that Xeron has been listening to them the entire time, and nervous because that means he knows about Rias too.

Which is confirmed by the evil smirk he flashed at him, and wait a minute, why is he opening his mouth, Oh Shi-

“I'll go tell Rias and Sona that their older siblings are both sis-cons”

“Pah” x2

Both the Satans in question received critical damage, which no-one seemed to mind, especially the once cold maid that's smirking really hard in the back of the fallen Lucifer.

Xeron then turns his head to the last Satan, which prompts him to introduce himself, albeit in a relaxed manner this time

“My name Falbium Asmodeus, current Asmodeus”

The bald devil introduces himself, which marks the end of the main figures, except for the maid, which Xeron is currently staring at.

“...My name is Grayfia Lucifuge, a servant of the house Gremory, and lord Sirzechs queen”

“Queen? Are you both married?”

“No Lord Xeron, I'm the holder of his queen piece in the evil pieces system, that's designed by Lord Ajuka”

The maid finishes talking and both her and the demon turn to stare at Ajuka in question, which he happily answers.

“The Evil Pieces, also known as the Devil's Pieces are a set of 15 chess pieces given to High-class Devils to increase their ranks by reincarnating other beings into Devils, and as you can tell, there is no king piece”

“Reincarnate? Devils don't reproduce?”

“They do but the birth rate is abysmally low, it ranges from 500-5000 years for a devil child to be conceived”

This makes all devils in the room smile wryly, including the two now revived Sirzechs and Serafall, it's well known that the pure blood devils are near extinction because of their low birth rates.

“I see, interesting we'll continue this conversation later, I don't want to drag this for too long, so I'll get straight to the point”

The demon stops talking and then turns to the two dragons, who have been silently listening to the previous discussions.

“Let's make a deal” 

The two dragons don't look surprised as this was within expectations, then they look at each other and silently decide that Red should be the one talking

“What kind of deal Xeron”

Suddenly, a flash of flames appear in front of Great Red and out from it appears an ancient looking piece of paper with what can only be described as demonic writing.

“A demonic contact”

Red stares at the contract for a few seconds and then looks back at the demon and then asks.

“And if I don't sign this contract?”

The second the question left Red's mouth Xeron lost his relaxed demeanor, and out came the demon.

A savage, hideous smile spread across his lips with a look that promised the most atrocities imaginable, he replied.

“Then I'll get to see what the Dragon of Dragons tastes like”

A chill ran down everyone's spine and they remembered what the man was. And one word was on the thought of everyone present ‘demon’. How accurate.

“V-very well” 

The Great Red quickly composed himself and grabbed the floating contract which is admirable considering he was just threatened to get eaten, and then he proceeded to read it out loud.

“The demons are allowed access to the Dragonic Deus but aren't allowed to harm the world or its inhabitants unless harmed or provoked.

The individual named ‘Xeron Kezgenoth' is left to his own devices.

The people of The Dragonic Deus may employ the help of Demons if they offer their king the proper compensation

The individual named ‘Grayfia Lucifuge’ is to be sent to the individual named ‘Xeron Kezgenoth’ act as his maid until he says otherwise and she will be subjected to no harm, she may choose to accept or decline”

“Wait what?”

The aforementioned maid asks in bewilderment, only to be met with a mischievous grin from Xeron.

“I like you”

This causes her to sigh and look at her lord, which was currently smiling at her.

“I accept Xeron, and Ophis also agrees now how do we sign”

“Wait a second until Grayfia decides”

This makes the maid turn to her King for answers.

“My Lord, I'm yours and you shall decide”

This makes Sirzechs smile kindly and turn to look at the demon seriously

“Xeron, can you guarantee that Grayfia will be completely safe?”

This makes the demon smile himself and answer

“It's stated in the contract that she will be done not harm, and demonic contracts binds the souls with the penalty of death if preached”

The crimson Satan nods in understanding and then turns to Grayfia.

“Then it's your choice Grayfia, but I suggest you agree for the betterment of the whole devil species”

Grayfia closes her eyes and a few seconds later opens them again and answers.

“Very well” 

The smile on Xeron's face widens and he gestures for her to come closer

After she arrives in front of the contract next to the dragons, they stare at Xeron waiting for him to speak

“Now we four will pour a drop of blood on the contract and it will be done”

The devil maid and two dragon gods nod and pour a drop of blood from their fingers on the contract, which is followed by Xeron doing the same.

Then the contract breaks into four pieces and each one enters into one contractor, signaling the sealing of the deal.

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