The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

What does ‘he’ desire?

Lilith, Underworld Capital

In a meeting room reserved in the main Lucifer castle in the capital of the underworld, there is a meeting between the four Satans in place.

The topic of said meeting is about the upcoming negotiations for peace, or at least the thought of.

“So any progress about the peace negotiations Sirzechs? I believe you often keep contact with Azazel”

Said Ajuka Beelzebub, one of the four Satans of the underworld and the current Beelzebub.

“Me, Serafall, Azazel and Micheal have been working on trying to make a peace treaty for a while Ajuka, but as you know it's not always as easy as it sounds”

Sirzechs Lucifer, current Lucifer and rumoured to be the strongest devil in eons replied calmly to his long time friend

“As Sirzechs-chan said Ajuka-chan, it's realllly hard you know~ those pesky pigeons and crows are like realllllly annoying, like why do they want to keep fighting forever when their stupid God died a long time ago” 

The Current Leviathan, also known as Serafall Leviathan said while leaning in the meeting table, promoting the only non Satan in the room, a lone maid standing behind the current Lucifer, to lightly glare at her.

“Ooh? Grayfia-chan why are glaring at me like that, it's super scary” 

Serafall smirks as she notices the light glare the maid, now named Grayfia turn into an icy one

“It's not fit for a Satan to act in this manner, Serafall-sama” 

Said Grayfia with a monotone voice that has a hint of subtle annoyance that will go unnoticed by a lot of people, but certainly not anyone in this room

“It's good to see Grayfia and Serafall still getting along” 

Said Falbium Asmodeus, the current Asmodeus and the oldest of the three, and while not being involved with them very much, because all four other devils grew up during the great war together, he was like an older brother figure to all of them, even if he wasn't the strongest or the weakest.

“I guess you're right Falbium, because I believe under all that ice is a sweet and lovely little g-” 

The current Lucifer didn't finish speaking before wincing audibly in pain, and it appears it was because of Grayfia pinching him quite hard

“Grayfia-chan sure is merciless” 

Serafall said will still smirking

“On another note, Sirzechs and Serafall how are your two little sisters, they are in the same school in the human world, correct? In Kuoh town, Japan I believe?” 

Ajuka said while gathering the all the documents from the meeting table with magic and organizing them

“Rias is very well Ajuka, thank you for asking, and she is in her last year there as well”

“My Sona-tan is also very well her, she and her peerage are running the student council, so basically running the school, and she's safe because I sp- check on her every day”

A collective exparated sigh left all the devils in the room, except Sirzechs who gave Serafall a double thumbs up and she returned it

“Rias's peerage is also doing fine, but she's been telling me about a human boy in her class named Issei, that has some magical signatures, we did a check on him and his family and all of them aren't a part of the super natural, so my guess is he has a sacred gear”

“Are the magical readings high?” 

“For a seemingly normal human it is, so we suspected it's a powerful sacred gear, possiblity a Longinus, so Rias decided to recruit him to her peerage”

“Interesting, tell me how that transpires later Sirzechs”

“Very well, now anything anyone wants to add?”

No one replied, signalling the ending of the meeting

“Then the meeting is officially annul-”

A sudden surge of magic power, strong enough to kill a regular High class devil instantly assaulted all five devils in the meeting room, accompanied by a the sounds of tearing and clawing of fabric

“Grayfia behind me, now!!”

Yelled Sirzechs as he shot up from the chair and faced the end of the giant room as his hand glowed with the power of destruction he's so famous for, with the other three Satans in the room doing the same, they awaited to see the source of this phenomenon.

Facing them is a seemingly empty room, unless you notice the strange pumps that occasionally shifts the space, at the end of the room, if one has to describe it, it's like someone is poking his hands in a piece of clothing and looking from the other side.

And if this wasn't bizarre enough the occasional tearing and scratching noises coming from there is certainly not pleasant

“Anyone have an idea what this is? an attack from heaven maybe? Grigori?” 

Asked Sirzechs, while still being in gaurd

“Since when can Angels and Fallen Angels claw through space, no this isn't them”

Losing her playful nature, Serafall responds in a tone similar to Grayfia, and as she was about to reply with her theories, she felt two more presences in the room

What appeared next to them are two people, one looks like a child with black hair and a gothic dress with no mana signature whatsoever, and the other is a tall man with red hair, and the strongest magical signature she's seen in her life, they both stand next to them while looking at the space at the end of the room

“Ophis? and Great Red? why are you here, in the underworld? And what is that?” 

Sirzechs asks in a loud voice for all to hear, this promotes the three Satans and Grayfia to look at the two new individuals in shock.

And why wouldn't they, the now named Ophis and Great Red are the two strongest entities in the world.

Ophis doesn't reply and keeps staring at the space being raptured, but Red replies

“Devils, do you know of demons?”

The devils look at each other in for a moment and then Ajuka replies

“Great Red, aren't demons what the humans call us devils?”

“No, young devil. Demons aren't devils, while devils live in the underworld, demons live in a domain called the abyss. A domain outside our world”

Great Red sighs seemingly tired and stops speaking to the dismay of the devils, fortunately Ophis continues

“And while devils are mostly human with some differences, demons are not, they are chaos incarnate, with an unquenchable thirst for murder and power, and packed up by a nearly infinite amount, makes them a very very big threat to our world”

The moment those worlds left mouth of the Dragon God of infinity, the Satans began to feel dread.

How big of a threat this is to make the Ouroboros Dragon and the Great Red to come here personally to confront it

But before they delve further into their thoughts Great Red's words snap them back to reality

“Before the ‘Great War' between all of your factions, there was a war for survival between our world and the Abyss, which spanned more than a five hundred years and was led by Me, Ophis and The Heavenly Father from our side and the Four Demon Kings from the Abyss”

A bigger wave of shock adorned on the five devils, the existence of a war before the great war is practically unknown to the current supernatural world, and by looking at the leading sides one can assume the scale of such war

“But you two being here and The Father’s survival in that war as well, I can assume you won right? That means whoever is trying to cross to this world right now shouldn't be as strong” 

Falbium asked, hoping the thoughts in his headbe proven wrong, but before Red can reply Ophis answer

“We tried to kill at least one King, but we failedz each one of them is as powerful as me and we were outnumbered in both powerhouses and troops, the only saving grace we had is their nature working against them”

Ophis falls silent as Red continues

“While devils make contacts with the other supernatural and can turn them into reincarnated devils, demons consume souls to get stronger, so while they hate each other, they have to protect each other so that no one consumes the others soul and overpower the rest”

Grayfia that's been silently listening all this while decided to ask a question

“So that means they protected each other but didn't work together resulting in a stalemate between the two sides not including the troops, then what happened to end the war?”

Chuckling weakly the Great Red replied

“Each one of us sacrificed half of his power to seal the our world from the Abyss, and while I and Ophis slept and healed, the Heavenly Father was caught in another war and perished”

Understanding dawned on the devils, followed by a look of horror, that prompted Sirzechs to speak

“Wait you said that all of you sealed our world with half your powers, that means the seal is stronger than the strongest entity in both here and the Abyss, then that means that whoever is trying to come her is-”

Sirzechs not so inner monologue was interrupted with a loud shattering noise, the space that was convulsing exploded reveling a jet black human sized hand, but with the skin of a dragon, decorated by silver claws that apparently can tear apart space.

Red replies to Sirzechs one last time before focusing on the man heading out from the portal

“Yes Young Lucifer, that means whoever came here is stronger than me and Ophis”

“And you would be correct Dragon of Dreams”

The man coming out of the portal doesn't resemble the description of demons in the slightest, as they were just descriped as awful creatures that crave chaos and destruction, with forms mirroring their inner selfs.

The man was the most handsome man ever in Sirzechs's opinion, and coming from a devil that's arguably the most good looking in a species known for being desire personified tells you a lot about the man's looks.

The man was tall, about 190cm, his hair was jet black with blood red eyes with a golden iris, he was wearing a jet black armour that covers his whole body except his head, with a flaming greatsword floating by his side, stepping through the raptured space, the man throws something inside and waves his hand over it, closing the space, then he walks forward towards the devils and dragons and stops about 3m away and summons a chair and sits in it.

“How do you do Ouroboros and Dreams?”

The man says while gesturing for all of them to sit, which after a moment of hesitation they do.

“Xeron, Prince of Despair, what brings you to this world? You must know that talking won't change anything as we're not going to surrender”

Ophis snarls at the now named Xeron and he smiles back at her, not minding her earlier action

“Ophis, I'm now called The Abyssal Lord”

Xeron smiled a distorted smiles that showed the two rows of his pointy sharp teeth and imitated a bit of pressure using his aura.

“Ghh” x7

Instantly the Four Satans fall face down to the ground while shivering in fear, while Grayfia fainted and the two Dragons kneeled on the ground.

After an amount of hellish torture for all of them, the pressure disappears like it never was there and the nightmare ends

“Now that I made my point clear, get up and listen to what I have to say”

The two kneeling dragons stand up and look at Xeron, and for the first time ever since the dawn of time their gazes contain fear.

Fear of a being strong enough to end their world if he so wished and they’d be powerless against it.

But after a moment of thinking the two ancient dragons arrived at the same conclusion, the demon didn't want them dead, because they won't be alive right now if he so wished, so that begs the question, what does he desire?

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