The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

An Olden Threat

The god queen remembered the first time she came face to face with the concept of demons, she hadn't been crowned a god queen at that time, she hadn't even fully understood the divinty that she was born with.

And like the young and clueless child she was, the first thing she said was how superior her mother was compared to those insignificant beasts.

And despite her crazy in sounds, she was somewhat justified in doing so, because Izanami-no-Mikoto wasn't like the Primordial gods of other pantheons.

The inclusive nature she was so famous for was shadowed only by her unparalleled hatred for anything that didn't concern her offspring, her little to no mentions in human history serves as evidence to her relatively laid back nature, but she wasn't a weak deity by any chance.

Far away from that actually, because despite not being born into godhood, and the mysterious circumstances surrounding her ascension in the far distant past, the strength of the primordial of the Shinto Pantheon couldn't be questioned, as evident by countless others who ceased to exist after crossing paths with the primordial of creation and death.

Amaterasu idolized her mother, the tale of her mother ascending into godhood and killing the god that had raped her in the past fascinated her to no end.

It was awe inspiring, a feat that the young God Queen of the Sun couldn't possibly hope to fathom, and as the years continued to pass, her admiration for her mother only continued to soar higher and higher.

The same with her two siblings, the three deities saw their mother as the absolute, they viewed her as the highest authority there is, and despite their continuous differing opinions and views over the years, their respect and admiration for their mother never changed, even to this day.

…And that's what made the news even more shocking, the fact that the source of her mother's power, the unimaginable might that put her on par with even natural born primordials, was the beings who were rightfully lapeled as the bane of everything that continues to live.

It was demons, the beings that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and had been wrecking havoc among the supernatural for a few weeks now.

Their sudden appearance concerned even the most arrogant of gods, the threat imposed due to their mere existence was deemed too important to not address.

Lower class demons started randomly appearing throughout earth, their existence at first confused with stray devils, but more ancient beings quickly realised the truth of the matter.

Middle class demons started being summoned by those who carry deep negative emotions, those who seek destruction, chaos and most of all, were in despair.

High class demons didn't get summoned to mere emotions, their existence wasn't also so insignificant that they may suddenly pop out of thin air.

Instead, they were drawn to souls, the more souls being offered, the more powerful the demon that may be summoned.

The didn't require a contractor either, demons are naturally benevolent beings, they are drawn to bloodshed and violence even across worlds.

So even without am intent to summon one, the mere act of slaughter or in controlled murder may bring demons.

And if the past weeks had taught the god queen something, it was that demons brought nothing but death, chaos and destruction of unimaginable quantities, with the only way an encounter with a demon could end with is regret. Regret and despair.

At first she was clueless like the rest of her new age divine brethrens, she had heard about demons from tales of old but didn't see them personally, with the only ones ever doing so being Primordial Gods, ancient Yokai, Dragons and Angels.

Then she came into contact with a low class demon, it had nearly slaughtered all the inhabitants of a human village in the far East of Japan, she had heard about it after the fact, when a subordinate of hers captured the beast and noticed the unusual aura surrounding it.

Said subordinate had brought her the demon, and upon first inspection, she thought it to be a stray devil, both beings share the same feral demeanour and breserk mana patterns after all, so her views weren't totally unfounded.

But the beast couldn't possibly be a stray devil, it lacked the trace of the heavenly father's divinty that was present in all of his creations, it lacked any sort of intellectual abilities, even the most basic form of individuality, that being the ability to conduct simple conversations.

But the most important clue, the greatest of giveaways that had clued the god queen into the true nature of the beast that they had captured was none other than the fact that it could actually hurt her.

The beast was bound and chained, contained by the full might of the divinity of the sun, she was fully capable of killing the demon without doing as much as lifting a finger.

But, something inside her mind spoke of danger, her instincts warned that despite the fact that the demon in front of her at the time was considerably weaker than her, it still could kill her, it could harm her soul.

Gods don't possess a physical bodies, their current forms are merely a personification of their souls, a projection of what the world considers their true forms to be, and thus they were unaffected by the flow of time or space, remaining in the forms that they were born into for all eternity, but possessing the ability to manipulate it to their wills as they mature.

No amount of physical attacks, no matter how powerful and earth shattering could harm a deity, to even attempt to harm a god, one would have to overwhelm said deity with pure magical energy, an aspect of which they are naturally born to excel in.

Mana wasn't physical by nature, and any attack that used mana as fuel could in theory harm a god, and as most beings were born with the ability to wield mana in some way or another, it should be simple, right?

But sadly, the answer was a resounding no, in fact, there was no limit to how ignorant such a statement was, it was ignorant at best, suicidal at worst.

The proccess of challenging a deity required beings of immense power, only beings of unimaginable might capable of overwhelming a deity in mana capacity and resisting the deity's divine influence were capable of even hoping to harm a god, no matter how low or high said god rank in the divine hierarchy.

History was littered with those who dared to challenge the divine, and in every single time, the clash resulted in the deity's resounding victory.

The only ones that didn't result in the god's victory were fights with a race even more powerful than gods, the dominant race of the world and the only beings capable of threatening the divine.


Dragons and Gods are the absolute powers in the Draconic Deus, with the stronest two beings in the entire world being a combination of the two.

It was basically the law of the world, the nature of the universe, gods and dragons reigned supreme, with all other races ranking below them in power.

Their existed exceptions to the rule of course, and there existed beings not from the previously mentioned races that had the might to compete or even prevail despite such heavy racial disadvantages.

But those were few and far between, and the existence of exceptions to the rule doesn't mean that said rule is false in any way.

That was what everyone wholeheartedly believed, that was what Amaterasu had thought up until now.

Or atleast until the moment she came face to face with the low level demon she had captured in front of her at that moment.

The low level demon she had captured, it possessed much lower intelligence than her, it possessed an amount of mana superior to most middle level devils, but still marginally lower than her own, her divine energy completely surrounded it like a vice, she was capable of killing the thing at any moment, it had no way to resist, it couldn't even hope to if it had the capacity to fear.

…But despite all of that, her instincts warned her of danger, it informed her of the disturbing reality of the situation.

She instinctively knew that the beast could harm her soul, if left unshackled, if she ever let her eyes leave the demon she had captured for a second,  it wouldn't hesitate to attack her, and if it got its way and she was too late to retaliate.

It could directly attack her soul, not only damaging her existence, but fully ending it once and for all.

The realisation horrified the god queen, a threat of such magnitude not only threatened her pantheon, but threatened all beings in this world as a whole.

It doesn't matter what your race is, it doesn't matter if the sheer depth of your might encompasses all, because even low level demons could end you forever, sentence you to eternal death with no hope of reincarnation or resurrection.

And so, after deciding to take actions to protect her pantheon and her people, the god queen firstly ordered to kill all low level demons that had been or will be observed, because if left unchecked, they will spill the end of those who didn't possess the strength to defend themselves.

And after that, she immediately rushed into her mother's personal quarters, in the Shinto Underworld.

Into the realm called ‘Yomi’


In the depth of the land of darkness, an underwold which houses the souls of those who had died throughout the jurisdiction of the Shinto Pantheon, the god queen of the Eastern Sun made her first visit in a very, very long time.

She looked around in the vast darkness, everywhere she looked there gray was the only color that existed, an entire realm fully coated with nothing but silence. Silence, darkness and ash.

The souls that roamed this land were of those who had previously sinned, their existence continued in a perpetual cycle of misery and pain, as a life of hell awaited them in the underworld.

Their mundane after life was filled with agony, desperately hoping for salvation but never finding any, a cruel never ending cycle of sorrow and hope.

But today of all days, and to those of them who had continued to keep track of the flow of time and to those who didn't, something out of the norm happened, and amidst the neverending gray landscape, a golden glow slowly bloomed.

The queen of the sun appeared in her divine armaments, her descent graced the dark and depressing world with an aura of gentleness and warmth, her divine figure attracted the attention of the poor souls who roam this hell in an afterlife of agony.

They immediately recognised her, of course they did, only a fool wouldn't recognize the queen of their gods, the symbol of their faith.

Their dead and cold eyes glowed with the reflection of her majesty, they started to swarm her from all directions, slowly crawling on the limbs that have stayed intact during the centuries of punishment they have endured, only for a chance at redemption.

They wished to beg her for mercy, beg to forever live at the whim of her words and never commit a sin for as long as they may live.

But sadly for them, the God Queen of the Eastern Sun completely ignored them, and after glancing around the dead realm for a few moments, she completely vanished.

And so did the hopes of those who live in an endless cycle of torment and pain.


Inside the dark and lifeless castle that houses the queen of the Shinto underworld, and on the throne from which the ruler of the underworld passes their judgment.

The godmother of the Shinto Pantheon, the primordial of creation and death, Izanami-no-Mikoto could be seen.

Her face as emotionless as ever, she stayed still like a statue as she looked absentmindedly out of the giant window that overlooked the entire realm.

That was how the days of the godmother typically passed, if they were not spent passing judgment on the mortals that have sinned in their lifetimes, she spent them idly looking out into nothingness.

Even after the sudden resurface of a part of her past, and after said part of her past denied the only wish that she so desperately wanted since the events that had shaped who she was happened a long time ago.

She spent her days idling in the shadows, her thoughts unknown to even those she sees closest to her heart.

But whether or not she was awaiting something or simply passing time, that was unknown.

So she stayed still amidst the silence, her thoughts only known to her and only her, the sounds of tortured souls wailing served as the only background in her solitude.

But suddenly she was pulled out of her thoughts, traces of mana danced at the edge of her vision, and after a blinding golden glow covered the view, a voice she knew all too well echoed amidst the silent room. 

“Mother, there exists a matter of utmost importance, I implore you for your assistance”

The figure of the goddess of the sun Amaterasu could be seen suddenly materializing out of thin air.

A sudden appearance inside the personal quarters of the godmother of the entire pantheon was considered incredibly rude and will unquestionably be met with punishment.

But instead of being angered or even remotely annoyed, a small maternal smile made its way onto the godmother's emotionless face.

And in front of her daughter's palpable distress, she spoke with uncharacteristic gentleness and warmth that was nothing like the usual demeanour she carries herself with.

“And what sort of matter has my darling daughter this distressed, I wonder?”

She spoke with an incredibly soft tone, hoping to ease the stress that seems to have consumed her daughter and help calm her nerves down.

But that sadly did nothing to ease the queen, and while carrying the same stressed look she arrived with, the daughter of the primordial of creation and death finally let out what had been ailing her.

“Monsters I haven't seen before, their existence causing nothing but destruction and despair wherever they walked, their sudden arrival blunged the entire divine world into cha-”


Amaterasu didn't get to finish her sentence, the words her daughter spoke sounded all to familiar, they served as the only clue to the true nature of the beings that were bringing chaos upon the world.

The small smile on the godmother's face slowly turned into a strained one, she stared at her daughter's face for a small while in silence.

She contemplated the course of action she should take now, her beloved children are about to face something they had no hope of opposing or even understanding.

And while they weren't necessarily in harm's way due to the….small bond she has with the demonic prince of despair, she still has to inform them of the horrors they may have to witness in the near future.

“Amaterasu, sit down and listen to me very carefully, for this was something that I should have informed you a long time ago”

So, She decided to just speak of everything, and from the very beginning.

Sorry for the delay, I was on vacation only until recently, I tried writing while I was out, and after writing about three chapters, I was dissatisfied with the result.

So, I rewrote everything from scratch.

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