The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

Izanami’s Past

“A long time ago in the far away past, long before you were born, long before even most modern gods were born, this world was nothing alike what it is today”

The primordial goddess spoke in a calm and collected voice, her words concise and to the point to express the true weight they carry.

“The world was more empty, more primitive, the only beings who were alive were those born in ancient times, beings so old they were said to follow the infancy of the dimension”

“Gods so old they claimed the title of primordials, dragons that have existed since the dawn of time, beings born of nature like Yokai and spirits, these were roughly the only population of the world we know now as the Draconic Deus”

The primordial lowered her head and scoffed quietly amidst her words, amusement was evident on her face as she looked back up and continued speaking.

“There existed no rules, the world wasn't yet split into Pantheons, so there existed no barriers, those who were strong had everything, while those who were weak had nothing”

She spoke with hatred visible in her tone, a tone her daughter knew very well, a familiar disdain that the Mother Goddess had always carried in her since even before her eldest daughter had first laid eyes upon the world

Not just her daughter either, everyone familiar with Izanami-no-Mikoto knew what that tone implied, her tale was infamous after all.

A regular Yokai, born and raised in the land we now call Japan, she roamed the world a free spirit, an innocent soul that viewed the cruel world we live in as a paradise.

Born with extreme beauty and an even more beautiful attitude, young Izanami was considered a beacon of love and positivity for everyone around her.

Even despite being born a yokai who were on the negative side of the scale of the supernatural world, her actions were closer to angels than to those of other Yokai.

She was liked by any and all, her overwhelming love and selflessness brought her closer to all those around, the good deeds she spread in her wake forged the bonds she now cherishes with her all.

Her radiant presence was like a flower, garnering attention and gathering praise and admiration in anywhere she went.

But like all good things in life, she didn't last very much, and proving that beauty, no matter if inner or outer beauty, is both a blessing and a curse.

And sadly for her, her flower-like presence didn't attract any bees for her to blossom and shine more and more, but instead, she ended up attracting wasps.

A god had taken a liking to the young Yokai.

He materialized in front of her and asked for her hand, she didn't know who he was at the time, and being the innocent and gullible young Yokai she was, she refused him.

She believed in love after all, how can she marry someone she didn't even know, how can she spend her life with a man she had just met? 

So naturally, she politely refused him, it wasn't her first time encountering this situation after all, her admires weren't few after all.

…But, what wasn't natural was the strange man's response, and instead of leaving her to her devices, he remained in place and stared down at her. 

His previously kind eyes turned deathly cold, his warm and kind smile turned into a cold and scornful scowl, he looked down at her as if she was nothing but trash, an insignificant pebble below his feet.

She should've noticed the signs by then, her innocence blinded her to the obvious truth, and all she did was stare at him confused, her slow mind not even remotely expecting the events that were soon to follow.

But alas, her fate was as good as sealed by then, and when she felt that dreadful and terrible pressure lock her in place, the cold voice of the god she came to hate with all her being resounded in her ears.

How can someone refuse the god of creation and life, how can an insignificant mortal undermine the authority of Izanagi, the most powerful god to have ever been born from this land.

He showered her with a flurry of words, his arrogance so palpable it was practically a part of him, his eyes cold and devoid of any mercy, he slowly approached her.

And then, only then, did she finally see it. The look the god had in his cruel eyes wasn't one of emotionlessness, not by a mile.

It carried scorn, scorn so potent it was sickening, but that wasn't the thing that terrified the most.

Because in the depth of his brightly glowing eyes, she saw something else, she saw something she saw multiple times before but didn't fully understand the full threat it posed.

She saw lust, so much lust it practically bounded on obsession, his eyes promised the worst fate upon her as he got closer and closer.

She prayed, prayed with her all for anyone to save her from what was about to happen, prayed to all gods she knew and could hear and answer her call, prayed for her people to come and help her out of her hell, prayed for a shining knight to come and save her from the clutches of the monster that had laid its eyes on her.

…But, no one came, she was alone, alone and helpless, and as the so-called god was finally but inches away from her.

She realized that her fate had been sealed.

He raped her, took her against her will and there was nothing she could do or could've done to prevent the situation from happening.

It had been set in stone from the moment he took an interest in her, his vanity and arrogance were well known throughout the realms after all, and being the weak and helpless Yokai she was, there was no way she could've done anything to stop him.

He took what he wanted and casted her aside, disposed of her after he had broken her, but not after proclaiming how worthless she truly was.

He stated how truly far she was beneath his majesty, that she didn't deserve even his gaze but he had graced her with his form personally.

And despite all his grace, she still refused him, made fun of his good nature and spat on his good will, an offense that major would've normally resulted in her immediate death.

But because he was a generous god, he spared her insignificant life, left her alive just to tend to her sins and repent, and maybe then she would realize the grace he had given her.

All she saw from him in her broken state was a cruel smile and after that, he disappeared like nothing had happened, leaving her to wallow in her own miseries.

She was left broken and used, her mind cursed her fate as she laid there with her clothes torn and shredded.

Her life no longer the paradise it previously was, her mind considered letting go, abandoning everything and anything, throwing herself into death, after all a life like this didn't deserve living…but something inside her refused to do so.

The memory of her people appeared in her shattered mind, the smiles she previously made blossom, the good will she received from those who she had helped over the course of her life.

They all were her beacon amidst the darkness, the light in the darkness of her night, they were her only hope.

So she dragged what had remained from her pride and crawled back to her home, hoping to find solace amidst the sadness and regret, hoping to find comfort despite the pain and agony that swallowed her whole.

…But instead of all that, all she received was scorn, they feared what had happened to her to occur to them after all, so they threw her away.

They were terrified of associating with her, she had angered the being who was well known for his tyranny after all, she should stay as far away from them as possible.

So, they also casted her aside, ordered her permanent exile and announcing their disassociation from her, they left her to rot alone.

And at that moment, the young Yokai realized something.

She realized the truth of the world, she realized that life wasn't the paradise she was imagining all along, she realized that the world wasn't all sunshine and rainbows like she had imagined it.

And that's when the current Izanami was born, positive emotions faded out from inside her like a candle in the wind, darkness bloomed in the place of the light, hatred was the only thing she felt at that moment, it was the only thing that felt genuine after all.

She hated the world that cursed her to live the rest of her life in agony, she hated the God who had taken her innocence and condemned her to live tainted and soiled, she hated her fellow Yokai, those who had abandoned her in her time of most need, driving her out of her home and leaving her to fend for her own, despite knowing her helplessness and hopelessness.

She hated even herself, the weakness and helplessness she was born with, the beauty that became the entire reason for her suffering

She hated everything.

“The strong ruled over the weak as they wished, life was unfair to those who weren't born with the power to even protect their own self”

The hatred in the primordial goddess's voice was palpable, her divine aura flared with the ominous dark glow that signified her dominion over death.

But suddenly, as if all her anger and rage was nothing but an illusion, her aura slowly disappeared, only to be replaced by an ill natured grin.

“But fate is a cruel mistress, and during the height of their ignorance, when the beings at the top truly considered themselves to be the above all. The demons invaded”

“They tore everything apart in an endless pursuit of destruction and chaos, slaughtered each and every that dared to breathe, be it mortals, gods and even dragons”

Her words didn't at all match the shit eating grin that she had blasterd on her beautiful face, her eyes did nothing to hide the perverse pleasure she truly felt form recounting the death and agony of others.

“The demons were endless in numbers, with the weakest and most insignificant of them being capable of slaughtering a group of yokai on its own”

“And so they did, from the lowest of demons to the four demonic lords of the Abyss, they spread chaos and destruction upon our world, with the sole goal of our total annihilation”

She smiled a nasty smile, her features scrunching into a look of scorn, her blue eyes slowly darkened as she clenched her fist until it shook.

She slowly looked up and stared at Amaterasu's face, her face no longer carrying any traces of her usual emotionless appearance, nor does it carry that maternal smile she shows only to her children.

She looked monstrous, her smile stretched across her face to reveal teeth sharp enough to snap steel in half.

Her sky blue eyes had turned into blood red ones, her snow white hair darkened into a pitch black color as it danced to the side of her head as if it was alive.

“And I wanted all of them to burn, to die ablaze in the darkest depth of the void, to experience a hell beyond the one made by their own foolishness, to experience despair, like ME!”

Her voice morphed into a visceral screech, one spoken from the depth of her soul.

It was filled with deep hatred, it symbolized her undying loathing to a world that had rejected her.

But not before breaking her.

“I hated the bastard that took my innocence from me, I hated those mongrels who casted me aside after I went to them for comfort and solace. I hate them. I HATE THEM ALL!”

Her words devolved into screeches, her aura pulsated with dread and despair powerful enough to cast even the most powerful of gods into unimaginable dread.

“I loathed them with my all, I wished their demise more than anything in this entire disgusting world we live in, I desired their death to be a most agonizing one”

Her crazed blood red eyes locked with her daughter's own golden one's, a bloodthirsty aura washed over the god queen as she sat there in silence, staring at her mother with surprising calmness.

“I wanted to rip each one of them to shreds with my very own hands. I wanted to drink their blood from the carcass of their skulls, But alas, I had no power to do so”

Her expression slowly stretched horizontally even more, her bone chilling smile stretched so far across her face it practically spilt it in half.

“But I knew who would, the being who was rumored to be more monsterous than the most of demons, a being so unbelievably powerful he caused despair to even the most powerful of dragons, the fourth demon lord and the most powerful demon there is, the Abyssal Prince of Despair, Xeron Kezgenoth”

“So I made a contract with him, and in exchange for my soul, I gained power, I gained a divinity powerful enough to achieve what I so desperately wanted”


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