The Abyssal Lord (DxD)


[Xeron's Mainson - Xeron POV - 9 PM]

My day was pretty eventual. I first started teaching math at Kuoh Academy, I got to know the students in his class, met a human boy that seems to be targeted and met the fallen angel that seems to target said human boy.

At first I was a little bewildered, why would a fallen angel want to target a human boy that's not even an adult yet, but then it hit me.

I remembered that the human holds a sacred gear, an unawakened one but a sacred gear nonetheless. The Fallen Angels seem to be hunting down potential sacred gear holders and uprooting them before they even awaken them. Which is quite funny in my opinion.

The humans are being punished for something they didn't even get a hand in, and remembering the reason why the sacred gear system was made made it even funnier, it seems that God od Heaven made said system for humans specifically to be able to ‘defend themselves against the supernatural’

In my own opinion gifted power won't get you anywhere, it will only drag you further down. The humans need to find a way to strengthen themselves without relying on a clutch, and in fact some already did, the human magic, or just ‘magic’ as they call it, does certainly hold potential to fight even the strongest entities if trained properly, but the  is not our issue for now.

Back to the topic at hand, When I stumbled upon the boy and noticed the fallen angel called ‘Yuuma’ observing him and releasing some killing intent, I took the boy out to the cafeteria and discovered for myself the reason for his inevitable demise.

And low and behold, and as I said to Rias, he does in fact possess a sacred gear, which holds Draconic Energy.

There are only a couple of gears that have draconic energy, but from my observations this seems to be one of the ‘heavenly dragons'

I'm not very familiar with the dragons of this world, but I at least have heard of the two heavenly dragons.

Two idiots that like to play supremes fought it out at the wrong time and refused to back down and stomped on anybody that interfered between them, which led to their inevitable demise at the hands of literally every supernatural being alive.

Quite ironic if you ask me, but again back to the topic at hand.

The boy called Issei most likely has the ‘Boosted Gear' which houses the Welsh dragon ‘Ddraig Goch’, I dismissed the probability of it being ‘Divine Dividing’ because someone called ‘Vali Lucifer' has it.

Now, for the ultimate question. Should I let him die, or no?

…Of course, I won't let him die. But I need something in return for saving his sorry ass, and what better compensation to get than his very own sacred gear.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want the toy itself, it is simply worthless to someone like me. What I want is Draig himself.

As for what I would do, let's keep it a secret for now.

I looked at Grayfia, who was standing behind me as I was relaxing by the fireplace, as I tend to do everyday since I arrived here.

“Grayfia, prepare three cups of tea for our guests”

I said to the maid, and she immediately bowed and exited the room, it seems she's used to my behavior by now.

Nodding silently in approval, I snap my fingers and two figures appear out of thin air in front of me, and they both land on the floor.

One of them is a mature and sexy fallen angel, which is holding something that I will not tolerate.

I throw a string of demonic energy at the bolt of light magic she's holding and disperse it entirely.


She zooms her head in my direction, finally registering her change of scenery and in conjunction, her current situation.

She tries to create another bolt of energy, but fails to even materialize it and looks towards my direction horrified.


She quickly unfurled her 4 wings and prepared to leave, I have to commend her quick thinking, but that also won't work.


I throw at her a restraining spell, instantly binding her to the ground. It didn't mean to hurt her, but it seems her holy nature, while mostly gone, still form her being, which makes her naturally susceptible to my own Abyssal magic or Demonic, whatever suits your fancy.

I change the restraints into a cage instead, to avoid burning the poor little crow alive, and throw a small healing spell at the bleeding boy on the ground.

“....Who are you? Don't you know that I'm the direct subordinate of lord Azazel himself. Release me this instant!!”

After struggling for a couple of seconds, the little crow seemed to have accepted the situation, and directed her hostility at me. It seems she's trying to scare me into releasing her, Adorable.

“What's your name, little girl? You certainly don't look like a 'Yuuma' to me”

The fallen in question stopped blabbering for a second, and looked at my face silently and after a minute, realization seemed to have dawned on her.

“....You're the new teacher that arrived this morning”

Impressive, she knows about me, even when I didn't enter her class this morning. It seems she has her own way to obtain news in the academy. It seems that the devils still have a few holes in their defenses, but again not my problem.

“My name is Xeron Kezgenoth. Little girl, what's your name?”

Besides being a little visibly annoyed about being called a little girl, she replied.

“My name is Raynare. Sir Xeron, release me, so I can continue my duties, or I'll have to call my superior”

A smirk appeard on my face, the little girl sure is brave. Despite being at a huge disadvantage and knowing it herself, she didn't forget to threaten me with Azazel.

“Little Raynare, you think I can't just kill you with a snap of a finger, like I did to bring you both here, across the city”

Again, she seems to be aware of her situation, evident by the way her features tensed a little  when I said what I said, but not too much. It seems she just hated being reminded of her situation.

“....If you kill me right here, you'll have to face all of Grigori”

“I won't blame you for trying, because you are unaware of my identity. But, all I have to say is that all the things you've said and more, won't prevent me from killing you, if I wanted”

Staring at me for a while, she finally looked down and dropped to the ground beneath her, then she sat down and hugged her knees while looking at me in silence.

“....I ask you to please end it quickly, I deserve at least that much for offering it to all my victims”

She says while her voice is completely monotone, the girl may appear brave, but I sensed her fear since the moment I first diffused her second light spear. I like her.

“I didn't say I'll kill you little Raynare”

Stil hugging her knees on the ground, she looks up to me with hope flashing in her eyes once again.

“Call Azazel”


She froze, and looked at me like I was messed up in the head. I waited for her to do something, but she didn't move an inch, so I told her again.

“Call Azazel, and tell him that Xeron Kezgenoth is holding you in Kuoh, and tell him to teleport to town. I'll pull him here”

She twitched back to life again, and while still looking at me silently, a telecommunication magic spell glowed near her ear.

She stayed silent for a couple of minutes, seemingly communicating with Azazel, but while doing so, I saw her tremble a little while looking at me like I'm the worst being to ever exist, so I did what every being should do in this situation.

I flashed her the most beautiful smile I could muster, she blushed a little while still looking horrified….cute.

She then nodded violently a couple of times then stood up and bowed a beautiful 90 degrees in my direction.

“Sir Xeron, I apologize for my earlier rudeness. Lord Azazel said he will arrive immediately”

I wave my hand at her cage, instantly dispelling it and then I point at the sofa behind her and she instantly went towards it and sat down silently while looking at the ground, she looks like a little girl that's been caught doing something wrong.

“Here is the tea Lord Xeron”

“Perfect timing Grayfia, now come here and look pretty, because our final guest is going to arrive soon”

Grayfia arrives with the tea and puts the tray on the table, she glances at Issei then back at me, seemingly asking if she should do something about him.

“No, leave him be, he's one of the topics for today after all”

She nodded and came to stand behind me like it's the most natural thing to do, this maid sure takes her job seriously.

Picking up on a powerful energy signature arriving in Kuoh Town, I instantly locate his position and teleport Azazel in the middle of the room.

“...So it's true”

The first thing the fallen angel did was look at me in complete seriousness, I just smiled at him while waving. Haven't seen the guy in a long time after all.

“Good evening Azazel, long time no see. It seems that Lucifer wasn't the only one with daddy issues”

He just scowled at me, it seems he really didn't like his old man.

He also seems to be very wary of me, which is fair, but ultimately annoying.

“Sit down beside your daughter Azazel, we have a lot to discuss”

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