The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

Certainly an Experience

[Issei POV - 4.50 PM]

I was currently standing just outside the Kuoh train station in my best outfit available.

Why do you ask? It's because I have a date planned, which I still couldn't believe.

Yes a date, which I couldn't believe to be honest. I mean who would?

If me from 5 years said that a girl I barely know, would one day approach me and confess her long love for me, I would've slapped myself in the face.

Over the years I've come to acknowledge the fact that I'm attractive nor am I ugly, I am perfectly average, a fact that I've come to accept.

And while I do hold some occasional resentment to the naturally handsome like Kiba, or that new teacher Xeron. The resentment I hold is really superficial and holds no deep malice.

It's like shouting that the world is unfair, which it certainly is, but it isn't only obstacles and hardships, there is some good in it too.

What is that good you say? Well, there's only one answer to this question, and it's the only logical and obvious answer.

And that answer is boobs.

…Yes, you heard me right, I said boobs. Breasts can cure everything.

What do you mean I'm stupid?! You're the idiot, you're so far out of the light, that you can't see the beauty that female breasts hold.

Every pair of boobs, tells a story, it resonates with it's holder creating the perfect creature to exist.

The size doesn't matter, the phrase is heard everywhere, and can mean different things, but in this particular case, it truly is correct.

Every pair is perfect in it's own way, and as the admirer of all breasts, I must resume my duties, and depart my knowledge upon the ignorant.


Pulling me away from my thoughts was the voice of Yuuma Amano, my date.

She was beautiful, she wore a pink dress that highlighted her medium sized breasts and the rest of her equally charming figure.

She had black hair and beautiful violet eyes, and on her mouth hanged a kind smile, that I could feel melting my insides.

“Good evening Yuuma-san, how have you been?”

I greeted her politely while staring at her boobs, I can't help it, they're really quite catching.

I glance at her and see her smirking…oh shit did I stare too much? I hope she doesn't think I'm a pervert.

“I have been well Issei-kun, did you wait for long?”

She asked me while laughing lightly, even her laugh is beautiful, I can feel it soothing my heart.

“I just arrived Yuuma-san, shall we get going?”

I waited for her to reply and she just nodded, I guess that markes the start of my date then?


[Random Restaurant - 5.15 PM - Yuuma POV]

This human boy is quite thoughtful, who would've thought that he would reserve a table in a restaurant a few hours after the sudden confession.

He sure is unlucky though, shouldn't have been born with a sacred gear.

But I have to play along with this stupid date, I can't just kill him in the middle of the day in devil territory, I have to drag him alone first.

So, where're currently eating in a restaurant together as the first stop of our date, I actually feel kind of grateful for the boy. I haven't eaten lunch after all.


[Kuoh Cinemas - 6.30 PM - Issei POV]

I always wanted to take my potential girlfriend to the cinema so we can watch a movie together, and when I was planning for the date, the idea returned to me.

So, I booked to tickets for a romance movie and took her there, I didn't find romance movies particularly appealing, as every is human male on the face of the planet, but I have to at least make it enjoyable.

We both sat on our seats, and I ordered to bowls of popcorn for both of us.

And after the movie started, I glanced at her to see if she's enjoying it, and I find her focused on it.

‘*sigh* Thank god, I didn't think planning dates would be this stressful’


[Kuoh Park - 8 PM - Yuuma POV]

The kid sure is lustful.

When we were watching the movie, I could feel his eyes were glued to my breasts, the only reason I didn't gouge them out was because I was engrossed in the movie.

…What? I'm also a woman you know?

Anyway, we were currently sitting on a bench in the park and eating ice cream, the boy seemed to have planned out the entire date, and I hate to admit, I kind of enjoyed it.

Don't get me wrong, I'll still kill him. But I have to at least acknowledge that the date he planned out was memorable.

Looking at him he seemed to have finished his ice-cream so this should be the last stop on our little escapade.


[Random Street - 8.30 PM - Issei POV]

It's done, the date is finished.

I say this as I'm walking with Yuuma back to the train station, signalling the end of our day.

It was certainly enjoyable, who wouldn't enjoy hanging out with a beautiful girl, I know I certainly did.

But as all good things, it must come to an end, but that doesn't mean it can't happen again, so I was currently walking with a light smile on my face.

I suddenly see Yuuma-san turn around while smiling at me, I look around the street and I find no one around. 

…Will she kiss me?

'I have a feeling that your quiet life will have its ending soon’

Then, from out of nowhere, I was suddenly reminded by the words teacher Xeron said to me this morning.

“Issei-kun, the date was very pleasent, but can I have on last thing to ask?”

I shake teacher Xeron's words out of my head, and return the kind smile Yuuma-san was directing at me.

“Of course Yuuma-san, what do you have in mind?”

I watch her kind smile turn into a sneer of distain in real time, and as I was about to ask her what is happening, the words get stuck in my throat.

'Fallen Angel'

The word instinctively appeared in my mind the moment I saw the mature woman that have seemingly took Yuuma-san's place.

She was taller than me, with an amazing pair of breasts, her body was divine looking. It's as if she was a work of God.

Adding to that the very obscene outfit she's wearing and you have a literal bombshell, which she was.

My thoughts seemed to have been read by her as her sneer got wider.

“You very much are a pervert, stating at young at innocent Yuuma like that can is inappropriate you know?”

She asked sarcastically while walking towards me, I couldn't answer her back. I couldn't answer, I can't. I feel that the moment I try to do anything, she's going to kill me.

“All humans are pitiful in my opinion, and you're certainly one of them, but I have to commend you on the date, it was certainly enjoyable”

She says while lightly smiling, then she arrives in front of me and holds my head up with her finger. I haven't moved an inch, but I could finally mutter out a word.


I ask and I watch her smile down at me, and with an unconcerned face she replies.

“Because you have a sacred gear, I certainly don't have a choice in the matter, but you won't catch me caring an time soon”

I see, It was just an everyday occurrence for her, it certainly is sad. It was my first time on a date too.

I don't know what a ‘sacred gear' is, it should be something good enough, that they want to kill me for it, but I couldn't care less.

I should at least try to do s-



“Now now, there is no use resisting boy. But don't worry, I'll finish this fast and painless because you gave me a nice date”

I was about to push her away from me and run, but I immediately feel a burning sensation on my right leg, followed by a piercing pain, I couldn't handle it so I screamed and feel to yeh ground, I shouldn't have tried to fight back, I should've listened to the warnings my body sent me, but alas.

I look up to her to find a golden spear of light in her hand, it seems like that was what hurt me, I look down to my leg and find that she has blown a hole through it, with my blood spilling all over the street floor.

“Issei-kun, can you please die for me?”

I saw her throwing the spear in my direction and I closed my eyes and prayed. Prayed to whichever god out there to help me, I don't want to die!

‘Please Help!’

…But, the dreaded pain didn't arrive, nothing did, even the quiet laughter of Yuuma-san didn't echo anymore, I couldn't handle it so I looked up.

I found nothing.

No Yuuma, no fallen angel, nothing. Even the light spear she held, wasn't there. It's as if she wasn't even there to begin with.

But she was, the pain I felt due to her was still there, so what the hell happened?

I couldn't think anymore as I felt my conscious slip away from me.

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