The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

Black Haired Incubus

[7.55 AM - Kuoh Academy]

It was a regular morning in Kuoh academy, the school's atmosphere is soothing, with the lush trees and the lack of other buildings around except for said school gave it a serene feeling.

Not many students enjoy going to their schools, but that isn't a sentiment that is shared by the students of Kuoh Academy.

The young men and women here genuinely love their school, and that backed by the fact that rarely there is a single student absent in the entire student body as a whole, unless of course an emergency arises.

But, watching the students flock to the school, one can't help but be drawn to the fact that 80% of said students are young women.

The school was formally an all girls school, which for some is a drawback, but for others, mainly young men going through puberty it is a blessing.

And so our focus shifts to a young man running across the street holding a student's bag and wearing the uniform of Kuoh Academy.

After finally arriving in front of the school gates, he was greeted by the sight of two female students.

The first is a beautiful girl with black hair and violet eyes wearing glasses while the other also had black hair, but with heterochromia, her left eye was violet while her right one was light brown. 

The young man couldn't resist peeking at their legs, even while being extremely exhausted. Which is certainly something, but not really sure if it's commendable or not.

“Issei Hyoudou, what do you think you're doing by arriving only 5 minutes early, and stop staring at our legs, or I'll punish you”

Miss Sona Sitri, or Sitri Sona as she is called in the human world, who was being accompanied by her queen, reprimanded the young man called Issei with no mercy, while also completely ignoring his panting and breathless figure.

The young man stiffened slightly when he got caught, but also smiled perversely, which granted him an irritated eye roll from both beauties and an ear pull from Sona.

“O-ow ow ow, President. I'm sorry. I won't do it again!”

Sona let go of his ear, and signed. Then she stepped back and let him compose himself.

The young man named Issei was a high school student of average height with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes, he was also average in terms of looks, but looking at his current appearance, one would be forgiven for doubting that claim.

“*breath* P-President S-Sona *breath* I'm s-sorry *breath* I ov-ver slept”

The young man blurted out between his panting, he straightened himself but was loudly breathing due to exhaustion.

“*sigh* No matter, you arrived before the bell anyway. Go ahead now, or you'll miss your class”

The young devil sighed while massaging her forehead, and watched as the young man sprinted through the gate, and into the building.

“So he is the Red Dragon Emperor?”

Sona's attention was drawn by her queen's words and she shifts her head and looks at her.

“Indeed, or at least that was what teacher Xeron confirmed yesterday. But I'm inclined to believe so, based on my intuition”

Tsubaki's mouth curls up in a grin and she decides to tease her king who is also her friend.

“Oh? So the great Sona Sitri judges people based on feelings now? Where did the calculating she-devil go I wonder?”

Sona just scoffs at her queen's comment while walking ahead of her to the school, she should start her preparations, because he will arrive today.


[Issei POV]

I arrived at my class, which is 2-B and I greeted my classmates but didn't forget to sneak a glance at their breasts which they just rolled their eyes at and went to my seat next to the window at the end of the class.

I always liked reading manga and watching anime so on my first day of school in high school I chose the so-called ‘protagonist’ seat and decided to sit there.

After sitting down and unpacking my notebooks for the coming lecture, I see my two best friends Motohama and Matsuda, approaching me with a grin on their faces.

“Issei Good morning, did you see the new doujin that was released this morning? It is divine work!”

Motohama speaks excitedly with a loud voice to me, while earning a couple of odd looks from the girls, but that doesn't matter now. What is that about a new doujin?

“A new doujin? Does it have big boobs in it?”

Motohama and Matsuda look at each other silently while sighing, sometimes they worry about their friend. His obsession with breasts will someday be the doom of him.

“It does, the main girl has a nice looking body. But it pales in comparison to all the girls in our school. Have you seen Akeno-senpai this morning? She was rushing around the entire school not caring for her assets bouncing about. I swore my soul left my body and came back to me in an instant”

Matsuda, recalls while looking like a monk that has seen heaven, and that feeling is amplified by his half head.

Wait What! Akeno-san did! And I wasn't there! Dammit all! Damn my sleeping habits as well!

But wait, Akeno-san wasn't ever this clumsy, what's happening to her?

“Hey Motohama, Matsuda, what's happening to Akeno-san, do any of you know why she was doing that?”

“Humph, at least not all your brain power is in your lower half Hyoudou, despite it's miniscule size”

What! I'm not miniscule. I'm average! And I'm still 17 damnit!

“Shut up glasses, and what the hell do you mean miniscule. I'm considered average!”

The young woman called glasses, is known as Aika Kiryuu. She wears spectacles, has gold-colored eyes and lightly messy brunette hair tied into braids on each side.

The young woman can be considered beautiful if not for her perverted nature, and her ability to seemingly determine the length of a man's manhood by just looking at him.

Shivering slightly at the implications of her earlier words. Issei sees her smirking at his comment but she decides not to pursue it further, instead she answers his earlier question.

“Akeno-san was rushing all over the place this morning, which as you pointed out is unusual. The current running theory suggests that she is waiting for something to happen and is getting impatient, but we could be wrong”

Waiting for something to happen? And what could that be? She doesn't usually do anything when in school, just spending her day accompanied by her best friend Rias. And spending time in the Occult Research Club.

….Wait is it possible that. No, please god no

“Aika, is it possible that Akeno-san is waiting for her b-b-b-boyfriend?”

The moment the word left my mouth I felt my two friends slump to the ground while they wail in misery.

“What!! No!! I refuse to acknowledge this cruel world!!” x2 

The two idiots I call friends start weeping while screaming that it's a sad day for all men of culture. I feel you my brothers, I really do.

“Hmm? It certainly is an interesting theory Hyoudou. But I don't think that's the case, because she didn't look happy or joyous, Akeno-san instead looked worried and stressed. Which leads me to believe that she is awaiting something that's out of her control”

….Phew, that was close. But I feel kind of bad for Akeno-san. I wonder what's stressing her so much.


“That's the bell, what is the first subject today again?”

I mutter to myself while Aika walks back to her desk while my friends also move to theirs and as I'm recalling the first subject of the day, the teacher walks into the classroom.

'Drop Dead'

Was the first thought that popped in my head the moment the teacher arrived into the classroom.

He was a handsome man in his mid twenties with black hair and sharp golden red eyes, wearing well-fitted tailored trousers paired with a crisp, button-up shirt, complemented by a stylish belt and polished shoes.

His face looked so divinely handsome that even I found myself captivated by it.

…NO! I shall not switch sides even if it means the death of me!!

The man arrived in front of the teacher's desk and smiled slightly, and I watched in real time as the girls in our class almost fainted in shock!

Heck! Even Aika let out two streams of blood from her nostrils while fainting in shock!


“Our comrade has fallen!!”

“Stay strong girls! Together we can overcome this hurdle!!”

“I can't hold on anymore sister!”

The girls kept shouting at each other while holding their fallen comrades in their arms, it would have been a comical sight if not for what the men were doing.

“All handsome men must perish!!”

“This is so unfair!!”

“Goodbye cruel world!!”

“...he looks so sexy”

….Who said that last one? The moment those words were heard, all the men including me shot each other with strange looks, but the culprit was unidentified in the end.

….I'll get you one day.

“*cough* Quiet down class”

The hateful man coughed slightly and demanded silence, which made the class instantly shut up.

We may be an eccentric bunch, but he was a teacher and we have to respect him.

“Good morning class, my name is Xeron. I'll be your mathematics teacher starting from today”

All of us nod in acknowledgment while I inwardly wonder the nature of the strange name.

‘Xeron? What a strange name. And why do I feel that he is dangerous?’

Shaking the strange thoughts out of my head, I start focusing on the lecture ahead, this Xeron seems like a nice guy.


[Third Person POV]

After the class ended Issei was about to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat when he was stopped by the new teacher.

“Issei-kun correct?”

The young man stopped and turned around to find Xeron standing beside the entrance to the classroom, seemingly waiting for him.

Walking slightly he arrives in front of him and looks up. It makes it seem like Issei is short, but that's not the case.

His height of 5’7’’ (170cm) is considered the perfect average for twenty year old Japanese men, which leaves him more room to grow, considering he is still seventeen.

But he certainly looks like a dwarf in front of the 6’2’’ (190cm) Xeron. Who seems to always have that annoying smile on his face.

“Yes, teacher Xeron?”

Xeron just smiled while patting Issei on the shoulder and pushing him along.

“Come, accompany me to the cafeteria, I have something to discuss with you. I'll treat you”

Not wanting to appear rude, and certainly not denying a free meal, Issei instantly agrees, while wondering what the math teacher wants from him, a simple young man.


While walking beside him through the school halls, we both witness the carnage that has been set amok, countless young women of varying shapes and sizes, succumb to the now dubbed ‘black haired incubus’ charms.

Issei only known the man for a couple of hours and even he heard his moniker thrown about a couple of times while walking with him, and he was sure that Xeron heard it too.

But what was the most amusing of all (from Xeron's point of view) was the young women's varying reactions.

The young girls reactions varies between sharp breathing, flushing and straight up sexual harassment.

Some girls didn't make it obvious, but their intense stare at Xeron then the shift at Issei, made Issei shudder. Their eyes demanded confessions when Xeron leaves him alone.

Issei was sure that he'll be dragged to a cold and far off place and questioned thoroughly about the reason for their little meeting.

And while Issei was wondering about his certain doom, the teacher in question was still smiling while walking confidentiality, and after what seems to have been an eternity to Issei, they arrived at the cafeteria.

“Go sit at any table, I'll pick up something for both of us and we can start”

Nodding slightly, Issei walks to the table furthest away from the entrance and sits down, and after about five minutes, Xeron comes with two french patisseries for breakfast and a two cups of coffee for both of them.

Handing Issei his coffee and the patisserie, Xeron sits down in front of him and starts speaking.

“I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions, Issei-kun, may I?”

Xeron spoke politely while sipping his coffee with Issei nodding along while doing the same.

“Of course, teacher Xeron. Go ahead”

“Very well, then Issei-kun. Do you believe in the supernatural?”

The question certainly took the young man by surprise. He didn't expect this seemingly mature teacher to ask such a question all of a sudden, but he quickly composed himself and replied.

“Do you mean ghosts and such, teacher? I can't say I do. I've never seen one after all”

Xeron just chuckles while taking a bite of the croissant, and nods slightly.

“Right? You striked me as a sensible lad, so I wanted to check. But moving to the main reason I called you here, there something I must tell you”

Issei rolls his eyes at his teacher, while grumbling in his head. Who the hell pulls someone along for the sole reason of messing with them?

Xeron seems to have read his thoughts and laughs slightly, but he eventually starts speaking again.

“I must warn you of a future hurdle ahead of you, I have a feeling that your quiet life will have its ending soon”

And after saying that he stands up while speaking one last time.

“Young man, you'll have to make a choice soon, I shall wait and see what you have in store”

And without leaving Issei to speak further, Xeron leaves ahead of him. Forsaking the confused young man wondering what he meant.


[Issei POV]

Returning to the class, the words that teacher Xeron said kept popping in my head, and I can't shake the feeling of nervousness inside me.

‘A choice? My quiet life is ending? What did he mean?’

While I was lost I thought I felt someone approach me, and when I looked at them, I found a girl from our class walking silently towards me.

“I-Issei-kun w-would you p-please go on a date with me!”

....She confessed to me, but wait, I believe I have seen her before, her name should be Yuuma Amano.

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