The Abyssal Lord (DxD)


[Underworld - Pleasure Devils’ Territory - Lilith's Castle]

The castle of the mother of all devils, like it's underworld capital counterpart, is in fact quite a sight to behold.

Standing at an impressive height capable of easily dwarfing the entirety of the kingdom's structures as a whole, the castle is filled to the brim with extensive personnel, and they’re all wholeheartedly dedicated to their queen, and as such are now permanent residents at her castle.

The castle also serves as the center of the governing structure of the kingdom, so all important decisions that relate to the race as a whole must be brought personally to the queen herself. And as one might expect of the kingdom that houses the whole population of pleasure demons as a whole, it's quite a hassle to handle its affairs, especially if it's only one individual that does so.

Fortunately, Lilith wasn't alone, she had her son and daughter to help her manage their people's affair.

Yes, that's correct. Lilith does indeed have children, and quite capable ones at that.

Liam Morningstar, descendant of Lilith and Lucifer, is an incubus and the second strongest pleasure devil currently that ever lived. He manages external affairs, those that may concern defending the territory from external dangers, and also negotiations involving different factions.

Along with his sister, Lili Morningstar, a succubus and the third strongest pleasure devil, and like her brother, she also helps manage the kingdom, but unlike her brother, Lili manages the kingdom's internal affairs.

This has been going on for quite a long time, possibly for more than a 100 years or so since Lilith herself has left the kingdom in their care to handle the ‘small’ issue that her late husband has left her.

The siblings of course, had their own families and responsibilities themselves, and their mother's quick departure negatively reduced their own freedom by a lot, all in all, things were mostly peaceful, and the pleasure devils didn't face any major problems during their queen's absence.

But, as we all know, things haven't been so peaceful as may seem at first glance, and Lilith was being thrown from one hurdle to another, and after escaping the fate of being enslaved to a foreign entity along with the rest of her people at the wishes of her ex-husband. Ironically, she is now also enslaved, but to the big bad demon kind instead, and what a foolish decision that was.


In the castle's main bathroom, there sits Lilith, who have been leaving the kingdom's affairs to her children since her return from meeting the demon.

She's currently submerged underwater, with her divinely beautiful legs dangling of the side of the bathtub, she sits there thinking, contemplating about her life, or what would happen to it afterwards, when the demon who robbed her of her freedom eventually comes for her.

She felt it, the moment that jet black drop of blood entered her mouth she felt her soul being bound to another entity, it was like a something had crept it's way into her very core, and had taken a hold over her entire being, and there was nothing she could do about it.

But, she also felt herself getting stronger….Yes, stronger.

Her control over demonic energy got even more absurd than it already was, and her body felt like it was cast from divine metal, and quite honestly, she felt like she could take on her ex-husband and win! And he was known as the strongest devil to have ever existed!

*Tch* ‘Too bad that he's already Dead'

After shaking her head and clearing out the unpleasant thoughts, Lilith's thoughts thoughts drifted back again to her…..master.

Despite her immense dissatisfaction with the situation, she wouldn't deny it now, she was in fact his slave, she could feel it in her soul, he could literally glance her way and she would drop dead without any chance of retaliation on her part whatsoever. She was literally at his mercy.

But she didn't have a choice, and in her desperation, she choose to pick the evil she knew over the evil she didn't, it was in every being's nature to fear the unknown after all.

‘How stupid’


She thinks to herself as she rises from the water, as her black hair glistens and water drips down her perfect body and falls onto the ground.

If any male of any race would have seen this sight, they would've probably dropped dead on the spot, with a smile on their faces to boot, that's how beautiful the mother of devils truly is, even with the forwn that have been accompanying her for a while now.

‘I should probably go see Lili, I have been leaving her and her brother to manage the kingdom alone for a long time now'

She quickly conjures a spell to dry herself and another one to dress up in her fimiliar dress, along with her heels, then steps out of the bathroom and into the halls. Heading directly into the throne room.


The throne room, as the name suggests, was normally housing the rulers of the territory of pleasure devils, those being the royal family consisting of Lilith and her children, along with her children's sperate families.

Lilim, has a harem of six succubi wifes, each having birthed a single child, with the exception of the main wife, who have birthed twins.

Similarly, Lili also has a harem of husbands, four husbands in fact, but she only birthed four children so far, compared to her brother's own seven, as she didn't have too much time to spend with her family due to their unique ‘situation’ they found themselves in a couple of years back.

And as Lilith began to search for a way to rid herself and her people of the curse that Lucifer have bound them in, Lili and Lilim took complete charge of the kingdom and had no choice but to cut down on the time with their respective families in favor of running the nation that their mother have left in their care.

But that wasn't exactly that big of a problem, because despite not having the time to directly care for their families, the royal sibling pair still had time to meet them on occasion, and despite the children being diverse in ages, their  ages ranged between 200 and 20 years old, so all of them were quite mature and capable in their own right.

And while Lilith was thinking idly to herself as she continued walking, she was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts by the sounds of metal hitting the ground, along with a pair of voices shouting in reverence. So naturally, she turned her head to look at the source of the noise.

“Lady Lilith!!” x2

She's directly in front of her destination, and in front of said destination, is two guards who have dropped to their knees the moment they laid their eyes upon her.

Smiling lightly, Lilith gestures at the guards standing in front of the throne room to stand up and they immediately do so. Then, her ear immediately picked up the voice of her daughter, who sounded quite cold, followed by a shrill screaming voice of a man.

“For attempting leak confidential information and it being confirmed that you have collided with the terrorists in the recent attack, you are hereby sentenced to death along with your entire family, take him out of my sight!”


'It looks like there was a trail currently ongoing in the throne room’


“Search for all his relatives and execute them as well”

Lilith thought to herself as was about to step through the room's door, but she stopped when she heard an explosion, followed by eerie silence, that was itself silenced by the cold voice of her daughter.

“Yes your highness!!”

Lilith watched as a flurry of guards bolt out of the throne room, they didn't seem to notice her however, so thankfully, she was able to enter the room without too much fuss.

*Clank* *Clank*

The sounds of high heels clicking against the ground was heard across the now empty throne room, and Lili immediately raised her head and with a huge smile on her face, she rushed from her seat and into the embrace of her mother.


Lilith for her part, with incredibly pleased and accepted the hug from her daughter, who wasn't at all losing to her in attractiveness.

In fact, they both looked nearly identical, almost like they were twins instead of being a pair of mother and daughter, they had the same height too, but with Lilith towering slightly over her daughter by and inch or even less.

“Geez~ you aren't a kid anymore Lili, you should probably stop doing this everytime you see me”

Lilith patted her daughter's head gently, coupled with the gentle smile that she had made the scene truly resemble a reunion between a mother and her daughter, but sadly, the scene didn't last too much, and Lili soon lifted her head from her mother's embrace and looked solemnly at her face.

She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out, and after relieve washed over at the sight of her mother after she suddenly handed her children the throne and disappeard for several years, the happiness she felt was all but gone soon, and instead of it came worry and uncertainty.

Lili obviously wasn't stupid, she knew that her mother wouldn't do what she did without reason, and what reason it was to make her nearly abandon her people and her children for years, then suddenly come back without even a notice.

….But, Lili couldn't bring herself to ask her mother for the reason, she was hesitant, uncertain and most importantly afraid.

Lilith, seemed to have picked up on her daughter's worry, and was a gently sad smile, she decided she should finally inform her family of the ailment that her late husband have left them as a final farewell.

“Let's find your brother, there's something I must tell both of you”


[Unknown Location - Third Person POV]

“Get on with it!”



A tall man with a gruff sounding voice was suddenly heard in the normally silent halls, followed by a pained shrill scream, it wasn't pleasent to the ears or the eyes for that matter, but it didn't look like the man in priest clothes had any repulsion towards what he did.

Today, unlike all previous days, they didn't just serve her a piece of bread and leave her rot alone in her cell. No, they actually brought her out of her confinement and are taking her somewhere.

…Well ‘taking’ isn't the correct word to describe what was happening here, the correct word would be ‘dragging’.

Yes, he was literally chaining the poor girl and dragging her forcefully behind her as they head out through the halls to what looked like the main building.

And when they arrived, Asia finally got to see where they were, they were in a church, or more specifically, an abandoned church, and in front of the altar was a man she knew all too well, he was the man who brought her here in the first place.

He turned towards her direction when he heard the sounds of her chains clacking, and his stone cold face erupted into a sickening smile, as his voice laced with sarcasm made it's way into her ears.

“Ah! Little Asia, sorry for the poor hospitality these last few days, didn't have the time for trivial things you see~”

He smiled at her one last time, before he gestured for the human priest holding her to pull her closer, then he looked at the human facing him besides the altar and spoke commandingly.

“Yes! Sir Kokabiel!”

The human who was also similarly wearing priest clothes, but unlike the one holding Asia, he was visibly younger, with short white hair and red eyes.

Kokabiel, nodded dismissively and gestured for the young priest to stand up, which he did.

“Don't disappoint me Freed”

The young man, now known as Freed, stood up and nodded strongly to the fallen in front of him.

“I won't disappoint you Sir Kokabiel”

Kokabiel nodded again then looked back at the other priest, who by now had brought Asia to her knees in front of the altar, and as Kokabiel was about to extend her hand in her direction, he pushed them back and looked at Freed again.

“After the extraction, fall back to the base and wait further instructions, it's getting quite annoying with all the devils and the fallen snooping around in this damn town”

He visibly scowled while saying these words, but didn't do anything beyond being visibly annoyed, then he forced his anger down and looked down at the gagged and chained blonde girl that was kneeling in front of him.

“It would be awfully rude of me to not hear the last wishes of our precious young maiden, untie her gag and let her speak”

The priest that was still holding her chains quickly bowed in acknowledgment, and he proceeded to untie the cloth that was preventing Asia form speaking up until now, but not without a little warning.

“M-M-My h-hair please! It hurts!!”

“If you ever dare to speak carelessly to lord Kokabiel, you wouldn't even get to draw another breathe in this world. You hear me!”

Poor Asia nodded while tears were forming at the corner of her eyes, he was holding her by the hair after all, it was exceedingly painful for the young and shelterd Asia, coupled with the rough treatment and the harsh words…It was too much.

“Now Now, don't be rude to our guest, let her go so I can hear her speak would you”

The priest complies swiftly, and Asia was suddenly let go and fell straight to the ground, but she still rose again, and while kneeling, she looked up to her captor and asked weakly.


A single word question, it was a question that wasn't solely about her current situation, it was it was more about what have been happening to her in general.

It wasn't illogical that someone should have to undergo this amount of suffering, and she herself didn't find and answer to why he was being subjected to such gruelling circumstances, and when her tears ran dry on her face while she still couldn't find the answer, she ironically decided to ask her captor for an answer.

'You know why, stop searching for answers that don't exist'

….Again, the voice she kept hearing inside her head was speaking again, she thought she was imagining it at first, then she tried to ignore it and finally, here she is now, hearing it again as it speaks of something she clearly should know, but she didn't.

‘Stop deluding yourself Asia, we both know that what I speak is the truth'

….I…I…t-t's n-not.

“Why? You mean why you're here? I thought it should be obvious by now, but I guess most humans are still quite stupid in the end”

Kokabiel spoke again, snapping Asia back out of her daze as she looked at him as he fiddles with something in his hands, as he was doing something that's quite common and wasn't that big of a deal.

“I brought you here to extract ‘Twilight Healing’ form you, and give it to Freed here. A sacred gear of this caliper isn't something that should be left with a child like you after all”

'See~ I told you~ Turning your head away form the truth won't do you any good'

Asia didn't hear the voice in her head speak again, she was too busy thinking about what Kokabiel just said to her.

“B-But that's a g-gift form G-God, he won't stand by idly when you try to take it from me!”

And finally, she brought out her courage and yelled her words in the face of Kokabiel, who looked more amused with her words than anything.

And with a look of pure contempt and malice, he smiles while revealing a row of sharp teeth at her.

“Oh I assure you, my stupid father wouldn't be interrupting out little rendezvous here anytime soon, After all….”

His malicious smile widens bit by bit, and from it, Asia feels increasingly dreadful, it was like her entire body was warning her of what's to come.

“Dead men tell no tales”


Asia…..didn't speak, in fact she didn't do anything, she just kept staring at the ground without even moving, if not for Kokabiel sensing her heart beat himself, he would've thought that she had perished.

“Mmh? Wasn't the reaction I was hoping for, but no matter, let us proceed”


A loud explosion interrupted the silent atmosphere, followed by the ground shaking violently under their feet, it looked like there was a fight nearby.

Kokabiel immediately perked up and summoned all of his twenty four wings along with a blade made of light magic, but before he went to investigate what was happening, he looked at the two human priests accompanying him.

“Freed, gather your exorcist friend, you take Asia back to her cell and await further instructions”

“Yes sir!” x2 

Then he immediately rushed out of the window, shattering the glass and scattering it everywhere in the room followed closely by Freed, who rushed out form the room with a battle thirsty grin on his face.

The sounds of explosions was still heard all over the church, and the priest accompanying Asia was understandably distracted, but after getting a hold of his bearings he walked up to Asia again, who didn't even move form her kneeling position in front of the altar, even after all the commission.

“Get up! Let's get you back into the ce- AHHHHH!!”

He was about to grab her by the hair again, but was instead met with a piece of glass directly embedded in his hand.

“Y-You little!! AHHH!”

He didn't even get to scream for much, when she lunged at him with another piece of broken glass and thrusted it directly into his neck.


She stabbed him, and stabbed him again and again and again and again and again.

Until her hands was entirely coated in blood, and he long dead, only then did she notice, and she hurriedly searched in his robes for the key to her chains.

She soon found it, and after prying it from his corpse, she fled the scene, but in the direction opposite from the sound of the large explosion she just heard.


[Pleasure Devils Territory]

Inside Lilith's private chambers, currently sits three individuals opposite of each other. One man and two women, or more accurately, one incubus and two succubi.

They were obviously Lilith and her two children…But there was something wrong about the situation, and what would've been a happy family reunion was soon turned into a serious discussion, as Lilith just dropped the bomb on her children as she waited for them to react.

“....Why didn't you tell us of this sooner mother?”

As expected, it was her son who spoke first, but as Lilith was about to say something in return, she felt something inside of her soul.

‘He’ was coming

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