The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

A Destined Meeting

[Underworld - Pleasure Devils' Territory]

“Lilim, Lili. my son and daughter….I know that I should have told you sooner, but please, before he comes here, promise me that you won't act foolish, please”

The mother of all devils, and one of the strongest devils to ever exist was pleading her children….and the reason? It was someone they never even heard about before even during the eyes they years they walked this earth, which weren't few by any means.

The scene she described, these so-called ‘primals’ did they even exist? They both thought to themselves, and they were ultimately somewhat correct.

That's of course natural, how can a being so powerful and omnipotent suddenly appear out of thin air?! And yet she claims that there are more of them, and this ‘Xeron’ is even stronger than them all?

She claims that she combated this ‘Primal’ here in the capital, but they didn't even feel that! How can a battle of this scale even be hidden?!


Lilim's handsome face was scrunched and his mood visibly soured, he didn't believe what his mother was saying, and more importantly, couldn't stand his mother's show of weakness.

But before he could do or say anything foolish, his sister Lili cut him off and finally spoke for the first time since the small family's reunion.

“....Mother, we want to believe you, we really do,  but it's obviously not something we can just do, when you claim that there are beings above the entire supernatural's comprehension”

Lilith, for her part, looked a little pained, as any mother would naturally do when her flesh and blood immediately doubt her words without even considering them, but after letting out a long exhausted sigh, she stood up and grasped both of her children's hands, and stared at them in the eyes with the utmost serious look she could muster.

“I know what I'm saying is….surprising, but it's not untrue. And I also know that you both, as my husband's blood, may be too prideful for your own good, but you have to understand, these beings….they aren't something that you can just oppose”

Lilim wanted to doubt his mother, he wanted to stare her back in the eyes and say that her words are false…but he couldn't.

His mother is a lot of things, but she isn't stupid, and coupled with the fact that he knows she wants the best for them. He stayed silent.

Lili was also the same, she couldn't continue to doubt her mother, not after the amount of sincerity in her mother's voice, coupled with the look in her eyes finally made the siblings pair relent, and it appears that it was just in time too.



“What was that!?”

Because for the first time since the great war…there's a dragon present in the underworld.


[Kuoh Town - Random Abandoned House]


The sun rays shone through the house's broken windows and illuminated the previously pitch black residence.

And while usually the light shining into a place first thing in the morning would be a good thing, in this case it isn't, because well...let's just say that the state of this building wasn't particularly pleasant.


The ‘house’ had it's roof half collapsed, it was pitch black from the inside, most likely due to having been burned down long ago, and the walls were nearly all collapsed with the house being just barely able to stand.

It wasn't a pleasant environment to be in and certainly not one for a young girl in her teenage years.

'Wake Up Asia!’

“W-What?.....W-Where am I?”

As the sleeping beauty startles awake, her once golden blonde hair now dirtied and out of shape, her once beautiful fair skin, now full of cuts and bruises and her complexion looked pale and shriveled due to not eating properly.

“W-What happe- Guh!”

She didn't get to finish her sentence when suddenly, an intense pain assaulted her head, and with it came back her memories. Memories of the previous night, memories of the angel telling her that her god is d-dead and lastly memories of her k-killing somebody…with her own h-hands. The feeling is still fresh inside her mind…she stabbed his hands…and then took the chance and stabbed him in the heart…until he died.

‘W-What did I do! I...I k-k-k-killed him!’

She instantly crouched into the ground while shivering as she held her head down, she was devastated.

Her lifetime of faith turned out pointless...Her entire life, she prayed and prayed hoping for her god to look upon her favorably but he didn't. She didn't falter however, foolishly believing that her god just wanted her to pray to him more often, to devote her life just a little bit more, and that she did. And when the days didn't look upon her favorably, as they always did, in her darkest of hours, she hoped that her god would save her, she devoted her entire life for him, so all she wanted was for him to help her once! Just once!....But even then, all she was met with was silence….and her lifetime of devotion turned out to be nothing but a sick joke….. because her entire life was being devoted to a dead man.

'T-That's r-right!! I wasn't in control at the time!! S-So t-that means, this is a dream!! Yes!! H-He can't be dead….I didn't kill anyone…this is just a dream!!’

She let go of her head, her beautiful green eyes that were once full of innocence and life, are now dull, filled with desperation and obsession.

“T-That’s r-right…..I’ll just lay down….close my eyes, open them again and everything will return to normal…..Yes! It has to be a dream!”

And she does exactly as she says, she slowly lays down on the cold hard floor and closes her eyes, and for a moment silence returns again, with the only sound that's being heard was the sound of the birds chirping on the trees surrounding the house.

And after a few minutes, she opens her eyes again, her pupils which for a few moments retained their usual hopeful glow, instantly trembled, as tears gathered around her eyes as she shot up again.

“N-No, this isn't…real”

She tries to close her eyes again and again, trying to look away from the reality of her situation…but every time she re-opens them, she's greeted by the familiar scene of the sun, shining brightly in the sky as if mocking her foolish attempts at deceiving herself.

“N-N-N-No! This isn't real!!! It isn't happening!!”

Saintess Asia, once a pure nun of the church, a pillar of strength to all those who have lost their ways, a symbol of purity and innocence to those who know her… now grabbing her hair like a madman and screeching from the top of her lungs, her once pure, soothing voice now became shrill and crackly, her peaceful and serene eyes are now bloodshot and empty.

She's, by all means of the word….fallen from grace.

And in her mindless denial, she frantically tried to search for a way out, a way to end the endless pain and suffering, a way to leave behind this cruel life of hers and to finally gain the happiness she always sought after….her mind reached a conclusion, as she layed her eyes on the bloodstained glass shard that was lying in the corner of the room.

Yes, it was the same glass shard she used to take the life of her captor…it was the first life she ever took, and now, she's going to take her second and last life.

Her own.

She gets up and approaches the shard, her body trembling but she suppressess it, she doesn't deserve to live, and even if she did, it'll only bring her endless suffering.

She picked it up and pointed it at her heart, she closed her eyes and was instinctively about to pray….but didn't….and that filled her with disgust, because even after all she's been thorough, and with all the things she knows, her first instinct is to pray, pray to a dead god.

She sighs lightly, to at least get the bad thoughts out of her head one last time, and looks at the shard again, now with a look of determination.

‘I guess this is it for me…..I'm sorry mother'

She slowly lowered the shard onto her body and as she was about to pierce her own heart….she heard that voice that's been with her for a while now.

‘You're really pathetic’

It wasn't the first time she heard this voice that was strangely sounding like her inside her head, and at first she thought that she was hallucinating, but hearing it now confirmed that it was not, and while someone may be concerned or maybe even terrified, she strangely wasn't.

Instead, she was furious.


[Pleasure Devils’ Territory]

A dragon roar, that's unmistakably a dragon roar.

It was something that deeply shook all devils present, and nearly all the population was gathered at the central square, armed with whatever they had, ready to defend their home.

But the more ancient devils were more wise, they knew that nearly all dragons were either dead, or sealed away. But judging by the roar they just heard, it wasn't some ordinary dragon….it was a powerful one, and that deeply terrified them.

And the most terrified was Lilith, who was standing at the center of it all, along with both her children, wearing full body armor and looking up to the sky

Don't get her wrong, Lilith wasn't afraid of dragons, she had no reason to be, especially when she even personally slayed a good few of the powerful lizards herself. 

…But this roar….she knew it…..she couldn't forget it, it was as if it just happened yesterday, when the devil troop that was under her lead engaged with the heavenly angels under Michael's lead.

It was an ordinary skirmish at first, a few soldiers lost here and there, but that wasn't something out of the ordinary, that's what she thought at the time….until two dragons, one red and one white, suddenly crashed near the battlefield and began fighting each other.

….The aftermath of their fight nearly wiped out her entire troop, Michael’s troop as well, it was an unprecedented massacre that shook the entire world and forced the three great factions to sign a temporary peace treaty to help combat the presence of the two heavenly dragons.

And they succeeded, with the entire might of the three great factions combined, they slew the heavenly dragons. She was there that day, and even helped restrain the red dragon of domination himself, as the entire army ganged up on him and slew him with the sheer numbers they provided.

He was dead, she saw it with her own eyes…But here it was, currently approaching her territory with a nasty smirk on it's bestial face.

She heard the rumors of course, she wasn't ignorant like her pair of children….she just didn't want to believe them.

The thoughts passed through her head, all while the Red Dragon of Domination, lands himself perfectly in the center of her city, not caring in the slightest to all the fearful stares that's being directed at him.

<A pleasure to meet you again, mother of devils>

His unnerving voice was soon heard, further confirming the situation and leaving Lilith and her people with no choice but to accept the situation.

“It's indeed a pleasure, don't you think, Lilith~”

A shiver runs down her entire spine, as she feels someone holding onto her from behind and hears his voice blowing gently besides her ear.

She instantly gains her bearings and snaps out of his grasp, and quickly turns around. Only to get another shill down her spine.

“Hello Lilith~”

Xeron Kezgenoth is finally here. 

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