The Abyssal Lord (DxD)


[Pleasure Devils’ Territory]


The second after Xeron's words were heard, and when all the devils present finally registered the presence besides their queen, the closet to her pointed the weapons they had in their grasp at the intruder, who despite the normally tense situation, had an eerily calm smile on his face.

But that's just the minority, the majority of devils however, were full focused on the dragon and nearly three quarters of the devils present had their weapons pointed at the dragon, whose size was about half their castle.

“Don't you dare move! Any rash movements and it'll be your death!!”

The incubus noticeably larger than the others, who's standing directly in front of Xeron, said in a loud voice, his spear pointed directly at Xeron's face, only a few inches away from him.

“You have illegally trespassed into the territory of queen Lilith, such an act is punishable by death”

He said with venom dripping from his voice, as he gestured for what looked like guards to come closer.

“I’ll take it from here general Kalin, you may be on standby with the rest of the royal guard”

A voice was suddenly heard from behind the incubus called Kalin, and from behind him steps out another incubus with a physique that doesn't lose to the general, dressed in royal attire and with a face that's said to marvel the most beautiful of gods, it was the prince of the pleasure devils, Lilim Morningstar himself.

He walked calmly towards Xeron, his face was cold as stone while his eyes never left the towering dragon, and when he was a few steps away from Xeron, he stopped in his tracks and turned his eyes to look at the man in front of him.

“I assume you are the one my mother calls ‘Xeron Kezgenoth’, correct?”

While speaking, Lilim's eyes examined Xeron's body from the ground up but didn't find anything worthwhile, the man looked and felt entirely human, he didn't have anything on him other than his suit, he didn't even have any devil or angelic auras in him, which was honestly puzzling, maybe he was a god?

'I don't sense any divine energy, I don't even sense mana….how strange'

Lilim's eyes darted back up to Xeron's face again, and he found that the man was still smiling, but the smile was being directed at him.

Lilim turned to look at who Xeron was looking at, and he found his mother, who was staring blankly at Xeron's smiling face, seemingly lost in thought.


Lili, having noticed her mother's situation, called out to her softly, and moments later, the mother of all devils shook her head a few times and looked back to her children in a daze.

“Is this the one called Xeron? The so-called ‘demon lord of despair'?” 

Lilim asked with obvious mockery, and pointed at Xeron while laughing lightly, but as he did so, he failed to notice his mother's growing look of panic and terror.

“My mother kept speaking about you being so powerful and terrorizing, but I seriously doubt that considering that you dared to barge into my territory in this manner”

Lilim turned towards the dragon, who had over thirty thousand incubi and succubi surrounding him from all sides, and sneered.

“And you've brought a talking lizard with you? I honestly thought we're doomed when I heard your roar, but now that you're here, I sense a pitifully low amount of mana Inside you, it doesn't even compare to a ten year old child!”

Lilim laughed out loud, along with the entire troop of royal guards that was surrounding him, he honestly found the situation funny, and couldn't hold it in anymore, but as the laughs got louder and louder, Xeron's smile got wider and wider and Lilith's grew more and more terrified.

Suddenly stopping his laughter, Lilim smiled condescendingly as he turned back to Xeron, his snow white row of sharp teeth fully revealed.

“Well, that is certainly entertaining, but I believe I've wasted enough of my time already”

He turned to look at the dragon, who didn't move until now, and was just staring back at Lilim with a dull look, and having interpreted that look as one of fear, Lilim's smile got even wider.

“The lizard shall be my new royal mount, and while it's brain isn't up to my standards, it's size shall make up for it to some extent”

The Prince then turned to his sister, who had been standing beside her mother since the start, and hadn't said a word but her mother's name since the demon and dragon duo arrived.

“My sister, would you like to have this pretender as a husband, he may be useless, but I believe his looks may suit your taste, I'll send him to your chambers after I ask him some questions”

Having been addressed directly, Lili's eyes shifted from her mother onto her brother, then to Xeron.

Like her brother, she didn't sense anything from him, not even mana, he truly looked and felt like a human, but if that's true, how did he get here?

“Who are you, and how did you get here human?”

She decided to ask, she didn't want to jump into conclusions like her brother after all, but all she got back was Xeron's flat smile.

“Dragon, why are you here? And why did you bring this human here with you?”

After getting no answer from the human, she decided to ask the dragon instead and her focus shifted to the crimson dragon as she asked him as well.

She got no response as well, safe for the dragon having greeted her mother when it arrived, he didn't do anything except for haze at the being that was currently addressing it.

'I heard him talk when he arrived here, so why doesn't he speak? Is he afraid of us?

She looked at the dragons’ face, his face was beastial, covered fully in crimson scales from top to bottom, with eyes too calm to be scared, so it shouldn't be a possibility.

'Then Why?’

“Enough of this farce. Guards! Lock the pretender in the castle's cells, and restrain the large lizard”

Lilim suddenly said in a commanding voice, then he issued his commands before turning around and waking back to the castle.

“Yes your Highness!!”

General Kalin was the first to move, he approached Xeron with his spear in hand and pointed it at his heart.

“You heard his Highness, now get moving!”

Xeron didn't budge, still smiling harmlessly, he shifted his gaze to Kalin and looked down at the spear aimed at his heart.

“Didn't you hear me! I said f-! AHH!!!”

The General let out a howl of pain, which didn't even last for a full second until he instantly dropped to the ground motionlessly…like a puppet that had it's strings cut off.

“General!! What did you do to h- AHHH!”

The scene repeated itself again, this time with the guard standing just behind the smiling Xeron.

“What's going on? What's the meaning of this?”

Lilim didn't even get to walk that far back, when he was suddenly startled by the cry of his most trusted subordinate, only to turn around to find him lying on the ground.

He was about to command all the guards to swarm the resisting worm, when suddenly the shrill shout of his own mother interrupted his train of thought.

“WAIT!! Please I beg of you! It wasn't their fault! I'll personally make sure that he knows his place I SWE-!!”

“Lilith~ Shut up”

Xeron's soothing voice was soon heard, shattering the deathly silence and bringing everyone present out of their shock.

And after hearing said voice, Lilith immediately fell silent and started shaking uncontrollably, there was no hint of the famous mother of all devils, and second devil to ever exist, she looked more like a terrified kitten than anything really.

Lilim's mind didn't immediately register what happened to his mother, he didn't even get enough time to do so, when Lilim suddenly found his vision suddenly turning blurry immediately followed by a terrible pain assaulting his senses and what felt like being slammed in the face with a ton of falling bricks.


…..And that's exactly what happened, not just once, twice or three times…, it was more brutal than that.

“That was quite the fun episode you did out there incubus, you certainly had me chuckling a few times on the inside with how hilarious you turned out to be”

The words spoken were overly friendly, Xeron spoke while smiling innocently, coupled with his smiling expression that made it seem like he was enjoying a movie with his friends.

….But if one were to take a look at the destruction he caused or the state of the prince of the pleasure devils at… wasn't a pretty sight.

“Wa-iit! Plea-s! I-m!!!”

“Mmm? What was that? Did you say anything?”

The ground was completely shattered 10 feet in every direction, and all the devils that were following their prince were either unconscious, or were thrown away by Xeron directly.

And in the middle of the carnage, Xeron was currently bashing Lilim's head into the ground repeatedly, and with a small smile on his face at that, but sadly, there wasn't anyone around to enjoy his handsome face.

Lilim, for his part, wasn't really to grasp what just happened, one moment he was looking down at this so-called demon, the next his head was on the ground, he tried to speak but the demon didn't listen, and eventually the second strongest pleasure devil alive was beaten until he's on the brink of death, with his handsome face fully disfigured and his skull nearly showing on parts of it.

“Aaah! That was fun!”

The demon let go of the prince, and stood up and stretched out his limps a little, not losing that innocent smile on his face, and not shying away from the torrent of devils heading towards him with bone-chilling glares.

“Don't you think so, Ddraig?”

The dragon saw all the devils that were glaring at him a few moments ago rushing at Xeron, and just shook his large head from side to side exparatedly, but still replied to his contractor.

<Sigh, During my early years, I was taught that playing with my food isn't very nice>

And to that, the demon smile changed, from the friendly and bright smile, into a bloodthirsty and cruel one.

“But it's quite fun, you sould try it sometime”

He then looked back to the thousands upon thousands of devils rushing at him from all directions and smiled again, which wasn't something very pleasent to see, even so for Ddraig who was supposed to be on the demon's side.


[Kuoh Town - Random Abandoned House]

‘You're really pathetic’


‘All your life you were nothing but a tool! They trapped in you in the church and isolated you from the world, all in the name of protection, but we both know that wasn't true!’

Sh-hut u-

‘They fed you the bare minimum! Used your scared gear day and night! Even cattle get to rest after a day of work, But it seems you aren't even fit to be one!’

“shut up…”

‘And when you refused to abide by their beliefs, and finally did something of your own accord in this miserable life yours, They cast you out! What a shocking revelation! And like the miserable wretch you are, with no place to call home and no-one to call family, you were thrown to the streets, and in a feeble attempt to hide her half-hearted regret, that bitch you call mother not only left you to rot, but also throw you into a deeper hell with her stupidity!’


‘How dare you throw the blame on me! Without me you'll be dead! Yes! I was the one that killed that fucking wannabe priest!! Do you know why? Because I know you can't do it you useless peice of shit!!’

“You made me kill! How can I take someone's life as if it wasn't of value!!! How can I look my mother in the eyes when I see her!! It's all your fault!!”

‘Wake the fuck up!! He would've killed you if you didn't do it first!! The god you're so afraid of is dead!! And you're continuing to be pathetic to the core!! I say you save everyone the trouble and just stap yourself in the heart and end this dumpster you call life already!!’

Asia didn't answer the screaming voice in her head, and silently lowered the glass shard she was holding in her hands further down towards her heart.

Her hands were cut from her unconsciously tightening her grip on the shard and blood was dripping down onto her upper body.

Her eyes were wollen from crying, her clothes were cut and battered, barely hiding anything her own body anymore, and due to having kept on without much food for a while, she shriveled and weak.

'Do it you coward!! Make your own damn choices for once!!’

She lowerd the shard until it was finally touching the center of her chest, her skin stung from the impact of having a sharp object digging directly at it.

She started pushing the shard further into her body, drawing more and more blood as it goes further and further in.

She began crying again, not from the pain that she's currently experiencing, but from the pain she feels deep inside.

Abandoned by her parents since she was a child, robbed of her freedom since she was but a clueless young child, was fed lies and deception, to not only keep her imprisoned, but to also keep her from knowing what freedom truly is.


She truly didn't know what happens means. So much so that when the word pops up in her head, the only memories that resurface were when she knew her mother, Griselda Quarta while…..still being imprisoned in the church.

The world denied her the right to feel happiness, and condemned her to suffer since the moment she was born, it continued to guide her fate into the depth of despair, and time and time again….Asia Argento was brought to her tears.

So, here and now, she decided to choose her own fate, to put an end to this cruel game that she was unwillingly thrust into. She chose to finally take her own life.

“I-I c-can't”

‘What? What do you mean you can't?! Do you intend to keep on living while wallowing in your tears!?!’

“I said I can't!! I don't want to die!!”

'Then let me do it!! I'll grant you the last bit of mercy in your life!! I thought for a while that you'll finally have the guts to do anything, but I guess I was being naïve!’

“I said NO!!”

Clutching the shard with one hand, Asia threw it from her hands across the room and into the wall with all the power she could muster, and upon impact it immediately shattered. Along with her final hope to be granted a merciful end.

“I Don't Want To Die!!”

Tears spilled from her eyes, as she slumped to the ground and fell unconscious.


…..And then stood up once more, sighing while being visibly annoyed, she started walking out of the house, her steps steady and her back straight.

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