The Ace Producer

Chapter 55

Chapter 54 – Oleander Tree

I don’t understand why Ye Zhen asked Ye Ning so well, Ah Ying said: “Where can he be this early in the morning, sleep on the bed!”

Ye Zhen said: “No, Ye Ning pulled Bai Qiutang into the arena, so it’s impossible for him not to be here at this time.”

Who is Ye Ning? He is a ruthless person who can keep his niece from the sidelines at his brother’s funeral. Ye Zhen would be the first to say that he signed Bai Qiutang just because he admired Bai Qiutang’s talent.

Don’t talk about the grievances between Bai Qiutang and Rong Chengyue, just say that he once said that he wanted Bai Qiutang to play the heroine of “President”. Like, there is no response, how is it possible?

Unless, this is what he preset, in order to attract everyone’s attention to Bai Qiutang…

Ye Zhen carefully recalled Ye Ning’s attitude from the beginning, and the conversation he had in the cemetery that day, and suddenly said: “Aying, you believe in Buddhism, do you know anything about Feng Shui? Ye Yi’s cemetery was Is it unreasonable to fence it up and build a small garden?”

Ye Yi’s small cemetery was actually bought in a large public cemetery in the suburbs. When Ye Zhen went to worship, she was only thinking about Ye Ning’s intention to find her, but she didn’t care – it’s so big Among the public cemeteries, it seems that only Ye Yi’s cemetery is surrounded by a garden within a garden.

“I don’t know about Feng Shui, but I do know about Uncle Ye’s cemetery,” Ah Ying said while driving, “Originally, the management of the cemetery didn’t allow it to be built like this. Everyone has forgotten that Uncle Ye is the movie star, so stop disturbing him, tear down the wall, and agree that it will take at most three years before the cemetery management will agree.”

The cemetery is far away in the suburbs, and there are not many people. I spent all my time building a garden, but it was only temporary…

Ye Ning’s crazy eyes when he mentioned Rong Chengyue that day kept flashing in front of Ye Zhen. In the cemetery, under the colorful Wanlian, the water tank planted with Wanlian was as big as half a person’s height, and the small one was as tall as half a person. The ones are like tea bowls, and the green oleander tree in front of the tomb.

Wait, oleander tree.

Although it is a common green plant, it is also one of the most poisonous plants in the world. A single leaf can kill a baby. The poisoning reaction is like a heart attack—

“Aying, turn around, let’s go to Ye Yi’s cemetery.”

“Ah, now?” Ah Ying looked at the rosy glow in the east. The sun has not yet risen, and the yang energy is so insufficient. The cemetery is just a civilized term. To put it bluntly, it is a cemetery. going?”

“Because of that wall, Ye Ning actually arranged it for Rong Chengyue.”

“Fucking—” Ah Ying slammed on the brakes, turned her head in horror, Ye Zhen continued: “And now, Ye Ning asked Bai Qiutang to lure everyone away. Tell me, what does he want to do?”

“Kill, kill?!”


Only in this way can we explain why Ye Ning never searched for evidence since he was sure that Rong Chengyue killed Ye Yi, because he never wanted to solve the problem through legal means, he just wanted to end Rong Chengyue’s life with his own hands.

And he gave himself a clue, let him go to Macau alone, take the video evidence to prove that it is false, and obey Ye Yi’s order to lure himself away, it is true.

She should have found out earlier, this uncle of hers is so paranoid and dangerous.

Ah Ying hugged the steering wheel tremblingly, and asked again for some reason: “Then what should we do now?”

Ye Zhen thought he didn’t understand, so she replied again: “Go to Ye Yi’s graveyard and stop Ye Ning.”

Who knows, Ah Ying still didn’t move after hearing this, and then wiped the sweat that was streaming down her face vigorously, and said: “Ye Zhen, just, just pretend that you didn’t guess this matter, let’s go back, okay?”

Ye Zhen raised her eyebrows.

“You, listen to my analysis.” Ah Ying turned around, held the back of the chair, licked her lips and said, “Ye Ning is crazy now, right? Let’s go, in case he kills us too, What about destroying corpses?

Even if he doesn’t kill us, but he has already killed Rong Chengyue, should we call the police? After all, he is also your uncle, and he killed your father to avenge your father…

If he hasn’t killed him yet, and you rescue Rong Chengyue, you still have to find a way to sue her, and Rong Chengyue and Rong Cheng’s family won’t be grateful to you at all. And you also heard just now, that brother Pai committed so many things and was sent to jail, didn’t he just take advantage of Rong Cheng’s family’s power to get it? Why did Bai Qiutang cooperate with Ye Ning, because she wanted revenge, she had no choice—”

“Pa—” Ye Zhen got out of the back seat, walked to the front and opened the driver’s door, and said, “If you are afraid, get out of the car, I will go by myself.”

“Ye Zhen, think again…”

“I understand what you said,” Ye Zhen smiled at him, “But as a human being, I will do the right thing, no matter what the road ahead is.”

After Ye Zhen finished speaking, seeing Ah Ying froze, she stretched out her hand to pull him out of the car, and she did not forget to pat him on the shoulder to assure him: “Go back, I won’t report to Director Chen.”

Ah Ying’s eyes turned red with just this one sentence.

Ye Zhen got into the driver’s seat, closed the door, fastened the safety seat, lowered her head and turned the car key, intending to drive away, but Ah Ying came in from the rear door and said, “I’ll go!”

Ye Zhen glanced at him from the rearview mirror: “?”

“When I was lazy in the past, Uncle Ye always told me that he would not report to my father,” Aying burst into tears and snot, “I didn’t protect him well, whew, I must To protect you!”

“…Then you sit still.” After Ye Zhen finished speaking, as soon as she stepped on the accelerator, the whole car rushed out at a completely different speed value just now, flying at low altitude.

Ah Ying was too scared to cry, and hugged herself tightly: “Xueba, how many yards did you drive? Don’t you think it’s too fast?”

“Fast?” Ye Zhen stepped on the accelerator again, “Theoretically, this Bentley can reach a speed of 340 kilometers per hour, and I only drove 200 kilometers per hour.”

“…” Well, as mortals, we don’t argue with Xueba.

Despite the solemn and almost cold atmosphere, the morning view of the cemetery is quite pleasant, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and there are large green areas.

At the end of the uphill road, Rong Chengyue’s car was parked at the entrance.

Ye Zhen got out of the car, and Ah Ying, who had vowed to protect her just now, hid in the back again, holding a steel pipe turned out of nowhere, tiptoeing, and especially devoted herself: “Shall we take a closer look at her car first?” ?”

Ye Zhen nodded her head, and the two slowly approached the car, looked around, but didn’t see anything.

Ah Ying breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Zhen said: “Let’s go directly to Ye Yi’s cemetery, I’ll go in first, you hide outside, and rush in if necessary.”

Ah Ying nodded vigorously: “Yeah!”

Probably because he felt that after the incident, there would be no chance to see Ye Zhen, Ye Ning gave all the keys to Ye Yi last time, including the gate of the cemetery. Ye Zhen brought them with her.

She walked to the gate of the cemetery, stopped, knocked lightly a few times, and immediately heard a woman’s muffled cry. The voice should be Rong Chengyue.

Fortunately, things didn’t reach the worst stage. Ye Ning hadn’t succeeded in committing the crime yet, and Rong Chengyue was still alive.

Ye Zhen didn’t open the door immediately, but said in a gentle voice: “Uncle, I’m Ye Zhen, I guessed your plan.”

The cemetery was silent, and even Rong Chengyue, who called for help just now, kept her mouth shut, for fear of being discovered and attracting Ye Zhen’s cooperation.

“I have a gift from my father. I want to show it to my uncle. Please read it before making a decision, is that okay?”

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