The Ace Producer

Chapter 56

Chapter 55 – She Doesn’T Deserve

No one in the cemetery responded.

The morning light is bright, the early birds are chirping in the woods, the wind blows through the iron gate, and the oleander tree beside the tombstone is blown. At this time, there are still scattered flowers on the branches.

Then Ye Zhen saw Ye Zhen’s figure from the gap in the iron door, he walked over slowly, paused on the other side of the iron door, seemed to observe the outside, then raised his hand to unlock, listened to the sound, The lock seems to be secured from the inside.

Luckily she didn’t try to open the door with the key.

According to Ye Ning’s way of doing things last time, I’m afraid it will be another test, so I don’t know for certain.

Ye Ning opened the door, and it could be seen that he had cleaned it up specially, his hair was not messed up, and he was wearing a light gray suit, which was very similar to the one in Ye Yi’s photo. Probably because of this, he didn’t look like he committed a crime at all. The murderer looks like a star who is about to walk on the red carpet.

As brothers, they are somewhat similar.

Before Ye Zhen could speak, he said first, “You really look like your father.”

Probably this is the fetters of blood.

Even the thoughts are the same.

Ye Zhen lowered her head, and took out from her pocket that old playing card that she had been carrying with her all the time, the standard big ghost head portrait had faded a bit, only the word “Ye Yi” still stood out.

She raised the card and said, “Did uncle see the video of me in Macau in the last two days?”

Naturally, I saw it, especially on the first day, which could be called the attention of the whole people. Ye Ning glanced at the cards in her hand and guessed: “Bet on blackjack taught you?”

“He taught me,” Ye Zhen said, “Of course, Dad taught me not to gamble, but to play cards. Sometimes we also play fighting landlords, cat fishing, or blackjack. Although he taught me, But like Go, I have always been better than him.”

Ye Ning nodded: “So, you want to tell me that you have won the hacker team’s bet and obtained Rong Chengyue’s surveillance video?”

“There was a small twist in the middle, but the video evidence was indeed obtained, and the fingerprints of the relevant personnel were obtained.” Ye Zhen paused and said, “We have all the evidence that we should have. If uncle is impatient, we can report the case now. , I hope uncle will not be impulsive.”

“Then you should know that Rong Chengyue really wants to kill brother.”


“I asked the police to do an autopsy, and it was true that my brother died of a sudden myocardial infarction.”

Ye Zhen opened her mouth: “… Then, Rong Chengyue falls under the crime of indirect intentional homicide.”

Ye Ning said: “She can also defend against the crime of negligent death.”

The crime of indirect intentional homicide is punished in the same way as the crime of intentional homicide, but it will be lighter, and life will not be used for life, and generally it will not exceed ten years.

If you find a good lawyer, you can successfully defend the crime of negligent death, and you can get a lighter sentence. Ye Zhen once saw a similar file, and the court only sentenced her to one year and six months.

Besides, Rong Chengyue has a good relative.

Compared with the crimes she committed, the price she might have to pay is so light, no wonder Rong Chengyueman doesn’t care, and even causes troubles all day long, thinking of beating him up.

“Do you know that my brother has a bad heart?”

“Sorry,” Ye Zhen said softly, “I didn’t know he had a bad heart, he never told me, and neither did my mother.”

“It’s natural that your mother didn’t know,” Ye Ning raised the corner of his mouth, with a hint of sarcasm, “It happened later, because of saving Rong Chengyue.”

“Save her?”

“Ten years ago, she insisted that she loved her brother and wanted to go to Rongyu because of her brother, but he ignored her. She jumped into the river and forced her to die. My brother had to go into the water in winter to save her, causing acute myocarditis and staying in the intensive care unit. It took a week, but my life was saved, but the doctor kept telling me to take care of it.”

It turns out there is such a thing.

“Rong Chengyue’en will avenge her revenge, seek money and kill her, so you say,” Ye Ning smiled again, coolly, with indifference to life and deep-seated hatred, “Should she die?”

Ye Zhen didn’t answer, but lowered her head, gently stroked the card and said, “What a coincidence, the card my father gave me has been with me for ten years, here it is.”

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and made a gesture of handing the cards to Ye Ning.

Ye Zhen avoided answering, which was expected by Ye Ning, but he didn’t understand why she kept showing him this card again and again, but after all, it was his brother’s relic, and it sounded like something that his niece cherished very much, so , he decided to take a look.

Since there was still a little distance between the two people, one standing inside the door and the other outside, Ye Ning moved half a step outside in order to receive the card.

Ye Zhen didn’t know if she was afraid of him, or out of precaution, she let go when he was about to take it. Ye Ning only felt that his hand slipped, and the cards flew out with the wind. He subconsciously rushed forward two steps, trying to catch the cards.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Zhen bent over and turned around, quickly changed places with Ye Ning, got into the door, turned around, locked the door, and leaned against the door to take a deep breath.

As a top student, Ye Zhen has always advocated relying on IQ to solve all problems, and she almost had to fight with others. She is not as calm as she looks, and her legs are a little weak.

Ah Ying, who was outside the door, was quite loyal, and ran out of the grove behind the cemetery with a steel pipe in her arms, and shouted at Ye Ning, “Don’t move, raise your hands!”

It’s a pity that Ye Ning ignored him, picked up the card slowly, and looked at it again and again, but didn’t find anything special about this card, so he held up the card through the crack of the door, gave Ye Zhen a questioning look, and said: “You didn’t just use it to fool me, did you?”

Ye Zhen originally wanted to ignore him and deal with the matter first, but she was afraid that he would hold back, so she turned her head to confirm that Rong Chengjue was knelt and tied in front of Ye Yi’s tomb. She was full of energy, but just closed her eyes and pretended to be dead , and the bowl of “green tea” in front of her was still full, she said: “Uncle, you misunderstood, I haven’t finished the story just now.

Dad taught me how to play cards, and taught me a lot of ways to play. Sometimes the “king” card of the big ghost is the biggest, and sometimes it is redundant. When it is useful, I am happy to get it, and when it is useless, I pick it up and throw it away.

Later, Dad gave this ‘king’ card and signed his name.

No matter what, he said, a king is a king.

We can’t treasure it just because we need it, and throw it aside if we don’t need it, and the law is the same.

The law is the law.

I think the saddest thing for Dad is not that we haven’t been able to avenge him, but that we have become murderers. “

After listening to what she said, Rong Chengyue, who was trying to narrow her sense of existence just now, seemed to come alive. She smiled involuntarily, twisted her body, her mouth was sealed, but she still uttered loudly, “Wow! Calling for help, it is better to say that she is ordering and threatening Ye Zhen.

Ugly, just like her soul.

Ye Ning also laughed on the other side of the door, laughing harder and harder, laughing backwards and forwards, then suddenly stopped, covered his face and said: “So he is dead, I remind him, warn him, he is still dead.” Looking up, sad without tears, “And you still won’t let me take revenge?”

“Uncle was joking,” Ye Zhen looked at Rong Chengyue with a calm expression and a hint of a smile, “People like Rong Chengyue won’t be taught a lesson, wouldn’t it be harmful to let them out?”

Rong Chengyue’s complacent look disappeared instantly, and she began to show a pitiful expression.

Bullying the good and fearing the evil, there really are such people in this world.

“I don’t want her to die because I don’t think she deserves it. Now that she is dead, she will gain the sympathy of others. The mistakes she made will be passed on from then on, and my father, who has always been famous, has been tied to her since then. In his mouth, it turned into a bizarre and absurd love-hate relationship.

So, how could uncle choose such a good day today in this beautiful place with beautiful scenery and let her die?

People who don’t know think she is willing to die for my father~

She obviously should pay the price.

I want everyone to know her true face, and I want her to return every bit of pain she inflicted on her father. For this reason, I am willing to meet gods and kill gods, and Buddhas kill Buddhas.

I also want her to spit out every penny she was greedy for. I want her to get retribution for every harmful thing she does, and every sufferer gets the comfort and compensation they deserve.

I still want more, how can I let her die so easily?

She doesn’t deserve it. “

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