The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 28

Chapter 27

Dai Su looked at Xia Shutong’s expression wrongly, squeezed his eyes, and said to himself: “Isn’t it? I’m still using their CP on the Internet, and I think it’s true when I look at it. Xiaoyun also told me not to always Scold Xiao Bian, their relationship…why is it so bad?”

Xia Shutong slumped his hands beside the table, and sighed: “You also scolded Bian Xin after I left?”

“That’s right. No…” Dai Su looked puzzled, “Actually, the little girl Bian Xin acted quite well. I thought she was good during the audition, but she just couldn’t get into the mood. How can this be? Of course I want to Give her a good spur, the little girl now lives too smoothly and needs to be spurred to grow.”

Dai Su was obviously about twenty-four or five years old, but he spoke in an old-fashioned way, as if he and the little girl he was talking about were not of the same generation.

Xia Shutong held his forehead and thought for a while: “…Then let’s not mention the relationship between Bian Xin and Yun Feiwu for now, just tell me, has Bian Xin behaved abnormally recently?”

Xia Shutong didn’t expect much at first, but Dai Su actually nodded after thinking about it.

“Yes.” Dai Su frowned, let out a sigh of relief, “Bian Xin sexually harassed me.”

“Huh?” Xia Shutong immediately looked up and stared at him.

“It’s just… the night before yesterday, that is, the night before Xiaoyun was injured, Xiaobian came to my room in the middle of the night in her pajamas, saying that she wanted me to read the script to her.”

Xia Shutong raised her eyebrows: “You let her in?”

“Of course not!” Dai Su shook his head vigorously, “I’m not stupid, I can see her intentions at a glance, my girlfriend told me time and time again before that the entertainment industry is chaotic, so I should be careful, but really After we met, I was still panicked. But I thought at the time that I couldn’t watch Bian Xin go astray. Even if I rejected her, what would happen if she found another director in the future? So I had to put her thoughts When it was broken, I took two stools and told her the script at the door of the room all night.”


Xia Shutong was glad that he was not drinking water, otherwise he would have sprayed Dai Su all over the face.

Qian Lingling, who was behind her, also turned around directly, hiding her deformed face from holding back her laughter.

Xia Shutong stood up, suppressed a smile, and patted Dai Su’s shoulder with a heavy face: “Director Dai, you have worked hard. Go rest, and I will talk to Bian Xin alone.”

After Dai Su left, Xia Shutong made a cup of tea, took a sip, but suddenly stopped and sighed.

For Bian Xin’s benefit, Dai Su told her the script all night, but in Bian Xin’s eyes, this incident was no different from humiliation. At this time, Xia Shutong was basically sure that Bian Xin broke the wire. First, she hated Yun Feiwu. Second, Dai Su’s “humiliation” to her at night was the fuse.

How could an idealist like Dai Su, who was devoted to art, know that Bian Xin was by no means the first time knocking on the director’s door. She had already fallen deeply into this muddy circle, and she could never get back out.

Xia Shutong knew Bian Xin’s company Xingyao. In the early years, Xingyao was indeed one of the largest companies in the industry. Even things like going to bed with him happened repeatedly, and there were even several incidents of entertainers jumping off buildings due to mental disorders. In Xingyao, there is no financial backer or backer behind them, and young artists can’t survive at all.

In recent years, companies such as Wutong have risen, and Xingyao has gradually declined. They have finally begun to rectify internally, but some artists have tasted the sweetness from the previous model. Backing, trying to use the unspoken rules to rise to the top. Xia Shutong speculated that Bian Xin belonged to this group of people.

It’s just that in the past, she chose not to tell the truth, as long as Bian Xin was not involved in the crew, she would turn a blind eye, but now…

Since Yun Feiwu is involved, Xin, must, must, get out.

While waiting for Bian Xin to come over, Xia Shutong suddenly remembered something, and turned to ask, “Xiaoqian, have you found any information about the paparazzi who surrounded Yunyinghou these days?”

“The studios of those people were found, but the employers paid anonymously. It will take a while to find out who they are…” Qian Lingling paused suddenly when she said this, “Mr. Xia, do you suspect that it is Bian Xin?” ?”

“Yes.” Xia Shutong nodded.

When Bian Xin arrived here, he happened to see Xia Shutong propping his chin with his fingers folded, with a smile in his eyes, talking to Qian Lingling.

It’s obviously a smile, but as always, it makes people feel chills.

Bian Xin lowered her eyes, sat opposite Xia Shutong, suppressed the fear in her heart and said, “President Xia, what do you want me to do?”

It is true that she did what happened to Wia, but at that time…she just wanted to let Yun Feiwu sprain her feet and vent her emotions. She didn’t expect that there would be such a long scrap iron rod standing in the pit.

Bian Xin was indeed shocked when he saw Yun Feiwu’s wound, but a steady stream of joy flooded in his heart, and when Xia Shutong came back, that joy turned into fear.

What if Xia Shutong finds out that she did it?

No, impossible! There was no surveillance on the set, and no one saw it at the time. As for the fingerprints… when the wire was disconnected, no one thought it would be artificial. The prop teacher touched it countless times. There is absolutely no way of finding out that she did it.

“Miss Bian, don’t you need to ask knowingly?” Xia Shutong raised her eyebrows slightly, and there was a murderous intent in her almond eyes that should have been soft and restrained.

But the smile on his face not only didn’t go away, but even worse.

“Miss Bian, you are the one who messed with the wire, right?”

“I… I don’t understand…” Bian Xin lowered her head, her hands clenched in front of her body.

No matter how scared I am, I can’t admit it! Now Xia Shutong has definitely started the recording, as long as she doesn’t admit it, she has no evidence!

Xia Shutong stood up, put one hand on the table, and slowly leaned towards Bian Xin, and lifted Bian Xin’s chin with the other hand, taking a full view of the fear in her eyes.

Xia Shutong smiled lightly and said, “Let me guess, you and Yun Feiwu debuted at the same time, but she has been better than you since she was a child, even if she entered a small company, she has the same resources as you, so you have always hated her, right? “

Bian Xin’s upper and lower jaws were almost trembling, she was forced to look up into Xia Shutong’s eyes, and shook her head with difficulty.

Xia Shutong shook off her chin with a smile, sat back to her original position, raised her chin slightly and continued: “Besides, Yun Feiwu has always been clean and tidy, but you have been in the quagmire for a long time. You can’t extricate yourself—oh, you don’t even have the idea of getting out. This is one of the reasons why you are jealous of Yun Feiwu, isn’t it?”

Bian Xin bit her lip, still shaking her head.

“Then, in the crew, Director Dai behaved completely differently in front of you and Yun Feiwu, so not only did you hate Yun Feiwu, but you also wanted to use unspoken rules to take the position and get Director Dai into your hands. Unexpectedly, he not only I looked down on you, and even humiliated you severely.” Xia Shutong chuckled for a while, and then continued slowly, “So, this is the last straw that made you decide to do something to Yun Feiwu Lead丨Fire丨cable, right?”

Bian Xin suddenly stood up from her seat and shook her head desperately: “Mr. Xia, what are you talking about! How could I, I didn’t! Yunyun and I have known each other for a long time. I have always envied Yunyun’s talent, but I never thought about it. to kill her…”

Xia Shutong’s eyes turned cold.

Bian Xin’s reaction said it all.

“Miss Bian, I have another question.” Xia Shutong said lightly, “You hired the paparazzi on the day the machine was turned on, right?”

“I…” Bian Xin froze for a moment, then shook his head severely, “I didn’t!”

She never expected that Xia Shutong would suspect her!

Bian Xin’s purpose at the time was very simple. She just hoped that Xia Shutong would be late for a while, so that the media’s eyes would naturally fall on her, and they might even report negative news about Yun Feiwu playing big names…

But on the day the machine was turned on, she and Yun Feiwu didn’t seem to have any problems on the surface, how could Xia Shutong think of her?

Xia Shutong sighed inwardly, and she was just asking casually, but she didn’t expect Bian Xin’s psychological endurance to be so poor.

Although Bian Xin was denying it, “I did it” was written all over his face.

“Miss Bian, you are an actor after all, why are you acting so exaggerated? It’s too fake.” Xia Shutong’s voice was very weak, “Okay, Bian Xin, we’ll stop here today. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon. There are still four hours before dark, I want you to get out of your city before dark, no problem?”

She walked up to Bian Xin step by step, and put her palm on her shoulder, “Bian Xin, don’t worry, I don’t have evidence and I won’t call the police, but… since you did it, you should pay for your actions, you said right?”

“I, I really didn’t…Mr. Xia, you believe me…” Bian Xin’s voice suddenly became crying, she grabbed Xia Shutong’s hand, and begged.

Xia Shutong shook off her hand, this time, instead of touching her shoulder, the palm landed on her cheek.

“Papa” twice.

Not heavy, but especially clear.

“Miss Bian.” Xia Shutong smiled, “Go away now.”

After Bian Xin slipped out of the room like fleeing, Qian Lingling skillfully handed over a wet tissue.

After Xia Shutong wiped her hands, she sat back to the seat just now with her legs crossed, and chuckled: “Xiaoqian, contact Wutong’s public relations department.”

She said that Bian Xin will pay the price for her actions, but the price is not as simple as being kicked out of the crew.

Immediately Xia Shutong picked up the phone and sent a message to Dai Su: [Director Dai, the second female lead in “Chasing the Light” has been replaced, and I have to trouble you to audition again. 】

Fortunately, so far Bian Xin hasn’t had many scenes, so he can’t delay too much time.


Bian Xin almost returned to Haicheng apartment from Guicheng with her tail between her legs in desperation.

“Bian Bian, do you want me to stay with you?” the little assistant looked at Bian Xin, who was obviously holding back his anger, and asked in a low voice.

Bian Xin was aggrieved all the way, now returned to his familiar environment, and looked at the cowardly appearance of the little assistant, all the anger poured out instantly: “No need, get out!”

Yes, if it wasn’t for the fact that the assistant wouldn’t please her and make her feel bad when she was on the set, how could she do that kind of thing in anger! If the little assistant could be smarter, see her thoughts, comfort her and persuade her, how could she…?

Bian Xin’s expression was almost distorted, and he didn’t notice at all how unreasonable his thoughts of blaming others were.

The door slammed shut.

When Bian Xin walked to the sofa, she slammed her fist several times like a lunatic, until her hair was completely messed up, and she slumped on the sofa powerlessly.

It took a long time before Bian Xin turned on the phone, and all kinds of news flooded in.

Many colleagues sent messages asking her what happened.

Bian Xin shrugged his shoulders and nose indignantly, opened Weibo, and sure enough, he saw the word “explosion” followed by #bianxin毛云飞雨医院# on the trending search.

Click in, it is the draft issued by each marketing account.

The general content is the same: Xiaohua Dan Bianxin was jealous of Yun Feiwu’s good acting skills, and out of resentment, she tampered with Wia, causing Yun Feiwu to be hospitalized. Unexpectedly, she was found out by the crew, so she was kicked out of the crew.

In one of the articles, the editor of the marketing account also added a sentence very meanly: “The editor really felt the nebula cp before~ I didn’t expect Bian Xin to be this kind of person. He really knows people and faces but doesn’t know his heart. The editor will never Dare to mess around with CP~”

There were also several comments from CP fans in the back: [I was really blind to think that Bian Xin and Yun Zai Zai were a couple, and they went over the brazier, vomit! 】

Bian Xin was so angry that her body trembled and her hands and feet were cold, and she almost threw the phone out.

If it weren’t for the company’s popularity, how could she have formed some cp, and she was almost dead. And when the CP was fired back then, Yunfeiwu Company didn’t object, so why are they pulling her out to whip the corpse now?

Bian Xin held back his breath and continued to browse Weibo, and sure enough, he soon found the clarification from his own company.

“Our artiste Bian Xin left the group due to illness, and Bian Xin has no contact with Wutong Films artist Yun Feiwu outside of work. I hope you don’t spread rumors or believe rumors.”

The comments below this Weibo, the first few paintings are very “normal”:

[Thanks to the company for helping to clarify! Take good care of your body! 】

[Tsk, my family is so gentle, yet it is slandered as a murderer who hurts others. Does the marketing account have any heart? I hope the company will take good care of my Bian Bian and prevent Bian Bian from being hurt again. 】

[What about the crew’s clarification? The **** crew wants to rely on us to stir up the heat? 】

Oh, that’s right, there is no evidence, what can Wutong Pictures do with her?

However, if you look further down, the comments are completely wrong. Obviously, the company can’t suppress the reviews.

[That’s it, that’s it? It’s already 0202, so it’s clarified that we don’t need official seal documents, right? No, no, no, no, no, no? 】

[Where is Bian Xin confused? It’s okay if we move our cubs and slip away? We want her to declare it herself! Apologize! 】

[I used my goddess to stir up CP popularity before, the speed of turning my face and denying people is really fast, vomit…]


Finally, Bian Xin couldn’t bear it anymore and slammed the phone to the side.

However, as soon as he fell out, the phone screen lit up.

Bian Xin slammed down the sofa again, picked up the phone after a while, and connected to the manager’s call: “Hello?”

“Bian Xin, tell me, I managed to get you a chance to make a movie, why did you do something like this?” The agent’s tone was obviously impatient, “The liquidated damages come directly from your salary. It’s buckled.”

“Liquidated damages? What liquidated damages?” Bian Xin spoke quickly, “It was the crew who broke the contract and kicked me out. They should be the ones who should pay the liquidated damages!”

Manager: “Come on, Wutong’s legal department has sent the video over, saying that if we refuse to pay, we will publish the video, and you will die without knowing how to die.”

Hearing the word video, Bian Xin’s pupils dilated suddenly, and a few traces of cold sweat ooze from his forehead.

“Video? How is it possible… No one was there at the time, no one saw me move the wire…”

The manager over there was still rambling: “Yes, the video, you are wearing pajamas in the middle of the night to find someone else Dai Dao, the hotel has surveillance… Wait, Bian Xin, what did you say?!”

“I, I didn’t!” Bian Xin realized that he had slipped his tongue, and his voice became sharper, “Miss Zhang, you believe me, I didn’t do anything.”

But the more she said this, the more it seemed that there was no silver three hundred taels here.

The manager’s voice suddenly became irritable: “Bian Xin! You really did Yun Feiwu’s matter? You’re out of your mind! I said what’s going on in the marketing account tonight… Yun Feiwu is from Wutong now. , is Xia Shutong’s entertainer! You may not know that Xia Shutong is a lunatic, if you messed with her, can you still hang out in the circle?”

After the agent scolded her for several times, Bian Xin finally panicked: “Sister Zhang, I didn’t mean it, I just wanted to teach Yun Feiwu a lesson at the beginning… I didn’t know she would get hurt, and Mr. Xia is still like this.” Caring about her. I, I really didn’t mean it, Sister Zhang, you believe me. “

“Besides, our company is not bad, why is it not as good as Wutong? Sister Zhang, you will definitely help me, right?”

The agent sighed sarcastically: “Have you become used to climbing high branches, so you can’t see anything anymore?”

“Bian Xin, be more sober, Xingyao is no longer what it used to be. Going against Wutong for you is like setting yourself on fire! Why is Wutong holding Yun Feiwu? It’s because he has good acting skills, many works, and is young. You just got the Best Actress? But what about you? What works do you have that can be sold? How many years can the traffic you are proud of last?”

“It’s not that the company told me to take the traffic route!” Bian Xin stood up and almost shouted, “I wanted to transform early in the morning!”

“You? Transformation? Bian Xin, you think I don’t know. You are eating what’s in the pot and looking at what’s in the bowl. While you can’t let go of the money you earn from traffic, you secretly slept with countless investors, and at the same time you want to leave. Acting route, blockbuster movies. You said that the company hindered you, so let me ask you, did the company get you the audition opportunity for “Follow the Light”? But what did you do? What did you say, ah?!”

“Bian Xin, let me remind you for the last time. Your previous messy company has been cleaned up. This time, you don’t want to drag the company into trouble!”

“Di, di…” The phone hung up unexpectedly.

Bian Xin stood on the spot panting continuously, his eyes were bloodshot, looking horrible and pitiful.

Soon, the phone screen lit up again, and the manager sent a text message:

[You take a good rest during this time, see a psychiatrist and take medicine when you have time, don’t think about crooked ways. 】

Bian Xin pinched the phone tightly, his eyes were almost bleeding.

She typed word by word in the dialog box: [Take nm’s medicine, I’m not sick]

Furious at the incompetence of the text message interface for a long time, Bian Xin finally did not dare to send the message. After all, the company just wants her to rest for a period of time now, but if she messes with her manager and gets hidden in the snow, then the loss outweighs the gain…

Before Bian Xin fully recovered from the rage, the phone rang again.

Bian Xin glanced at the notes, and rolled her eyes angrily: “Mom? Borrowing money again?”

The speaker on the other side of the phone was noisy, and as soon as Bian Xin finished speaking, he heard the scolding from his parents at the same time:

“What’s your tone? You’re a girl, shouldn’t you give your money to your family?”

“Have you acted in a few TV series and really think you’re a star? Oh my, you were born in our family, and died as a ghost of our family. No matter how glamorous you look, you can’t even compare to those real rich girls!”

Then came the younger brother’s voice: “Dad, Mom, why are you telling her to do that, just ask for money. If she doesn’t give it, we will go to the TV station and sue her, saying that she has no conscience and doesn’t care about the life and death of her family!”

Bian Xin finally couldn’t help it, hung up the phone with a snap, and threw the phone to the ground.

The screen of the mobile phone shattered immediately, and the world became much cleaner.

Bian Xin sat back on the sofa and turned on the TV casually, but the front page of the set-top box happened to be a poster of “Flying Apsaras”.

Yun Feiwu’s delicate and flawless face took up more than half of the screen.

Bian Xin pressed to turn off the TV, then threw the remote control away, covering her forehead with both hands frantically.

Cloud is not fog, cloud is not fog, cloud is not fog, cloud is not fog, it is her again!

It was because of herself that she was scolded and humiliated by Dai Su that she was kicked out of the crew!

Why! How could Yun Feiwu have such a good life? Even though they debuted at the same time, Yun Feiwu could have a smooth journey, but she was about to go through all these shameful things?

And she remembered that Yun Feiwu’s family background was the same as hers, they were daughters who were not valued, and they both had a younger brother, but why was Yun Feiwu free from family troubles?

Yes, why?


Bian Xin raised his head slowly, the corner of his mouth suddenly curled up, and there was a smile in his madman’s eyes.

After negotiating with the PR department, it was almost midnight.

When Xia Shutong returned to the hotel room, she saw that the lights in Yun Feiwu’s room had been turned off. After thinking about it, she still didn’t knock on the door to disturb her.

“Mr. Xia.” Before entering the room, Qian Lingling suddenly called out to her, “Do you want to go back to your house on the outskirts of the city to rest tonight?”

“No need, it’s already very late, and I have to audition for the new female number two tomorrow. The time is too tight.” Xia Shutong thought, “Tomorrow…no, let’s move in the day after tomorrow.”

Yun Feiwu’s injury is not serious, and she should be able to go to the ground the day after tomorrow. While she is still in pain, he should stay with her on the set.

Wutong Pictures was very efficient, and early the next morning, several actresses came to interview.

This time, in addition to their acting skills, Xia Shutong also had a certain amount of research on their characters. Another group of people came in the afternoon, and the casting was not finalized until after nine o’clock in the evening.

When Xia Shutong returned to the room, he took another look at the door of Yun Feiwu’s room. There was a warm yellow light in the crack of the door.

Yun Feiwu doesn’t seem to be asleep yet, but if you talk to her now, isn’t it too late…

Xia Shutong walked to Yun Feiwu’s door, and the knocking hand froze in midair.

At this moment, the door creaked open.

Yun Feiwu stood by the door, leaning his shoulder against the wall, tilting his head slightly: “Mr. Xia?”

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