The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 29

Chapter 28

Yun Feiwu was wearing pajamas, her long hair was naturally draped behind her, a little messy, and there were also confused light spots in her gray eyes, as if she had just woken up.

Xia Shutong subconsciously took a step back, calmed down quickly, and nodded: “I said before, I want to have a good chat with you…”

“Oh…” Yun Feiwu thought for a while before making a “please” gesture, “Mr. Xiao Xia, please come in.”

Xia Shutong hesitated for a moment, then asked concerned: “Empress Yunying, are your legs better?”

“Well, it doesn’t hurt anymore.” Yun Feiwu smiled lightly, “Thank you Xiao Xia for your concern.”

The voice was curved again.

Xia Shutong followed Yun Feiwu into the room and sat on her bed again, only to realize that something was wrong.

Especially after Yun Feiwu took the pajamas that Xia Shutong wore last time very naturally, Xia Shutong’s palms became even more nervous and sweaty.

— No, just chat, what are you doing with your pajamas?

“Yun…Empress Yunying, I just want to talk to you… That is, the thing you said you wanted to chase after me…” Xia Shutong shrank back to the bed.

But Yun Feiwu leaned towards her, and stroked her neck with his fingers: “Does Xiaoxia always want to reject me?”

Xia Shutong felt numb and itchy in her neck, so she flinched and nodded unconsciously.

The light in Yun Feiwu’s eyes immediately dimmed. She lowered her head and her shoulders slumped pitifully. Although she didn’t make a sound, it gave people the feeling that she would cry aggrievedly in the next second.

Xia Shutong hurriedly rubbed her head with her hand: “No, no, that’s not what I meant…I just think…our current situation is quite complicated, so that’s why we have to talk about it, right?”

Yun Feiwu nodded lightly with his lowered head: “En.”

Then she raised her head, sat up a little bit, and slowly rubbed her cheek against Xia Shutong’s palm.

Xia Shutong wanted to withdraw her hand, but Yun Feiwu grabbed her wrist, and she had to let Yun Feiwu’s cheek gently rub against her palm.

The tips of the ears gradually turned red.

“Mr. Xia, it’s getting late now. Since you said you want to have a good chat, it must take a lot of time, so it’s better to change your clothes and wash up. Let’s sit on the bed and chat slowly. You say… right?”

The warm breath sprinkled on Xia Shutong’s wrist.

Yun Feiwu’s voice was low and hoarse, as if carrying some kind of magical power, Xia Shutong nodded unconsciously.

…Although I always feel that something is wrong, it seems that it is such a logic?

So Xia Shutong changed her pajamas in a daze, tidied up in a daze, and sat back on Yun Feiwu’s bed again in a daze.

But Yun Feiwu didn’t sit down, instead, he hooked his fingers at Xia Shutong by the sofa beside him.

Xia Shutong swallowed, tucked her fingers behind her back, and walked over anyway.

“The Queen of Shadows…?”

There was a bottle of red wine on the small table in front of the sofa, and the goblet beside it was already half filled with wine.

Yun Feiwu pushed the wine glass in front of Xia Shutong, and the red wine swayed in the glass, lightly reflecting the warm yellow light, giving it an ambiguous psychedelic luster.

“Xiao Xia can always chat while drinking, so as not to be too nervous.”

“I, I, I’m not nervous!” Xia Shutong exclaimed.

She finally knew what was wrong! Ever since she walked into this room tonight, Yun Feiwu’s every move was clearly written—she was seducing her.

Why do you want to listen to her have a good chat? It’s completely a pretense!

Yun Feiwu had no intention of talking to her at all…

She, she, even wondered if there was something weird added to the wine.

The question is, now that the pajamas have been changed, can they still slip away?

Xia Shutong glanced guiltily in the direction of the balcony door. If I remember correctly, when I went out this morning, I didn’t seem to have locked the balcony door.

It seems to be able to.

While Xia Shutong was in a daze, Yun Feiwu’s fingers touched her shoulder.

Very light, very light, more like teasing than touching.

“Mr. Xia?” Yun Feiwu’s face was getting closer and closer.

Xia Shutong finally came to his senses, jumped up from the sofa, and ran to the balcony: “After Yun Yunying, let’s not stop chatting, see you next time…”

It’s safer to chat next time during the day!

After Xia Shutong returned to her room, she immediately sent a message to Qian Lingling: [Xiaoqian, pack up and move, now. 】

Looking at Yun Feiwu just like that, the leg injury should be almost healed, and if he stays in the hotel any longer, he will be eaten up and wiped out in a daze, and then we can talk about it! Raw rice is cooked into rice!

But Xia Shutong felt dizzy again that he didn’t seem to hate Yun Feiwu’s liking for her.

Even… a little heartbroken.

It’s just that reason tells her that she can’t accept it blindly.

She couldn’t remember everything about the past, and she even knew what kind of person she was in the past from other people’s mouths. That’s why she thought, seriously, talk to Yun Feiwu.

After Xia Shutong escaped, not only did Yun Feiwu not feel disappointed, but instead he frowned happily.

She didn’t want to hear words like “I’ve lost my memory, you like me in the past, and I’m different now…” from Xia Shutong.

She wanted to try to evoke Xia Shutong’s past memories little by little.

After today, Xia Shutong should move back to the house in the suburbs of Guicheng, right? Then the things in the room…should also be discovered soon.

Thinking of this, Yun Feiwu quickened his pace, threw himself on the bed and rolled a few times.

I just don’t know what kind of actions Xia Shutong will make after this.

avoid her? Or talk to her seriously again? Even panicked and wanted a divorce?

But no matter what, Yun Feiwu would no longer feel flustered and scared.

Because she believed that, no matter what, Xia Shutong would never leave her.

She just needs to get closer to Xia Shutong little by little, little by little, until the two hearts are getting closer and closer, and can no longer be separated.

It was already late when Xia Shutong got home, but she still couldn’t sleep.

It’s not that she admits to the bed, but…after she puts on her pajamas, she always recalls the delicate touch of Yun Feiwu’s fingers brushing her shoulders, and Yun Feiwu’s hoarse and seductive voice.

Then my face turned red unsatisfactorily, my mind was like fireworks, and I didn’t feel sleepy at all.

In the middle of the night, Xia Shutong wrapped herself in a coat, and after wandering around the huge villa like a headless fly, she still couldn’t fall asleep, so she sat on the balcony of the bedroom and blew the wind for a while, her slightly hot cheeks finally Cool down.

I don’t know why, but the villa she bought in Guicheng is a duplex rather than a detached one. The balcony of the bedroom is just connected to the next door, and there is only a small locked door in between.

The greening of the community is very good. Even at night, if you look around, you can still see the warm lights shining in the densely packed groves, which is warm and tranquil.

Xia Shutong squinted her eyes and lay down on the chair with a little enjoyment. She vaguely remembered that she used to like sitting here very much.

Especially on winter nights, let the nanny auntie warm a pot of rice wine, sit on the recliner with the warm wine cup in her arms, and when the cold wind blows, she can drink a sip of wine to warm her stomach and drive away the cold, which is very comfortable.

At that time, the groves in the community were usually covered with a layer of snow, and the doors of every house were lit with warm lights, and she sat on the balcony, holding wine, waiting for her return on a snowy night, with a whole heart All warm.

And the person she was waiting for always smiled at her downstairs, and walked into the villa next door to her house calmly, and only walked into her room from the balcony at night.

…wait? Xia Shutong suddenly opened her eyes, stood up, and looked in the direction of the balcony next door.

What did she just…remember? !

She seemed to remember that the villa next door was also hers. And she seems to be really… Jinwu Zangjiao, although I can’t remember the girl’s face clearly, but the feeling of waiting for someone just now is very real, as if she has experienced it thousands of times.

“I…” Xia Shutong wanted to swear, but in the end he only uttered one word trembling.

She walked slowly towards the small door between the balconies of the two houses, almost as soon as her fingers touched the door frame, she remembered the location of the key.

In the nightstand.

And it seemed that she vaguely remembered that there were other things in the bedside table.

Xia Shutong quickly retreated into the room.

Her bedside table has three layers, the first layer is open, and the second and third layers are locked.

Xia Shutong opened the cabinet on the first floor, and sure enough, she saw a bunch of keys inside.

She took it out tremblingly, looked at it for a while in the palm of her hand, and then picked out a small key.


The second shelf of the bedside table was open.

What caught Xia Shutong’s eyes was a red book.

marriage certificate.

Xia Shutong shook her hands, but she still took out the book unwillingly. She didn’t dare to be sure until she saw the three words shining brightly on it——

It’s a real marriage certificate!

Xia Shutong felt that his whole body was messed up, and his mind was even blank.

Who will put it! Marriage certificate! Put it in a province thousands of miles away from home!

Shouldn’t it be placed where you can see it at any time, so that you can rest assured? Or, how careless is this marriage, how invisible is the marriage partner, that they just throw the marriage certificate here?

Xia Shutong really didn’t understand her previous thoughts.

But she still reached out tremblingly and opened the marriage certificate.

At the same time, she closed her eyes, and the first figure that flashed in the darkness turned out to be Yun Feiwu.

A few seconds later, Xia Shutong took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and looked at the photo on the marriage certificate.

She shook her hand and almost dropped the marriage certificate on the ground.

In the photo, that pretty little girl who is slightly delicate, but has already shown her sharpness in her brows, who is it not Yun Feiwu?

Looking at the name again, the words Yun Feiwu and Xia Shutong are written clearly.

Thinking back to what Yun Feiwu said these days, Xia Shutong instantly felt unreal.

like her? chasing her? unfamiliar? barely see each other?

Oh, liar girl.

After being stunned for a long time, Xia Shutong looked at the wedding date again.

Three years ago, on August 12th, Yun Feiwu’s 20th birthday.

In other words… Yun Feiwu got a certificate with her on the first day she reached the legal age of marriage. And at that time, Yun Feiwu hadn’t graduated from university and was still a student, no wonder he was so pretty and immature in the photo.

So this marriage…was the former self forcing Yun Feiwu to get married?

In an instant, Xia Shutong had already imagined many, many plots comparable to the **** series.

What kind of domineering Mr. Xia, the golden house, forced the popular actress to marry him. Unexpectedly, the young actor had no deep experience in the world, and fell in love with her…


Xia Shutong let out a dismal moan from his throat.

Then she looked weakly at the third drawer, and picked up the key with dangling fingers.

I always feel that there is nothing good in it.

After opening the drawer, Xia Shutong’s expression became more rigid.

Inside was a box of finger cots, colorful and of various styles.

Xia Shutong reluctantly took out a box of finger cots, hoping to see words such as “medical use” on the small words of the introduction.

However, the clear and unambiguous few lines of small characters on it completely dispelled Xia Shutong’s last illusion.

Even, several beautiful images flashed in her mind unconsciously.

Just in this room, on this bed, and the clouds are not foggy…

Xia Shutong wanted to die already.

The consequence of the extreme confusion in the brain is that Xia Shutong didn’t notice at all that he didn’t close the door after he went back to the room just now, and he didn’t hear the approaching footsteps outside.

“Mr. Xia, I don’t think you fell asleep, I cooked you a bowl of soothing soup just now…”

Qian Lingling’s voice stopped abruptly.

The four eyes are facing each other.

The first thing Qian Lingling saw was that Xia Shutong wanted to cry but had no tears, no love in life, with a trace of panic in her bewilderment, a trace of fear in her panic, and a trace of bewildered expression in her fear.

Then, Qian Lingling looked down slowly.

She can clearly see the red book on Xia Shutong’s left hand and the **** fingertip on her right hand.

“Mr. Xia Xia Xia Xia…”

Qian Lingling was no less frightened than Xia Shutong, and she couldn’t even speak clearly.

Xia Shutong was almost so frightened that she dropped the things in her hands to the ground, but in the end she stabilized her slightly trembling hands, guilty of not daring to look at Qian Lingling’s face again.

She said with difficulty: “That…Xiaoqian…the rumor on the Internet that I am a treasure in a golden house…seems to be true…”

In the end, Qian Lingling took the cup and divided the Anshen Tang into two halves, and each of them drank a cup.

But no one can sleep.

So in the middle of the night, the two of them sat on one end of the sofa and the other on the other end of the sofa, both of them lowered their heads and did not dare to look at each other, the scene was very awkward.

Xia Shutong felt guilty because, although Qian Lingling was only a few years younger than herself, the moment she saw the marriage certificate, she felt as if she had remarried without telling her daughter, only to be accidentally caught by her daughter.

It’s obviously not a big deal, but I just feel sorry for her.

Qian Lingling’s heart was also filled with turbulent waves, and it was only now that she finally calmed down.

She really couldn’t believe that Mr. Xia, who was usually cold and sexual in her eyes, actually got married without telling her, and had a young lover… No, since he is married, he is not considered a lover.

But she still finds it difficult to accept.

After the shock, Qian Lingling felt a little uncomfortable and aggrieved again.

She has never asked Mr. Xia about his life, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care.

Qian Lingling always thought that she was the closest person to Mr. Xia, but now she knew that Mr. Xia actually kept such important matters as marriage from her.

Qian Lingling was brought up by a single mother. Three years ago, her mother was seriously ill. Although Xiao Xia always helped her financially, her mother still couldn’t make it through. Since then, Qian Lingling has followed Mr. Xia almost inseparably, studying and working hard every day, hoping to help Mr. Xia.

At the beginning she didn’t understand anything and was obviously stupid, but Mr. Xia didn’t dislike her at all, he always protected her and taught her a lot.

Although Xiao Xia is not much older than her, in her heart, Xiao Xia is always like a mother, her only relative.

But now… Qian Lingling feels aggrieved by Mr. Xia as an outsider.


“Little Qian…” Seeing Qian Lingling lower her head and shed tears, Xia Shutong suddenly felt more guilty.

Qian Lingling herself has a cute little round face, she still looks like a child at the age of twenty-four, and when she cries, she is even more full of maternal love.

Xia Shutong approached weakly and handed over a piece of paper.

“It was my fault before. I shouldn’t have kept it from you Xiaoqian, don’t cry. I’m sorry.”

He patted her on the back tentatively.

After Qian Lingling stopped crying, Xia Shutong slowly shrank back to her original position, looking at her from afar.

Qian Lingling wiped her tears with a piece of paper while peeking at Mr. Xia’s face.

Xiao Xia always lost her memory, she couldn’t remember the past at all, and she was obviously frightened by the marriage certificate. But Xiao Xia always came to comfort her gently, and did not leave her alone.

But she herself is ignorant at all, she should help Mr. Xia analyze the situation and comfort Mr. Xia, but she is sad because of such insignificant things, which makes Mr. Xia feel sad too.

Actually…Xiao Xia always keeps her marriage a secret, so it’s not a big deal at all, is it?

Xiao Xia is always busy every day, and there are thousands of things to worry about, so what’s wrong with getting married? Moreover, Xiao Xia has always brought herself by her side and taught herself, which means that she did not treat herself as an outsider.

Besides Qian Lingling, Mr. Xia’s family also obviously didn’t know about the marriage. Thinking of this, Qian Lingling felt a little more balanced.

Maybe Xiao Xia was just waiting for the right time to tell her.

Qian Lingling thought back to her high school days, when she and her mother depended on each other for life, and her mother worked very hard every day to provide for her to go to school. She just hoped that her mother could live a good life and be with a good husband who loves his wife Marriage, even if you keep it from her, it doesn’t matter if you don’t tell her.

If it were for Mr. Xiao Xia, he should also hope that Xiao Xia would always be with the person he loves, instead of being sad because of this incident.

What’s the matter, he’s twenty-four or five years old, and he’s still as selfish and naive as a child.

Xia Shutong didn’t know what Qian Lingling was thinking, but she could feel that after Qian Lingling put down the tissue, the sad look on her face was gone, and the way she looked at her even felt a bit… self-blame?

“Xiaoqian…?” Xia Shutong tentatively called out.

“Well,” Qian Lingling nodded in response, “Mr. Xia, it was my fault just now. Don’t take it to heart. Your marriage is a happy event. I should be happy for you. I won’t be so ignorant in the future.”

Xia Shutong: “Um…huh???”

Children are really too sensible.

After being silent for a while, Qian Lingling said in a low voice, “Mr. Xia, what can you discuss with me… I, I might be able to make some suggestions.”

Qian Lingling put herself in her shoes and thought about it. If she lost her memory and suddenly found out that she had an extra husband, she would be terrified and didn’t know what to do. So Mr. Xia must be in need of help now.

Sure enough, Xia Shutong pursed her lips and tensed her body.

“Xiaoqian,” Xia Shutong paused, not knowing what to say to Qian Lingling for a while, and his hands were tightly clasped together.

Her mind was still in turmoil.

Xia Shutong still can’t believe that she has been married to Yun Feiwu for many years, and in the few episodes she vaguely remembers, it is definitely not as simple as Yun Feiwu’s unrequited love.

Although it’s shameful… But in my memory, she was the one biting the little girl.

Combined with his previous experiences, Xia Shutong always felt that Yun Feiwu was forced to marry him, and only later gradually fell in love with him…

So now, how should she face Yun Feiwu?

Do you want to tell Yun Feiwu about the discovery of the marriage certificate? How should I tell her? What to do after telling her?

Xia Shutong didn’t know what to do.

“I, I don’t know how to face her.” Xia Shutong murmured.

Qian Lingling looked at Mr. Xia’s confused look, couldn’t help but sighed, and asked softly: “Mr. Xia, it’s not convenient for you to tell me, who is your…wife?”

If she is not mistaken, the fingertips she saw just now should be his wife.

Xia Shutong sat up straight in an instant, pursed her lips and shook her head in a panic.

If Qian Lingling knew that that person was Yun Feiwu… Actually, it would be fine, even now, Xia Shutong was a little ashamed and couldn’t say it, so she shook her head reflexively.

“Mr. Xia, can you tell me how old she is, where she works, and have you met her? I can analyze it for you.” Qian Lingling guided.

“Hmm…” Xia Shutong thought for a while, “She…is a little girl younger than you, and she just, works in our company. We met before, but she never told me about our marriage.”

Qian Lingling frowned and thought for a while.

Just at the company? Younger than her? The little sister who joined the new media department last year is quite suitable. There is also the manager Chen Xiao from the publicity department. She is young but has a strong working ability. On a business trip to Guicheng.

As for Yun Feiwu… These three words flashed through Qian Lingling’s mind and were immediately ruled out.

Although Yun Feiwu was young, he couldn’t be compared to a little girl.

As for why President Xiao Xia’s wife had met President Xiao Xia, but she didn’t tell her about their marriage, it was probably because… President Xiao Xia had warned her before not to disclose the news of their hidden marriage.

Hey, why is it a warning? Qian Lingling blinked, and found that although she accepted the fact that President Xiao Xia was married, she subconsciously felt that President Xiao Xia would never love someone.

The author has something to say: the marriage certificate finally appeared

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