The Adventurer’s Academy

Rin, The Adventurer, Part Fifteen

The aftermath of the battle left the group reeling, their hearts heavy with the weight of loss. As they took stock of those they had lost, Alea found herself sitting apart from the others, her thoughts consumed by the memory of Carla's death, a stark reminder of her own failure to protect her classmate. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as John grieved for Carla, his shoulders hunched with the weight of his sorrow.

The image of Carla's final moments played back in Alea's mind, a haunting reminder of her own shortcomings.

[I should have been quicker. I thought I'd practiced enough. I... I thought I could hold my own.] She sighed, holding her head low. [I failed.] 

A bitter sense of self-recrimination gnawed at her, her thoughts consumed by what-ifs and regrets.

As Alea sat alone, her gaze fixed on the ground beneath her, she felt a presence approach, the soft sound of footsteps drawing nearer. Without looking up, she sensed someone standing beside her, their presence hovering in the air like a silent specter.

Lost in her thoughts, Alea was taken aback when Xhez approached her. 


Rin's "little sister" approached with a thoughtful expression. 

"Are you alright, Alea?" The girl's voice was gentle, her tone filled with concern as she spoke.

Alea's initial response was a sharp retort poised on the tip of her tongue.

She clenched her jaw, her muscles tense with frustration as she resisted the urge to lash out.

"What do you think?" she snapped, her words tinged with bitterness as she finally glanced up to meet Xhez's gaze.

But Xhez remained undeterred, her expression unchanged as she looked upon Alea with a mixture of sadness and understanding. 

For a moment, there was silence between them, the air heavy with unspoken tension

"I saw what happened," she said softly, her words carrying a weight of understanding. "Maybe if I'd been quicker with my vocal spell, perhaps nobody would have died."

Alea's breath caught in her throat, her heart heavy with guilt. She stared up at Xhez for a moment. The sincerity in her tone caught her off-guard. After a while, Alea sighed. 

"It's not your fault," she murmured finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's mine, solely. I should have been better."

Xhez nodded in understanding. 

"Perhaps, we both could have been," she said before walking away. 

Alea's eyes tracked her movement, her gaze locking coincidentally with Rin's across the clearing.

For a moment, their eyes met, a silent exchange passing between them before they both looked away, their thoughts consumed by the weight of their own burdens.


As the convoy of vehicles rumbled along the rugged terrain, Mr. Harlan and Mr. Thorton addressed the group, their voices projecting over the noise of the engines.

"We're almost there," Mr. Harlan announced, his tone tinged with excitement. "We're about to arrive at the ruin that we plan to renovate. This will be the site of our next major project."

Mr. Thorton nodded in agreement, his expression serious as he added:

"I promise, folks. The road we construct in the future will be a game-changer for the region. It will open up new opportunities for trade and commerce, bringing prosperity to everyone involved. For now, it'll only reach from Libera to this ruin. But, after some time, we hope to have finished a full path to Cardana." 

There was a palpable tension in the air as the group listened to their words, some exchanging nervous glances as they contemplated the challenges that lay ahead. The costs had already been so high.

But the concerns went unaddressed, overshadowed by the promise of progress and prosperity.

As the convoy cut through the dense forest, the sun began to sink beneath the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape. In the distance, the outline of the ruin loomed, its ancient walls standing as silent sentinels against the fading light.

Mr. Harlan called for the adventurers to gather, his voice cutting through the quiet anticipation that had settled over the group.

"We need to make sure the area is clear before we proceed," he explained, his gaze sweeping over the assembled adventurers. "I need volunteers to head in the ruin and scout ahead."

As Mr. Harlan finished speaking, Maria wasted no time stepping forward, her posture straight and her expression resolute.

"I'll go," she declared, her voice carrying across the clearing with authority. "And I'll take Alea and Rin with me."


Alea's eyebrows shot up in surprise, a mixture of apprehension and curiosity flickering in her eyes as she glanced at Maria.

"Um... Excuse me?" she blurted out, caught off guard by Maria's sudden decision.

Rin's gaze shifted between Maria and Alea, her expression unreadable as she waited for Maria to elaborate.

Maria turned to face them, her expression determined as she met their gazes with unwavering confidence.

"We need to make sure it's safe for the rest of you to proceed," she explained, her tone leaving no room for argument. "And I trust the two of you to have my back. Rin's flames work against any undead creatures we may come across, your magical prowess is great, and I can punch just about anything else. I think we make for a good unit."

Alea couldn't help but feel apprehensive. 

She looked over at Cara since she and Maria were so often at odds, but Cara showed no reaction. Maybe Maria had already told her that she had this in mind. 

"But Maria, are you sure?" she questioned, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "It could be dangerous out there."

Maria's expression softened slightly, a reassuring smile touching her lips as she placed a reassuring hand on Alea's shoulder.

"I'm sure," she replied firmly, her voice filled with conviction. "We can handle it. Together."

Alea glanced at Rin, silently seeking her opinion, as much as she found Rin annoying, but Rin merely nodded in agreement, her expression unreadable.

"... Fine," Alea conceded reluctantly, her initial hesitation melting away in the face of Maria's unwavering confidence. "We'll go with you."

With a sense of determination settling over them, Maria, Alea, and Rin prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, their resolve unshaken as they braced themselves for the task that awaited them.

But Maria met Alea's gaze with unwavering confidence, her expression resolute as she reassured her.

With a sense of determination settling over them, Maria, Alea, and Rin set off toward the ruin, their footsteps echoing in the gathering darkness as they braced themselves for the task that awaited them.

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