The Adventurer’s Academy

Rin, The Adventurer, Part Sixteen

As Alea, Maria, and Rin stood side by side at the entrance of the ancient ruin, Alea couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over her. The structure loomed before them like a fortress carved into the mountainside, its weathered stone walls hinting at a bygone era and a civilization long forgotten.

The architecture was unlike anything Alea had ever seen before, its intricate designs and ornate carvings speaking of a culture steeped in mystery and history. It was a stark contrast to the modern buildings of Libera, a testament to the rich tapestry of the world they inhabited.

Alea tossed a few glances Rin's way. 

[Hmph... just her presence is annoying.]

Before Alea could dwell on her thoughts any further, Maria's voice broke through the silence, pulling her back to the present moment.

"Alea, can you use Candlelight?" Maria asked, her voice steady as she gestured toward the darkness shrouding the interior of the ruin.

"O-Oh, right, my apologies." 

With a quick flick of her wrist, she conjured the Candlelight spell, a soft glow emanating from her outstretched hand. 

"Rin, you didn't leave Xhez behind, right?" 

"Nah, she's right here," Rin patted the pouch tied to her hip. "But, she's asleep right now. That vocal spell of hers really takes a toll on her energy." 

"Understandably so. It's quite powerful." 

[I can agree with that,] Alea thought. [I need to get stronger on my own. Someone who's not even a student from the academy is outperforming me as a mage.] 

Carla's face flashed in front of her mind. 

Alea's shoulders slumped. 

[Don't be sorry, Alea. Be better.] 

With the spell active, Maria led the way, her footsteps echoing against the stone floor as they ventured into the heart of the ruin. 

As Alea's eyes roamed the stone walls, she marveled at the intricate carvings that adorned them, each etching telling a story of a time long past.

The air was thick with dust, making it difficult to breathe, and despite the soft glow of the Candlelight spell she had cast, the path ahead remained shrouded in darkness.

Navigating the dimly lit corridors proved to be a challenge, each step fraught with uncertainty as they ventured deeper into the heart of the ruin.

Suddenly, before Alea could move any further, Rin's quick reflexes kicked in, her hand shooting out to grasp Alea's wrist in a firm grip.

"Stop!" Rin's voice was urgent, her eyes wide with alarm as she held Alea back.

Startled, Alea stumbled backward, Rin's right hand gripping her wrist, Alea's heart racing as she looked down to see the hidden pressure plate just inches from where her foot had been poised to step.

For a moment, Alea and Rin were locked in a tense silence. Alea's eyes were wide as she looked back at Rin's golden irises. 

Alea felt a rush of warmth spread through her cheeks.

"Th-thank you," Alea stammered as she struggled to find her composure.

Rin's expression softened, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips as she released Alea's wrist, her gaze lingering on her for a moment longer before turning back to the task at hand.

Maria, who had been observing the exchange with a smirk, stepped forward with a chuckle.

"Well, that was a close one," she remarked, her tone light-hearted as she motioned for them to continue. "Let's not keep the rest of the group waiting, shall we? Let's press on." 

With a nod of agreement, Alea followed Maria's lead, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment as they resumed their journey through the ancient ruin. 

Alea rubbed the spot that Rin had so harshly squeezed. 

[Callouses,] Alea noted. [I suppose she has been exercising quite a lot.] 

The group arrived at a set of weathered stone stairs leading deeper into the heart of the ruin, the path ahead marked by unlit torches and scattered remains of long-deceased adventurers.

Maria cast a wary glance around the dimly lit chamber, her expression grave as she surveyed the eerie surroundings.

"I hope whatever produced these skeletons is long gone by now," Maria remarked, her voice tinged with unease as she stepped forward cautiously.

As they pressed onward, their footsteps echoing off the ancient walls, the girls suddenly heard a muffled voice emanating from the water pouch Rin had tied to her hip.

"! Rin!" 

Startled, Rin loosened the top of the pouch, allowing Xhez to spring forth in a cascade of water, growing into her full size in a shimmering display of aquatic magic.

Alea couldn't help but gasp in surprise at Xhez's sudden appearance, her eyes widening as she took in the sight of the water spirit standing before them.

Maria and Rin both seemed rather used to this, though. 

Xhez's expression was grave as she surveyed their surroundings, her senses attuned to the darkness that permeated the air.

"I feel darkness all around us," Xhez murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she glanced around the chamber with a sense of foreboding. "Hidden enemies, maybe?" 

Maria's eyes narrowed in concern as she seemed to pick up on Xhez's unease, her mind racing to piece together the puzzle before them.

"No... The skeletons themselves are the enemies," Maria muttered, her voice tense as she turned to address the group. "Get ready to fight."

With a sense of urgency, Maria's stance shifted into one of readiness as she prepared looked down at the bodies on the floor with newfound hostility. 

Alea followed suit, preparing to cast her spells, the faint glow of Candlelight casting eerie shadows across the ancient walls.

Rin stood at the ready, her gaze focused and determined as she braced herself for the coming battle.

Without hesitation, Maria charged forward, her movements fluid and precise as she unleashed a barrage of lightning-fast strikes against the nearest skeleton.

With each punch and kick, she shattered bones and sent fragments scattering across the stone floor.

Rin activated that weird magic she'd used before without drawing any spellsigns, her limbs covered in white flames before she began her own assault. She moved with an agility that was certainly nowhere near Maria's equal, but still notably impressive, her body a blur of motion as she danced through the fray, dodging the swinging attacks of the skeletons with graceful ease.

With a series of powerful kicks and sweeps, she sent her opponents crashing to the ground, their bones splintering upon impact and disintegrating from her flames. 

Meanwhile, Alea and Xhez stood back-to-back, their hands alight with crackling energy as they unleashed powerful spells upon their foes.

Alea conjured bolts of lightning, sending them arcing through the air to strike down multiple skeletons at once while Xhez mainly used ice-based magic, producing frozen spears that skewered their opponents. 

All the while, Alea made sure to keep an eye on their frontline combatants. She wasn't about to let what happened to Carla happen again. 

The chamber echoed with the sounds of battle as the girls fought with all their strength. But as the fight raged on, the sheer number of skeletons began to take its toll, their relentless onslaught pushing the girls to their limits.

[It's like we're fighting a whole city of enemies,] Alea thought with gritted teeth. 

Fatigue gnawed at their muscles, and sweat beaded on their brows as they fought to maintain their ground against the tide of enemies.

Then, Maria stopped holding back. Moving like a bolt of lightning, she went from one skeleton to another, punching them into tiny bits and pieces. The speed on display was enough to make Alea freeze, her eyes widening. 

[Maria!] Her admiration pretty much doubled.

Before long, it was over.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, the girls stood victorious amidst the scattered remains of their fallen foes.

As the echoes of battle began to fade, Maria stepped forward, a proud smile gracing her features as she congratulated the girls on their performance.

"You all did well," she remarked, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "I saw how you handled yourselves out there."

Alea's cheeks flushed with pride at the praise.

"You did most of the fighting, Maria," she admitted, her voice tinged with self-deprecation.

Maria chuckled softly, shaking her head as she reassured Alea.

"I did my best to give you all a chance," she explained, her tone gentle but firm. "But I didn't want you to overexert yourselves. It's important to conserve your energy, especially in situations like this."

Alea nodded, taking Maria's words to heart as she filed them away for future reference.

Before she could respond, however, a low rumble echoed through the chamber, causing the girls to tense up instinctively.

Without warning, a colossal figure emerged from the darkness, its form towering over them like a mountain.

[... What?] Alea gawked at it. [This thing was a person once!?] 

It resembled a golem, its skeletal frame adorned with ancient runes and symbols.

Maria's eyes narrowed as she assessed the threat before them, her stance shifting into one of readiness.

"I'll handle this," she declared, her voice laced with determination.

But before she could even take a step forward, the golem-like skeleton unleashed a barrage of projectiles, each one striking with deadly accuracy.

Maria staggered back, a pained grunt escaping her lips as she was struck by one of the projectiles.

A dart of some sort. 

Maria paused.

The girls watched on, Alea's breath catching in her throat.

Then, Maria's eyes fluttered closed, and she collapsed to the ground. 


"She's still alive," Xhez made sure to point out. "I-I think she is simply unconscious!" 

"W-We have to keep it away from her!" Alea yelled out. "Don't let it hurt her!" 

With grim determination, Alea and Rin braced themselves for the coming battle. 

A battle they'd have to win on their own. 

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