The Adventurer’s Academy

Rin, The Adventurer, Part Four

Before heading out on the next mission, there was something Rin wanted to do. 

She wanted to see her mother again. 

"You've never been to Dren, have you?" Rin asked Sara, who was seated next to her. 

"No, I have not." The stoic warrior, elegant in her own way, crossed her legs under her black skirt just as the train got going. 

"It's nice." Rin looked out the window. "Cozy in a way that Libera and Cradle just aren't. By the way," she turned to her with a big smile, "I'm glad you finally took me up on my offer! I feel like I've been trying to get you to come with me for a whole year now!" 

Somewhat timidly, Sara's gaze was averted from her. 

"I... Felt as though I would be intruding," she whispered. Generally speaking, Sara had become far more outspoken. At least, around Rin. Every now and then, however, she would revert back to this form. Someone who spoke at a volume that was only barely audible. 

"You could never!" Rin responded, wrapping an arm around hers. Huddling a little closer, she added, "I love having you around." 

The way Sara's cheeks flushed was even cuter given the way she tried to maintain her emotionless exterior. 

"... I see." 

Xhez spoke up from the bag. 

"Can I come out?" 

Rin looked around. 

"Yep. The train's empty today. Go ahead." 

Slipping out of the bag, Xhez was soon out in her regular size, quickly casting her illusion just in case anyone popped up. 

"Had a good rest?" 

"I feel I have gotten used to human rest times by now," Xhez responded. "I do not know if that is a good thing, though." 

"If you feel like you need more energy, let me know." 

A voice on the new and refined microphone declared that the train would be departing in a moment. 

The train departed with a gentle sway, setting the rhythmic clatter in motion. Rin, Xhez, and Sara settled into their seats, gazing out of the windows as the landscape unfolded before them. The gentle hum of the Grand Railroad provided a soothing backdrop to their journey.

As the hours passed, the trio marveled at the changing scenery, from lush meadows to dense forests and quaint villages. The rhythmic motion of the train became a comforting melody, and soon, the midday sun cast its warm glow over the landscape.

Finally, the train pulled into Dren, Rin's hometown. The familiar sights of the bustling city greeted them, and Rin couldn't help but feel a surge of nostalgia.

"We're here," Rin exclaimed, excitement evident in her voice.

Sara leaned over to peer out of the window, taking in the sights.

"Looks lively." 

Rin grinned.

"Wait until you try the food. The food in Libera's got nothing on Dren." 

As the trio disembarked from the train, the vibrant energy of Dren enveloped them. Rin led the way, eager to show her friends the heart of her hometown. The bustling marketplace, the familiar streets, and the scent of various cuisines filled the air.

Rin was home. 


The lively sounds of music and laughter welcomed Rin, Xhez, and Sara as they entered a bustling plaza in the heart of Dren.

"Ohhh, I forgot! Today's a holiday!" Rin explained, a nostalgic glint in her eyes. 

"What's the occasion?" 

"Reinvigoration Day," Rin responded. "A day where everyone takes their troubles, their doubts, their worries and sets them aside temporarily." 

"I suppose that is a nice sentiment," Sara replied. "Though, are holidays not usually meant to celebrate things that are more... tangible?" 

"Well, sometimes stress can feel pretty damn tangible." In the center of the plaza, a crowd had formed, swaying to the rhythm of the music. The infectious beats urged Rin to pull Xhez and Sara closer. "Come on, let's join in the fun!" Rin exclaimed, a mischievous grin on her face.

Sara hesitated, glancing at the dancing crowd with uncertainty.

"I-I'm not much of a dancer..."

"No worries, I'll show you the ropes!" Rin assured her, grabbing Sara's hand and leading her to the center of the lively gathering.

Xhez, perched on Rin's shoulder, observed the dancers with curiosity. Her perfect memory quickly absorbed the intricate movements of the celebrants around them.

"I'm not sure about this," Sara admitted, her cheeks flushing.

Rin chuckled.

"Relax, Sara. It's all about having fun!"

The music intensified, and Rin began to move with the rhythm, her steps fluid and lively. Sara tentatively followed Rin's lead, gradually loosening up.

Xhez, however, surprised them both. With an almost unnatural grace, she replicated the dance moves flawlessly, surprising even herself.

"Wow, Xhez! You're a quick lear- oh, right," Rin laughed as she watched Xhez move. 

Her memory was, of course, perfect, but applying memory to physical movements could be tricky, even for Xhez. She was picking this dance up easily, though, moving her arms and swinging her hips with the grace of a local who'd been dancing for years. 

As the trio danced under the vibrant hues of the festival, the atmosphere became electric.

Laughter echoed through the air as Rin continued trying (and failing) to get Sara to join in. The setting sun cast a warm glow over the revelry.

Rin twirled and spun, her movements mirroring the joyous spirit of the festival.

In the midst of the celebration, Xhez, with her small form, moved gracefully to the music. Rin couldn't help but be entranced by the sprite's elegant motions. Their eyes met, and a shared understanding passed between them.

As the music reached a crescendo, Rin and Xhez found themselves in a brief pause.

The two of them smiled warmly at each other. Xhez looked so proud and Rin couldn't help but find that endearing. 

At that moment, surrounded by the whirlwind of colors and laughter, Xhez moved a little closer. 

She caught Rin off-guard.

The way Xhez puckered her lips, it was clear what she wanted.

[I... This is...]

It wasn't that Rin was against the idea, but this was very much not the place for it. Still, she wasn't about to push the girl away.

So, they shared a small, affectionate kiss.

Over the last year, she and Xhez had grown more comfortable with this. 

Rin caught Sara giving them an odd look. 

[PDA, I know. Sorry.] 

Then, she heard someone say: 

"Is that girl kissing her sister?" 

"They do look a little alike..." 

[Oh, crap. The illusion is based on me,] Rin remembered. [Uh...] 

"Okay, that was fun. Let's go!" 


The cozy living room of Rin's childhood home embraced warmth and memories. Rin sat across from her mother, Lyn, on a comfortable couch, while Xhez and Sara explored a collection of family photos on another.

"How's Jay doing?" Rin inquired, a genuine smile playing on her lips.

Lyn's eyes sparkled with affection as she spoke of her girlfriend.

"Oh, she's been wonderful, as usual. Always so caring and thoughtful. We're planning a little getaway next month."

"That sounds amazing," Rin replied with a smile. It was a little difficult to envision her old boss being like that but, well, Rin never dated her.

Rin's gaze drifted toward the photos of her childhood that adorned the walls.

"I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy."

"And how about you? How have you been? Is everything okay?"

Rin sighed softly, her gaze meeting her mother's concerned eyes.

"Well, uh... Going on actual missions has been a bit troublesome. But I promise, I'm doing okay. I've got good friends, and I'm training a lot. I think I'll be okay." 

Lyn reached across the space between them, her hand finding Rin's.

"I worry about you, you know? Ever since you left for the Adventurer's Academy, it's been a mix of pride and anxiety."

Rin gave her mother a reassuring smile.

"I know, Mom. But I'll do my best to take care of myself..." 

[As much as I can while I hunt down those bastards, anyway.] 

Lyn's worry softened into a tender smile.

"You've grown into such a remarkable young woman, Rin. I'm glad you've maintained your kindness. It's good that you're getting stronger," she poked Rin's biceps, "seeing the world... But, don't let your journey stain your heart." 

"I... won't." 

In truth, she couldn't say that it hadn't happened already. 

At that moment, Xhez and Sara joined them on the couch, flipping through old photo albums. The nostalgic pictures sparked laughter and shared stories.

As the evening continued, the four of them decided to catch a performance at the local theatre. The play unfolded before them, weaving tales of adventure and romance. After the final curtain fell, Rin, Xhez, and Sara stepped out into the crisp night air.

[We've got quite the trip ahead of us, don't we?[ Rin thought, looking at the star-studded sky. [I just hope I'm ready for it.] 

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