The Adventurer’s Academy

Rin, The Adventurer, Part Three


The atmosphere in the classroom was charged with anticipation as Rin and her classmates settled into their seats. Today was different.

Cara had an unusual aura about her. Her usually composed demeanor carried a hint of gravity.

"Good morning, everyone," Cara began, her gaze sweeping across the room. "Today, I have an announcement that concerns all of you. So, unfortunately, we're not going to be doing much zoology this time."

She paused, allowing the weight of her words to settle in. Rin, knowing what she was going to say, tapped her index finger against the chair excitedly. 

"We have received a mission request, and it's not like the usual tasks you've encountered so far. This mission comes from an individual named Jim Thornton, accompanied by Mr. Benjamin Harlan." Cara's eyes scanned the room, taking note of the various reactions from her students.

"The mission is to clear a path from Libera to Cardana. Now, I must stress that Cardana is an isolated city to the west, and we haven't heard from them in a while. The route passes through a region filled with ruins and monsters."

Cara's words hung in the air, and a murmur of curiosity and concern rippled through the room.

"This is a high-risk mission, and it's crucial to understand the dangers involved. The path needs clearing, and the fate of Cardana may rely on it. However, it's entirely voluntary, and I won't pressure anyone into taking it. You're adventurers, and your safety is paramount."

She let a moment of silence linger, allowing her students to absorb the gravity of the situation.

"If anyone wishes to volunteer or learn more about the mission, feel free to speak up. This mission is being offered to you all as well as to myself and Maria. Your voices matter." 

Cara's gaze lingered on Rin for a brief moment before she concluded the announcement. The weight of the decision now rested on the shoulders of the aspiring adventurers in the room.

Cara's announcement hung in the air, met with a mix of reactions from the students.

Alea raised an impatient hand.

"What's the pay? If it's risky, I want to know I'm getting something good out of it."

"The pay is substantial," Cara replied, nodding at Alea. "We're being offered four plats each." 

Rin's brows shot up to the ceiling. 

[Holy crap...] 

"Keep in mind," Cara quickly added as she saw how all the students suddenly only had money on their minds. "The pay is proportional to the danger we can expect. There's a chance we'll encounter Rank S monsters along the way." 

That lowered their energies significantly. 

"Understand? Good." 

The students each paused to consider their options. Finally, Seth scratched his head and said:

"I'm in." 

Rin glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. 

[That was quick.] 

Cara smiled.

"Your strength will undoubtedly be an asset. Just be cautious, Seth."

Then, Eve slowly raised her hand. 

"If we run into one of those Rank S monsters, I doubt I'll be of any use, but... if you all want to go, I'm willing to go too." 

"Your skill with Essence would be valuable," Cara reassured her.

Dylan gave a polite smile, his red eyes warmly fixed on Cara. 

"If I can help make things safer for everyone, I'd love to go," he spoke softly. 

Lisa was next to raise her hand but she hesitated, expressing her concern.

"I... I'm not very brave, but I want to help. Is there anything I can do?"

"Healers play a crucial role in any expedition," Cara reassured Lisa with a warm smile. "Your skills will be invaluable in ensuring everyone's well-being."

Carla and John muttered to each other, going over the mission quietly. Eventually, they arrived at some sort of conclusion. 

The extroverted girl then said: 

"We're in!" 

That left two classmates who hadn't given their responses yet.

Rin and Sara. 

"Sara?" Cara spoke up. "What do you think?" 

Calmly, with a tone like wine being poured into a glass, Sara responded:

"If Rin's goes, I'll go." 

Everyone stopped to look at her. 

Rin blushed a little. 

"... I'm not particularly interested otherwise," Sara soon added. 

"Well, Rin already told me ahead of time she wanted to go, so... I guess we're all on board. Good. Take the rest of the hour off, everyone. I'm going to do some research on the places will be passing through. I'll have a full list of monsters we might run into for you on Wednesday." 


The moon hung high in the midnight sky, casting a silvery glow over the city of Libera. The air was crisp, and a gentle breeze swept through the quiet streets. Rin navigated the familiar paths of the city, guided by the clandestine correspondence they had shared.

Arriving at the designated hidden spot, Rin knocked gently on the door leading out to this building's roof. 

"I'm here."

Hearing that, Rin opened the door, revealing Elisa, now adorned in a simple nightgown. A soft smile played on her lips as she gestured for Rin to come closer.

The secret meeting place was dimly lit by a few carefully placed candles, creating an intimate ambiance. The air carried a sense of secrecy, untouched by the prying eyes of the daytime.

The two friends settled into comfortable chairs beside a table, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows on their faces. Elisa poured a couple of cups of tea, its steam mingling with the chill of the night air.

"So, how's life been treating you?" Rin asked with a playful glint in her eyes.

Elisa's expression darkened, and she sighed heavily.

"Tolerable, at best. Marvain is as selfish and arrogant as ever. Sometimes, I wonder if this arranged marriage was a punishment."

"... That bad, huh?"

"Well, I'm risking it all with this affair for a reason, you know?" Elisa said, smirking in such a familiar way that almost made it feel like she and Rin were right back at the academy, sharing a room like they used to. "I'm nothing more than a trophy to him," Elisa confessed, her frustration evident. "Every day, I pat myself on the back for not strangling the man." 

Rin leaned forward, a sympathetic expression on her face.

"Well, you ask me and I could have Xhez do it for you! It would be the perfect crime! No one would ever suspect it." 

Elisa stifled a laugh. 

"Ah, moments like these do help, though... But, enough about me," Elisa said, crossing one leg over the other. "What's been going on with you? I hear you've been in and out of Libera a lot lately." 

Rin pulled back. 

"Do you have spies tailing me or something?" 

"Please," Elisa rolled her eyes with a little mirth. "You've shot up the ranks faster than any other student at the academy, Rin. You have eyes on you now, whether that was your intention or not. People want to hire you, as a trainer, as a bodyguard, and... Well, the fact that you're so gorgeous doesn't exactly help people keep their tongues in their mouths either." 

She shifted. 

"So, tell me. What's up?" 

Rin took a thoughtful sip of the tea she'd brought, her gaze briefly fixated on the swirling patterns of steam rising from the cup. The weight of recent events lingered in her mind, and she contemplated how much to share with Elisa.

"Yeah, it's been a rollercoaster," Rin admitted, her tone shifting to a more serious note. "I've been dealing with the Scorned. You know, ever since..."

"I know." Elisa nodded thoughtfully. 

"Well, they've still been causing havoc, kidnapping people, and I've had my fair share of run-ins with them."

"I don't mean to sound like I'm married to *you*, but Rin, I would appreciate it if you're a little more careful." 

Rin nodded appreciatively, acknowledging Elisa's genuine worry.

"I'm doing my best. But, aside from that, there's something bigger on the horizon. Maria and Cara were offered a mission. One that we're allowed to tag along on. It's no walk in the park. We're... We're heading to Cardana." 

Elisa's eyes widened. 

Elisa leaned forward, her curiosity piqued.

"Cardana? Why such a perilous journey?"

Rin sighed, her eyes reflecting determination.

"There are rumors of something happening there, something that could, and to be fair this is a very big 'could', be connected to the Scorned. I can't ignore it. So... I'll be going with them." 

"Is that right?" Elisa asked softly, staring up at the sky. 

The rooftop fell into a momentary silence, the weight of Rin's words settling between them. Elisa's expression shifted from concern to a quiet understanding, realizing the gravity of Rin's path.

"I may be caught up in this arranged mess," Elisa said, her gaze unwavering, "but I want you to promise me something, Rin." 


"Promise that you'll stay safe out there." Elisa's mask of confidence slipped for a moment, showing only pure worry. After a beat, it came back though. "I don't know what I'd do with myself if my mistress got herself killed out in the woods." 

Rin giggled, though she kept a serious tone as she said: 

"I promise, Elisa. I will." 

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