The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-10 The beast man’s slave.

Jaina felt bad for the nervous elf as Roric let them naked through town on his leash. She knew there were people here who had a grudge against Evalynn, and they would love to see her collared like this. No doubt, some of them took advantage of the dance a night ago and worked out their frustration on her body. It was such a shame that so beautiful an elf maiden found it hard to find love. She was absolutely gorgeous, with her delicate features and long golden hair. She had an innocent youthfulness to her face and knock-out curves that made you want to grab hold of those hips.

The poor woman wasn't being protected by one of Jaina's soothes or swimming in the high seas of arousal. Roric didn’t want Jaina helping her avoid the lessons by stripping away the fear. He wanted Evalynn to become comfortable on her own with nothing but the collar to shield her. She was acutely aware that she was naked in public, and people were appreciating the sight. Jaina wasn’t absolutely comfortable with it yet, but knowing that it made Roric happy helped ease her through the doubt. She held Evalynn’s hand the whole time and encouraged her to enjoy the tension as people looked at her body.

Roric took them to the shop where he got the first collar and ordered a second one for Evalynn. He then took them into the market to a shop he saw when he picked up the picnic treats. It was a store that sold magic items and was full of shelves lined with objects of every description. One wall was a massive cabinet full of colored bottles, some of which glowed. Some objects were spinning, bubbling, or just giving off a strange smoke adding to an air of mystery.

The woman behind the counter gawked when two naked women came in. She was a thin slip of a woman whose race appeared to be some kind of short elf. She wore a fancy blue robe with a wide-brimmed hat with a small round clock on the front.

“Can I help you?” the woman called and came running. “Maybe a magic robe or dress?”

“The girls are fine,” Roric said as he looked about the shop. The woman took a closer look at the two girls, noting the collar and leash.

“Oh, you poor things,” she said and gave Roric a frown he wholly ignored. When he went to move about the shop, she darted into his path and asked if there was anything specific he wanted.

“I have some money to spend,” Roric replied as she picked up an odd metal box. “I was looking for something that made travel easier for the girls.”

“Why don’t you try some clothes and maybe boots?” the woman said.

Roric gave her a glance as she held her ground, then set the box aside and went to pick up a strange wand with a chicken head carved at one end.

“Perhaps something to help carry equipment?” Roric asked with a raised brow.

“I have a few bags of deep pockets and a pack of a hundred spaces,” the woman replied with an annoyed tone.

“Hmm,” Roric said as he poked about and picked up a small glass object shaped like an acorn. “What is this?”

“A seed of translucence,” she replied. “You throw it at a forest, and you can see through the trees.”

“Ha,” Jaina laughed, causing the woman to turn to her.

“Aren't you upset that he's parading you around like this?” the woman asked.

“Why should I be?” Jaina asked. “I love to obey my master, and he likes his pets to be naked.”

“And what about you?” the woman asked as he turned on Evalynn.

Evalynn blushed and looked nervous, but she also said she wanted to please her master. The woman looked frustrated and turned back to Roric as he looked through a table of bags for the ones of deep pockets.

“It's the purple ones,” the woman cried as Roric picked up one with a funny green rope tying it.

“What is this one?” he asked.

“A collapsible shelter,” she replied with hands-on-hips.

“A what?” Roric asked and held up the hat-sized bag to look more closely. “What does it do?

“It folds out into a big tent,” the woman said and plucked it from his hand. “You can fold it back into a bag and take it with you to use anywhere it's needed.”

“How big a tent is it?” Roric asked as he eyed the bag.

“Too big for the likes of you,” the woman said. “Something like this has a pretty high price tag.”

“How high?” he demanded as he folded his arms.

“Six hundred gold,” the woman snapped and waved the bag at him. “I doubt you would have that much in a year.”

Jaina and Evalynn started to giggle as Roric took the comments stoically and asked her how big the tent was again.

“I will not waste my time telling you all about things you can't afford,” the woman replied.

“Excuse me, miss,” Jaina said to get her attention. “You may want to start explaining because Roric could easily afford two.”

The woman looked shocked as Roric picked up one of the purple bags and tossed it at her.

“I want that too,” he said and looked around a bit more.

“How could you have so much money at your level?” the woman said in disbelief, then took a second look at the two women. “Wait a minute. Are you the girls who have been dancing in that inn?”

“That’s us,” Jaina said with a smile as Evalynn blushed even more.

“You mean to tell me he exploits you?” the woman gasped.

“Now, you hold on,” Jaina snapped. “I came into this world specifically to be his pet. I wanted him to take me to places I was afraid to go, and I encouraged him at every step. Roric hasn't done anything but try to help me achieve my fantasies.”

“You actually wanted this life?” the woman said in surprise and looked at Evalynn.

“I want him to keep me,” Evalynn said. “I may not be as eager to push my limits as Jaina, but I know Roric will do his best to be good to us.”

“Are you done being judgemental?” Roric asked.

“Fine!” the woman cried. “That will be eight hundred gold.”

“I am going to have to work extra hard to make that up,” Jaina whispered to Evalynn as the woman giggled.

Roric refused to pay her until she explained the use of the tent. It was a simple process where you placed the bag on the ground and pulled the cord. As you pulled, the cord would get longer and longer as the tent folded out of the bag. Next, you tied off the rope-like any tent rope, and could use the tent. You untied the rope and let go when you wanted it to fold back up. It would all collapse back down on its own, returning to a simple bag. It had the added bonus that any items put inside the tent would fold up with it and be inside the bag. The next time it was unfolded, the items would be exactly where they were left.

Roric didn't carry eight hundred gold on him, so he bought the bag of deep pouches and went back to the inn. He stuffed the magic bag with the gold he needed and went back to buy the tent. Now with both items in hand, he began to peruse weapon shops looking for a new spear.

“Are you looking for a decent weapon?” Evalynn asked when she noticed him pick up his tenth spear.

“I am still using the starter one,” Roric admitted. “I think it’s time for an upgrade.”

“I know exactly where you can get a good weapon,” Evalynn said and pointed down the street. “There is a road that leads out of town and a big farm to one side. There is a blacksmith named Eric who specializes in pole weapons. That's where I got my magic glaive.”

Roric put the weapon back and asked Evalynn to lead the way. Jaina was proud of Evalynn, who was trying so hard not to notice the constant looks and even a few pointed fingers. She walked with purpose, eager to get out of town but slowed an hour later as the farm came into view.

“Is something wrong?” Jaina asked as they arrived at the road that would take them to the farm.

“I am known by people here,” Evalynn said nervously. “I feel embarrassed to let them see me naked.”

Jaina nodded and stopped her on the road. She understood that it was one thing to go naked before people who didn't know who you were. But once people with history were involved, things got complicated. Roric waited patiently as Jaina explained that she should try to think of it as a badge of honor. She was showing her friends how happy she was that she had a new master.

“I wouldn't exactly call them my friends,” Evalynn said and looked around. “The blacksmith has been rather lewd to me in the past. He always looks at me with a sick hunger.”

“Oh,” Jaina said and looked at Roric. “She doesn’t want to put herself in harm's way.”

“You know theirs a very good chance he was at the inn when she was dancing,” Roric said. “He might even have paid for a turn.”

Evalynn started to breathe heavily as she considered that possibility. Roric came to her side and pulled her into a warm embrace, cradling her head as he whispered.

“I won’t make you do this,” he said softly. “But if you can bring yourself to do it, you won’t ever be afraid of it again.”

“If I do this, will you be happy with me?” Evalynn asked.

“No, I will be proud of you,” Roric replied and then looked in her eyes. “But I won't be disappointed if you can't. Jaina and I played at this sort of thing for years before coming in here. She is far more prepared for these challenges than you are. I am more than willing to try and push your boundaries slower if you need it.”

Jaina watched Evalynn twist nervously and then looked at the farm as if considering an idea.

“I want to go naked,” Evalynn said. “You're right. He's probably already seen me and maybe even had his way with Jaina or me.” She turned to Roric and licked her lips nervously. “But I need you to order me to do it.”

“Then I order you to lead on,” Roric said and pointed to the farm.

Jaina came to Evalynn’s side and took her hand before telling her how proud she was.

“Am I doing the right thing?” Evalynn asked as they approached.

“Sweetheart, you are an amazing woman,” Jaina said. “And I told you that I couldn't do a lot of the things I did unless Roric told me to. I had to know I was doing it for him because that made my nervous tension an act of obedience.”

“Is that why I feel so strange inside?” Evalynn asked.

“That's why,” Jaina said. “You're nervous about what you're doing and excited because you're doing it for him. It's making you feel like he owns you and is helping put you in that slave space.”

“I do feel a little excited,” Evalynn replied. “It’s almost like the real thrill doesn’t come unless he challenges you.”

“Exactly,” Jaina said and swung her hand. “It’s all about finding those areas of your life you haven’t let go of yet, and then give them to him.”

“Just please hold my hand through this,” Evalynn said. “I know he’s going to be a huge jerk about this.”

Jaina agreed to hold her hand as they entered a farm compound consisting of one long building, a massive house, and several smaller workshops. They formed a ring around a central yard where several NPC laborers were busy with a hay cart. Evalynn led them to a workshop near the corner where a large chimney belched with fire and smoke.

Roric stopped Evalynn just outside and put his leash on her collar before entering with her in tow. Inside was a farm shop full of metal tools and equipment. The front had a few counters, but the entire back wall was dedicated to polearms, from spears to pikes. The forge wasn't to be seen, and Evalynn said it was in an open area out back where Eric could be found.

“Hello?” Roric called and headed for the door on the other side. Before he reached it, a voice called back that he was coming, and out came a tall man with dark gray skin and a bald head. He wore heavy leathers over his waist and arms, meant to protect him from the heat and embers of the forge. He was a broad man with a thick brow and arms like iron bars. He wore a sour expression that hinted of annoyance as he looked at Roric and followed the leash. His eyes went wide as Evalynn blushed a rosy red and looked away.

“Evalynn!” the man cried and hurried around the counter. “Where have you been? I must say you are looking more beautiful than ever.”

Jaina could see Evalynn was stunned by his reaction, and she stumbled on her words as she tried to say she had been with master Roric.

“Ah,” the man said and looked to her neck. “I see the collar now,” he replied. “I didn't really notice it that night, but, goodness, you were beautiful.”

“You saw me then?” Evalynn asked with wide eyes.

“Saw you? I threw a bloody fortune at that stage,” the man laughed and turned to Roric. “I have been after this one for over a year. How did you manage to collar her?”

“She challenged me to a duel,” Roric replied with a wry smile. “She lost and paid the price.”

“So that's all it took,” the man laughed and slapped Roric on the shoulder. “Well, good on you for making her take off that blasted armor. I have never seen her out of it. What a crime to hide such a vision of elvish beauty.”

“Are you sure he isn’t sweet on you?” Jaina whispered to the shocked Evalynn.

“He’s never been like this before,” Evalynn whispered back.

The man took one last look at her naked body and a moment more for Jaina's, then gave Roric his full attention.

“So, what can I do for you?”

“Evalynn speaks highly of your spears,” Roric said. “I am still using the starter weapon. I was looking for a good upgrade.”

“Do you want another spear, or are you looking for more of a polearm?” the man asked as he considered the little spear Roric currently had.

“I wouldn't mind a glaive like Evalynn has,” Roric said as the man nodded and took him to the wall. He took down a solid-looking weapon with a dark oaken shaft and a long metal blade at the end. It was a simple blade but finely polished and firmly attached.

“Ah, the glaive, like swinging a sword at the end of a pole,” the man said. “This one is good for about a level five. Only ten gold.”

“What have you got for a level ten?” Roric asked as she handed the weapon back.

“My apologies,” the man said and put the weapon back. Then, he took down another with a similar shaft and a much sturdier-looking head. It looked more like an exceptionally long spear point and had some metalwork to decorate the shaft.

“This one is the first of the magical ones. Nothing too fancy, just a simple bonus to armor penetration and damage, but a decent upgrade over that twig you have been swinging,” Eric said.

“How much?” Roric asked as he turned the weapon over in his hands.

“Sixty gold,” the man said and leaned on the counter. “And I guarantee those shafts won’t break. I have them enchanted with a harden wood spell. Strong as steel without the weight.”

Evalynn could see Roric was impressed with the weapon and was glad she had brought him here. She finally felt like she was being helpful, but the two men started to haggle, and it was clear Roric wasn't pleased. Eric refused to budge on the price, suggesting Roric buy the cheaper one if he was so strapped for cash. Then Roric glanced back at them, and Evalynn remembered Jain's story about her slave cuffs.

Her heart was already beating fast when that memory sent a cold chill up her spine. Just that morning, Jaina had recounted the story about how she sucked the shopkeeper for a discount. Now Roric was trying to make another purchase, and it only made sense that he would consider the same strategy. But who would he pick to do the task? Evalynn knew who Eric would want, and she began to clutch Jaina's hand firmly.

“What if I offer you something in trade?” Roric said.

Evalynn knew her fate was sealed the moment he said it. Sure enough, Roric tugged on her leash to make her step forward when Eric asked what he had to trade. She struggled to keep her hands from trembling as Roric bartered for forty gold and Eric offered fifty. It was all a matter of the price now, and her lips would soon be put to work.

Roric made the same ploy as he did for Jaina's slave cuffs. He put forty gold on the counter and offered the rest in an open hand. Eric could pick which was more important to him, and she wasn't surprised when he took the forty gold but left the rest with Roric.

“Get on your knees,” Roric commanded.

Evalynn obediently did as he said while her whole body began to tremble. Inside was a storm of fear battering at the walls of her desire to obey. She knew this was part of being his slave, especially after last night, and struggled to find peace. What was one blow job compared to what she had already done? Just thinking about it sent a strange excitement up her spine. It mingled with the fear and anticipation, becoming that mind-numbing mixture of arousal.

Eric was casting off his leather smock and protective sleeves as she waited to be presented with her task. The seconds seemed like hours until, at long last, Eric stood before her. The task purchased for twenty gold was directly in her face, and Evalynn looked up to see Eric watching with a smile.

Evalynn wanted to be afraid, but somehow this seemed almost a trivial task compared to the night before. She might not have Jaina's charms to give her false strength this time, but she had a clearer understanding of her purpose. She was Roric's sex slave, and he was testing her worth. Knowing that made the arousal and tension climb to intoxicating levels as the call to obey burned in her blood. Without waiting a moment longer, her full elvish lips parted and wrapped around Eric's warm flesh. A few seconds later, she was holding on to his legs as her head bobbed at a brisk pace.

“Ooh, she’s like the kiss of an angel,” Eric said as he twisted under her care.

Evalynn took her compliment in stride and kept on, eager to make her master proud. Now that the task was started, the cause for fear was passed. All that was left was the sexual tension anxious to be released, driving Evalynn on with hunger. Every second it went on, the feeling of being owned grew until she knew she would do anything for her master.

Eric moaned as Evalynn started to stroke the base of his cock, the extra sensation spurring him on. A few moments later, he leaned back and let out a low groan, and then Evalynn tasted the final reward. Then something she didn't expect happened as her slave collar triggered the ability shared orgasm. She moaned on the cock in her mouth as her body rewarded her hard work, sending waves of soothing electricity crawling through her skin. Eric grabbed the back of her head as if she might pull away, but Evalynn kept at him until there was nothing left to get.

With her task done, she looked up at her master, who nodded his head and tugged the leash, and off they went without a word to the panting Eric. Outside, Jaina latched on to Evalynn's arm and told her how wonderful she had done. She was proud of Evalynn for facing so many fears for her devotion to Roric. Once they were outside the farm, Roric finally turned about and pulled her into his arms.

“You are wonderful,” he said softly. “I never thought I would find a second woman with a heart strong enough for this.”

“I wanted to make you happy,” Evalynn said as she smiled ever so slightly.

“How was the orgasm?” Jaina asked with a big smile.

“I had forgotten that was going to happen,” Evalynn said as her body still trembled. “It took me completely by surprise.”

“I figured you might have forgotten,” Jaina said and then looked at Roric longingly. “But master, it's been so long since I had one. I really, really need it.”

“It has been a while for you, hasn't it?” Roric said as they headed down the road. “I suppose we could stop to feed that naughty addiction of yours.” He looked off the road and led them into a field before taking off his pack to fish around. He produced the collapsible shelter and set it down a few steps ahead. “Let’s see what this thing does.”

He pulled the green cord, and a wondrous chaos of colors and fabrics started to fold out and stretch into the air. To their great surprise, it just kept getting larger until, at last, a tent with three central poles stood before them. The walls were made of thick fabric overlaid with animal hides, and the roof was canvas painted white with green stripes. A large red flap hung in the center and acted as the tent's only point of entry. Inside, the floors were bare except for two small rugs that covered a tiny amount of spacer.

“This is bigger than our room at the inn,” Jaina said as they walked around. “You could fit three bedrooms in here.”

“Hmm,” Roric said as he considered the room. “First things first. Slave, get on your knees.”

Jaina smiled and took her place with arms behind her back so he could lock them. Then she leaned over as he held her shoulders with one hand and guided himself in with the other. When the knot was fully embedded in her flesh, the pounding began, and scarcely a minute later, Jaina had her first orgasm. By the time he was done, she's had six, and the final shared one made her cry out with a smile so wide it hurt. She lay on the rug to catch her breath as Roric stroked her side, waiting for the knot to come out.

“I have a task for you two,” Roric said as he looked about the tent.

“Anything,” Jaina whispered, content that her addiction had been fed.

“I am going to give you some money. I want you to buy us a big bed, more rugs, a bunch of cushions and maybe a small table and chairs. I will move the tent to town so you can have the stuff delivered.”

“What about lights?” Evalynn asked.

“Good call,” Roric agreed. “Get a couple of lanterns so we can light up the space at night.”

Jaina nodded with a smile as she reached down to rub her crotch. The delightful pulse of her orgasms still lingering on. Once Roric was free, he gave Jaina a few moments, then took them from the tent. He untied the pull rope and let it go, and just as the woman said, the tent folded back into a bag.

“What happens if one of us is inside it when it folds back up?” Evalynn asked.

Jaina and Rorik looked at one another and hoped that would never happen. He collected the bag and decided not to use the leashes. Instead, he held his slave's hands and walked them back to town as they spoke about where to buy a bed.

He raised the tent just at the edge of town and handed the bag of deep pockets to Jaina. He then took off his pack and pulled out Evalynn's clothing and armor.

“I want you to get dressed,” Roric said. “When I am not around, I trust you to keep Jaina safe.”

“But, my combat skills are terribly limited because of the collar,” Evalynn pointed out.

“Which is why I think you should wear the normal one,” Roric replied. “But I don't think we will have much trouble in town. I just need you to keep an eye on her and look intimidating.”

“On my life,” Evalynn said and bowed slightly. She quickly dressed and then looked around for her weapon.

“It's hidden by the rock still,” Roric replied and reached for the spear he had just purchased. He handed it to Evalynn and told her to use it while he went to collect her weapon. With that, he set out to collect the weapon and left the girls to shop to their heart's content.

Jaina was excited to be given such a fun task, and Evalynn was just as excited to be her guardian. They went to several carpenters looking for a bed that was large enough for three, but Jiana found one that would fit five easily. She paid to have it delivered to the tent and then went looking for pillows and blankets. Evalynn turned out to be a wealth of information, having been in the area for over two years. She knew where every shop in the town was and who often had the best deals. They joked about how they should be bartering for discounts, but if Roric wasn't there to command it, it was off the table. Lanterns were easy to find, and Jaina bought three, as well as some rope, a few baskets, bags, and a simple rack for weapons.

Several hours later, they found themselves in a shop that sold rugs. Jaina was looking through the designs as a shopkeeper who couldn't keep his eyes off her was all too happy to help. Evalynn was at the far wall looking at fabrics when a woman entered the shop. She went directly to Jaina and leaned against the carpet she was looking at.

“If it isn’t the little whore for beastmen,” Alexandria said with sweet words.

“Oh, just go away,” Jaina said with a roll of her eyes.

“Is that any way to talk to the woman who has the proposition of a lifetime?” Alexandria said as she leaned in closer. “I can get you twice what Roric is making on you. All I need you to do is dance for me.”

“Am I cutting into the profits of your brothel?” Jaina asked.

“As a matter of fact, you are,” Alexandra snarled. “I have no idea why you insist on refusing my offers. You dance and fuck night and day, yet you don’t want to work in a brothel?”

“I don't want to work for you,” Jaina snapped. “Besides, I came in here specifically to be with Roric. I am not going to give that up just so you can turn a profit.”

“And you never give any thought to my influence and resources,” Alexandria sighed. “I could have you living like a queen. Provide everything you ever wanted, and even pay you.”

“I don't need to be paid,” Jaina scoffed. “Besides, I wear Rorics collar now.”

“I have it on good authority the collar isn’t locked,” Alexandria said with a wry smile.

“Are you spying on me?” Jaina asked in an accusatory tone.

“Hardly. I just know you haven't had the collar long enough for it to lock,” Alexandria replied.

“Do you plan to try and convince me to change sides before it locks?” Jaina laughed. “You're wasting your time.”

“And what happens if he sells you to me?” Alexandria asked.

“He won’t,” Jaina snarled and stood directly in the woman’s face. “Roric would never sell me.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that if I were you,” Alexandria said and snapped a finger. Suddenly two men appeared as if out of thin air. They grabbed her arms before Jaina could react as Alexandria leaned in close to smile. “Even if that collar was locked, there is one sure-fire way to get it off.”

“Evalynn!” Jaina screamed as Alexandria looked up in confusion.

“Who the heck is Evalynn?” she asked right before seeing stars from the crack over the head.

Evalynn dived into the men, using her armor as a battering ram. Jaina was quickly freed as curses and weapons were hurled their way. Evalynn blocked the thrown daggers with her own body, shielding Jaina from harm. Then turned to face the men who were approaching with swords.

Alexandria stood up with a hand on her head as she glared at Evalynn with murder in her eyes.

“I thought you were just some fool customer,” Alexandria growled. “But I see you are a moron working for an even bigger moron.”

“I suggest you leave before I am forced to kill you all,” Evalynn said as she stood between them and Jaina. Under normal circumstances, she would be arrogant and overconfident, but she had a collar on, and her skills were locked at level four. All she could do was look intimidating and hope they fell for the ruse.

“Kill the elf. Bring me the morphic,” Alexandria commanded.

The battle was on, and Evalynn gave it all she could, using the few skills she had left against the two men. Judging by the way they fought, they had to be rogues roughly about level ten. Under normal circumstances, she would mop the floor with these fools, but without her powers, she started to take hits. Jaina did her best to help, lending her charms to the battle to try and slow them down. Alexandria laughed and informed them that all three of them had taken potions of iron will. Unfortunately, Jaina's charms were useless.

Evalynn took a dozen blows as she was pushed back, unable to match their skill. Still, she refused to yield and would die before this woman left with Jaina. Then she felt a tingling around her neck as the weight suddenly vanished, leaving her stunned as she turned to look at Jaina. Jaina was pale as a ghost as she clutched her bare neck where the collar once was.

“It’s gone!” Jaina said in shock as Alexandria laughed.

“I told you there was a sure-fire way to get that off,” Alexandria said with a wicked smile.

“What does this mean?” Evalynn asked.

Jaina looked up with tears in her eyes.

“It means Roric is dead!”

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