The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-9 The sad life of Evalynn

“So you’re not really a lesbian,” Evalynn said as she adjusted her head on Jaina’s chest.

“No, you still don’t understand,” Jaina replied with a smile. “I really am a lesbian.”

“But you just told me that you became a lesbian because Roric said you were one,” Evalynn pressed, not understanding where this was going.

“Exactly,” Jaina replied. “My master told me, and as far as I am concerned, his word is everything. Thus I am a lesbian.”

Evalynn tried her best to understand that point of view as the two women lay on a blanket in the tall grass. Roric had gone off to hunt as was apparently his routine and left his slave girls to entertain themselves. Now she was lying across Jaina's chest as the woman tried to explain what it meant to be his slave.

“Speaking of which, are you a lesbian?” Jaina asked.

Evalynn shuddered as she considered that question. Until yesterday, she would have said no, but then she spent hours making love to Jaina before an audience of hundreds. Even now, she couldn't understand what brought her to do such a thing.

“I don't think so,” Evalynn replied, unsure how to answer.

“You don’t think so?” Jaina replied. “Just be honest and tell me what you prefer.”

“I suppose I have always preferred men,” Evalynn admitted.

“And there is nothing wrong with that,” Jaina said. “But you did seem rather welcoming when I crawled over and started to eat you out.”

Evalynn thought back to that moment and couldn’t understand what had come over her. Roric had already taken her body and left her a panting wreck so exhausted that she fell asleep. She woke several times to find she was in Jaina's lap and another to find Jaina hungrily devouring her body. Now that she was detached from the moment, she realized that she had enjoyed the sex with Roric. Not only had she enjoyed it, but she was sad when it ended.

But why was that? That whole encounter started in terrible fear, and then it changed to something more akin to desire. She realized that talking to Jaina had stirred in her such a desire to push her boundaries that she actually craved him. Then when he took her, that sense of taboo and fear took her to a whole new level of sexual thrill. She was still in the throws of that mindset when Jaina pounced, and it made sense that she no longer had the will to resist. She took Jaina into her arms, and they kissed passionately.

“I can't explain myself,” Evalynn admitted. “I just felt so open to the idea at the time.”

“Can I make a small admission?” Jaina said with a giggle. “I use some of my seductress powers to entice you.”

“You did?” Evalynn asked. “When? How?”

“When I sat with you, and we talked, I used soothing touch to help ease your mind,” Jiana said. “It helps with concentration and stamina costs, but it also soothes those who are nervous.”

“So you helped me relax,” Evalynn asked.

“Yes, so you could focus on what I was saying, not your fear,” Jaina said. “And look how you responded, asking questions because you were genuinely interested.”

“I guess I was, a little,” Evlaynn admitted and thought back to how she did indeed feel better when Jaina came to talk to her. “Is that all you did?”

“No,” Jaina said with a smile. “I used a few other powers to get your arousal going so you would start to feel that stew of fear and anxiety as sex loomed so deliciously close.”

“You did that to me?” Evalynn asked as she thought back to that moment. It was true she had become very aroused in that conversation, but she couldn't put all that on Jaina. A lot of that moment had to do with her own sexual frustration and the years spent being alone. To be honest with herself, she was starting to feel a painful longing for some intimacy even before she met Roric. She would have acted on it months ago, but she wasn't very well-liked in the area.

“I hope you're not mad at me,” Jaina said. “I only did it because you were so nervous, and Roric wanted you to enjoy it.”

“He wanted me to enjoy it?” Evalynn questioned and looked at Jaina. Why would he be concerned if she enjoyed it?

“Of course he did,” Jaina laughed. “He thought you were beautiful from the moment he laid eyes on you. What with all this hot sexy elven body and hair going on, how could he not.

Evalynn smiled to be called hot and sexy but pressed the question of why he wanted her to enjoy it. Jaina explained that Roric was indeed mad that Evalynn had attacked them, but when he saw his chance to collar her, he had a new idea. He wondered if maybe Evalynn could be turned the way Jaina had by challenging her to face her taboo and embrace that feeling of tension. He didn’t want to force it on her if she was absolutely against it, so he asked Jaina to do a little enticing and find out how she truly felt.

“That's when you came to me, and we talked,” Evalynn said with a nod. “You put my mind at ease, and I started to wonder what sex with him would be like.”

“You saw what he did to me,” Jaina teased. “What was going through your mind then?”

“Absolute fear and panic,” Evalynn admitted. “I was sure he was about to rape me.”

“Trust me,” Jaina said and pulled Evalynn to her chest. “If you had not responded to my honeyed words, he might have paraded you around naked, but he would never have made you have sex.”

Evalynn nodded as she was pushed into warm breasts and found herself strangely aroused again. The nearness of Jaina's soft flesh was too tantalizing, and she couldn’t resist a little kiss.

“Are you playing with my arousal again?” Evalynn asked.

“Are you sure you aren’t a lesbian?” Jaina laughed.

“Maybe I like both,” Evalynn suggested as she considered some of her fantasies from school.

“I think you are just starved for sex,” Jaina replied. “Has it been a long time since you were with a man?”

Evalynn hated to admit it had been years even before coming to New Eden. She tried to explain how she wasn’t a virgin, but her previous encounters had been very shallow and empty.

“They didn’t get your blood pumping like the idea of Roric taking you did,” Jaina said.

“No,” Evalynn admitted with a blush. “It had been so long I was starting to feel a little crazy. To be honest, when he collared me, and I realized what might happen, part of me was hopeful.”

“Well, you got your wish,” Jaina said and played with the woman’s hair. “Do you still need some affection?”

“Not after last night,” Evalynn groaned and covered her face. She couldn't believe what happened after the dance and how she welcomed it. It had something to do with how her sexual tension kept building, from the sex with Roric and Jaina to the terrible power of that dance. She lost control, and her lusts came rushing out like water from a broken dam. She was so drunk on arousal that when it came time to spread her legs, all she could think of was, finally!

“I can’t believe I let all those men have me,” she said, feeling a little ashamed.

“How many men have you slept with before then?” Jaina asked.

“Three,” Evalynn admitted and hid her face in her hands.

“Hey, don’t be embarrassed about that,” Jaina said. “I only had two before coming in here.”

“Really?” Evalynn questioned. She just assumed Jaina must have been very experienced, but Jaina explained her story of ill health and poor weight. It led to a life rather empty of relationships until Roric came along. He was the first real love, and when New Eden came into being, they saw a chance to turn their games into a reality. Evalynn felt a sense of sympathy for Jaina but was afraid to share too much of her past. So much of it was steeped in pain she hoped to one day forget, but New Eden hadn't been much kinder.

“You're over level thirty. Why haven't you moved away from spawn?” Jaina asked.

“I was angry and afraid,” Evalynn replied. “I feel so alone here sometimes. I just wish I had somebody to go with me.”

“Sweetie, you are a lovely elven maiden. How is it you don't have armies of men lining up to go with you?” Jaina asked.

Evalynn looked away and let out a sigh. It was true men did try to approach her, but she didn't have the social skills to bridge the gap. She always played her game, pretending to be a warrior and spouting off about this or that. People would grow sick of her and leave, or worse, they would laugh and call her childish. With a sniff, she explained it all to Jaina, who rubbed her back in sympathy and told her she would never be alone again.

“But sooner or later, he will tell me to go,” Evalynn replied.

“Go?” Jaina laughed. “Sweetheart, that ship has sailed. You are here for good, and you're going to spend the rest of your life sucking that beast cock.”

Evalynn felt that rush of fear mix with arousal and lifted her head to look Jaina in the eyes.

“Are you being serious?” she stammered.

“Why do you think you’re still here?” Jaina asked with a smile.

“I don’t know,” Evalynn answered honestly.

“Think back to our lesbian conversation,” Jaina said soothingly. “Why am I a lesbian?”

“Because Roric told you so,” Evalynn answered as an idea started to form.

“And if my master speaks?” Jaina pushed.

“Then it is undeniably so,” Evalynn replied as she finally understood. Jaina was saying this was simply a mindset. Because Jaina was his slave so completely, she was whatever he said she was and embraced it. She had given up all authority and control to Roric, and if he said the sky was red, Jaina would believe it. But how did that answer her question?

“Have you worked it out yet?” Jaina asked.

“I don’t think I have,” Evalynn replied as she felt stupid. Jaina made this all look so easy, this letting go of yourself and letting someone else rule over you. Just thinking about Roric being in charge made her stomach turn and knot. She was about to say something when Jaina pulled her tightly into a hug.

“You have to reach the place where if Roric says something to you, it is how it is, and you accept it without question. You don't even realize it yet, but Roric has told you everything you need to know,” Jaina said softly.

“He did?” Evalynn replied.

“Yes,” Jaina laughed. “When you dropped to your knees and asked to suck him one more time, everything changed. Don’t you see that was the point where you became his for real?”

“For real, how?” Evalynn asked as her heartbeat like a drum. She struggled to understand the logic and pointed out that she couldn’t be his because she wasn’t wearing a collar.

“Anyone can wear a collar and play at being a slave,” Jaina said. “But it takes a genuinely dedicated heart to accept that somebody does indeed own you. You have proven that you have that heart, and Roric decided to keep you. So now you have no say in the matter, you are his, and that's that.

“I’m sorry. I still don't understand,” Evalynn said as she tried to remember the moment. What was so significant about it?

“Evalynn,” Jaina whispered. “You sucked his cock without a collar or an order. You did it because you wanted to show Roric that you knew he was your master. So just like me, the collar didn't matter to you. In your heart, you know the truth. You know what you are and who you belong to. You need to accept that you won't be happy unless you are serving him.”

Evalynn closed her eyes as Jaina laid it out clearly. Everything she was saying was true, and she couldn't deny it. She wanted so badly for Roric to take away all the pain and make her feel like she did last night. That dream of the loneliness finally ending by submitting to a master began to claw at her heart. She realized she would do anything to make this happen but worried that Jaina might be toying with her. She was dangling a dream like a carrot, claiming that she was already owned and there was no going back.

“I want this,” Evalynn admitted. “But this can’t be a game. I need to know what you’re saying is real. I don’t want to be hurt again.”

“Evalynn,” Jaina said in a firm voice. “If Roric says something to you, will you obey him?”

“Yes,” Evalynn replied as the fear and tension twisted even tighter inside.

“Then obey the command he gave you and take his words to heart,” Jaina pressed.

“What command?” Evalynn asked. “The order to stay here until he got back?”

“No,” Jaina laughed. “The one he gave you when you fell to your knees. He told you clearly what you were and what he expected from you. Now take that to heart and spend the rest of your life living up to it.”

“The order he gave me when I fell to my knees?” Evalynn repeated and thought back to the moment. “All he said was to service your….” she went silent as her heart started to race. It all suddenly made beautiful sense, and she looked down at Jaina as the woman nodded. Roric had spoken, and thus she was to obey from her heart and soul. He had told her the only two things that truly mattered, and it was up to her to accept these truths.

“You need to say it,” Jaina said. “I want to hear you admit the truth to yourself and me.”

“He said,” Evalynn began as she started to tremble. “Service your master, slave.”

“So Roric told you what you are and who your master is,” Jaina said.

“I am a slave,” Evalynn said as the truth of those words finally hit home. She looked up with trembling lips as her gaze met the smiling Jaina. “And Roric is my master.”

“And he commands that you should serve him,” Jaina said.

Evalynn nodded as something like chains began to break from her soul. She finally understood what Jaina had been getting at. Slavery wasn't about the collar. It was the mindset. She needed to yield her ego and identity to him and dedicate herself to living for her master.

“How are you two doing?” Roric said as he suddenly appeared with his picnic basket.

Evalynn flinched in panic and rolled off Jaina to kneel and look down.

“We're fine,” Jaina said as she sat up. “Your slaves were just having a little talk. Your new one is having trouble believing you want her.”

“I had a thought about that while I was hunting,” Roric said and set his basket down. He then took his spear and used it to lift Evalynn’s chin. “Do you yield to me?” he demanded.

“Yes, I yield,” Evalynn replied. Instantly the red collar returned to her neck as she reached up in alarm.

“You can put it on twice?” Jaina asked.

“I can use the power once a day,” Roric replied and lowered his weapon. “So every time it expires, I will use it again to keep her locked up tight.

Evalynn gasped as she ran her fingers over the collar again. For some reason, it felt comforting to know it was on, and she wanted to cry for joy because of it.

“So what’s in the basket?” Jaina asked.

“I brought you two some sweets to eat,” Roric replied and began to take off his armor. Jaina got up to help, so Evalynn followed, helping to strip their master bare. She felt funny doing such a thing but was rewarded when he sat against the rock and motioned them in. They leaned in beside him, and Evalynn noticed how soft his fur was. It was like rubbing against a silken towel, and she closed her eyes to sigh as his arm went around her back.

“Still nervous?” he asked.

“I am very nervous,” Evalynnn admitted as her heart started to flutter.

He nodded and had Jaina move the basket so he could shift Evalynn. She was sitting in his lap and leaning against his shoulder as he fished through the basket with a free hand. He pulled out a large boiled cream and held it to her lips. She took a little bit and smiled as she chewed, unable to believe he was feeding her by hand.

“You understand that you belong to me now?” he asked.

She nodded to let him know, and he offered her another bite. She chewed it slowly as he watched carefully and offered her more when she was ready.

“I want you to know that I will take care of you and that I deeply respect your submission,” he said as she chewed. “But there is something you need to know about me.”

“What?” she asked as a crumb fell from her lip. He fed her another bite and waited until she was chewing to answer.

“I deeply want to love you,” he whispered. “It may take some time to fully realize it, but I hope you will give me the chance to show you my heart.”

Evalynn felt a strange sense of shock and disbelief as she heard those words uttered. They sounded sincere and genuine, not like the hollow words of so many past liars. Something deep inside moved, and a longing long since dead came back to life as she choked on her words. Suddenly she felt naked and vulnerable for the first time and shrank inward to hide. Pain long since dormant surged to the surface, and she had to look away as tears began to form.

“Roric, she’s crying,” Jaina said and rushed to her side.

“Evalynn?” Roric said and tried to turn her head. “Evalynn, why are you crying?”

Evalynn didn't want to admit her shame and struggled to keep control. Roric and Jaina started to rub and pet her as her tears began to pour.

“Evalynn,” Jaina whispered and wiped away a tear. “Sweetheart, please tell us what is the matter.”

“Nobody has ever loved me!” Evalynn cried as the pain of the past and the loneliness on the server came rushing out. “I have always been alone.” She tried to hide her face, but Jaina gently pulled her hands away and then took her into a hug.

“Well, sweetheart, we want to try and love you if you will let us,” Jaina replied. “Like Roric said it may take some time to develop, but we are committed to giving you our heart. Now how can you say nobody has ever loved you? What about your family?”

“I. I.” Evalynn stammered as she tried to make sense of the tangle of emotions suddenly pouring out. “I didn't come from a happy home,” she sobbed. “My parents had no use for me and barely tolerated my existence. They never celebrated my birthday or bought me a Christmas gift. When I was old enough to go, they started shipping me off to private schools. But I had no social skills, and I didn't know how to get along. The girls hated me, and I never had any friends.”

“Oh, Evalynn,” Jaina sighed. “Is this why you came into new Eden? You wanted to escape your past?”

She nodded in the pain of the truth and explained how her parents tossed her out at eighteen, and she ended up living in a halfway house. She met people who pretended to like her and had her few sexual experiences, but time and time again, she was taken advantage of. She just wanted to start over and find somebody who could love her for once in her life. But she had been on the server for over two years now, and she was still alone.

“Oh, I feel terrible,” Jaina said and hugged the sobbing Evalynn.

“I was so angry, and I started taking my frustrations out on other players,” she sobbed.

“That’s why you don’t like beast men,” Roric said.

“And why you won’t leave the spawn area,” Jaina added. “You need to vent your rage on those weaker than you.”

“Yes!” Evalynn cried and covered her face again. “I am a terrible person! No wonder everybody hates me.”

“Evalynn,” Roric whispered and turned her in his arms to face him. “My slave, I command you to look at me.”

She obediently opened her eyes as years of neglect and pain tore her heart to ribbons. She saw the very canine-like face of a man whose eyes were filled with love and sympathy.

“I am your master,” Roric said firmly. “I have taken you as my slave because I know deep down you have a good heart, and I love that about you. Now listen to me when I say this. Your time of being hated and alone is over. You will be at my side forever, and never will we be apart.”

His words sounded too good to be true, and the memory of past lies clouded her heart. She asked him how he could possibly love her after what she had done and after so little time. He responded softly and said he understood that they had known each other for a very short time. But in that time, she had proven that she had what it took to submit, and her devotion without the collar sealed it.

“You have a strong heart full of desire to be owned and the ability to commit. You wouldn't be naked in my arms right now if you didn't,” he said.

“Sweety,” Jaina added as she took one of Evalynn’s hands. “I will be at your side to walk you through all of this just like I did yesterday.”

Evalynn recalled how Jaina had taken a great deal of time to explain the dance and how it would progress. She had even danced with Evalynn before going on, showing her how to shake her hips just right. Evalynn recalled the fear of going before that audience, knowing her clothing would soon be coming off. She shook so badly that her legs threatened to fail, but Jaina had smiled and taken her hand, and suddenly it all felt so much easier to do.

“You soothed me right before the dance,” Evalynn said

“I did,” Jaina replied. “You were shaking like a leaf.”

“Did I do that out of my own free will then?” Evalynn asked.

“Sweetheart,” Jaina said with a wide smile. “You did it all out of your heart. All I did was help take the fear away so the real you could blossom out.”

“But I was so aroused for you,” Evalynn said as she remembered the burning need to touch Jaina’s body.

“Well, maybe I used my seducing smile on you a few times,” Jaina laughed. “But not until we were four of five orgasms in. You got that far on your own.”

“So that’s why you two went wild for each other,” Roric laughed.

Evalynn covered her face again as Jaina put a hand on her shoulder.

“Oh, please say you're not mad at me,” Jaina pleaded. “I only did it to make it easier on you. I promise I won't ever do it again.”

“No,” Evalynn said and looked Jaina in the eyes. “I don’t think I have the courage to do that without your help.”

“I think Jaina can dance alone for a few nights,” Roric said and rocked Evalynn gently. “It sounds like too many people have abused your trust before. It sends the wrong message if all you ever seem to do is dance and fuck to make me coins.”

“But, how will I serve you?” Evalynn asked as she turned to look him in the face.

“Well,” he said and scratched at an ear. “Let’s have an honest talk about some possibilities.”

Evalynn listened intently as Roric explained that her best talent was her strength as a warrior. She was higher than both of them and brave in combat, so he wanted her to join him in hunting. She would be allowed to wear her armor while they were out on the hunt, and together they could tackle much bigger prey. He also felt more secure bringing Jaina along if Evalynn was there to protect her.

“But I can’t use my skills with the collar on,” Evalynn said and pointed to the red leather strap. He certainly didn’t expect her to fight with only level four ability.

“We will get you a normal collar,” Roric said. “One that marks you as my slave but doesn't come with any penalties.”

“It also doesn’t convey the sex slave class,” Jaina added. “But the collars are really pretty.”

“So it would just be a collar?” Evalynn asked as she felt a little dejected.

“Jaina, show her yours,” Roric instructed.

Evalynn watched as Jaina went to his pack and fished something out. Her eyes went wide to see a black leather collar studded with rubies and diamonds that spelled out the name sex slave.

“It is very pretty,” Evalynn said as she took it from Jaina’s hand. “But, I kind of like the sex buffs.”

“Ha,” Jaina laughed. “What girl doesn't? You will still get to experience all of that. You can wear the real collar whenever you need to have sex, and I will wear that one.”

“So we can trade?” Evalynn asked as she handed the collar back.

“Of course, we can,” Jaina said. “The collar doesn't make the slave. It's what's in your heart that does. And you have a beautiful heart that shined like a star last night. You drove those men wild, and they threw money at us in a frenzy.” Jaina paused as she considered a point and looked at Roric. “How much money did you make last night?”

“One thousand two hundred and thirty gold,” Roric said. “Actually more, there were so many brass and silver coins they still haven't been counted.”

“You made over a thousand gold from us last night?” Jaina cried. “Roric, that’s enough to buy a huge house and furnish it.

“Did you say you had a base-building class?” Evalynn asked.

“I am a chieftain,” Roric replied. “I can build a rustic camp of tents and animal hides.”

“You are aware that you will have a chest or some object you can sacrifice gold in once you create your base,” Evalynn said. “You could turn a lot of that gold into a vast amount of points. I don’t know how big your base gets, but I am sure you could do a great deal.”

“She’s right,” Jaina said. “I remember that from the classes. You get a conversion box or something.”

“I hope this doesn’t sound greedy, but I was hoping to wait until we had ten thousand gold,” Roric said. “Then I was going to head south and look for someplace to build our home.”

“So I just have to dance and fuck for a few more weeks,” Jaina asked.

“If you wouldn’t mind,” Roric replied with a smile.

“Well, I suppose I can be persuaded to do it, provided my loving sister in slavery promises to keep you company,” Jaina said.

“You want me to keep him company?” Evalynn asked.

“Yes,” Jaina said with a smile. “Otherwise, he sleeps with my girlfriend Chandice.”

Roric laughed and rubbed Evalynn to soothe her nerves.

“I promise to take good care of you,” he said. “I will get you a collar as soon as we can.”

“What about slave cuffs?” Jaina asked and held hers up.

“I don’t know if she can wear armor with those on,” Roric replied. “Even if we did get it on, the armor might make the cuffs rub badly.”

“Oh, good point,” Jaina said sourly and pondered another idea. “What about a tattoo that said, slave?”

“I wouldn’t want to mark her permanently,” Roric said and stroked Evalynn’s head.

Evalynn felt a strange sense of calm as the two talked about ways to help show her slavery to him. Somehow it all felt wonderful and for the first time since coming here was happy. All it took was to fall to her knees and open her mouth to a gnolls cock. She wanted to laugh at that thought even as Jaina wiped another tear from her cheek. Speaking of gnoll cock she could feel his on her back and realized he was slightly aroused. She looked up as a thought that would never have occurred to her before came to mind.

“Why are your cheeks getting red?” Jaina asked.

“I was just thinking,” Evalynn said and then leaned forward so Jaina could see the shaft behind her.

“Oh,” Jaina said with a nod. “Well, stand up a little. I will help get him in.”

Evalynn stood with her rear over Rorics cock as Jaina crawled in. First, she plunged a few fingers into Evalynn and started to rub, causing the elf to pant softly. Then she wiped the fresh wetness around her delicate pussy before grabbing hold of Roric. She guided him to the soft elven hole and pushed in the tip. Then she got up and held Evalynn's hands so the woman could lower herself down slowly. Inch by inch, her body swallowed her master until she sat on his knot.

“Work your hips, sweetheart,” Jaina suggested. “You need to get him in before it gets too big.”

Evalynn did her best, rolling her hips in a little circle until her body suddenly dropped a few inches, and he was in. Then she laid back with a satisfying feeling of being full even as the knot continued to swell. Roric resumed stroking her hair as they lay in the sunny field, fully joined. She couldn't help but run her hands over her tummy, where she could feel the bulge. Jaina bent over and kissed the bulge before running her hands over it herself.

“It feels good, doesn't it?” Jaina asked as Evalynn nodded, her face red with a blush. “Now, give our master some fun.”

“You know what I think you should do,” Roric said before either woman moved.

“What?” Evalynn said and turned a little to look back.

Roric motioned Jaina into his arms and pulled both women tightly to his chest. Evalynn was firmly pressed into his soft fur, with Jaina practically sitting in her lap.

“Now go to sleep,” he urged his pets. “Go to sleep so I can hold you quietly for a little bit.”

Evalynn nestled in and put an arm over Jaina as the two closed their eyes and did as they were commanded. With her body tightly packed with a beast, man's cock Evalynn fell asleep and dreamed a good dream for the first time since she was a child. A new dream would begin when she woke up, and Evalynn would dedicate her heart and soul to serving Roric.

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