The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-102 A doorway to your heart

Roric sat on a bench with a cup of steaming tea beside him on the table. In his hands was a thick book about the nature of magic, a gift from Heather to Chandice. Heather claimed it was recovered from an ancient library hidden in the red sands far to the northeast. Roric heard quite a bit about that hellish dessert and the mysteries that it contained. The sand was a soft red, and much of the outer ring was rocky and barren, but the deep desert was full of rolling dunes that looked like waves frozen in time. Rumors abounded about the desert, speaking of ancient kingdoms, great battles, and lost treasures hidden under the sand. The most common rumor was that a wizard or group of wizards went into the deep desert and battled a great sand demon. The resultant battle of fire and death scorched the sands for miles leaving it a sheet of smooth glass. Ships called cutters now sailed that glass, carrying people from ports along the edge. It was said that the ships were the only way to safely cross it because the glass got so hot in the sun that it could melt soft metals.

Roric took a sip of his tea as he thought of what Heather had told him about the sands. There was a battle deep in its midst, but it was between Kevin's battle mages and the goblins. They had built a machine of immense power hidden in a small mountain at the center. Goblin armies of thousands worked to repel the invaders, but they eventually reached the machine and destroyed it. The resultant explosion created the glass; such was the power the machine wielded.

“Still reading?” Jaina asked as she walked up the steps to the garden terrace. They were at Chandice's magic shop, making use of one of the upper balconies to enjoy a warm sunny day. The forest was magical and full of wonderful scents, along with many beautiful women, and Roric just wanted to enjoy it.

“I haven’t read much of it,” Roric admitted as he set his tea aside. “I keep going back to Heather’s story.”

“About the explosion that turned a desert into glass,” Jaina said. “I wouldn't be able to believe it if Blackbast hadn't said it was all true. Umtha even claims to have been there to see it explode. She said it was what reset her.”

“What were they building?” Roric asked as he set the book aside. “Why did they need all that power?”

“Who knows?” Jaina said with a shrug as she leaned against the railing. “It was to fix something that belongs to Heather, or Hathlisora, or whoever she is.”

“I wish we knew what it was,” Roric said. “Or had some clue?”

“Now you're becoming fascinated with this whole mess,” Jaina laughed. “Chandice talks about it all the time.”

“What is Chandice doing anyway?” Roric asked.

“Working on exactly what you're thinking about,” Jaina replied. “Legeis was in the forest and not looking to play. He wanted to come here and get some parts enchanted for a machine he's building.”

“He wants enchanted parts for a goblin machine?” Roric asked as his ears twitched.

“That's what he says,” Jaina replied. “I just left him downstairs with Chandice.” She paused a moment as she had another thought, then sat down across from Roric to share it. “Do you think they would consider linking their home to the Jade temple?”

“With magic doors, you mean?” Roric asked as he considered the odd question. Jaina nodded as Roric considered the question, trying to think of a reason why they would. “Did you have a motivation for this idea?”

“It just popped into my head when I considered Legeis,” Jaina said. “He was so uncomfortable having to pass through the forest. I just thought if we had all the important locations linked, nobody would have to do that.”

“Hmm,” Roric said as he considered the point. “It would make travel faster for all of us, but this has some implications you need to consider.”

“Like what?” Jaina asked.

“Like, how does our relationship with them change when we are essentially living together?” he asked.

“We aren’t living together,” Jaina countered. “We are just really close by. It’s like we live on the same floor of an apartment building sharing a main hall but with our own apartments.”

“Hmm, that is a better way to look at it,” Roric said again as he considered it. “I suppose the most logical person to talk to about it is Rajeen.”

“We can go now,” Jaina said. “Chandice seems to think this enchanting will take a long time.”

“Why not,” Roric agreed, and together they set off. It took them an hour to reach the base of the camp and another ten minutes to climb the long ramps up. Soon they were in Roric's chieftain hut, passing through six strong gnoll guards to get inside. His two lovely gnoll maidens were inside, sitting by the fire as they talked. Jaina took a moment to wink at them as she went by and passed through another guarded door.

Soon they were in stone tunnels with false doors and traps. These spaces were made specifically to be a stronghold to hide the magic door from interlopers. One last room with six more guards as the doorway stood on the far wall. It was a wide-open archway with an opulent green and golden hall on the other side. They stepped into the other space as if it was simply the next room and turned right, heading for a pair of jade doors that would take them to the harem room.

The harem was as lively as ever, with beautiful women of every kind waiving at the pair. Rajeen sat on a throne at the far end, looking over her collection of beauties while three of them lay on cushions at her feet.

“Well, how good it is to see my love,” Rajeen purred as Roric approached. She stood to share a kiss with him, then gave up her throne so he could sit before taking her place in his lap. “So what has brought you to me today?”

Roric explained Jaina's idea bout linking the various homes, so they all centered on the jade temple. This would become the hub of all their activity and more or less create one home.

“I like the idea,” Rajeen said with a purr as she hung from his arms. “But will Heather and Frank?”

“We don’t know,” Roric explained. “But we can always ask.”

“Hmm, you could, but I sense you won't have to,” Rajeen replied as her eyes closed. “Your Heather and Frank are here.”

“They are?” Jaina asked as she turned to look to the far door.

“I can sense them,” Rajeen replied. “They are asking if they can speak with me.”

“Well, that saves time,” Jaina laughed. “We can go ask right now.”

“No, you two remain here,” Rajeen said as she got up. “I will go speak with them and share your plans.” With that, Rajeen got up and snapped a finger at one of the women on the floor. The elf woman quickly removed the slave silks over her breasts and wrapped Rajeen with them instead. She helped tuck the tiger woman into the garment that barely contained her, then stepped aside so her master could go.

“I will be right back,” Rajeen called as she headed out. “Feel free to enjoy the girls while I am gone.”

“Oh, I will,” Jaina said as she looked at the bare-chested woman.

“We didn’t come here for that,” Roric pointed out.

“You told me I was a lesbian and that I couldn't help myself around women,” Jaina teased. “I see a pussy begging to be eaten, and I just can't help myself.”

“You enjoy this game too much,” Roric laughed but waved her on. The woman giggled as Jaina pounced on her, and before long, he was watching as Jaina gave her pussy a good cleaning. He loved to watch the girls together as they made passionate love. The looks on their faces and the low moaning cries were as soothing to his senses as a warm bath. The two eventually rolled together, each eating the other as they shared orgasms through their collars.

He sat back to watch them play as a rabbit-eared woman crawled to his side. She looked up with pleading eyes, so he decided to indulge her. A moment later, his belt was off, and the woman was sucking at his sheath. His cock began to swell, growing like a tree into her hungry mouth. He went back to watching Jaina as the rabbit woman began to lovingly suck his hardening cock. It was the perfect life with a small army of women dedicated to serving his needs in every possible way.

Rajeen returned ten minutes later with the rabbit woman's head in his lap, her belly filled with war seed. Jaina was lying on the floor with her playmate, the two kissing passionately as they hugged. It seemed a proper moment until Roric noticed the tears in Rajeen's eyes and carefully sat up.

“Is something the matter?” Roric asked as Rajeen ran to his arms.

“That child is so full of kindness,” Rajeen said as she threw herself into his arms. “I have never known anyone so eager to help people.”

“What happened?” Roric asked as he held Rajeen tight. Jaina got up to see the cause of Rajeens distress as the woman finally stepped back and held out her hand. There in her palm were two more magical doors causing Roric and Jaina to wonder why.

“I met her in the magical hall and explained your idea to her,” Rajeen said. “She was more than happy with it and began planning how to move their doors. Then she spoke, making forest portals to link Chandice's magic shop and Blackbast's temple.”

“Forest portals?” Roric asked as he became puzzled. “What are those?”

Rajeen only had the barest of details gleaned from Heather, but it worked something like the doors. A player who could build a forest could establish two trees that acted as a gate. If you walked between them, you could travel across the forest instantly. Heather was going to suggest giving Evalynn a small portion of the city park so she could establish such a portal here.

“Hmm, what do you mean she was going to suggest?” Roric asked.

“They realized that the portal to my inn was more than sufficient,” Rajeen replied.

“Alright, but where do the tears and these magic doors come in?” he asked as he reached up to wipe a tear from her cheek.

Rajeen then explained something Heather had told her. Blackbast was regretting her class and longing for a committed relationship. She had approached Heather and expressed her feelings, and the two had agreed to date. However, Heather had her concerns because of Blackbast's requirements and was afraid it would damage her existing relationship.

“She would be better off embracing our lifestyle,” Jaina said. “Then she could join Blackbast and play in her temple.”

“I don’t think Heather is like that,” Roric countered.

“I spoke to Gisley about it yesterday,” Jaina explained. “She had a fascinating take on it. She honestly believes that Heather and Frank will eventually warm up the idea and start playing.”

“Hmm,” Roric said then looked to Rajeen to find out what happened next.

“She admitted that Blackbast would be better suited in your or my arms,” Rajeen said. “And since we were going to link our places with doors, she made me these so I could give one to Blackbast.”

“She just gave you a set of magical doors?” Jaina balked. “Do you have any idea how expensive those are? She had to marry Frank to pay for ours.”

“She said she had a great deal of points thanks to the goblin woman Umtha,” Rajeen said. “She insisted I take the doors so I could link our homes with Blackbast.”

“Goodness, she is kind,” Jaina said as her head spun. “She didn’t ask for anything from us, and I assume she didn’t want anything from you.”

“Not a thing. All she cared about was helping Blackbast,” Rajeen said. “I could tell she wants to love the woman but is worried about her requirements.”

“Oh, this would all be so much easier if she was a whore like us,” Jaina groaned. “She could be here right now to be my next meal.”

“It would spoil her,” Rajeen replied as a tear ran down her cheek.

“But if she wants to love Blackbast, she should,” Jaina insisted. “I bet it's Frank that is holding her back.”

“Frank is a very good man,” Roric was quick to say in his defense.

“Oh, I didn't mean to imply he wasn't,” Jaina said. “If I hadn't had you already, I would probably fall in love with Frank. I have never seen a man more committed to the women in his life. He loves them all equally and cherishes every moment he has with them. But I bet Heather is afraid that pursuing Blackbast will hurt him.”

“And it might,” Rajeen replied. “They have a beautiful relationship that is as rare as a midnight rose. Those four girls are some of the luckiest women in this world, and they should think very carefully before adding a woman who is so different to their number.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Jaina sighed. “I just want to see them all happy.”

“They are happy,” Roric said as he hugged Rajeen. “And now, thanks to Heather, Blackbast can be happy too.”

“I never believed this day would come,” Rajeen said as she looked at the doors. “Oh, please, let us place the one here and bring the other to her now. I cannot wait to tell her our homes will be one at last.”

“Then let's go,” Roric urged and took Rajeen by the hand. They went to the hall first and stopped at an empty section of the wall. Rajeen placed one of the miniature doors on the floor against the wall and stepped back. They then took the final door and headed through the portal to Roric's camp, returning to use their secret passage.

“We had this built to shorten the trip,” Roric said as he led the way down a narrow mountain path. The trail passed through a secret door into a tunnel and along several rocky ledges. A final secret door opened to reveal a garden paradise that was the far edge of Blackbast's domain.

“This place is so beautiful,” Jaina said as they walked down a smooth brick path. Around them were tall trees, colorful flowers, and statues of naked women in beckoning poses. There were secluded buildings that offered a single shady room with a bed for more private encounters. There were marble pools with crystal clear water and pillared gazebos for those who preferred the open air. All around were places for sex to happen and Jaina relished this part of the forest. They eventually passed the bath enchanted by dragon magic, and Roric stopped to explain it to Rajeen.

“Does it work?” Rajeen asked as she considered the dragon’s blessing.

Jaina turned her back to show the woman the collection of tattoos she already had, proving the power did indeed work.

“Fascinating,” Rajeen replied. “I might have to come back here for a dip.”

They laughed and headed down the road, passing several side paths that led to secluded gardens. They finally found the grand temple of Blackbast, hidden in the mountain cliffs like an ancient Greek shrine. Inside the pillared halls with its shining marble floor, they found the dark-furred cat woman reclining on a long couch.

“To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?” Blackbast purred as she locked eyes on Rajeen.

“My pet,” Rajeen cooed and slowly walked toward the cat woman. “I have something most amazing and wonderful to tell you.”

Blackbast sat up as Rajeen came to her side and took her into a hug. A moment later, she showed the woman the magical doors and explained how she had come to possess them.

“She gave them to you without thinking of the cost?” Blackbast asked as her tail twitched.

“She wanted us to be together,” Rajeen replied with a hand on the woman’s thigh. “That is if you still desire such a thing.”

“Of course I do,” Blackbast choked as her eyes filled with tears. She threw herself into Rajeen's arms; the two women overcome with the joy of the moment.

“That sweet angel has brought you back to me,” Rajeen cried. “I never thought we would be together like this again.”

“I have never known anyone as kind as her,” Blackbast added. “She gives of herself so freely.”

“Not freely enough, if you ask me,” Jaina joked as Roric shook his head.

“What do you mean?” Blackbast asked as she looked up from her hug.

“I mean, she should be here, joining you in your love,” Jaina said. “She should be wearing your collar because she loves you and wants to serve.”

“I see,” Blackbast said and nestled into Rajeen. “How I wish that day would come, but I don't see how it can happen. This is a path few can walk, as you well know. I don't think it will ever be Heather's.”

“I think Heather handed those doors over so freely because she loves you,” Jaina said and nodded to Rajeen. “Tell her what you thought about her reaction.”

“What reaction?” Blackbast asked as Rajeen let out a deep sigh. The tiger women recounted the conversation in the hall where Heather admitted wanting to love Blackbast. She was just afraid her requirements would get in the way and damage the balance of their relationship.”

“I could tell it was harming her to say she was afraid to love you,” Rajeen said. “I think she very much wishes she could.”

Blackbast went silent as renewed tears wet her eyes. She looked away as a low sob escaped her lips, causing all in attendance to come to her side.

“I didn't mean to hurt you,” Jaina pleaded, but Blackbast shook her head.

“You did not hurt me,” Blackbast said and wiped her eyes. “You have made me happier than I have ever been. Heather loves me but is afraid to show it. That is more than I ever thought I would get.”

“Surely they could have a relationship with you outside the temple,” Jaina pleaded. “They don’t have to stand here and watch.”

“Do not be so quick to suggest such a thing,” Rajeen cautioned. “Look at how jealous I am of my girls. Just because they might frolic where I can't see them does not mean I will not be hurt when they do.”

“But it’s so silly,” Jaina protested. “They love each other. Surely they can find a way to make this work.”

“I would not ask them to,” Blackbast said. “Their love is deep and special, whereas mine is shallow and superficial. Just to know she loves me is enough.”

“I suspect Frank does as well,” Rajeen said. “He did not offer a word of protest when Heather expressed her feelings. In fact, he was very supportive.”

“See,” Jaina said with a hand gesture. “They both love you. Why is this so hard? If they could get over this hurdle, we could all just come together as one family.”

“Ha,” Blackbast laughed and waved the notion way. “I would love to see the day when Frank, Roric, Rajeen, and myself combine our harems. But such a thing is too wild to consider.”

“Yesterday, I said the same thing,” Jaina replied. “But then I spoke with Gisley, and she had a different perspective. She said that sooner or later, their relationship would mature and be so rock solid that Frank won't worry. Gisley thinks he's got a lot of fantasies and he is just now starting to explore them. Sooner or later, he will explore more and will start looking for more girls. When that happens, he might open up to the idea of the girls he has already playing outside their relationship.”

“Like you do,” Blackbast said with a nod.

“Hmm,” Roric said and scratched at his chin. “I suppose they have a lot of time to find that moment.”

“Thousands of years or more,” Rajeen agreed.

“And being around us so often will keep the idea fresh in their heads,” Jaina pointed out. “Sooner or later they are going to play, and when they do, we may as well consider them part of the harem.”

“If I may share something,” Blackbast said and raised a hand, causing a glowing blue collar to appear. This one had a leather inner lining around a silver band with images of chained women etched on it.

“What is that?” Roric asked as Blackbast held the collar out.

“My pet, have you been seriously considering that?” Rajeen gasped.

“I have,” Blackbast said and turned the collar over.

“What is it?” Jaina asked as she dared to touch it.

“A submission collar,” Blackbast explained. “It allows a master to submit to another, even if they do not have a slave master class. I have been considering becoming Frank's slave, and through me, his girls would become his harem.”

“You can do something like that?” Jaina gasped.

Blackbast quickly explained that not every slave master class could do such a thing. In fact, few of them could. Hers was one of the rare classes that could, and if Frank accepted, he would gain all of her master's powers. She would become like any other slave girl, wearing the collar of her master. However, hers only worked fully if it locked, making this a very final decision.

“You love them that much?” Rajeen asked as she stared into Blackbast’s green eyes.

“I wish you could have seen them as we traveled,” Blackbast replied. “The love they showed for one another, and how they came together without trying. I so dearly wanted to be a part of that love, and if he would accept it, I would gladly submit.”

“But what happens then?” Roric asked. “Do you still serve in the temple?”

“I would have to,” Blackbast replied. “And so would the others. Frank would have to allow his girls to be temple whores if he accepted such a gift.”

“Ouch,” Roric said as he flinched. “Maybe not the best idea just yet.”

“Maybe not now, but what about later?” Jaina asked. “And why do you have to submit to him? Couldn't you marry him and control the girls for him?”

“I could if he would have me,” Blackbast purred. “But I don't know that he likes so much fur.” with that, she raised her hands, and glow covered her body. Roric had to squint a moment, but when he looked back, Blackbast was very different. No longer was she a cat but a beautiful woman with long, flowing black hair and green eyes shaded with purple. Her lips were as red as a rose, and she had golden skin that radiated warmth.

“You have a human form?” Jaina gasped.

“This is her true form,” Rajeen explained with a gesture. “The cat form is a gift of her class, the worship of Bastet.”

“Perhaps Frank would find this form more appealing,” Blackbast suggested as she turned around to show off her pleasing body.

“I’m finding it appealing,” Jaina remarked with a twisted smirk.

“Oh, how I wish I could find three girls just like you,” Blackbast teased.

“Do they know you have this form?” Roric asked as he looked her over.

“Heather does,” Blackbast replied. “I have no idea if she shared the knowledge with the others. I doubt she would keep it a secret intentionally. She loses track of things with all that is going on.”

“I have no idea how she deals with all that,” Jaina agreed.

“I have my suspicions that the recent embrace of the other women was just another ploy to distract herself. I am sure she loves them and wants to build a strong relationship, but the sudden timing makes me suspicious that it is a distraction,” Blackbast explained.

“Let's not forget you had me zap her with a seductive smile,” Jaina reminded. “And that night, she took Frank to bed, starting the snowball rolling.”

“You used Jaina’s talents to push her into his arms?” Rajeen asked with wide eyes.

“I only did it because I knew she wanted to but was too afraid to take the first step,” Blackbast explained. “I simply had Jaina ease the way a little.”

“That would explain her rapid rise in acceptance of a wider relationship,” Roric agreed.

“Nobody needs to be upset about this,” Jaina said to head off any objections. “Heather was already about to marry Frank and was excited by the prospect. I am sure she would have made love to him on their wedding night, so all we did was accelerate the event a few days.”

“This is true,” Rajeen said with a nod. “I am sure the excitement of the wedding and her awakening sexual desires helped bring the other women in. Well, that is enough talk about Heather. She is a valued friend and dear to all our hearts. If one day she comes to embrace our kind of life, I am sure we will all celebrate that day with joy.”

“May that day come soon,” Jaina said with a smile. “But assuming it does. How will we organize our large family?”

Rajeen paused to consider it citing the various people involved and how it would work best.

“I think Blackbast should marry Frank, and I will marry your Roric,” Rajeen suggested. Then Blackbast and I marry, uniting our two families as one big harem.”

“I suppose that could work,” Jaina agreed. “Now, all we have to do is wait for Heather and Frank to desire more.”

They all laughed and decided a little celebration was in order. They placed the magic door in Blackbast's private bedroom and then retired to the bed. For the next hour, they made love, sharing everything they had while thanking Heather. This moment was because of her kindness, providing a safe place to build a home and all the magic doors they would need. Maybe one day, she and Frank would find their way to this bed, and the girls would be united as one harem with two masters.

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