The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-101 Forever more

Jaina, Evalynn, and Gisley stood in a neat line before Roric and Rajeen. Around them was a mass of women that made up Rajeen's harem, watching as the time ticked away. Blackbast was to the side, watching fondly with a smile as the events unfolded.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Evalynn said as she tried not to shake.

“I had honestly given up hope it ever would,” Jaina said.

Gisley only smiled, but she visibly shook as the time slowly ticked away.

“You have only moments left,” Roric said as he looked into the eyes of his three girls. “Soon, the collars will lock for good.”

His words sent shivers down their spines as all three tried not to show their nervousness. They were making a massive life commitment to permanently be sex slaves in a world where they might live forever. The only way to stop the process was to remove the collars before the final locking, but none of the girls dared move. The harem remained perfectly silent to hear the sound of that final click. It was a moment of great importance that would never come again.

“I wish Heather and the others were here,” Gisley whispered as she glanced to her right.

“Oh, sweetheart, this isn’t her sort of thing,” Jaina replied.

“Maybe not for now,” Evalynn said. “But I think she's changing. She is slowly starting to embrace more of the possibilities. They are all getting married, after all.

“Little girls, be quiet,” Rajeen insisted. “If we miss the click over your chattering, you will all be punished with a month in chastity.”

The three stiffened and pressed their lips shut, unable to think of a more horrible fate. It was hard to imagine being exposed to all this sexual opulence and being unable to participate. Time seemed to slow as they waited in silence, the tension growing with every second. Gisley got so nervous she had to take Jaina and Evalynn’s hand, squeezing tightly as her right to be free faded away.

A warm sensation flared around the girl's necks, causing their eyes to go wide and Gisely's antenna to race up. Suddenly the collars glowed, and everyone held their breaths.

“Click!” Went a collar as the red light around Jaina's neck vanished. She jumped in alarm, her hands trembling as a few people gasped.

“Click!” Went a second collar, and the light around Gisley's neck was gone. The fairy woman flinched so badly her purple skin suddenly shed a cloud of glitter.

“Click!” went the final collar as Evalynn took a deep breath, the choice to stop no longer hers to make.

For a moment there was silence, then suddenly, it was a celebration. Women ran at the three from all sides as they were carried away into loving arms and warm kisses. Dozens of hands roamed about their bodies playing with sensitive areas as they were carried away. From now on, they were harem girls and part of Rajeen's collection, with Roric as their owner. They could easily be sold to another, and as part of the process of locking the collars, they had all agreed he could do so.

They were now slaves in all respects, which excited them almost as much as the women whose lips were now feasting on every inch of their flesh. They were held down by dozens of hands and were kissed relentlessly as their pussies were eaten hundreds of times. Every woman in the harem tasted their flowers at least twice, bringing them to orgasm multiple times. By the time the night was over, the girls had cum hundreds of times, and every woman of the harem knew their flavors.

There was abundant food and wine to celebrate the occasion, but all of that went by in a blur. When the festivities finally ended, the three were exhausted and fell asleep, buried in a pile of lovely women.

Jaina woke under the stars and sat up in confusion to look around. The moons were high, and a gentle wind blew, rusting the sea of dark leaves beneath her. She realized she was sitting on a large round cushion floating over the treetops of the love wood. It took her a minute to figure out what happened, but a purple light flashed, and Gisley arrived holding Evalynn's hand.

“Gisley, you naughty fairy,” Jaina laughed. “Pulling us into a dream like this. I think we have earned the right to sleep.”

“That was so much fun!” Gisley cried and jumped into Jaina's arms. “Oh, I love being a slave girl.”

“This is for good,” Evalynn said as she joined the hug. “The purpose of our lives is to serve Roric and have sex endlessly.”

“You realize we could live on sex,” Jaina said. “Our slave powers allow us to gain the effects of a good meal just by swallowing a man or woman’s orgasm.”

“Hmm, I might try to go a few weeks living on that,” Evalynn said.

“Me too!” Gisley cried excitedly. “We should feed on each other.”

“There is a buffet of women lying around us, and you want to limit your meals to just us?” Jaina laughed.

“But I like feeding on you,” Gisley said as she swayed her hips. She ran a hand up Jaina’s stomach to cup a breast and lift it to meet her slowly descending lips. Gisley pulled the nipple in with a gentle kiss and began to suckle as if feeding from the woman’s breast.

“You terrible, naughty fairy,” Jaina groaned. “You know I love it when you do this.”

“That’s why she’s doing it,” Evalynn said before leaning in to cup Jaina’s face and share a kiss. “I love you,” Evalynn whispered. “I want to be your slave sister forever.”

“Oh, Evalynn,” Jaina moaned. “I want that too. I want us all to be together until the world is so old we don’t remember how we got here.”

They huddled together, with Gisely coming free of Jaina's breast to join the embrace. There were no words said or kisses shared. They didn't need sex or intimate stimulation to share their love between them. Instead, it was the warmth of that loving embrace that mattered most. The three of them just needed to be held in each other's arms to prove their love. It was a silent understanding that was expressed in the need for that closeness.

“Should we get Roric and Chandice?” Jaina asked when she grew concerned they were missing the moment.

“I keep checking,” Gisley said. “None of them are asleep.”

“They are probably in Rajeen’s bed,” Evalynn said with a smile. “I doubt they will do much sleeping.”

“It’s been hours since we parted,” Jaina said. “We were assaulted by the harem for so long I lost complete track of time.”

“I lost track of orgasms,” Evalynn said as she leaned back to shake out her hair. “They never stopped coming. My legs were so weak I couldn't stand anymore.”

Jaina smiled at the pleasant memory before cradling Gisley's head and looking out over the beautiful landscape. It was like looking over dark clouds under a bright sky. She realized that this must be how Gisley saw the forest at night when she flew over the trees. It was a beautiful sight and added to the power of the moment as she and her sisters lay down to cuddle.

“This is nice,” Jaina said as she and Gisley snuggled into Evalynn's chest. “The night sky here is so pretty.”

“I wanted you both to see how beautiful the forest canopy was at night,” Gisley replied and wiggled into Evalynn tightly. “Sometimes, I fly up here just to enjoy it.”

“It’s lovely we have such a warm place to cuddle and see it,” Jaina teased.

“And why am I the bed for our cuddle?” Evalynn asked as she wrapped her arms around them.

“You're our protector and keeper,” Jaina said. “You have always been the strong one who took charge when Roric wasn't there or was hard-pressed.”

“Yes, you're the alpha slave girl,” Gisley agreed. “And we little slaves look up to you.”

“Hmm, I could live with that,” Evalynn agreed and began to stroke their arms. “And I will always protect you.”

“Good, because I love you being our protector,” Jaina said and mixed her fingers with Gisley's. They lay in warm silence as the stars went by, sharing their love for each other.

Hours later, Gisley detected that Roric and the others had finally gone to sleep. The girls decided to be selfish and let them sleep while they enjoyed their private retreat. They lay naked in the cool breeze of the night sky, staring up at the stars and wondering if they were real places. Gisley thought they were, but Evalynn was more rational, suggesting it was just a backdrop for the world. Jaina wasn't sure either way, but they all had to admit there were other places. New Eden was based on human fantasy games, and so many of them had Heavens, hells, and other dimensions or places full of dangers. Who could say the stars in the sky weren't those places, or perhaps they were doorways to them. It was fun to fantasize about what might be and the magical places they might go to one day. Eventually, the conversation drifted to other topics as the girls began to dream.

“Do you think Heather and her slave sisters might one day be here with us?” Gisley asked.

“I don’t think it’s appropriate to call them slave sisters,” Evalynn said. “They are wives of one man. It is very different.”

“But they wear Blackbast’s collars,” Gisley replied.

“Only for the disguise,” Evalynn cautioned. “But some of that might change soon.”

“Yes,” Jaina said with a wide smile. “Because now they are all sleeping together and experiencing the wonderful power of sex with a collar on. Soon they will find them very hard to give up, but we still have to consider Frank. He is a very deeply committed kind of lover. I worry he might never be able to share them.”

“I bet he will,” Gisley said as she rolled to the side to rub Evalynn's stomach. “He's a boy, and all boys have fantasies. Once their love is so firmly established, he no longer worries about it; he will begin to think about those fantasies again. Then they will start to experiment, and things will grow.”

“Wow, that was surprisingly insightful,” Jaina said.

“I'm from Japan, the land of male fantasies,” Gisley replied. “I have known men who were strongly traditional yet secretly loved certain manga and anime. They all behave as one should in public, but deep inside, they wish they could live those other lives. I think Frank is like that. He knows about manga and anime and harbors those secret dreams but never believed he could have them. Now he is waking up to the possibility that he could, and I think that sooner or later, he will embrace it.”

“It makes sense,” Evalynn agreed.

“I don't know,” Jaina said. “As much as I would love to sink my teeth into Heather, she is just like him. They both require relationships to be airtight and deeply committed.”

“Which is why they are perfect for each other,” Evalynn agreed. “They each give the other what they need.”

“Safety and stability,” Jaina agreed.

“Think what you like, but I still say he will change,” Gisley said, then leaned up. “Oh, people are waking up. I think morning has come.”

“Oh, our warm dream snuggle is going to end?” Jaina sighed.

“I am afraid so,” Gisley said as she swayed. “But don't forget, we're still buried in pretty girls.”

“A valid reason to wake up,” Jaina laughed.

“Shall we then?” Evalynn asked as Gisley nodded.

Jaina opened her eyes with a blink to see she was smothered by soft women who were still asleep. She was on her back, looking between a pair of blue legs, and could clearly see a lovely pussy glistening with wetness.

“And I can't reach it,” she whispered as she tried to move but found her body pinned. She leaned her head as far forward as she could, getting close enough to smell the sex, but couldn't so much as lick it. “Now, this is torture,” she grumbled and settled back to wait for the women around her to wake up. She was forced to stare at the object of her desire for nearly half an hour before the blue woman woke up and moved away. Jaina finally climbed free a few minutes later and found Gisley in the baths, splashing with a girl who said she was a siren.

“She can seduce men by singing to them,” Gisley explained when Jaina climbed into the pool to join them.

“If memory serves, sirens lured men to their deaths,” Jaina explained.

“They do,” the woman said with a smile. “But you always have a little fun first. I’m Melody, by the way.”

“Jaina, but I am willing to bet you knew that,” Jaina said.

“Oh, I know you by flavor,” Melody said with a smile. “I bet I could Identify all three of you by taste alone.”

“Hmm,” Jaina said with a smile. “What do you say I learn your flavor, so we don't need to use names.”

“I would like that,” Melody said and waded across the pool.

Jaina smiled as the woman came into her arms, and the two shared a passionate kiss before She climbed out of the water. She sat on the edge and spread her legs wide as Jaina got a good look at the woman's soft center. She descended on it with lustful hunger causing Melody to gasp as the feasting began. Gisley waded up behind Jaina, stroking her back as she watched Jaina eat Melody's pussy. The siren began to writhe and moan as she leaned back, her feet high in the air to keep her legs wide.

It wasn’t long before the woman was cumming, a victim of Jaina’s skill at pleasuring a woman. Jaina shared the orgasm, her body sweetening the bath as she orgasmed into it. Melody had to lay flat as Jaina pushed on, using her hands to spread the woman’s body wide. Jaina licked and kissed every inch of her succulent folds, savoring the flavor of the sultry woman until they shared half a dozen orgasms.

“That's enough,” Melody gasped and patted Jaina's head.

“That’s enough?” Jaina laughed as she sat back. “Do you know how many times I came last night?”

“I can imagine,” Melody gasped as her arms fell beside her head. “I gave you at least five of those.”

Jaina crawled over the tired woman's body to pin her to the ground and share another kiss.

“Thank you for being breakfast,” Jaina said as the kiss parted.

“Mmmm,” Melody purred and put her arms around Jaina. “I will be every meal you ever want.”

Jaina smiled and planted another kiss before they finally parted. Gisley joined her outside the bath, and together they went in search of Evalynn. She was found in the gardens with two other elf women, talking about her magical forest.

“There you are,” Evalynn said as Jaina and Gisley approached.

“So, what are you talking about?” Jaina asked as the elf women looked very excited.

“Rajeen is going to allow harem girls to wander the forest,” Evalynn said.

“Really?” Jaina said as she felt that was very strange for Rajeen.

“She wants us to prowl for new slave girls,” A dark-skinned elf woman with ghost-white hair said. “She is very interested in adding to her collection.”

“But what if you encounter a man?” Jaina asked. “They come to the forest in larger numbers than the women.”

“We are not permitted to play,” the other woman said. She had long dark hair and golden skin that made her look very striking. “However, we are free to play with the women.”

“Rajeen will know if we have been unfaithful,” the dark-skinned woman said. “And we will be put in chastity.”

“I see,” Jaina replied with a funny smile. “I assume that doesn’t apply to us.”

“Not us,” Evalynn answered. “We are technically Roric's slave girls.”

“But we are part of Rajeen’s collection,” Jaina argued and turned her hip to display the paw print. “We bare her mark.”

“Rajeen has made an exception in our case,” Evalynn said with a shrug.

“I think any girl who needs a break should be free to wander the forest and play all she wants,” Gisley interjected. “Being here is wonderful, and I will never tire of the pretty girls, but sometimes you need a change of scenery. I bet if she let some of them have some time off to play with men outside the temple, they would be happier and love her more.”

“We are very happy,” the dark-skinned woman insisted.

“But you're confined to so small a space,” Gisley said. “Don't you ever want to wander around and have a little adventure?”

The two elf women looked at one another and admitted it would be nice to do other things once in a while. They exclaimed their devotion to Rajeen, with the golden-skinned woman declaring how much she loved her master. Still, they both admitted to wishing they could occasionally have little contact with men.

“But I would never do anything to hurt Rajeen,” she said. “I would happily give up men forever just to please her.”

“I am delighted to hear that,” Rajeen said, causing the five women to look around, unable to see her.

“How?” Jaina said as she looked about.

“I can be unseen when I wish,” Rajeen replied as she stepped out of the shadows of a pillar where Jaina was certain she wasn’t a second ago.

“You are very sneaky,” Jaina laughed.

“Oh, but I love to observe my collection unnoticed,” Rajeen said in her sultry voice as she came to her two elf girls. “And they never cease to bring me great joy.” The two women smiled and bowed as Rajeen took one into each arm. They curled to her bare chest and laid their heads on their master's shoulder, looking as if they were at peace.

“You have made your women love you,” Jaina said approvingly.

“I have no desire to keep women who are unhappy,” Rajeen replied. “If I can not make them happy, and bring them, love, then I would rather they went to somebody who could.”

“Like Sandris,” Gisley reminded.

“Yes,” Rajeen said with a sad expression. “I miss my little doe girl.”

“I’m sorry,” Gisley said hurriedly. “I didn’t mean to cause you any pain.”

“Do not be sorry,” Rajeen insisted as she hugged the women tightly. “I am glad she went to a master who could make her happy. She needed some time to grow, but now things have changed.”

“What do you mean things have changed?” Jaina asked. “Is Sandris coming back?”

“No,” Rajeen replied but smiled. “Her master has requested permission to move his grove to your forest. Roric and I agreed last night that he could hide his grove deep in your forest, and Sandris would be allowed to frolic among your trees.”

“Sandris is coming to the forest?” Jaina gasped as Gisley bounced for joy. “I can’t wait to see her.”

“Yes, I am looking forward to it as well,” Rajeen said as she looked at her two elf pets. “But hearing your comments a moment ago and considering how Sandris was unhappy, I wonder if I am making a mistake.”

“What kind of mistake?” Jaina asked.

“Perhaps I should allow my girls to play in the forest and entertain the men,” Rajeen said as she looked into the eyes of the dark-skinned elf. “Would you like to have encounters with men again?”

“Master Rajeen,” the woman gasped with trembling lips. “I would never do anything to betray you.”

“I am aware of that, but I wish to know lives in your heart,” Rajeen replied. “Would you love me any less if you were allowed occasional encounters with men?”

“No,” the woman replied and clung to Rajeen tightly. “I would love you more.”

“This is why Roric allows us to do it,” Jaina said. “We treasure him for it.”

“I see,” Rajeen replied and closed her eyes. “I have much to think about and am once again grateful to you and your sisters for opening my eyes.” She hugged her two beauties and turned them about to head down the hall, pausing only to tell Jaina and her sisters that Roric was in the main hall.

“Shall we find our master?” Jaina asked as she took hold of Evalynn and Gisley. As per Rajeen's rules, they had to wear slave silks in the public areas, but they quickly found Roric and a surprise.

“Well, well,” Jaina said as she arrived at the table and folded her arms. She and the others took in the dozen empty glasses as Roric, Frank, and Legeis suddenly sat up straight. “A little early to be getting sloshed, isn't it, boys?”

“Umm, I hadn’t expected you out of the harem so soon,” Roric said and cleared his throat as both Frank and Legeis looked away.

“I can tell,” Jaina said as Gisley looked around her. “So we finally settle, and our master turns into a drunken layabout. But did you have to drag Heather's husband and one of her friends down with you?”

“Umm, I just remembered I have a project that needs working on,” Legeis said and jumped down. “It, uh, was nice to see you with some clothes on.”

“I should go with him,” Frank said. “He might need something heavy lifted.”

“Um, hmm,” Jaina said as she watched the two men scurry off.

“Wow, you three drank all that?” Gisley asked as she looked at the table.

“It isn’t that many,” Roric protested.

“It’s what? Eight in the morning?” Jaina asked.

“It’s just mead,” Roric protested. “And it would take ten more of these to get tipsy.”

“You see, girls, this is what happens when men settle,” Jaina teased. “Next, he'll be staying out late and coming home at three in the morning to sleep on the couch.”

“Very funny,” Roric said as he folded his arms to glare back at Jaina. “And so you know, I ordered a special breakfast for you.”

“Jaina already ate,” Gisley teased as she sat down.

“I have no doubt that she did,” Roric added as Jaina and Evalynn joined him at the table. “Chandice is in the kitchens, making it special for you.”

“Oh, a Chandice cooked meal,” Gisley said excitedly. “Now I can’t wait.”

“I have never had one of her meals,” Evalynn said. “Well, not a homemade one.”

“She is an amazing cook,” Gisley said. “She cheats and enchants all the utensils to help cook things.”

“That sounds like she’s creative to me,” Jaina said and smiled at Roric. “So, we ran into Rajeen on our way here. We had a little discussion.”

“She told you about Sandris, then?” Roric asked.

“Oh, yeah, she did mention that,” Jaina said as she ran a hand along his arm. “And about how her girls were going to explore the forest. But after talking to us, she is considering letting them play with the men.”

“You’re kidding?” Roric said in surprise. “What did you say to her?”

Jaina recounted the story and how it was left, with Rajeen saying she had much to consider. He was surprised by the outcome, but the conversation quickly shifted as Chandice arrived with two slave girls carrying trays.

“Alright, who wants pancakes?” Chandice said as the trays were put down to reveal a treasure trove of perfect golden pancakes, some slathered in butter, others whipped creams and fruit. Every plate was ringed with perfectly cooked sausages. Bowls of cream, fruit, and syrup in three flavors were provided to add extra taste.

“Oh, my,” Evalynn said as her stomach growled. “This looks amazing.”

“Well, eat up,” Chandice said as she sat down with them. “The butter is particularly good.”

Gisley went right for the cream and fruit, getting some on her nose as the others laughed. Jaina and Evalynn were more restrained, enjoying some sausage and cakes with maple syrup. Roric also went for the meat but had a few pancakes to wash down the mead.

“This is very good,” Evalynn said as she finished a stack of pancakes. “Did you make these all yourself?”

“I did, but I had some kitchen help,” Chandice admitted as she leaned back in her chair. “Every chore is easy when you can enchant everything.”

“I feel like she’s our mom,” Jaina laughed.

“She’s a good mom,” Gisley agreed.

“Well, there I go, slipped down from girlfriend to mom,” Chandice sighed.

“Oh, don't be silly,” Jaina said and smiled at her. “I still love you as my girlfriend and maybe someday as my wife.”

“Hmm,” Roric said as she raised a fork full of pancake. “I see you two have been doing a lot of talking.”

“We all know you're going to marry Rajeen,” Jaina said with a shrug. “And Chandice has always been my girlfriend. So it makes sense that we would marry eventually.”

“Can I be your flower girl?” Gisley asked as she bounced.

“Of course, you can, sweetheart,” Jaina said and petted the excited fairy.

“As long as we're all here, how often do we want to do these runs through the forest?” Roric asked. “I don't mind giving you three the mornings every other day if you want.”

“Hmm,” Jaina said as she looked at her sisters. “Well, girls, how often do we want to chase the boys?”

“Every day!” Gisley said excitedly as Evalynn laughed.

“We can't do it every day,” Jaina corrected. “You have other duties, and we have to spend some time with the rogues in their tavern.”

“Oh, well, I like doing that too,” Gisley agreed.

“We should do it no more than twice a week,” Evalynn suggested. “With a potential extra running on special days.”

“I think that’s a good rate,” Roric agreed. “We will come up with a schedule so it can be organized appropriately.”

“So, what else do we need to talk about?” Chandice asked.

“Idris,” Jaina said and looked to the others. “And news about her?”

“No,” Roric said with a shake of his head. “Rajeen has bounties out all over the north and has pulled some strings to get extra help. Idris hasn't appeared yet, but teams are going into the wilds to trace our steps and look for her.”

“Oh, the poor thing,” Jaina said with a shake of her head. “We should never have done it.”

“It's too late to worry about that now,” Roric said. “She still has two uses of the fairy dust, and we look for her every night. If she was suffering, she would make contact with us and let us know.”

“That’s true,” Jaina agreed as she started to have an odd thought. “But don’t you think it’s funny she hasn’t contacted us?”

“What do you mean?” Roric asked.

“I mean, she must know we aren't going north anymore,” Jaina replied. “So the sudden change in direction should have prompted a response of some kind. That she hasn't tried to make contact makes me wonder, do you think she enjoys it?”

“Being in chastity that long?” Gisley asked with a funny expression.

“Sweety, some girls love chastity,” Jaina said. “The teasing and denial drive them wild. Maybe Idris is enjoying the belts and playing the role of a chastity slave.”

“She did seem to love the idea in the dream,” Chandice agreed. “She wanted the belts on even while dreaming.”

“I wonder,” Evalynn added as she started to see where this was going. “You could be right, and the longer this goes, the more she might come to love it.”

“It’s a possibility,” Chandice said. “But we won’t know until we find her.”

“No, we won’t,” Jaina said as she started to smile. “But I can’t wait to see what kind of woman she has become.”

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