The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-100 Predators and Prey

He crept through the foliage doing his best to remain hidden among the dark trunks. He had heard rumors about this forest, but never in his wildest dreams did he think it was this bad. They started out as a group of three, but Gius was ambushed almost immediately, his screams echoing off the trunks as he was dragged away. Finbold lasted a bit longer, but he let his focus lapse, and she struck without warning.

Now only Thellion remained, and he was determined not to be caught. He wasn't sure how they struck, the attacks happening in the blink of an eye. He assumed it was a magical camouflage, invisibility, or some kind of teleportation.

He avoided the roads and stuck to the dense plants that grew deeper in. He had avoided their nets for over an hour and was hopeful it would remain that way. It was as he stepped out from around a trunk that a strange silver snow glittered before him. He held out a hand to catch some of the falling dust and examined it more closely.

“What is this?” he asked as he worked it between his fingers. It was like nothing he had ever seen before, almost like the magical dust you see in movies.

“Did you think you could get away?” a silvery voice asked, causing him to look up in a start.

There she was, a woman of terrible beauty, her breasts on full display as she squatted on a branch high above. She had wings like a butterfly, full of dark colors as silver glitter floated about them.

“No!” he cried and made a break for it, his legs pumping as he tore through the ferns and flowers. He heard giggling laughter as the woman promised he wouldn't get very far and urged him to conserve his strength for what would come next.

He fought through the brush and nearly tumbled into a shallow stream as he heard the flutter of delicate wings behind him. Splashing through the waters in reckless haste, he struggled to climb the other bank. His heart beat fast as he returned to his feet and broke into another run, but his efforts were wasted.

He was tackled from behind, delicate arms wrapping around his chest as he was carried to the ground. He rolled over in time to see those breasts descending on him and his cries echoed through the love wood. One of the forest's top predators caught him, and now he would be devoured. Before he could say anything, it began, and for the next half hour, he was ravaged by a wild beauty.

“I like this game,” Gisley laughed as she finished with the man she was straddling. They had made love, with Gisley taking everything she wanted and more. It was all part of a contest that Evalynn had dreamed up. Three men would enter the forest every morning, and whoever could reach the far side without being caught would win. The prize was a night with all three women, whose only purpose was to fulfill all his fantasies. Unfortunately, nobody had made it more than halfway through the forest, and the girls took decadent pleasure in punishing them for being caught.

Gisley thought it was a funny contest because no matter how it ended, the runners were rewarded with sex. The contests started in Finneous's town, where players had to sign up to compete, then at the same time every morning, they gathered at the edge of the forest. They did their best, but the girls were always waiting, lurking in the shadows for their morning prey.

“Now, don’t you feel suitably punished?” Gisley teased the man under her care.

“You are a terrible fairy,” he laughed as he sat up to look into her eyes. “How is anyone supposed to be able to outrun you?”

“You can't,” Gisley replied, tapping his nose as she rocked her hips a bit more. “But I love it when you try. It’s so much fun catching you and making you my conquests.”

“I will try again,” he insisted as she climbed off and raised her arms high to stretch. He took in all her beautiful glory, the purple skin, pink hair, and those firm, supple breasts. He had never been so happy to lose in all his life and looked forward to the next time he could try the forest run.

“I never asked, what is your name?” Gisley said as she fluttered into the air.

“Thellion,” he replied with a nod of his head. “I play a paladin.”

“Oh,” Gisley said as she fluttered close, her body inches from his face. “Are you a good paladin or a bad one?”

“Isn’t it a little late to ask now?” he joked as she shrugged as if it didn’t matter.

“I suppose it is, but that's part of the fun. I only ask because I know some of the paladins of that King Kevin can be mean,” Gisley said. “We have friends who have had trouble with them.”

“That's because there are reports of necromancers in the south,” he replied. “But I am not aligned with any order. I am a holy paladin, and I don't share Kevin's hatred for monster players.”

“Good,” Gisley said as she dropped to her feet and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Because I enjoyed our time together and don't want it to be soured.”

“Have you ever known a sour day?” he asked as her smile filled him with wonder.

“I have some bad days,” Gisley admitted as she started to rock. “Some people hate what we're doing, and others want to spoil it. A few silly people believe we are here to be abused or to serve their needs, and we can't say no.”

“Can you?” he asked with a raised brow.

“Of course, we can,” Gisley said as she pressed her forehead against his. “We have the right to say no to whoever we wish. Our master allows us to play, but he doesn't demand it, and sometimes he wants us all to himself.”

“Your master sounds like an interesting man,” Thellion laughed.

“He’s wonderful,” Gisley replied then planted a kiss on his lips. “Now, see if you can get out of the forest without being caught by one of the other girls.”

“Do I want to get out uncaught?” he laughed.

“Hmm, I bet you don’t,” Gisley agreed. “Tell you what, if you can escape the woods unsoiled by another woman, I will ensure you have a sweet dream tonight.”

“How sweet?” he asked, prompting her to swat his chest.

“I offer you a special fairy dream, and you want to know how good it will be,” she giggled. “Well, let's just say that since it's just a dream, it can be whatever you want.”

“And all I have to do is get out of the forest without being caught by another predator?” he asked.

“That's all you have to do,” Gisley cooed. “You won't make it, of course, but I will give you some incentive to try.”

He looked surprised as Gisley dropped to her knees and took his manhood in hand. Without a word, her soft lips parted, and she took him into her mouth. He was still slick with their sex, his cock coated with his seed and her body. She savored both as she began to suck, drawing low moans from Thellion.

“How did I meet somebody so wonderful?” he groaned as Gisley’s head started to bob.

She held his legs as her lips did all the work, pleasuring his flesh as he twitched from her efforts. Her prostitute skills came into play as both increased his sensation and denied his orgasm. She sucked at him for nearly ten minutes until he pleaded with her to finish him.

“Only if you promise to try and escape,” Gisley said as she pulled away momentarily.

“I promise!” he pleaded as she went back to sucking his cock. “I will do everything in my power to get away.”

She wanted to smile at the sincerity in his voice and decided he had been tormented enough. She used her skills to trigger his orgasm, and he stiffened like a board as her mouth filled with a warm reward. She shared the orgasm as well, reaching between her legs to rub as she ran wet with sticky glitter. She could hardly believe this was the purpose of her life and swallowed eagerly before ensuring he was clean.

He took a moment to pant as she once again stood and helped pick up his clothes. She giggled as he hurriedly dressed, and with a final kiss ran off, determined to win his dream. Once he was out of sight, she spread her wings and fluttered into the air, flying high through the branches and using the secret paths across the treetops. She was certain there would be other men about, but she was in a particularly good mood and wanted to dance over her pond.

She worked her way through the forest, enjoying the flight until she reached the shored of her magical waters. She flew out over the blue expanse; her arms spread wide as she shed clouds of silver glitter. Tonight would be magical as all three moons would be full, and she would make enough glitter to fill dozens of bottles. She flew in great spirals, going around her islands as she lifted her voice in magical song. She had the most wonderful life and shared it with the most wonderful people. She was free to experience love in all its forms and to use her skills to bring others passion. She had a magical home well beyond anything she had dreamed about. She was encouraged to sing, dance, and play to her heart's content, free from the worries that once plagued her. She had embraced being a prostitute and now considered it her greatest gift as it allowed her to experience sex like never before.

Now she flew in graceful spirals, dragging a toe in the water to ripple its surface. It was a joy to be here, and she looked forward to the sexual encounters in her future.

“Hello?” a voice called, drawing Gisley from her thoughts.

She fluttered to a tree and looked around the trunk to see something that made her heart leap for joy. Quinny was at the water's shore, dressed in a lovely black gown that looked fit for a dance. Her shoulders were bare, and her long dark hair was tied back with a white ribbon. She was in her pale zombie form, with an almost gothic beauty that was hard to ignore.

“Quinny!” Gisley cried and fluttered from the trees. “I am so happy to see you!” She raced up to the zombie woman and quickly took her into her arms to share a passionate kiss. “Have you come to play with me?”

“I don’t know if I should,” Quinny admitted. “My relationship with Heather has kinda become an open thing. She even calls me her girlfriend.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful,” Gisley replied as she fluttered back but held the woman’s hands. “I knew you guys were destined to be a harem.”

“Frank doesn't like that term, but I think he's warming up to it,” Gisley laughed. “Anyway, Heather asked me to amuse myself for a bit so I was wandering the forest, and I heard you singing. Your voice is beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Gisley said bashfully while holding the woman's hands. Gisley was fond of Quinny, and for one torrid night, they had known love. She and Quinny had spent several hours in passionate sex, enjoying one another to the fullest. She dearly wanted to recreate that moment but understood that her relationship with Heather had to take precedence.

“So, tell me all the news about your family,” Gisley urged. “Are you all making love yet?”

Quinny smiled but shook her head, pointing out that it was close but hadn’t quite happened. Frank was a little nervous about having so many women, but like all men, he was rapidly getting used to it.”

“I bet he is,” Gisley laughed.

“He was so bashful at first, but Heather insisted we start doing things like swimming together so he could get used to us being around and naked,” Quinny said.

“He’s such a sweetheart,” Gisley said and touched down. “He loves you all so very much.”

“That's part of his problem,” Quinny said. “He loves us all, but he doesn't believe he has to right to have us. He's afraid we're all going to get jealous of one another, and he will lose us.”

“You don't strike me as the jealous type,” Gisley said and started to walk, pulling Quinny along. “Let's talk in my lodge, where we can sit and look over the water.”

They went to the comfortable lodge and sat on a plush couch at the edge of a balcony. The sunlight danced on the water as the two shared a lively conversation. Gisley learned that Heather was making an honest effort to form her family, slowly building Frank up to accept his harem. They had just recently decided to call it a relationship and start going on dates.”

“I made love to Breanne and a little bit of petting with Heather,” Quinny said. “She’s still warming up to the idea of making love to a woman.”

“I am glad to hear she is trying,” Gisley chirped happily. “Soon, your family will be just like ours.”

Quinny broke into laughter and shook her head, suggesting they would never be that carefree. Frank wasn’t the sharing type, and other men were out of the question. Maybe a woman or two could be brought in to play with for a short time, but Frank and Heather only shared intimacy with those they loved.

“And it takes them both a long time to build that love,” Quinny said.

“I bet that changes over time,” Gisley offered. “Sooner or later, they will get so comfortable with each other that an occasional fling won't rock the boat. We might even get to swap girls, with Roric trading one of us for one of you.”

“Ha, I would love to see that,” Quinny giggled.

“I bet it will happen,” Gisley insisted as she took Quinny’s hand. “Speaking of all that, what about Blackbast?” She noted how Quinny looked away and shifted nervously as the question touched a nerve. Gisley tried quickly to retract it, but Quinny insisted it was ok.

“Blackbast is special,” Quinny said eventually. “We all have a lot of sympathy for her, and Heather told her we could date, but I don’t know if it will work.”

“Because she has to have sex with others?” Gisley asked.

“Yeah,” Quinny said as she looked over the water. “I love wearing the collar and would work in the temple in a heartbeat. Heather loves the collar too, but she and Frank have trouble accepting the slave lifestyle. I think we all know that Frank will be hurt if we start having random sex with strangers. It just isn't his kind of thing. He is possessive about his girls, and his love isn't given easily.”

“Thankfully he’s the good kind of possessive,” Gisley said. “The I love you with my whole heart type.”

“Yeah, but Roric loves you girls, and he doesn’t have trouble with it,” Quinny pointed out.

“Roric is very different,” Gisley countered. “He came here to live this lifestyle specifically. He has always wanted this, and he knows that allowing us to play only makes us love him more.”

“I wonder if Frank will ever see it that way?” Quinny asked.

“I wouldn't push him,” Gisley offered with an arm around Quinny's back. “Let him mature at his own pace, and when he's ready, he will bring the subject up.”

“I hope he does change, but I wouldn't want to hurt him,” Quinny said. “I love Frank and Heather more than anyone I have ever loved. I will be perfectly happy to be theirs exclusively for the rest of time.”

“Oh, that’s so sweet,” Gisley said and leaned into her. “But if you don’t mind me being greedy, I really want to make love to you again, and Jaina has a thing for Heather.”

“She does?” Quinny asked as a wide smile spread across her face.

“Yes, she does,” Gisley replied and explained some of Jaina’s comments about how attracted to Heather she was.

“Well, it would be fun if we could mix, but like I said, I wouldn't risk hurting Frank,” Quinny said.

“You just keep me in mind,” Gisley replied and leaned over to kiss her cheek. “Sooner or later, your relationship will mature, and you will open up to something more.”

“And then Jaina can have Heather,” Quinny laughed.

“And I can have you,” Gisley added as she rubbed Quinny’s side.

Quinny smiled and turned to share another kiss before she said she had to go. Heather was doing all she could to ensure they spent time together, and part of that was building the city. However, today they had both been very secretive about something. Heather had insisted Gisley and Breanne go for a walk so she and Frank could take care of something. Gisley was a flutter with questions about how that worked, and Quinny answered some as they walked together, heading through the forest. They parted at the edge with another kiss, and Gisley watched as the zombie woman headed for home.

“So what were you naughty girls up to?” Jaina asked as she stepped out from around a tree.

“Oh, you know, just a lot of hot passionate sex,” Gisley said with a smile.

“Ha, I doubt it, but good try,” Jaina laughed as she came to the fairy woman's side. “But if you manage to win them over, make sure you save me Heather.”

“I don't think it will be long,” Gisley replied. “Quinny said they were dating and kissing, so it isn't going to be long before they grow. Soon they will start asking questions like why can't we share our love with Jaina and the others.”

“I sincerely hope you’re right,” Jaina said as she wrapped her arms around Gisley. “What I wouldn’t give to climb into bed with Heather and Frank.”

“That big hulking ghoul pounding you from behind while you eat out Heather?” Gisley teased to stir her imagination.

“Little brat, if you turn me on, you're going to have to take care of it,” Jaina said sternly.

Gisley smiled and leaned into her, running a hand up Jaina's taught stomach to fondle a breast. Jaina called her a naughty girl again but quickly turned to embrace her with a kiss. In no time, they were making love, and Gisley got to sit on top as she leaned over to eat Jaina. This was her favorite position, her pussy on another woman's mouth, as she returned the favor. She never considered herself bi-sexual until she met Jaina, and couldn't help but be drawn to her freedom.

They shared a half dozen orgasms, each woman trying to drive the other wild. When Gisley was modestly satisfied, she climbed off and helped Jaina stand.

“I bet you would love Heather to eat you like that,” Gisley said as they walked down the trail hugging each other tightly.

“I don't even allow myself to dream it,” Jaina said with a shake of her head. “But you may be right. Their relationship will mature one day, and they might be open to more.”

“I told Quinny we would swap one day,” Gisley laughed. “It will be like we're all one big family, and we will move freely between Frank and Roric's harems.”

“Don’t forget Rajeen,” Jaina reminded. “She loves having a lunar fairy in her harem.”

“Hmm, all those yummy girls,” Gisley laughed. “I bet you have eaten all of them already.”

“I would be surprised if I missed one,” Jaina replied with a big smile. “All those warm tasty pussies just begging to be eaten.”

They teased one another for the duration of the walk, spending hours in each other's company. They finally reached the heart of the forest and paused on a little bridge over a gentle brook. They leaned on the railing and listened to the trees when Evalynn’s voice echoed in the distance. She sounded excited and rushed along, coming to the bridge with a big smile.

“Jaina! Gisley!” Evalynn cried as she took each of them by the hand. “It’s finally happened. Heather’s city is open!”

“It is?” Jaina said excitedly.

“It is, and guess who has already come through to set up her home?” Evalynn asked.

“Rajeen is here!” Gisley cried as she bounced into the air with a wild flutter.

“She is, and Roric wants us to go out and meet her,” Evalynn said. “We might be able to place the magic doors and connect our homes today.”

“How wonderful,” Jaina gasped as Gisley touched down.

A moment later, a magical disk was summoned, and Gisley carried her slave sisters off to find their master. He was waiting at the base of the mountains with Chandice, a magical door in his pouch. They climbed aboard, and Gisley took off, carrying them through the forest. It took over an hour to cross the full distance, but they eventually saw the white walls of Paradise city and headed for one of the major gates.

“I am so excited,” Gisley said as they headed for the open doors.

“I can tell,” Jaina laughed and pointed out the waves of glitter being left in her wake. Gisley hurried through the gates and into streets where players were wandering about. Many stopped to gawk as a cluster of naked women went by, pulled along by a beautiful nude fairy.

“It occurs to me we have no idea where she is building her home,” Roric said as they began to twist and turn down streets. Gisley made turns at random, looking for any sign of the jade temple. They even stopped to ask if anyone had seen it, but most people just stared at the naked women.

“You would think they had never seen a naked woman before,” Jaina commented as Roric questioned a group on the corner. She looked about as people stared and suddenly felt a burning need to masturbate. “Oh no,” Jaina groaned as she realized what was happening.

“What?” Chandice asked from where she sat on the disk.

“My succubus mark,” Jaina groaned. “There are too many men here, and they are thinking about me.”

Evalynn started to snicker as Chandice put her arm around Jaina and told her there was no point in resisting it. Gisley smiled as Jaina leaned back on the disk and spread her legs wide as two fingers began to dance in her folds. She moaned as people gathered to watch the display as a naked woman pleasured herself for all to see.

Gisley tapped Roric on the shoulder to alert him to what was happening, and he quickly waved off the men he was talking to. He waited until Jaina came for her audience, then had Gisley quickly carry them away.

“That was hot,” Gisley said as she looked back to see Chandice cuddling Jaina in her arms. “I bet the whole city will be talking about you soon.”

“Let’s just find the inn,” Jaina panted. “Or I will be putting on a dozen more performances.”

Gisley fluttered over a bridge into a region that reminded her of Evalynn’s elven village. She took a turn through a garden and came to a sudden stop as a statue loomed before them.

“Is that Breanne?” Evalynn gasped as they took in the twelve-foot-tall statue of white marble. It stood in a fountain giving the illusion she was walking on water. Behind the stone image was a magical one of her banshee form. It hovered and slowly bounced around as two colorful wisps flew around her.

“Wow,” Gisley said as they took the statue in. “She looks so powerful.”

“Blackbast said that Breanne's power is deceptive,” Roric reminded. “She told me that Breanne keeps it in check, but when she cuts loose, she is frightening to behold.”

“A woman who can kill you by screaming at you,” Chandice commented. “I wouldn’t want to face that.”

They flew on for over an hour and risked asking for directions a few more times. Jaina suffered the price of stopping until she started hiding behind the others. They finally found their way to the inner wall and the magical gate that connected Heather's city to Gwens.

“This is amazing,” Chandice said as she stood on the disk. “A gate large enough for a giant to use, linking two cities as if they were one.”

“You would never know that gate didn’t go through the wall,” Evalynn pointed out.

“Hey!” called a familiar voice as they noticed Quinny and Breanne standing on the other side of the gate. The two women came through with a throng of other people and hurried to the others.

“I am glad to see you,” Jaina groaned as she tried to hide behind Chandice. “Can you tell us where Rajeen's temple is?”

“She only came through four hours ago,” Quinny said as she looked bashful.

“Are you alright?” Evalynn asked as Quinny and Breanne began to blush. They both held up a hand and turned it so the group could see the rings on their fingers.

“Eeeeee!” Gisley cried as she danced on her toes. “He asked you to marry him!”

“He did,” Breanne replied with a smile. “And they invited us to begin sharing their bed.”

“Well, congratulations!” Jaina said and was quickly joined by the others. “This has been a long time in coming.”

They shared a few brief details about how the wedding would be four to five months off yet, but Heather wanted to start referring to them as her wives now. Frank was nervous, of course, but he was getting better, slowly growing into his role as the man in their relationship.

Gisley couldn't help but share a knowing smile with Quinny, as the two had just discussed this earlier. Now it was happening, and who knows how long it would be before they were trading girls.

“We can show you the block Frank set aside for her inn,” Breanne said. “Heather and Frank took her there hours ago.”

“We would greatly appreciate that,” Roric said as he looked at Jaina. “Poor Jaina has had to masturbate three times already.”

“I am sure I don't want to know why,” Breanne said as her blush deepened. She quickly cleared her throat and took Quinny's hand to lead the way to where Rajeen would be setting up her new temple. It wasn't long before they saw it, the sand-colored walls and the lush tropical greenery creating an oasis paradise along the street. The building looked nearly completed from the outside, but Evalynn suggested that was because Rajeen had saved it as a blueprint.

They parted ways with the two women and went through the front door, amazed that it looked almost identical to what it had before. She even had the round stage in the middle of her common hall so the girls could dance before a hungry audience.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Jaina said as they crossed the room.

“We all it all to Heather,” Chandice said, then quickly corrected herself. “I mean Hannah.”

“Yes, we should be careful with that name,” Roric agreed. “She needs to be Hannah whenever we aren’t absolutely sure we are alone.”

Gisley liked the name Hannah anyway, so it was easy for her to change. She walked with her loved ones to a back door guarded by tiger men who nodded that they could pass. Inside they saw the first harem girls who readily recognized the group and ran to greet them. Kisses were shared, and fingers pointed, directing them to Rajeen.

A few minutes later, they were in the main harem chamber with girls blowing kisses and making promises to ravage the women. Jaina assured them they would return to take them up on that offer and blew a few kisses back. They passed through the back halls and finally arrived at Rajeen's private chambers. Before they could reach the doors, they flew open, and the white-furred tiger woman practically threw herself into Roric's arms.

“My love, we are together once more,” Rajeen cooed as she held him firmly. “May we never part again.”

Roric shared a long passionate kiss with the tiger woman and then presented her with the magic door. Rajeen took the device and headed down the all, placing it on the wall so it could grow and come into being. A moment later, it was just another archway in the wall, but it went directly into Roric's tribal chambers. The two homes were now one and the passion could flow freely as they were never more than a few steps apart. That passion began almost immediately as Rajeen dragged them into her bed chambers to celebrate their new union.

They made love for the rest of the day and promised to consider themselves all part of one big union. Rajeen and Roric were now head of the household, while the girls were all part of the harem. They would have no bedrooms in Roric's camp; instead, the harem is where they would sleep, and Roric would sleep in Rajeen's bed.

The girls retired to the harem for the night, and Gisley quickly looked into the dream. There was a man who was touched by her glitter and whose dreams she could see clearly. She dragged Jaina and Evalynn into the dream with her as all three women pounced on poor Thellion.

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