The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-99 A day at masters feet

She was suspended on a wooden frame by her wrists and ankles, tied to crossbars with leather cord. She hung with her back to the ground, her long hair falling to the dusty earth. Evalynn wiggled to test her binds, but Nidma, the gnoll woman, had made them tight. She was one of the NPCs Roric had made for the camp and her personality was disagreeable at best. She saw Evalynn as a slave and tasked her with fetching water, scrubbing pots, and sweeping out tents. She hated to see Evalynn enjoying the sex when the gnoll warriors took her. So she punished Evalynn for it, and today's punishment had been cruel. The woman had tied her up and hung her as if to put her over the fire. Then she took a bundle of thin branches and tied them tightly together. She used these to whip the insides of Evalynn's thighs, working her way down to her sensitive pussy.

Evalynn had begged her to stop when the first blow landed on those tender lips. It didn't do any real harm, but those thin strands stung, leaving her skin swollen and itching. Then the women took something akin to a cucumber and shoved it firmly in. Evalynn felt that fruit stretching her body wide as she hung helplessly. Nidma promised she was going to stretch Evalynn's body so wide she wouldn't be able to feel sex again.

Evalynn had no idea how long the punishment went on but she came several times from the fierce pounding. Nidma withdrew the fruit and replaced it with something larger, stretching her body to the breaking point. She shoved it in deep, then used a bit of rope to tie a web over her pussy. No matter how hard Evalynn tried to push, she couldn't expel the object and was left to hang and suffer with it.

Several gnoll men had found her like this and inspected her predicament. Instead of cutting her down, they came round to her mouth and used it instead. They held her by the head as they fucked her mouth, their long canine-like cocks easily reaching several inches into her throat. Three of them had fed her this way, their cum being pumped almost directly into her stomach. She was then left to hang in place, her body heaving from shared orgasms as she struggled to scratch her pussy.

“Here now, who did this to you?” Mirandi said as she entered the tent.

Evalynn looked up into the eyes of the gnoll woman who served as one of Roric's bodyguards. She wore a simple brown top that barely covered her furry breasts and a skirt of leather skins that didn't quite reach her knees. She had alert eyes, always aware of what was happening around her, and her pointed ears stood tall.

“I am being punished,” Evalynn replied.

“By Nidma, no doubt,” the woman replied and immediately went to Evalynn's binds. “She is not kind of nature.”

“She says I enjoy my role, and that makes her angry,” Evalynn replied as a leg came free.

“We both know that you do,” Mirandi said as she worked on the other knot.

Evalynn studied the gnoll woman for a moment as she worked on the knot. She was an NPC created by Roric but he had spent extra points to advance her behavior. In normal conversations, she was almost human in nature, rarely betraying her origin. However, she became almost stupid if the conversation ever strayed into topics like the server or the visitors. She was also prone to repeating herself and being too predictable, as she had a narrow window of responses.

Her other leg came free and she was able to sit on the ground as Mirandi started on her wrists. The change in position was good for her legs, but the object inside her pussy strained to get out.

“Oh,” Evalynn groaned and leaned over.

“What is it?” Mirandi asked.

“She put something inside of me,” Evalynn gasped. “It’s so big I can barely stand it.”

Mirandi paused a moment, and Evalynn knew that was her logic trying to decide how to respond. She was frozen as if in a loop then she started moving again. “Let me see if I can get it out.”

Evalynn stood on her weak legs with her wrists still firmly bound. She leaned back to present the ropes tied around her hips and between her legs to the gnoll woman. Mirandi struggled with the knots a moment, then drew a small knife, carefully cutting the strands away. Evalynn's stomach shifted when they came loose and the mass that was inside refused to be contained any longer. Out came a fat yellow melon that grew in the gardens along the tents. She let out a relieved groan as it fell to the ground, her body finally able to rest.

“Such a mean thing to do to you,” Mirandi said distastefully. “You should tell the master.”

“I am fine,” Evalynn replied as she crumpled to sit on her rear and recover. Mirandi shrugged and returned to the binds at her wrists, and soon Evalynn was free. She was weak from being bound and hung for so long, but to her surprise, Mirandi picked her up. She was carried across the camp, passing by several men who eyed her with animal hunger.

“They will never get enough of you,” Mirandi commented as they crossed one of the stout rope bridges.

“I hope not,” Evalynn replied and enjoyed her current situation.

“You slave girls are a treasure to your master,” Mirandi commented as they passed the center of the span. “I hope one day to have an elf slave girl of my own.”

“I am sure you will capture one someday,” Evalynn said. She knew the two women who guarded Roric had been carefully programmed to think of slavery fondly. Of course, it wasn't the kind of slavery you saw in the real world, but a kinder, gentler thing. She doubted real-world slaves were lovingly carried by their master's concubines to be placed at his feet.

Mirandi took her to the massive tent that marked Roric's throne room. Inside a fire blazed in the central pit, and Jaina danced on a long chain as Roric was served a plate of cooked meat by his other guard Lilac. She wore a thin white gown over her silver fur and a band of purple flowers around one ear. She looked up as Mirandi brought Evalynn to the side of the throne and lay her on a bed of cushions to rest.

“I have brought her as you requested,” Mirandi said before returning to her post at Roric’s side.

“Good,” Roric said and leaned over to regard Evalynn. “I hope you weren’t engaged?”

“I was just hanging around,” Evalynn replied as she sat up. “What can I do for my master?” They smiled as they played their little game while Jaina slowly danced like she was before a crowd of hundreds. She swayed and moved so that her body's curves were on display. It was a sensual dance of sex and passion meant to arouse any who watched for too long.

“There is something important we need to discuss,” Roric said and motioned Jaina to cease her swaying.

Evalynn felt a twinge of worry by how he said that and looked to Jaina as she walked to sit at his feet.

“Did I do something wrong?” Evalynn asked not sure what to say.

“No,” Roric replied as he leaned forward on his throne. “On the contrary. You are wonderful, and I am grateful to call you mine, but now that the collar's time is ticking, I thought we should have a serious conversation.”

“About what?” Evalynn asked.

“About you,” Jaina replied. “Evalynn, sweetie, you didn't come here to be a sex slave. You came to this world to be an elven warrior and built a forest stronghold. You have given all that up to obey Roric, and we want to make sure you are going to be happy with that.”

“I built my forest,” Evalynn protested nervously.

“Evalynn,” Roric said with a raised finger. “When Jaina and I discussed our relationship here, we agreed that we would check in with one another every so often. We would speak openly and be honest about how we felt. We knew a lot of what we were talking about was just fantasy, and when it became a reality we might feel very different about it. You were never part of that discussion, so we thought we should give you a chance to speak freely.”

“You want to know if I have regrets about being your sex slave,” Evalynn asked.

“We just want you to be happy,” Jaina insisted. “The collar is going to lock in a few days, and you will be a sex slave forever more. I came here to play this exact role, but you didn't. So we want to be sure this is what you want.”

“If you want to take the collar off and stop the timer for a little bit, I will understand,” Roric said. “I will restart the timer when you are sure you want to be my slave forever.”

“I don't need time to think about that,” Evalynn replied and stood tall. “I love being your slave, and I love my role here.”

“But this isn’t what you set out to be,” Roric pressed.

“No, but what I set out to be turned out to be a disaster. I made a fool of myself and drove everyone away,” she countered and looked down. “I know people will say I am weak when I admit I enjoy being your slave and having somebody to tell me what to do. I have always tried to take charge and be a strong leader, but I screw that up. With you, I discovered that I didn't have to be the strong one, I could bow my head, and you would take charge. It almost seems hard to believe, but it's so liberating not to have to make all the important decisions. I love having you dictate how my life will be down to who will share my body.”

“She’s a slave girl at heart,” Jaina said to him. “I think we’re safe.”

“You understand. I want you to be happy,” Roric said as he looked into Evalynn's eyes. “If you grow unhappy later, I will have to sell you and hope somebody else can make you happy.”

“I understand,” Evalynn said. “But I have never been so happy, and I can’t wait for this collar to lock so I can proudly say I am a slave forever.”

Jaina got up and came to her arms, hugging her firmly as she rested her head on Evalynn’s shoulder.

“I am glad you want to be a slave with me,” Jaina whispered. “I consider you my protector, and you are too hard on yourself. Whenever Roric wasn't around to take charge, you always did, and you did an amazing job of it.”

“I agree,” Roric said. “You are my champion, and I will always value your place at my side.”

Evalynn wrapped her arms around Jaina as she heard their kind words. She had to hide her face in Jaina’s hair when the tears came, stirred by memories of past embarrassments.

“Sweety, why are you crying?” Jaina asked as they clutched one another.

“You are the only ones who have ever appreciated me here,” Evalynn sobbed. “I made such a fool of myself in the past, trying to play a noble warrior. I thought everyone was going to role-play, but most people just mocked me.”

“Oh, love,” Jaina said and began to sway with her. “You just met the wrong people early on.

“I feel so embarrassed by how I behaved,” Evalynn wept. “I made such a fool of myself. They even mocked me again when they saw I was a slave. Nobody is going to let me live that down.”

“Evalynn,” Roric said as she felt his arms come around her. “We all make mistakes that leave us humiliated, but in your case, those moments were a blessing.”

“How?” Evalynn asked as she looked up to meet his gaze.

“Because, thanks to those moments, you were ready to be my slave,” Roric replied. “It prepared you for our encounter and set you on the path to where you are now. You are our champion, my right hand, and the builder of our home. We all love you and only brought you here because we needed to be sure this was what you wanted. I want you to stay with all my heart, but I love you enough to let you go if that is what you want.”

“Never let me go,” Evalynn said as she peeled out of Jaina’s arms to go to his. “Promise me you will keep me forever.”

“I promise,” Roric said as he hugged her tightly.

“Ooh! Am I missing a special moment?” Gisley asked as she walked through the door. “I always miss the important things.”

“Oh please,” Jaina laughed and glared the little fairy down. “I am surprised to see you here. Did you finally wear Santos out?”

“That isn’t all I was doing,” Gisley said as she folded her arms. “I was doing other things.”

“You mean other rogues,” Jaina corrected. “Turn around and let us see your back.”

“Why?” Gisley protested as she froze.

“I want to see how far you have advanced your tattoos,” Jaina said. “I bet your well ahead of the rest of us. Now turn around.”

“I don’t want to,” Gisley pouted as she folded her arms.

“Gisley,” Jaina said firmly. “Turn around, or I will ask master to have you publicly spanked.”

Gisley flinched at the threat and slowly turned to reveal a heart with a purple outline.

“She’s had sex over fifty times already?” Evalynn gasped.

“I told you she was a slut,” Jaina laughed. “Oh, those poor rogues. They must be exhausted feeding that fairy hunger.”

“I'm a prostitute,” Gisley said defensively. “And we agreed that we would service the guild.”

“Not all day, every day,” Jaina laughed as she walked to Gisley and pulled her into a warm hug. “Oh, don't be upset,” Jaina urged as she felt Gisley stiffen up. “I am only playing with you, sweety. I am glad you have embraced your class and are enjoying it.”

“You made it sound bad,” Gisley pouted as her antenna curled down into little nubs,

“Please don't give me the sad face with the curled-up nubs,” Jaina pleaded. “I'm sorry. How can I make it up to you?”

“I don’t know,” Gisley said and folded her arms.

“Hmm,” Jaina said as she rubbed the fairy's purple skin again. “How about we dance for Roric together.”

Gisley tried not to smile but it was clear she loved the idea of dancing. Jaina stepped back and pulled the fairy with her, taking up a pose as Gisley started to giggle.

“Let's dance like we do on stage,” Jaina suggested. “And then we can make love while he watches.”

“Ok,” Gisley said as she started to sway.

“One moment,” Roric said as he raised a hand. Then, he looked at Lilac and asked her to go and get the musicians.

“You have musicians?” Jaina asked as Lilac left the tent.

“Of course I do,” Roric replied as he pulled Evalynn into his lap. They settled in to wait, but it was only a few moments before five gnoll women entered the tent. They brought drums, flutes, and stringed instruments that looked complex to play. They settled into one side and began a slow dirge of rumbling drum beats and haunting flutes.

Jaina and Gisley began a slow rhythmic dance, swaying their bodies as they turned in tight circles. Roric decided to have incense lit and a turkey-like animal put on a spit over the fire. Other gnolls gathered to watch as Roric held court while his slave girls entertained the masses.

Evalynn curled into his arms, enjoying the embrace of her master, and was delighted when Roric began to stroke her back. She sighed in delight, unable to believe her life had come to this. She was a sex slave to a wonderful man and had two amazing sisters to serve beside. Drinks and food were brought as the girls danced, and Evalynn was offered wine from the master's chalice. He used a fork to spear slices of peach and slowly fed them to his treasured pet. Evalynn couldn't believe a man was feeding her from his plate, and she was eager to take the next bite. It was a moment of magic and submission that filled her heart with new purpose.

When the fruit was gone, he held her tight, watching as Gisley's and Jaina's dance became more erotic. The two began to rub against one another in a dance of foreplay leading up to their eventual sexual encounter. Evalynn felt something against her leg and looked down to see Roric was becoming aroused. His cock was easily nine inches long with a tip that tapered to a sharp point. The flesh was purple in color and always glistened with a wet sheen. Evalynn chewed on her lower lip to see her master's cock and decided to please him.

Slowly she climbed from his lap to kneel before him as he looked down to see what she would do next. She looked up with pleading eyes as his cock throbbed before her lips and silently asked for permission.

“Go ahead,” Roric commanded.

Evalynn looked into his eyes as her lips parted and wrapped around the tip of his bestial cock. She always felt a surge of taboo when she tasted the flesh of her master, a sense of pleasuring a beast. She was slow and methodical, sucking along the shaft to savor his taste. She left trails of saliva to coat her master’s warm cock as he went back to watching the girls dance. After ensuring he was good and coated, she finally swallowed the tip, taking time to suck on it gently.

Roric moaned as his eyes closed, thoroughly enjoying his slave's attentions. Evalynn took that as a compliment and slowly worked him deeper into her mouth. She lowered then gently sucked up, using her lips to hold him tight. She started back down as they tapered over the tip, going just a little lower each time.

Her tongue was put to work, teasing the flesh along the way. Her efforts were rewarded with a throb as Roric was lavished with pleasure, his slave proving her devotion. Soon his long cock was pushing beyond her mouth, the tip now reaching into her throat. Evalynn was grateful for the wonderful magic of the slave collar that prevented her from gagging or choking. He slid into her tonsils with ease, the sensation adding to her sense of taboo. She continued her work, going lower with each pass until he began to fill her throat.

Now Evalynn started to push her limits, driving Roric's long inches into her throat. She wasn't satisfied with the depth until her lips were able to kiss his knot and make him tense up from the sensation. Now she began a series of short strokes, her head bobbing so that her throat did most of the work.

Roric moaned again as his hands tightened on the arms of his throne. Lilac rubbed his shoulders as he enjoyed Evalynn's attentions, his cock firmly planted in her mouth. She planted her hands on the floor and leaned into her work, using only her mouth to satisfy him. Her oral mastery skill came into play, increasing the pleasure as she bobbed at a firm pace. Her lips spread over the base of his knot again and again as Roric shifted in his seat.

Evalynn loved this game of pleasuring him and looked up with pleading eyes to add to the effect. She saw the gnoll women looking down as if to say Evalynn was in her proper place. She focused on his body, feeling his state of arousal as an idea played through her mind. The collar gave her the skill accommodate that allowed her body to accept men who were unusually large. The description specifically stated it was her pussy and rear that would stretch, but testing had proved her mouth had a limited capacity for more.

As Roric began to twitch, she realized he was growing close, so she pressed her mouth down hard. She felt her jaw strain as her lips went wide around his knot, but she panicked and pulled away. She tried again on the next thrust, gaining a tiny bit of ground. His cock was never so deep in her throat, leaving her wondering how it was she could still breathe. She tried again, her jaw feeling as if it would break before suddenly his know shifted, and she dropped down to swallow it.

Roric let out a groan like never before as one of his hands curled around the back of her head. She was now firmly knotted in her mouth, his cock so deep in her throat she was sure it was below her shoulder blades. She could only bob an inch or so, his knot preventing her from pulling away. His hand curled tightly in her hair and started to guide her efforts as he let out a low growl. She felt his cock throbbing in her throat, the sensation alarming. A moment later, she shared the orgasm, her body rocking with a sudden release. She tasted nothing but his flesh as his seed was pumped directly into her stomach. She felt a warm sensation flooding her chest as the reward for her devotion.

Roric held her tight as his orgasm subsided, stroking the back of her head.

“Good pet,” he said as she was petted like a prized animal.

Evalynn sat with her mouth fully anchored, waiting for his knot to shrink. When it did, she slowly pulled away, saliva pouring from her lips as inch by inch came free. When he finally came out, she grabbed hold of it and gave it a few good strokes while kissing the tip.

“You have pleased me,” Roric said and motioned her to get up. “Turn around, spread your legs, and bend over.”

Evalynn did as she was told, turning about to spread her long legs wide. She then leaned over so that her rear and pussy were fully displayed to her master, then waited for his next command.

“I order you to cum,” Roric said in a commanding tone.

Evalynn was bound by the power of the collar, and her master had given her an order. Her body responded without any stimulation, cumming powerfully as she ran wet before his eyes. She couldn't help but moan as her body trembled in a release that threatened to topple her.

“I command you to cum again,” Roric said causing a new burst of cries as her body obeyed his command. She had to put her hands on the floor to support herself as fluid began to rain between her spread legs.

Evalynn panted as her mind was lost in the passion of the moment. Roric was watching her cum just for the enjoyment of it. He commanded her to do it again and she cried out, nearly toppling as this orgasm caused a spray of fluid to hit the floor.

“Now, remain bent over and walk backward,” he said as she tried to clear her head.

She did as best as she could, slowly working her way back until her pussy was over her lap. She let out a grunt as he guided his cock into her sensitive folds, filling her body. He then commanded her to stay in that position and gently ride him, giving her permission to cum as often as she wanted.

Evalynn was more than eager to follow his orders, her hips bobbing as she worked his cock through her flesh. She didn't know how many orgasms she had, but at some point, she collapsed and was lifted up. She spent the next hour in his lap, her back to his chest and his cock firmly rooted in her pussy. Evalynn was allowed to throw her head back and enjoy where she was, breathing heavily as Roric watched the dance.

“She is a good slave,” Mirandi said as she leaned over to look into Evalynn's eyes. Before Evalynn could react, the woman grabbed her chin and leaned in. A long dog-like tongue passed between her lips as she shared an intimate kiss with the gnoll woman. That kiss went on as another sensation swept up from below. Lilac had knelt between Roric's legs and leaned in to begin licking Evalynn's wet pussy. She moaned as that tongue lapped up her clit, sending spiraling waves of pleasure up.

Roric reached out to stroke behind Lilac's ear as she pleasured Evalynn, sending the elf woman into a new daze of sexual pleasure. The music and dancing went on as the sex never seemed to end until, at long last, they broke to feast. Food and wine were shared around with the three girls serving the collected gnolls. Lilac and Mirandi attended to Roric personally, but he had one final surprise when the meal was over. He took his two gnoll women to bed but left his three slave girls to the camp. The girls were quickly pulled down by hungry gnoll men who had watched their bodied for hours.

That night they satisfied the entire camp and were dragged off to gnoll beds to sleep. It was the way of things now as Roric’s slave girls and none of them wanted it any other way.

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