The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-98 A mans perspective

They stood at the edge of a city under construction as the sound of hammers and picks filled the air. A gentle breeze swept Jaina’s hair as Santos looked at her dumbstruck by what she had just said.

“Princess Hannah is a necromancer?” he repeated with a look of disbelief.

Jaina now wondered if it was wise to have told him this, but how else was she going to explain the army of skeletons laboring under goblin control? All around them, teams were hard at work, building a city like no other. He wanted to be the rogues guild in the city, and sooner or later, he would discover Heather's dark secret.

“I suppose I should tell you more,” Jaina said as she folded her arms. “Assuming we are still friends.”

“Theirs more?” be choked. “What have you gotten yourself into? Do you understand what happens to people who defend and support necromancers?”

“We aren't defending or supporting her,” Jaina replied. “We are simply her neighbors; nobody needs to know that we know.”

“It won't matter,” Santos argued. “Kevin will send his elite paladins to burn this region and everything around it for miles. They will drag you before their interrogators and ask you questions with magical aid to detect lies. You know she is a necromancer, they are going to find out, and you will pay the price. Your best bet is to flee this place and go so far away that nobody will associate you with her when they come.”

“Oh, do we have to leave?” Gisley cried as she hovered nearby.

“We aren't leaving,” Jaina stated flatly as her eyes narrowed. She was surprised by his reaction as he had been one of the calmest and confident men she knew. However, seeing his alarm made her nervous, and she wanted to know why. “What has you so upset?”

Santos looked away momentarily, his gaze sweeping over the skeletons at work. He seemed to be considering his reply as his eyes searched the scene for some sense of understanding.

“I suppose you should know that I am rather high-level,” Santos began as he looked her in the eyes. “My guild might seem insignificant, but that is because I want it that way. You should also know I was much higher before, but I was caught up in the fighting and punished for supporting the necromancers.”

“You were involved in all that?” Jaina asked in shock.

“I was just over level one hundred and fifty and ran a guild of over a hundred,” Santos replied with a voice that carried a hint of pain. “The server was alive with a sense of wonder as the necromancers built a college where magic users of every discipline came to do research. They discovered that the magic wasn't set in stone. Old spells could be modified, new spells could be invented, and systems they thought were once rooted in stone could be changed. It was the renaissance of the server, and the necromancers had become the hub of all learning. They had dozens of projects pushing the limits of what could be done on the server. They invented several new forms of gates to link locations and a mass teleportation spell that could focus on anchor points.”

“So magic can be altered to do what you want it to?” Jaina asked.

“It can do a lot more than that,” Santos said. “But the necromancers went too far and started a project they should have. I have no idea what it was, but it caused a division among the various schools of magic. It spiraled into a series of conflicts, then open war as the server tore itself apart.”

“And how were you involved?” Jaina asked as she was enthralled by this story.

“I was an opportunist,” Santos said with a smile. “There was quite a bit of gold to make working for both sides. I was working for a city in the north, my guild managing a network that stretched across a dozen kingdoms. Both sides wanted information and resources stolen, especially the necromancers. I ran dozens of jobs for them, always assuming the war would end one day and things would go back to normal.”

“Why would you assume it would end?” Jaina pressed.

“Because you can't fight a war when nobody stays dead,” Santos replied. “A lot of players saw this as a huge waste of time, and the necromancers were slowly losing ground. They had the support of most of the monster players, but that was a small portion of the server. The bulk of their army came from the undead they could summon, but that took time, effort, and resources. Players would respawn four hours later and rejoin the fight, but it often took them a full day or more to recover slain minions. They simply couldn't keep up, but then everything changed. The necromancers found a way to reanimate a slain player, so it was the actual player and not just an NPC zombie. The players found themselves unable to resist the commands of their summoners, and they were sent into battle against the others.”

He paused at this point in the story as his face took on a faraway look. Something about this stage of the war bothered him, and she took a hand before leaning into his chest for emotional support.

“I am sorry. I had no idea this was so painful for you,” Jaina said. “What happened that made it so bad?”

“The necromancers made a miscalculation,” Santos said. “I couldn't explain it as I have no idea how any of this works, but players reanimated as undead didn't respawn when slain. Instead, they stayed dead, and suddenly, there was a way to kill a player permanently.”

“Oh, goodness!” Jaina cried as Gisley let out a similar squeak of shock. “That had to be horrible. Is this why Kevin went so insane against the necromancers?”

“It's a large part of it,” Santos said as he put an arm around Jaina. “What finally made him lose it was the death of his dragon. You see, he had a female dragon with rich red scales that went with him everywhere. He has always maintained that she was a player, even killing people who dared to suggest she wasn't. I don't know all the details, but I do know she led an attack on the necromancers, but it was a trap. She and some woman named Hathlisora faced off, and the dragon was slain, then reanimated by the necromancers. She was then sent into battle against Kevin, where he had to kill her, knowing full well she would not respawn when he did. I am told she pleaded with him to forgive her as they fought, her mind still remembering who she was.”

“How terrible!” Jaina cried as she tried to imagine being forced to kill somebody close to her. She tried to imagine how she would feel if forced to permanently kill Gisley or Evalynn as they begged her to save them. The image sent shivers down her spine as the pain of such an act filled her soul. She would never be able to do it; no matter the circumstances, the pain would be too severe.

“He went mad after that,” Santos said. “During the war, a large portion of the player base was waiting it out. Kevin used the fear of a permanent death to rally them to his side. He blamed the necromancers, monster players, and their sympathizers for what was happening and united the hero players in a massive wave against them. After that, it stopped being a war and became a crusade to free the server from the danger they represented. When the fighting finally ended, he started rounding up anyone who had aided them and punished them. Unfortunately, my guild and I were caught up in all that, and the penalty for our actions was a reset.”

“I am sorry,” Jaina said as she ran a hand along his chest. “I had no idea you had been directly affected by all this.”

“You couldn't have known, but you need to know now. I have never dared to rebuild a large guild until now. I wanted to make sure a lot of that anger had died off, so I wasn't opposed when I tried to rebuild. But, now you're telling me this woman is a necromancer? You need to understand the danger that puts you in.”

“She is the kindest person you will ever meet,” Gisley cut in and fluttered close. “She helps everyone she meets and is super honest. When we asked about settling here, she came right out and told us she was a necromancer. She wanted us to know the truth, so we wouldn't be blindsided by the risk she posed.”

“And you accepted?” Santos balked as he studied Jaina’s face.

“You needed to be there,” Jaina protested. “When we met her, they had just rescued an ogre player from a city where the heroes would use him for sport. She is surrounded by monster players she rescued along the way and has formed close relationships with. The whole reason she is a princess here is because Queen Gwen was in trouble. Her kingdom heart had been stolen, and she was being blackmailed into marrying a man to regain control of her kingdom. Hannah recovered the stone and handed it back with no demands or conditions. Gwen was so touched by her kindness she made Hannah her daughter and named her a princess.”

“She sounds lovely, but that doesn’t lessen the danger,” Santos argued.

“We know it doesn't, but there are a few things you don't know,” Jaina insisted. She took a moment to explain that Hannah's real name was Heather and that she was a chosen. She then told Santos the story about how a woman named Moon had stolen Heather's panel and used it as leverage to trick Heather into becoming a necromancer. Heather had no idea of the danger she was in and didn't want to pick necromancer, but in the fight to recover her panel, she accidentally leveled and was locked in.

“So this wasn’t her plan?” Santos asked.

“No, a cruel player tried to manipulate her, and now she is stuck,” Jaina argued. “She keeps it a secret, pretending to be a normal human player with flower singer and recluse as her classes.”

“If anybody sees what's going on here, that secret is out,” Santos argued. “Not to mention this Moon woman already knows, and you can't be sure how many people she has told.”

“We are all aware of this,” Jaina said and hugged him tightly. “That’s why we need you here. Your guild can help manage rumors and stop people from looking too closely at her. Heather said she had some friends go north to spread counter rumors that people had mistaken her for a necromancer. They are telling people she came into the world with Frank, who wanted to play a ghoul, so she picked a recluse to play alongside him. Because she has a few skeletons and travels with a ghoul, she has been mistaken for something she isn't.”

“That’s a gamble,” Santos insisted. “And it doesn’t address the issue of Moon. She knows for certain that she is a necromancer.”

“Hence why they moved a significant distance and changed her name to Hannah. We try never to use her real name, just in case somebody is listening,” Jaina argued and reached out to stroke his cheek. “I had no idea you had personally suffered in all that chaos. It's hard for Roric and I to appreciate because we didn't join until long after it was over. But we can do this. Hannah is doing everything she can to bury her necromancer side, and Frank is telling people he is a carrion knight now. They are doing their best to throw off suspicion and build something unique here.”

“I can appreciate that, but Jaina, I care about you and the others. I hate to see you in so much danger,” Santos insisted as he took hold of her arms. “Do you really want to take this risk?”

“Santos,” Jaina replied as she smiled at him. “I am a monster player, and not just any type of monster but a mimic. I have recently learned that players despise mimics and hunt them to reset whenever they are found. Heather wants to put an end to all that kind of behavior in her kingdom. She is kind to players like me and welcomes us in. If you have no problem with me, then I implore you to have no problem with her.” She clasped her hands and chewed on her lip, playing up her best pleading expression.

“You are a terrible person,” he said as his smile returned. “I suppose I need to be here to keep you and the others safe.”

“Oh, thank you!” Jaina cried and threw her arms around him. “I will make sure you never regret this.”

“So will I,” Gisley added and joined the hug, pressing her breast’s in his face.

“I am sure you two can repay my kindness somehow,” he laughed before pinching their rears.

“We do that already,” Jaina laughed and leaned back. “Now, common, let's go find them and ask if you can set up here. You will see, they are wonderful.”

They let the magical disk go and decided to walk the rest of the way, carefully avoiding the construction going on. There was an eerie mood to see teams of skeletons laboring at digging and breaking rocks, but they were going about it efficiently. Inside the outer walls, the city was starting to shape up with buildings bought with points already in place. They wandered a bit and even stopped to ask a few goblins if they knew where Hannah was, but they were of little help. Thankfully Gisley spotted a door opening on a small stone tower and out walked Heather, Frank, Breanne, Umtha, and Quinny.

“Frank, Heather!” Jaina called and waved to get their attention. Heather was in her usual sunny yellow dress with a large hat, looking as if she belonged on some southern plantation.

“Does she always dress like that?” Santos whispered as Quinny came running.

“Not what you expected for a necromancer?” Jaina teased right before Quinny ran into her arms.

“Jaina!” Quinny cried and wrapped her in a warm hug.

“Oh, how is my favorite little zombie girl?” Jaina asked as she returned the hug.

“I am wonderful,” Quinny replied and stepped back, only to sweep Gisley into a hug.

“Umm, hi,” Heather said as she approached, her eyes looking high to avoid Jaina's naked body. Jaina wanted to laugh at how she and Frank were still uncomfortable with their nakedness but let the point go.

“So, what brings you to our work in progress?” Heather asked.

“It looks like you have a lot of it done,” Jaina replied as she looked around. “But the castle isn’t even started?”

“We are debating the design,” Frank added as he studied Santos.

“I see,” Jaina said as she turned to introduce Santos. “I would like you all to meet our dear friend, Santos, the rogue guild leader.”

Heather smiled and warmly greeted him, introducing herself as Hannah and then introducing the others one by one. Santos nodded to them all in turn until they got to Quinny, who was sharing a rather passionate kiss with Gisley.

“Will you stop molesting the fairy,” Breanne insisted as she pulled Quinny away.

“I don’t mind being molested,” Gisley said when their lips parted.

Santos smiled wider as he knew just how much of that he had done to Gisley just that morning alone. However, he focused on the others as Heather asked if there was something she could do for them.

“Actually, there is something you could do for me,” Jaina said and gestured to the man at her side. “Santos lost his lair a while back because he was helping us. He has been without a home for quite a while now, but unfortunately, most cities already have a thieves guild. Would it be alright for him to set up here? He could be the local guild, and you would never have to worry about the thieves in the city working against you.”

“He wants to set up here?” Frank asked. “What does he need?”

“Just a region of land to build his lair in and a structure on the surface to be the entrance and safe house,” Jaina answered.

“Do we want thieves running around our city?” Heather asked as she looked at Frank.

“They are going to do that anyway,” Frank said. “But this way, we know who controls the local guild, and if there are any problems, we know who to talk to.”

“I assure you my rogues won't cause you any harm,” Santos said. “And, of course, you can call on us whenever you need something taken care of quietly.”

“The rogues also tend to hear about secret plans or plots long before they happen,” Jaina added. “He could be invaluable as your eyes and ears in the city.”

“Well,” Heather said as she saw no reason to deny the request. “Why not? Welcome to the city.”

“Thank you,” Santos said with a curt bow. “You won't regret this, and I promise the guild will cause you no trouble. We will do our best to aid you and help deal with problem players. You would be surprised how effectively a dozen rogues are at convincing somebody to play elsewhere.”

“Thank you for your offer,” Heather replied. “I am sure it will be useful to have somebody who can help with that.”

“So you need some land to build a lair,” Frank said as he opened a map of the city with his kingdom heart. “What kind of building would be best for you?”

“I prefer something that blends in,” Santos said with his usual charm. “I tavern would work perfectly.”

“Oh, can I be a barmaid?” Gisley asked as she danced on her toes.

“Gisley, do you love being a barmaid that much?” Jaina laughed.

“I happen to like it,” Gisley said defensively and folded her arms. “Chandice does too.”

“I wouldn’t mind having her around more often,” Santos said with a wink.

“You men are terrible,” Jaina laughed. “But that’s ultimately up to Roric. He decides what she can and can’t do.”

“I can’t wait to ask him,” Gisley added with a bounce on her toes. “I hope he lets me do it.”

“How are you going to prowl the forest and work the tavern?” Jaina asked with a serious glare.

“I just want to work a couple of days a week,” Gisley said. “Besides, we all have to work the guild.”

“Work the guild?” Umtha questioned as Heather quickly cut in.

“Never mind that!” she said and cleared her throat.

Jaina had to cover her smile as Heather instantly figured out the meaning. She wanted to explain it to the goblin woman but decided Heather wasn't ready to hear of their sexual escapades in the guilds dungeons. Frank showed the map to Santos and began showing him several locations they had no plans for. Santos chose a spot near the outer wall along one of the canals, citing it would give him the right atmosphere. He also wanted to be close to the walls to make a hidden route out of the city. This would allow the guild to operate without passing through the streets where they might be watched.

Frank nodded and selected the land, creating a box deep into the earth that he then assigned to Santos as the owner.

“On behalf of myself and my guild, I thank you,” Santos said with a bow, then took a deep breath. “Would it be alright if I started building right now?”

“Go right ahead,” Frank replied. “If you need more room underground, just say so, and I will expand it.”

“You are most kind,” Santos replied and bowed his way out, putting an arm around Jaina's and Gisley's back as he went. They walked until they were a safe distance away before he finally addressed them.

“Alright, she is nothing like I expected,” Santos said.

“I told you,” Jaina teased. “She was all too happy to give you a place to build your guild. Frank offered you all the room you wanted for free.”

“He is a stand-up guy,” Santos agreed. “But how is he in a human form? You said he was pretending to be a carrion knight.”

“He has a magical item that allows him to transform,” Jaina replied as his hand wandered low enough to squeeze her rear. “It was given to him as a sort of wedding gift so they could get married.”

“Ah, marrying a ghoul would probably have garnered the wrong kind of attention,” Santos said.

“I wonder if she has sex with him in ghoul form?” Gisley asked. “You should see him. He's as big as an ogre and just as strong. I bet his cock is as big as my arm. I would love to feel that sliding through my pussy.”

“You terrible slut!” Jaina laughed and swatted her rear. “What happened to my innocent little fairy that was afraid to be a prostitute?”

“You made me sleep with hundreds of men,” Gisley replied with a bashful smile. “And I like it now.” She accentuated her point by reaching down to begin playing with her pussy. She moaned as Jaina laughed and suggested she had gone too long without a good fucking.

“I swear you're the horniest of all of us now,” Jaina said and turned to Santos. “You'll have to satisfy her first, or she will be rubbing all day.”

“There isn't a suitable bed nearby,” Santos pointed as he looked about the empty street with very few buildings.

“That’s alright,” Gisley said and came to him, throwing her arms around his neck. She practically pulled herself into his arms, forcing him to hold her legs as she threw them around his waist.

Jaina laughed as she hung on, forcing him to stand there holding her up. She realized he didn't have a hand free to do what needed to come next, so she helped out.

“Let me get you started,” she said and reached for his belt, opening his belt and then pants before taking hold of his cock. She dropped to her knees to stroke and sucked him to hardness as Gisley bucked anxiously. His warm cock quickly firmed up as Jaina worked her magic. She stroked him to ensure her saliva was spread before guiding him into Gisley's waiting pussy.

The fairy woman moaned as she slowly swallowed him until her plug rested on his balls. Now Santos took over, bouncing her with his thrusts as he made love to her while standing in the street.

Jaina looked around to see distant goblins going about work as the two had sex out in the open. She wondered if Heather and the others would catch them but didn't really care. She looked back to the action to see glitter-filled goo beginning to coat Santos's balls and couldn't help herself. She leaned in to lick and kiss those tender bulbs, cleaning them off as Gisley coated them again.

“You two are amazing,” Santos groaned as Gisley rode his cock while Jaina nuzzled his balls.

Jaina couldn't help but smile at that remark, knowing he must be loving this. She lapped up all the fairy goo she could, then decided to try and go to the source. She licked up the base of his cock, her tongue making contact with Gisley's stretched pussy on every bounce. It was hard to get a good lick with her riding like that, but Jaina did her best, then worked her way up, licking around the base of Gisley's plug. She went straight up the gap in the middle of those lovely purple cheeks, licking and kissing as she went. When she came to her feet, she was hungry for more, so she grasped Gisley's plug with a careful hand.

Gisley let out a little moan as it bounced free of her tight little rear. Jaina took a moment to suck on the silver plug, then set it aside as she smiled. Her body blurred, becoming a nondescript gray form, then suddenly taking shape until she was an exact image of Santos. She caught his eye, and he started to laugh, knowing what was coming next.

The purple fairy woman let out a squeal of delight as her bouncing stopped a moment so a second firm cock could be pressed to her ass. Santos pulled her legs up, forcing her body wide to accept the new intruder, and in moments she was firmly planted on both of them.

Now the bouncing began again as two men made love to her tender body. She clung to Santos for support, her voice flying loud and free as she was forced to ride them both. Jaina reached under the woman’s arms and grabbed hold of her breasts, roughly fondling the nipples for extra stimulation. Gisley offered no resistance, her head rolling back and forth as she orgasmed for what might have been the third time.

Jaina always thought it interesting that the slave collars worked differently for men. Now that she was in a male form, her orgasm would be prolonged and not shared. Instead, it would come in one massive built-up release, a moment of supreme ecstasy as it throbbed with flowing seed to fill the fairy woman's rear.

In the meantime, she was filled with a sense of satisfaction to be penetrating the woman. She wondered if all men felt this hunger and need to make love. Did it drive them to all the foolish acts and decisions she had seen them make? Jaina wasn't even sure it was love, as it felt more desperate. It was a driving need to see Gisley taking it, dominated by her cock and unable to resist Jaina's need to drive it in. It was an animal-like hunger that had to be fulfilled, or it would leave her restless and tense.

“No wonder so many men are rough,” Jaina whispered more to herself than anyone else as she felt the madness to take the fairy woman. The collar was amplifying the need, of course, but she wondered just how desperate some men became between acts of sex. She understood now how badly these men needed her body and why they loved her for how easy she was. They couldn’t help themselves, their minds awash in the hunger that comes from deep inside. She felt bad about stirring that to insane levels by using her seductress skills to fire them up.

Gisley threw her head back to cry out as she came again. Her body was alive with trembling muscles as her legs shook in Santos’s hands. Her cries only made Jaina hungrier and drove her to thrust into the bounces, eager to go as deep as she could into Gisley’s body.

Wet fairy good ran down her legs as Gisley came again and again. Jaina was alive with a hunger for the release the slave collar was delaying. She heard Santos groaning as he drew close, his body ready for the reward his efforts had earned. Gisley let out a song of cries when he came, her body alive as she shared the orgasm.

Jaina felt the muscles of Gisley’s rear clench as she came, increasing the pressure. It was a delightful sensation that only served to make Jaina hungrier. She began to thrust rapidly as Santos slowed his pace in the aftermath of his release. Gisley bounced as Santos set her legs down and stepped back, his cock sliding from her body. No sooner was he out of the way than Jaina wrapped her arms around the poor woman, trapping her from behind as she continued to punish that rear.

Gisley held on to one of Jaina's arms as her back arched to offer her more leverage. Jaina was alive with a need to take the woman now, her desire pumping like she had never experienced it before. If all men felt like this when aroused, she fully understood why they found it so hard to behave themselves. This mind-numbing sensation almost wiped away her ability to think logically. All she wanted was to take Gisley, and the act of passion was like spraying a fire with gasoline.

Gisley held on for dear life as Jaina ground her ass as hard as she could. She bounced to the tips of her toes with every impact, her breasts flying in every direction. Jaina was relentless, her need to cum driving her wild. She now realized how much she enjoyed being a woman, where she was free to cum as many times as she could. Men had the one big finish, but it would be a moment of superior release where all her efforts would suddenly seem worth it.

Slowly it built up, with Gisley starting to beg her to cum. That pleading only made it worse, feeding the animal hunger raging inside. Suddenly something felt like it had changed as if a point of no return had been reached. Every thrust felt like magic as her body seemed to be rushing to the weapon she wielded in Gisley's body.

Jaina shook as her voice went out, sounding like Santos. Her body tightened like a rope lifting a heavy weight, and suddenly she throbbed inside the fairy's tender flesh. The sensation of it flowing out, mixed with the sudden flare of orgasm that only a man could experience. It shook Jaina to her core as Gisley shared it, screaming her delight with every thrust. Her cock was suddenly hypersensitive; every thrust was a mind-numbing exercise in overstimulation. She realized this was why Roric and other men always thrust in hard and deep, then held it there as they throbbed. It was so intense she had to fight the almost instinctual desire to slow down and let the sensation pass. Instead, she pressed on, hammering away as her orgasm pulsed in the fairy's body. She lasted as long as she could until she could no longer stand it.

“Uugh!” Gisley cried as Jaina thrust in as hard as she could, then held still to allow the maddening sensation to subside. She begged Gisley not to move as every motion caused a new surge in sensation that drove her wild. They stayed like that for over a minute, with the two heaving for breath while goo dripped from Gisley's rear. When Jaina finally recovered her senses enough to move, she let her form go, her mass withdrawing from Gisley's body to leave a gaping hole. She reformed into her usual self and stumbled to a nearby wall for support.

“Are you alright?” Santos asked as he came to her side.

“I'm fine,” Jaina said as she leaned over to pant. “But something happened just now. I lost control, and all I could think about was taking her.”

“Haven’t you done this as a man before?” he asked.

“A couple of times,” Jaina admitted. “But it was never like this. Once we started, I couldn't stop. I felt such a need to take her. Do all men feel like this?”

“Well, not all of us and not all the time,” Santos replied. “But yes, sometimes we feel an overwhelming need. It's part of being a good man to learn how to resist these urges and clear our heads.”

“How?” Jaina gasped. “It was so consuming. How could anyone resist that?”

“Well, most of us aren't actually having sex at the time,” he laughed. “Why do you think your dances draw such a huge crowd? Men crave sex, and your dances tease that hunger and prey on our needs.”

“I feel bad,” Jaina said. “Am I manipulating them?”

“Yes and no,” Santos replied as he helped her up. “Yes, you are manipulating them, but you also don't keep it a secret. They know what your dances are all about and choose to be there. They want you to tease them and fire them up.”

“I see,” Jaina replied as Gisley fell into her arms.

“I loved that,” Gisley said before planting a kiss. “I wish I could have sex with two men every time.”

“Oh, you really are a slutty little fairy,” Jaina laughed and stroked her head. “What are we going to do with you?”

“I could always put some dungeon cells in the guild and let the rogues at her two or three at a time,” Santos offered.

“Don’t offer her that,” Jaina laughed. “She will never come home.”

Gisley laughed as she clung to Jaina for love and support. It was another wonderful experience and an eye-opening discovery to feel the all-consuming hunger of a man. Jaina had a new appreciation for the men who could control such urges and more sympathy for the ones who struggled to do so. She also looked forward to trying this again as she craved to feel that maddening hunger again. Gisley or Evalynn or maybe even Chandice would have to suffer her attention while she tried to recreate it. Any of them would do, but a sudden fantasy crept into her mind as she dared to think the impossible. With a smile, they continued to walk down the street as Jaina wondered what it would be like to have sex like that with Heather.

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