The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-104 A royal s*x slave

Jaina slept in the castle that night and went to check on Gwen in the morning. She lingered outside the door as loud groaning was heard inside. Gwen was being fucked again, and judging by the sound she was making; it was hard. Jaina wondered what must be going through the woman's mind as the man she had previously looked down on fucked her silly.

Jaina returned to the room and waited until the door finally opened hours later, and Gwen staggered in. She was still in disguise, and her face looked tired as she staggered to the bed and collapsed.

“Have a good night?” Jaina asked as she came to the woman to rub her shoulders.

“You are a terrible seductress,” Gwen groaned. “How do I let you talk me into these things?”

“I am a seductress,” Jaina replied. “But you let me lead you because you are starved for attention.”

“Does it show that badly?” Gwen asked.

“Yes, it does,” Heather sighed.

“I suppose I deserve it,” Gwen grumbled.

“Don’t say something like that,” Jaian insisted.

“Why shouldn't I?” Gwen asked. “I tried to challenge Kevin and his authority from the very beginning, even forming a loose alliance to stand against him. I chose to stand against the mob and paid the price for it.”

“Love, you are a wonderful person, and I can tell that just by how Heather is,” Jaina said.

“Heather?” Gwen said and looked up. “What has my daughter got to do with your opinion of me?”

“Heather loves and admires you,” Jaina said as her hands started to caress lower. “She refers to you as her mother and encourages us to do so as well. Whenever she speaks about you, it's from the perspective of a daughter talking about her mother. It's very touching to see how much she cares.”

“Really? She feels that way about me?” Gwen asked.

“You’re her mother,” Jaina insisted. “Of course she does.” Jaina was enjoying her moment when she heard Gwen sob. She paused to lean over to see the woman was crying and had to ask what was wrong.

“I really do see her as my daughter,” Gwen sobbed. “It means so much to me to know she feels the same.”

“Oh, Gwen, you’re even more alone than I imagined, aren’t you?” Jaina gasped.

“Alone, Isolated, abandoned,” Gwen listed as she wiped at her eyes. “Did my daughter tell you how she recovered my kingdom heart?”

“Yes, she told me how it was stolen and how she got it back for you,” Jaina replied.

“And did she also tell you how all my allies and neighbors abandoned me to my fate?” Gwen asked.

Jaina had heard this too, but to hear it in Gwen's pained voice added more weight to the matter. Gwen went on to explain how she grew so desperate she even begged King Kevin for help. He mocked her instead and left her to rot with some lands, even removing her city from the maps so players wouldn't find it.”

“Oh, Gwen, I am so sorry for you,” Jaina gasped.

“I languished for years with nobody bothering to lift a finger, then that wonderful girl and her friends walked right in. I told them what I needed and how dangerous it would be, but Heather didn't even seem bothered. She said they were already going that way and would recover my stone while they were there. I had no hope for their success and even less that she would keep her word if she managed to get the stone. Yet she returned and handed it right over without so much as trying to blackmail me.”

“Heather is a wonderful person,” Jaina agreed. “I kind of have a crush on her.”

“She is wonderful,” Gwen agreed. “But when she handed that stone back, I realized just how wonderful and knew she was the one. I wanted her to stay and be at my side as the daughter I always wanted.”

“It’s a very beautiful story,” Jaina agreed.

“Yes, but the point is I have known what it is like to be abandoned. The people who should have come to my rescue showed their true colors in my time of need, and now I find it hard to make relationships,” Gwen explained.

“I would, too, after something like that,” Jaina agreed.

“But I am still a woman who longs for love and physical affection,” Gwen said. “But I can’t take the risk of opening my heart to someone of my station when they all proved they couldn’t be trusted.”

Jaina now saw her predicament. The queen wanted a lover and not just a common man, but a man equal to her station. However, the fateful events of her kingdom's heart being stolen showed her that none of them were safe. They would use and abuse her trust for personal gain, and she wasn't willing to take the risk anymore. That was why she was calling on the services of a slave girl. She was trying to fill the void of love in her heart and diminish the pain it caused.

“Gwen,” Jaina said and shifted her form, drawing the kingdom heart out of her body. “You should take this back.”

Gwen looked up and burst into renewed tears as Jaina held out the stone. She clasped her hand over the stone and looked into Jaina's eyes as she smiled joyfully.

“I knew I could trust you,” Gwen said in a strained voice. “My daughter trusts you to know her secrets, and now I know your heart is true.”

“I just don’t want you to worry I would abuse this,” Jaina insisted.

“And for that, I am grateful,” Gwen replied and turned to kiss Jaina. When the kiss broke, she took a minute to gather her thoughts and then looked away. “Obviously, I would rather find a committed love, but that's impossible for me now. I can't live with my needs going unmet, so I will put my faith in you once more. If you honestly think I can play this role and no one will ever discover it is me, then I will go with you to meet Blackbast. I will discuss her terms to become a temple whore.”

“You will?” Jaina gasped.

“Only if you promise to help me keep my disguise. I am going to call on you to masquerade as me to help ensure nobody notices my absence,” Gwen insisted.

“Gwen, I will do anything to help you,” Jaina promised.

“Good,” Gwen said and collapsed to the bed. “Because I have enjoyed our games. It is so good to have somebody I trust to play with again. I have been alone for far too long.”

Jaina lay on top of her and hugged the tired woman as she lay in bed. She never realized how deep Gwen's pain ran and how she was surrounded by enemies who would exploit any sign of weakness. Of course, she couldn't find a proper relationship when that was a source of potential disaster. At least serving in the temple would allow her to scratch the itch and escape the burdens of her current life for a little while.

They fell asleep and lay there for over an hour before Gwen finally stirred and thought about her day. First, she had to finalize the road network with the man who had fucked her the previous night. She would use the gift of the slave girl as leverage to gain a bit more of his cooperation. Jaina would be on hand in the guise of the slave girl to help ensure he had no suspicions and perhaps stimulate his generosity.

The meeting went well as he was in a fine mood, constantly smiling at Jaina while Gwen finalized their agreement. He would not expand his lands any further west, allowing the goblins and Jaina's forest to grow beyond the mountains. In return, he would get a road through the mountains to her city, creating a new route for trade and players to flow.

With that deal worked out, Gwen bid him farewell and then turned to Jaina. She had no other plans for the day, so she suggested they go and see Blackbast. They returned to her private chambers, and she put on her ring of disguise. They then went into the hall where the magic door stood and stepped into Rajeen's inn. Gwen commented on the decoration, approving of the style. Jaina showed her the door to the temple, and two women stepped through into a white marble and garden paradise.

“This is lovely,” Gwen said as they passed down the hall.

“Blackbast modeled it after a greek temple with a sort of hanging gardens theme. There are pools and baths all over the place for guests to enjoy,” Jaina explained.

“Hmm, and does my daughter partake in any of these features?” Gwen asked.

“Only in my dearest fantasies,” Jaina laughed and took her into the main hall. It was wide and full of greenery planted in ornate boxes. Water flowed from fountains and spouts, filling steaming pools with magically blue water. Tables, chairs, and cushions lined one wall, inviting people to sit and get comfortable. But there were also chains, manacles, and other devices useful for restraining women while their bodies were used.

“Blackbast?” Jaina called out loud; her voice echoed down the pillared hall.

“What have we here?” a sultry voice responded as a dark feline form emerged from the mist as if by magic. “You have brought me someone to play with.”

“Actually, yes,” Jaina laughed and took firm hold of Gwen's hand.

“Hmm,” Blackbast said as she studied the woman before her. “I cannot help but feel I have seen you before.”

“That’s because you have,” Jaina replied. “Is your temple empty? Are we alone?”

Blackbast closed her eyes, using her detection senses to sweep the temple and confirm that no one else was here. Jaina then took the woman's hand and pulled the ring away, ending the disguise.

“Queen Gwen,” Blackbast said in alarm. “I never dared to dream you would come.”

“I hope this doesn’t alarm you,” Gwen replied. “My dear friend Jaina informs me that you are in need of a good slave girl.”

Jaina wanted to laugh as Blackbast's tail twitched in an animated fashion while her ears stood straight up. The poor woman couldn't believe Gwen had actually come and was openly discussing her slavery.

“You are serious?” Blackbast asked. “You are a woman of such great power. I would not wish to offend you.”

“You cannot offend me,” Gwen replied as she folded her arms. “The truth is I tire of always being the one in charge. I seek a means to escape my duties if only for brief moments and lose myself in the delights of the world that have recently been denied me.”

Jaina then explained Gwen's sad story and her current predicament. She wanted to experience sex and romance again without anyone knowing it was her and with no strings attached. Blackbast nodded but explained that as a slave, Gwen would answer to her. She would be expected to perform even if the man in question was someone she despised.

“I am sure you have many enemies,” Blackbast said. “They may come to this temple, and you will have to provide them with your body.”

“I understand,” Gwen said.

“Now, that is not to say they are allowed to abuse you,” Blackbast said. “They will never know it is you, but should they get out of hand, I will deal with them.”

“I will accept that as well,” Gwen said.

Blackbast then stepped up to her, staring her in the eyes with a gaze that looked deep into her soul.

“And when you are on your back being fucked by some lord, and he says something crass about Queen Gwen, are you going to able to hold your composure?”

“What do you mean crass?” Gwen asked.

“I mean lying that he has fucked the real you or claiming the real you is a filthy whore. Maybe suggesting the Queen needed a good fucking to put her in her place, or suggesting she had unnatural relations with her unicorns. All of this could be possible when men are in the heat of the moment and looking to brag. You would be surprised what they say to a temple whore,” Blackbast explained.

Gwen jumped at that explanation and took a long moment to consider the implications. Jaina knew Blackbast needed to ask these questions, as Gwen was being put in a compromising situation. Men may indeed come to the temple and say crude things about her, not realizing it was her they were fucking. Gwen would have to be able to perform her duties while being horribly insulted.

“I will smile and do my part,” Gwen replied. “But I may need a few moments to recover afterward.”

“A very good answer,” Blackbast agreed. “I believe you have the strength to be a good temple slave. But do you have any questions?”

Gwen did indeed have questions, and they circulated around her need to keep her role here a secret. She was pleased to learn that her collar couldn't be removed forcefully by another, but somebody she genuinely trusted could take it off easily. This eliminated her largest worry that some man could rip the collar off during sex and reveal who she really was. The rest of her questions involved her royal duties. She needed assurances from Blackbast that she would never be required to neglect her role as Queen.

Blackbast promised she would be free to do whatever she needed. When she had time to serve, she could come to the temple and put on the collar. She was free to leave when needed, and Jaina would step in and play either the queen or the slave when necessary.

“Then I wish to continue,” Gwen said. “Make me a sex slave.”

“Oh, I can’t believe this is happening,” Jaina said joyfully. “I am so happy for you.”

Gwen smiled and pulled Jaina into a hug, sharing a warm embrace. “Thank you for helping me,” Gwen replied. “Thanks to you and your family, my daughter is happily married and sharing her love with her family. And now you have provided me a means to know some intimacy myself. I will forever be grateful to you. If you need anything, I will do my best to provide it.”

“Hmm,” Jaina said as the hug parted. “Could you grant small plots of land to a few friends so they could make homes?”

“That’s as easy as blinking,” Gwen laughed.

“I mean, outside your city in the wilds near our forest,” Jaina asked.

“That changes nothing,” Gwen said. “All of this land is ultimately mine, so I can alter the rules anywhere I wish. Just let me know when you need it done, and I will ensure it.”

“I am so happy,” Jaina cried. “Why don't I serve in the temple with you for a few days? You know, to help you settle in.”

“I would appreciate that,” Gwen said with a smile. “I am rather nervous.”

“We need to first establish your disguise,” Blackbast said. “Come, my pet. I will get my slave masters panel.”

“See, you’re already a pet,” Jaina said with a nudge.

“What have you talked me into?” Gwen laughed as they turned to follow the sultry cat.

A few minutes later, Gwen was naked before a tall mirror as Blackbast sat on the bed with Jaina. She held a square device, not unlike a tablet computer, with a touchscreen that allowed her to make changes. An image of Gwen appeared on the device, along with hundreds of cosmetic options. Jaina and Blackbast began to play and point at ideas, tapping them on the screen as Gwen's body changed.

“Can you change her race?” Jaina asked.

“No, only cosmetic changes can be made,” Blackbast explained. “Thankfully, there are over thirty varieties of elf, and it will be easy to hide her particular kind.”

“Roric has one of these, but he never uses it,” Jaina said. “He says we are beautiful just the way we are.”

“He is correct, you are beautiful, but he also has no reason to hide who you are,” Blackbast suggested and went into skin tones. Gwen was pale as moonlight, so Blackbast took her skin to a light tan.

“Go darker,” Jaina suggested. “And add some blue.”

Blackbast made the changes, and Gwen looked in the mirror as her skin went dark ebony, then took on a slight blue tint. Now she looked far too dark with her jet black hair, but Blackbast made it shorter, more curly, and bone white.

“I look like a dark elf,” Gwen commented.

“Which nobody will recognize,” Jaina said.

“Couldn’t we make the skin more brown and turn the hair back to black,” Gwen suggested.

Blackbast shrugged and made the changes, and instantly her body reflected it. Now the hair color looked more fitting, and she had a lovely dark tan skin tone. Jaina recommended some markings, and a blue spiral pattern was added to an arm, while a lacy sexy design of harts and lines was added to a leg.

“Can we make the skin more golden?” Gwen asked.

“Ha, do you want us to hand you the panel?” Jaina teased.

Blackbast made the changes, and suddenly Gwen looked exotic. They straightened her hair again but left it just below her shoulders. Her eye color was changed to amber, and her lips a soft metallic purple. She turned in the mirror several times as the two looked on in approval. She looked nothing like her former self, save for her impressive chest.

“Maybe more in the chest,” Jaina suggested.

“Don't you dare,” Gwen protested. “These are big enough as it is. I had no idea they would be this large when I made my character. I have learned to live with them, but I have no desire to see them larger.”

Jaina laughed and got up to walk around the woman nodding approvingly.

“Well, now all we need is a name,” Jaina said. “Something to fit that sexy new body.”

They all stopped to ponder the name and tossed around a few ideas. Gwen finally came up with a name and suggested she could be Anasara.

“I love it,” Jaina said. “Anasara, the sex slave.”

“So be it,” Blackbast agreed.

Gwen was fitted out with some jewelry and golden chains. She was given a green silken drape to wear at her waist, but her impressive chest was left bare for all to see. She was then taken to the main hall and shown the grand throne where Blackbast sat. Silken carpets and cushions surrounded the foot of the throne so the two could recline at her feet.

Blackbast took her place as Gwen and Jaina lounged before her, the two women smiling as they started to kiss. Gwen sighed and leaned against the chair as her master stoked her head, using her claws to tease her scalp.

“I can’t believe I am doing this,” Gwen commented.

“You needed this,” Jaina replied as she lay in Gwen’s lap. “No woman should have to endure the kind of isolation you did.”

“So long as nobody ever knows it’s me,” Gwen sighed and closed her eyes.

“My little slave,” Blackbast cooed. “I will ensure you are always happy and never want for anything. And you will see. The sex will be very rewarding.”

“Speaking of that, has anyone found your temple yet?” Jaina asked.

“Yes,” Blackbast replied. “A woman came in this morning and ran right back out when I offered to help her relax.”

“Hmm, must not be into girls,” Jaina shrugged.

“Do you ever take men as slaves?” Gwen asked and looked to Blackbast.

“I would if they would submit,” Blackbast replied. “But I have yet to find a man who wants to be a sex slave.”

“That’s because all the men who wanted something like that are playing as women,” Jaina said.

“This is very true,” Blackbast agreed. “But if such a man were to offer himself, I would not hesitate to take him.”

Jaina smiled and looked at Gwen, who was smiling back.

“Do we know anyone who would want to fill that role?” Jaina asked.

“I can’t say that I do,” Gwen replied as she pondered it. “But you could always be a man if you wished.”

“This is true,” Jaina said with a shrug. “I will be happy to do so for anyone who desires a male partner.”

“That will truly be a blessing to the temple,” Blackbast agreed.

“But it would still be better to have an actual man,” Gwen said and took a moment to think about it. “I wonder if we could make a quest.”

“A quest?” Jaina asked. “How do you mean?”

“I mean, we put a quest in my daughter's adventuring guild looking for a dedicated man. First, he has to come to the forest and submit to its women, who will each task him with satisfying them. Then each of you can test his character, and if you think he has the right attitude, you send him to the temple. The final step will be to service ten guests; if he can do that, he will earn his reward.”

“Which is?” Jaina asked.

“A slave collar,” Gwen replied with a smile.

“An interesting proposition,” Blackbast said.

“It would certainly be nice to have a man on hand to satisfy our needs,” Jaina laughed.

“Shall we try it then?” Gwen asked and looked to Blackbast. “Would it please you, my master?”

“You really do intend to submit to my will?” Blackbast asked.

“I know this seems out of character for me, but this is the only way we can do this. I want to give up control for a while and escape the pressure of being queen,” Gwen sighed. “Please, when I am here in your temple, treat me as a slave girl. I don’t want to be reminded of the life I have outside this temple. While here, I want to be somebody else and be free of the problems.”

“I will do as you request,” Blackbast replied. “Now, get up and dance for us. Do it slowly and sensually, making love to your body.”

Gwen smiled as she got up and took a few steps before starting to sway. Blackbast spoke a word of command, and gentle music began to play, filled with flute and harps. Its sultry tones helped set the mood as Gwen turned and writhed, her hands exploring her body, especially that magnificent chest.

Jaina was enthralled to see her dance and felt a special connection with the woman. She had helped bring this about by planting the seed and then watering it until it grew. Now she was collared and dancing in the temple, a slave girl for all who needed comfort.

“I am very grateful,” Blackbast said to Jaina.

“Thank you, but I did this more for her than you. She needs this,” Jaina replied. “I didn't realize it until tonight, but she needs a way to escape the burdens of her life. She has made enemies of nearly everyone on her power level and doesn't trust them. It's made finding romance or sex difficult.”

“I will be sure to provide for her needs,” Blackbast said. “She will have all the sex she can handle here.” She paused to watch the dance and then asked Jaina to sit on her lap.

Jaina got up and sat in the cat woman's lap and was quickly pulled in. Blackbast held her to her chest while the two continued to watch the dance. If only a man would come in to put her to use, but then the temple was hidden, and the forest wasn't very heavily traveled. Still, players were starting to come thanks to the run and advertising at Finneous's keep. Soon this temple would see a few players a day, and any slave girls who were present would have plenty to do. It was then Jaina had a daring idea and began whispering so Gwen wouldn’t overhear.

“I had a decadent idea for her,” Jaina said.

“You mean more decadent than turning her into a temple whore?” Blackbast asked.

“I suppose that is hard to top,” Jaina laughed. “But I think Gwen could use a little time as a sex slave serving at the feet of Finneous.”

Blackbast's ears went up at the very suggestion, and she had to pause and consider the dancing woman.

“You do know they are married?” Blackbast asked.

“Heather told me all about it,” Jaina replied. “A marriage on paper so Gwen would have the proper tools to make Heather a full daughter and princess. If I understand the state of their relationship, they speak when necessary but otherwise don't act as anything but allies. But what if he came to the temple, and the two started making love? Gwen couldn't say no, and he would never know it was her. After a few hours of passion between them, Gwen might change her mind about him.”

“It is possible,” Blackbast agreed. “But then, Gwen does not want anyone to know this is her. If she did grow fond of him and wanted an actual relationship, she would have to admit what she was doing. What would his reaction be to finding out his wife is a whore?”

“Good point,” Jaina mused. “But they should still be having sex, even if he never knows it's her. I might visit him and ask him about her. Maybe he has feelings he's afraid to express.”

“More than likely, he will proposition you,” Blackbast said.

“Then I will tell him I can't but that I work here from time to time, and he could visit. Then we could spend some time together,” Jaina said with a smile.

“Only he will visit and find Gwen instead of you,” Blackbast said with a nod. “It would certainly be a good test of her willingness to embrace this role. I would be convinced she truly desires this if she can make love to him without stumbling.”

“If you had heard the pain in her voice when she described her loneliness, you wouldn't doubt at all. Gwen is starving for sexual attention and needs it to come with no strings attached. This is perfect for her. When she's hungry, she can come here, put on the collar, and have some easy, anonymous sex,” Jaina explained.

Blackbast purred and stroked Jaina’s head. If Gwen needed a refuge where she could be somebody else, then she would provide that space. She would ensure the woman had all the encounters she needed to satisfy that lust. Gwen was now her greatest treasure, and soon the men would come to discover her. This was the first day of a new adventure for the queen, as Gwen became Anasara, the elven sex slave.

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