The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-105 For the love of Quinny

Jaina smiled as she and Evalynn cuddled warmly in bed. The night had been wonderful as Gisley marked a few travelers with her glitter and then deposited the girls into their dreams. Jaina had been given to a buxom woman who was startled by her advances. She warmed up after a little encouragement, and Jaina made love to her passionately. Now she was awake and in Roric's bed with Evalynn tucked to her chest. She ran a hand up the woman’s back causing her to smile and tuck in more firmly.

“Good morning,” Jaina whispered. “How was your night?”

“Full of sex and debauchery,” Evalynn replied as she ran a leg over Jaina. “Gisley gave me to a burly man with a hunger for elf women.”

“I got a woman,” Jaina sighed and cuddled Evalynn tightly. “She was very sweet.”

“Do you think they wake up and dismiss it all as a dream?” Evalynn asked.

“Hmm,” Jaina replied as she considered the question. “I suppose they do, but some must realize it was more than a dream.”

“Did you hear Gisley’s new plan for making money?” Evalynn giggled. “She wants Chandice to sell small pinches of her glitter as erotic dream dust. You sprinkle it on your head before going to sleep and then have a wonderful dream with a sexy girl.”

“Ha, she just wants more victims for her lusts,” Jaina said and cradled Evalynn’s head. “Well, I think we girls have a task ahead of us.”

“With Gisley’s sex powder?” Evalynn asked.

“No, I mean our master,” Jaina replied. “He still hasn’t picked a third class.”

“He does seem to be taking his time,” Evalynn agreed. “Especially since you have given up orgasms unless somebody who loves you is on hand to watch you have sex.”

“Yeah and….” Jaina went to say but suddenly sat up.

“Is something wrong?” Evalynn asked as she pulled away to see Jaina sitting there silently. “Jaina?”

“I had orgasms last night,” Jaina said. “And I had orgasms with the last two runners I caught in the forest.” She looked at Evalynn in confusion as she considered the issue. “Nobody was there to see us.”

“Maybe the limitation doesn’t take effect until he picks his class?” Evalynn suggested.

“She never said that was part of it,” Jaina insisted as she turned to sit on the side of the bed. Evalynn came to her back and wrapped her in a warm hug before kissing along her neck. Jaina couldn’t help but smile as her slave sister lavished her with love before sitting beside her.

“It must be related to his not picking his class yet,” Evalynn insisted. “So let’s go see if he’s ready to pick.”

Jaina stood in and looked about the large room that was Rajeen's bed chambers. Thanks to the magical doors, the woman's inn was just another room in their home, and Roric did away with his bedroom. Now he slept with Rajeen, and the girls were either in her bed or the harem. Either place was good enough for Jaina, as it meant plenty of warm bodies to cuddle with.

They dressed in simple silks, with Jaina wearing black with gold chains while Evalynn went with green. They made their way into the halls and asked a guard where their master could be found. Of course, their efforts were interrupted when a pair of guards decided to fuck Evalynn. Since the woman loved being dominated by Beastmen so much, Rajeen had given her guards the same liberties as the gnolls in Roric's camp. They could take Evalynn whenever they wished and use her for their pleasure. Jaina watched as the woman was pinned to a wall and taken from behind. She noticed the second guard waiting his turn, so she decided to speed things along. She used her mimic power to become an exact copy of Evalynn, and the second guard took the hint. The two women were fucked side by side against the wall as harem girls walked by, giggling.

When the tiger men were done with them, the two girls switched places and dropped to their knees. Jaina sucked Evalynn's guard clean, tasting the flavor of Evalynn's pussy mixed with milky cum. Then, when he was clean, she went to the source, cleaning Evalynn's pussy as Evalynn cleaned hers.

The men satisfied the two girls walked on and found their masters in the gardens. They were surprised to see they were not alone as the beautiful Breanne stood with them as they talked. Jaina noticed right away that Breanne had changed her hair color. It was now a lovely shade of dark green that shimmered in the sunlight. Her tall, graceful frame made her sharp, elven features stand out. No matter where she was, she had an air of nobility, a fitting feature for a woman who was about to become a princess.

“Good morning,” Jaina called as they approached to join the conversation. “And congratulations on your engagement.”

“Thank you,” Breanne replied with a nod.

“So what are we all talking about?” Jaina asked as Roric and Rajeen turned funny looks on Breanne.

“I suppose I could explain it,” Breanne said as she stood tall. “Quinny is working on a special event for Valentine's day. She wants to create themed encounters in her forest that lead players into the love wood.”

“Oh, a joint event,” Jaina said with a smirk. “And what kind of rewards will we be giving the brave players?”

“You are welcome to give whatever reward you desire,” Breanne said as she blushed. “But Quinny has a pattern to her quests. She usually has a few cheap potions, novelty magical items, and an item or two of clothing.”

“I heard about the sexy witch outfits,” Jaina said with a pleased smile.

“Finneous is going to host quest givers, and we are going to place some in Paradise City. Players who complete Quinny's challenges will receive special quests to go into the love wood. I came here to negotiate what those quests might be.”

“Hmm,” Evalynn said as she pondered the idea. “What are you guys going to do?”

“Well,” Breanne said as she smiled. “I could tell you, or you could come to experience it for yourself.”

“You mean it’s up already?” Evalynn asked in surprise.

“Quinny is very fond of special events. Her forest is more of a theme park than a haunted space,” Breanne replied.

“Oh, can we go see it?” Jaina asked as Roric looked at Rajeen.

“I think it might be fun to see what she has dreamed up,” Rajeen replied. “But go and fetch Gisley and Chandice. I would not wish to deprive them of the chance to play.”

Jaina and Evalynn nodded and ran off, using the magic doors to fetch their sisters. Gisley was at her pond, fluttering about as she sang a musical song. She readily agreed to join them, and they hurried after Chandice, who was in her shop.

“Oh, this should be interesting,” Chandice laughed and closed the shop. “Lead on.”

An hour later, they passed through the graveyard and were immediately stopped by a giant spider.

“Hello, cutie!” Jaina called as Webster leaped into her arms. She cuddled him to her chest as he chirped in approval. “And where is your mistress today?” Jaina asked. He chirped and purred for a moment, then waved an arm at the stone tower that climbed the cliff face.

Heather's lair was a complex of caves and tunnels inside the cliff, but on the face was a stone tower that went up seven floors. On the fifth floor was a long stone balcony that ended at the waterfall. Just as Jaina looked up, as a woman looked down, and Heather waved to the group. A moment later, there was a flash of green light as Heather and Frank appeared on the road before them.

“So, what is going on here?” Heather asked as she stood before them in her coppery devil form. She had red hair and eyes with dark slits for pupils and a pair of dark horns curling from her head. Her lips were dark red and luscious, filling Jaina with a silent desire to kiss them. Frank was in his ghoul form and stood head and shoulders above them all. His gray skin looked rubbery, and his face was horrid with jagged ears, solid yellow eyes, and slits for a nose. The most disturbing feature was the mouth of jagged teeth that always looked ready to eat. His arms were unnaturally long and ended in bony fingers with razor-sharp black talons. Jaina had seen those claws tear gouges in metal armor as his ghoul touch caused it to corrode.

“We have come for the valentines day event,” Jaina said. “We are told it is something special.”

“What valentines day event?” Heather said and looked at Breanne. “Is this what Quinny has been working on secretly for the past three days?”

“It is,” Breanne replied with a smile. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you about it until it was ready.”

“I can’t wait to see it!” Gisley cried excitedly. “Can we go?”

“I am looking forward to seeing this as well,” Rajeen purred and grabbed Roric's arm. “It has been too long since I had a proper date.”

“Well,” Heather said and looked at Frank. “Shall we go see what she cooked up this time?”

“I guess so,” Frank said as he scratched at his head.

They turned to the forest as a big group and headed for the stone bridge that spanned the river between Quinny's land and Frank's graveyard. Breanne led the way as Jaina looked about, anxious to discover what was waiting for them. The trees on the far side were dark and mysterious, with a haunted sort of feel to them. Their canopies were thick, and little sunlight made it through, but there was enough to see clearly. They immediately found small clumps of pink, white, and red roses growing all along the wide stone road that went through the forest. A nearby lamppost was wrapped in red and pink ribbon with crystal hearts hanging from strings.

“Oh, this is pretty,” Gisley said as they moved deeper in.

The first true attraction they found was a large well made of white stone covered in red and white climbing roses. A sign nearby said this was a wishing well and that players who threw in love tokens could make a wish.

“Where do we get love tokens?” Evalynn asked.

“Quinny is assuming most players are entering from the other side of the forest,” Breanne explained. “She set it up so that you had dozens of tokens by the time you got here.”

“Oh,” Evalynn replied as they looked up the road to see a wooden fence hung with a sign. Behind it was a long rectangular area clear of brush and with three heart-shaped targets. There were also wooden poles with arms sticking out that had smaller targets or some on swaying arms. An NPC woman said she would give them magic bows to shoot heart-tipped arrows at the targets. Breanne explained that the harder the target, the more tokens you would get, but you would only be allowed five arrows.

Evalynn jumped at the chance to shoot at the targets, citing that all elves had the archery skill. Jaina watched as she and Breanne stood side by side, the two women looking down range. Breanne fired first, striking a target suspended from a chain, while Evalynn aimed for one mounted to a thin stick that slowly swayed. She clipped it, but it still counted as every hit caused a burst of colorful hearts to indicate how many tokens you got. The other girls got excited and joined in, each taking their turn at the range.

Jaina made a mess of it, only managing to hit a target by accident as it wasn't the one she was aiming for. Gisley did a little better by striking two of the big stationary targets, but she lacked any real skill with the bow. Chandice missed all her shots, but Roric scored a few solid hits, even striking one of the smaller targets. Rajeen did about the same, but Breanne was dead on with every shot. The elf woman explained that she had spent extra points in archery and had excellent skill with the bow.

Heather took aim with a bow and fired a few shots, but she only managed two hits, both on the easiest target. She then handed the bow to Frank, who had to change back to his human form to handle it. He looked down range and took aim, scoring a hit immediately. He landed three of the next four shots, rivaling Evalynn for accuracy.

“You have points spent in archery?” Heather balked.

“No, I was good at archery in the real world,” Frank explained.

“Hmm,” Heather grumbled as she stared at him as if his answer didn't explain anything. The girls then went to the NPC woman, who handed each a bag with what they won. The bags held small red hearts made of glass and a few sugary treats fit for the season.

With candies in hand, they headed down the road to find the next attraction. This was a small stream in which sat a boat that would seat twelve. The sign above it said it was the tunnel of love and dared lovers to climb aboard.

“Oh, we are so doing this,” Jaina said and grabbed Chandice by the wrist.

“Umm, what has she got planned?” Heather demanded as she turned to Breanne. “I am not getting in that thing until I know how I will be humiliated.”

“As far as I know, it’s just a ride,” Breanne said defensively.

“Quinny made it, so I doubt it's just a ride,” Heather grumbled.

“Oh, just get in,” Jaina urged as she took the front seat With Chandice, Gisley, and Evalynn. Roric and Rajeen took the next seat, and Heather climbed in with Frank and Breanne. The boat waited a moment, then suddenly started to move, drifting along the narrow stream slowly. The trees here grew closer and closer until their trunks and branches created a tunnel. Pink, red, and white flowers grew everywhere and hung in long bunches. Colorful decorations of glass and crystal adorned the branches, some radiating rays of light. They began to pass statues of men and women kissing and went under archways of glittering light where rose petals rained down and adorned their hair.

“Oh, I like this,” Gisley said as she started to bounce. “She made this so pretty.”

“This is rather nice,” Heather agreed. “This is pretty tame for Quinny.”

Breanne tried not to smirk as the boat rounded a bend, and they were greeted by a fork in the stream. There was a sign at the fork instructing riders on how to choose.

“Left to the passage of hugs and right to the passage of kisses,” Gisley read. “Oh, I want kisses!”

“No, hugs!” Heather cried as she became alarmed.

Jaina struggled not to laugh as Evalynn, Chandice, and even Breanne voted for kisses, and the boat turned right. The tunnel grew darker, and they began to pass scenes illuminated by light rays. Here they say illusionary figures locked in an embrace with a sigh, saying how many tokens they would get if they copied the image.

Jaina turned to Chandice, and the two came together, earning ten tokens for a kiss. Gisley and Evalynn earned their tokens as Roric and Rajeen got theirs. Jaina and Chandice glanced back to see Heather blushing as she turned to Frank. He also looked nervous, but the choice was made for them when Breanne first kissed Frank, then Heather. Bags of tokens appeared in their laps after each kiss, rewarding the couples for their efforts.

The boat moved on, and the next pose was more passionate, the lovers with arms around one another. The girls changed partners, with Jaina kissing Gisley and Chandice Evalynn. Breanne helped Heather earn her points, then insisted Heather kiss Frank. With everyone watching, Heather and Frank kissed passionately, causing Gisley to clasp her hands with a soft. “Awwww.”

Three more poses went by, and the girls earned their love tokens until, finally, the tunnel grew dark.

“What’s going to happen now?” Heather demanded.

“I am sorry,” Breanne laughed. “But she insisted on including this part.”

Jaina heard Heather groan as a single light illuminated the tunnel ahead. The sign said you could earn fifty tokens by kissing somebody you had never kissed before. Jaina, Evalynn, Gisley, and Chandice turned their gazes on Heather, Frank, and Breanne, their intent clear.

“Oh, no,” Heather groaned as the girls came down the middle row.

The boat pulled back into the landing with an embarrassed Heather and Frank sitting ridged in the back. Jaina tried not to laugh as they climbed out and assembled on the road.

“I enjoyed that,” Jaina said with a glance at Heather.

“Can we ride it again?” Gisley asked as she bounced, but Heather was quick to say no.

“Perhaps we can ride again later,” Rajeen suggested and swished her tail as she took Roric by the arm. “Let's see what else is offered.”

The next event was a hunting game where a large field was abuzz with magical flying hearts. Players were given nets to chase after them like butterflies and rewarded for how many they caught. Gisley went wild for this event, fluttering after the hearts as she swished her net. There were higher rewards for some rare colors of hearts, but these were often faster. After twenty minutes of running like fools, the girls turned in their collections to an NPC woman dressed in red and white hearts. She gave them each a bag of tokens, with Gisley winning the most.

Directly beside this event was a bench under an arch of flowers with a backdrop of roses. The sign said it was a kissing booth, and any couple who sat there and kissed would earn ten tokens. If a person didn't have a partner to kiss, an NPC woman with beautiful blue hair stood nearby to offer kisses to strangers.

Breanne explained that twelve of these booths were hidden in the forest, and anyone who could kiss in all twelve would earn a special reward.

“Oh, we need to find all twelve,” Evalynn said as she took Gisley’s hand. “I have a lot of kissing to do.”

“I am beginning to sense a theme,” Heather grumbled and looked around. “Quinny, I know you can hear me. You put all this kissing in so you had an excuse to kiss me, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” Quinny replied as the zombie woman appeared from behind a tree. Her dark hair was tied back with red ribbons, and she wore a short red dress with white hearts. She looked at Heather bashfully and tried to hide her smile.

“Somebody really loves you,” Jaina said with a nudge at Heather. She smiled as Heather grumbled about what she had gotten herself into and went to Quinny, inviting her to join the group.

Roric and Rajeen went first, sitting down like lovers and kissing passionately. When their lips met, a shower of rose petals fell about their heads, and a bag of tokens appeared before them. The girls took turns kissing and earning their tokens, and then Breanne and Heather sat together and kissed before Heather switched with Frank. Finally, Quinny got her turn, kissing Heather, and the two shared a much longer moment.

“Well,” Evalynn said as she smiled. “Heather’s getting all the kisses.”

“At least I got one of them,” Jaina said with a smile as Quinny took one of Frank's hands while Heather took the other. Jaina admired the love that bloomed in their family, and part of it touched her heart.

Quinny took over, explaining the events as they arrived at what used to be the pumpkin patch. Now it was a maze of flowered hedges and arches where special long-stemmed roses grew. Unfortunately, little creatures like gremlins ran about stealing the roses, and it was up to them to steal them back. When you turned in a dozen at a nearby NPC, you got a random amount of tokens, a heart-shaped box of chocolates, and rarely a special magic rose.

“I want a rose,” Gisley said as she turned in her first dozen. She was upset when she didn't get one and ran back to the maze to try again. All the girls turned in bundle after bundle, battling the gremlins as they tried to run off with the roses and throw them in magical fires.

Eventually, Breanne turned a bundle in and was awarded a fabulous blue rose whose petals were like crystals. Gisley saw it and looked heartbroken, but Breanne turned about and held it out to her.

“This would look better in your arms,” Breanne said.

“You mean it?” Gisley said with big eyes as she chewed her bottom lip.

“After a look like that, I would stay here all day trying to get her one,” Jaina laughed.

“As would I,” Rajeen agreed.

Gisley clutched the rose to her chest before jumping up to hug Breanne.

“Oh, thank you! I love it!” Gisley cried.

“You are welcome,” Breanne said as she smiled and enjoyed the warm hug. “Now, treasure it well because it sings a little song when you hold it to the moonlight.”

“It does?” Gisley asked as she held it up.

“Did you put that in specifically for her?” Heather asked as she turned her gaze to Quinny.

“So what if I did?” Quinny said with a shrug. “I put the chocolates in for you.”

“So I get fat while she gets a magic rose?” Heather asked, causing the other girls to laugh.

Quinny shrugged and suggested they move on, so they did and quickly found another kissing booth. After a round of easy tokens earned with loving kisses, Quinny suggested they follow a narrow side trail. Here they found an interesting feature. It was a wall of valentines day cards, with little messages written on them. All you had to do was pick a card that said how you felt and whisper the name of the person you wanted to receive it. The card would fly to that person, and assuming they accepted your card by kissing it, you would get tokens.

Quinny went first, picking a card out and whispering to it. It flew to Breanne, who took the card and smiled at the message inside. She kissed the card, which vanished in a puff of red smoke. Quinny immediately had a small bag of tokens appear at her feet that she held up.

“If you get ten cards sent to you, you get a special reward,” Quinny said.

“How far do these cards go?” Jaina asked as she approached the wall to look through the lacy things.

“Only as far as Gwen’s kingdom,” Quinny replied.

“Hmm,” Jaina said as she took up a card and whispered to it. It flew to Rajeen, who smiled in delight and read its contents. She then kissed it gently, rewarding Jaina with a small bust of tokens.

“So this is all you did with valentines cards?” Heather asked as she and the others started to pick through them.

“Well, no,” Quinny answered. “There are six special cards hidden in the forest and guarded by valentines day saboteurs. If you can find all six of them and turn them in, you get the super special reward?”

“Which is?” Jaina asked, now very interested.

“A sexy valentines day outfit,” Quinny replied.

Jaina and her sisters shared a look before bursting out in questions to find out where the cards were hidden. They all wanted the outfit and did their best to convince Quinny to tell them where the cards were hidden.

“Now, girls,” Rajeen stepped in. “”That would spoil all the fun.”

“But we want the outfit,” Gisley pleaded.

“My pets, this is part of the challenge,” Rajeen said. “You must play by the rules.”

“If I know Quinny, they are out in the open,” Heather said as she pondered where the woman might have hidden them. “One is probably at the farm, another at the haunted house.”

“You know me too well,” Quinny grumbled and folded her arms.

“I just know you haven't used these locations for your games, so you must have done something else,” Heather said and took Quinny's hand.

Jaina didn't hear what they were saying as they walked on, but sure enough, they arrived at a small farm with a house and barn. The card was in the middle of a small field in the back, floating in the air as it glowed with golden light. It was guarded by a small devilish-looking thing that fought with a club. It was no match for a group that large, and each woman was able to claim a card. In addition, the monster had a small map showing the location of another unknown object.

Jaina was delighted that Heather knew the way, and before they knew it, they were on a small hill fighting a fallen cupid for another card. His map took them to a tiny graveyard where zombies tried to protect a chest containing the card. Inside the chest was another map, this time to a small pond on which was an island. An evil frog did his best to prevent them from taking the card he guarded, but they soon had that one too. His map was hidden inside the card itself, but Heather noticed the odd pattern on the back and took them to a cave near the back hills. Here they found another devil-like creature who challenged them to a battle. He wielded a magic club called heartbreaker, which remained after he was defeated. His chest had more boxes of chocolates and the final map to the haunted house.

The group found the haunted house decorated with dead flowers and the door wide open as an NPC woman cried inside. When questioned, she told them that nobody loved her, and she would get nothing for valentines day.

It took them a long time to figure this puzzle out as Quinny refused to help. It was Gisley who finally came up with the solution, offering the woman one of her magic valentines. The woman looked up with tears in her eyes and took the card with a smile. She then clutched the card to her chest, crying out that somebody had given her a valentine. She vanished a moment later, leaving behind the card plus one more, this one addressed to Gisley and saying that she loved her.

“This is very sweet,” Jaina said as she looked at Quinny. “You have a soft heart under that gothy zombie exterior.”

“Yeah, I guess I do,” Quinny replied and looked away. “Anyway, she respawns in a minute, and you can all turn a card in.”

Jaina detected a note of sadness in the woman's voice and looked to Roric and Rajeen for an answer.

“This has touched a nerve,” Rajeen whispered to the group. “I wonder if this encounter is based on her past life?”

“You mean that crying girl might be her?” Evalynn whispered as Heather pulled Quinny aside to talk to her.

“I wonder if it is,” Jaina said. “Oh, the poor thing is using this whole event to work through some kind of trauma.”

“Maybe she never got a card or a kiss on Valentine's day,” Gisley suggested.

Jaina was reminded of her previous life and how unwanted she felt on Valentine's day. How many had she spent alone, wishing somebody cared enough to send her a card? Thankfully she met Roric, and her life changed forever, but maybe Quinny never even had that much in her previous life.

They continued to turn in cards while trying not to notice how Quinny was in Heather's arms crying. Frank and Breanne joined the two and created a barrier to protect the poor zombie woman from embarrassment. It was then that Gisley had an idea and summoned a magical disk. While Heather and her friends were preoccupied, Gisley flew them away and took them back to the magic wall of valentines cards.

“Everybody pick one out for Quinny,” Gisley urged. “Let’s all send her one.”

“How very thoughtful,” Rajeen said in approval and went to the wall. They quickly picked their cards and, one by one, whispered to them, causing the cards to fly off. As they climbed aboard the disk, bags of love tokens began to appear as Quinny accepted their cards with a kiss.

“The poor thing,” Gisley said as they flew back as fast as they could. “I hope she didn’t spend every valentines day alone.”

“We don’t know that is what is bothering her,” Roric said. “But I suspect it might be.”

“Well, she’s not spending this one alone,” Jaina said. “We have a ton of these tokens now. I wonder where we spend them?”

“The wishing well?” Evalynn asked.

“Hmm,” Roric said as he looked at Rajeen. “Shall we pick them up and go make a wish?”

“Indeed, I would like that very much,” Rajeen replied and leaned into him.

They were back at the house a few minutes later as Heather and Frank held a trembling Quinny. Breanne approached the group and let them know Quinny was delighted to receive their valentines.

“Why is she so upset?” Jaina dared to ask.

“Quinny wasn't exactly loved in her real life,” Breanne replied. “She plays a good game of being aloof and goofy, but it hides a lot of the pain she still carries.”

“I feel so bad for her,” Gisley said. “Can we make a wish for her to be happy?”

“If you mean the well, you don’t actually make wishes,” Breanne explained. “You throw in ten tokens at a time and get random gifts. You can also take the tokens back to Finneous’s village where there are vendors that sell all sorts of valentines day cookies, cakes, and flowers.”

“I want to buy her some treats,” Gisley insisted.

“I am sure we can arrange that,” Roric said. “But how do you turn in the cards for the outfit?”

“Oh, that’s easy,” Breanne said. “You put them in the mailbox beside the well.”

“I didn't notice a mailbox,” Jaina said as she tried to remember the scene. She gave up and moved over so Heather and her family could join them on the disk. Then they flew off with Quinny in Frank's arms while Breanne stroked her back.

Sure enough, they arrived at the well, and there was a mailbox carefully hidden in the flowers. Quinny told them that an NPC at the keep would have told them there was a way to send your love beside the magic well to encourage people to look for it.

“So we just throw tokens in?” Jaina asked as she looked down the well.

“That’s all you have to do,” Quinny replied. “But you can spend them at the keep as well.”

Jaina tossed a handful in, and golden light issued up the well. A heart-shaped box of chocolates appeared at her feet as well as a small red potion bottle marked cupids halo. Jaina asked what it did, and Quinny explained it caused little red and pink hearts to spin around your head. Evalynn threw some tokens in and was rewarded with a large chocolate heart and a pink face mask with feathers down one side.

“Oh, I want one of those,” Jaina grumbled as Chandice went next. She, too, got candies and a potion, but hers was pink and allowed the drinker to blow kisses. She drank it right away and kissed her hand, then blew it at Jaina. A pair of red lips few out and smacked Jaina on the cheek, leaving behind a lipstick kiss.

“That is very creative,” Roric said as Rajeen nodded in agreement.

Everyone began to throw in tokens and collected candies, trinkets, and three styles of masks. They got additional potions, including one that turned the drinker's pupils into red hearts for a few hours. In addition, there was a magic arrow that trailed hearts when fired and healed the person struck for a small amount. These were all given to Evallyn and Breanne as they were the only ones who could truly use them. Eventually, they decided to stop throwing tokens in and turned to the mailbox.

“So all we do is put our cards in?” Jaina asked as Quinny nodded. Jaina took her bundle of six and put them inside, then closed the door. When she opened it, there was a wrapped package inside that she took out and held up.

“Oh, wow,” Jaina said with a wide smile.

“I am not wearing that,” Heather insisted as Jaina held up the garment. It was little more than a white lace corset with pink hearts and ribbons in strategic places. There was a belt with thin straps holding up white stockings and a metallic red pair of panties cut very high on the waist. It came with white lace gloves with little pink bows and a fancy white and pink garter to go on one leg.

“Of common,” Quinny pleaded. “You wore the witch costume.”

“The witch costume had a skirt,” Heather argued. “This is pure lingerie.”

Jaina smiled and used the magic of the clothing to quickly change, the outfit appearing on her body in a flash. She turned around as the others took her in, Heather looking away in embarrassment.

“I want mine!” Gisley said excitedly and stuffed her cards into the box. A minute later, she was in a matching outfit and holding Jaina's hand. Then, one by one, the women turned in their cards and donned their outfits. Even Quinny and Breanne wore them as all eyes turned to Heather.

“I told you I am not wearing this,” Heather said as she held up her garment.

“But you said you would do anything to take away the pain,” Quinny said as she did her best to mimic Gisley's earlier face.

“That isn’t going to work on me,” Heather protested.

Jaina smiled at the exchange but deeply desired to see Heather in the outfit. She sought a way to force Heather's hand and then remembered the slave collar.

“Actually,” Jaina said as she stepped forward. “I don’t think it’s your decision.”

“What do you mean it isn't my decision?” Heather balked.

Jaina smiled and turned to Frank, who looked stunned that the conversation had turned to him.

“The way I see it, that choice is up to your master,” Jaina said. She nearly burst out laughing as Heather turned to Frank and began pleading with him not to make her wear it. The debate lasted less than a minute when Frank took her by the arms and said that if she wanted to wear the collar, she needed to obey.

Jaina couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful woman who walked in sexy lingerie beside her. Heather's face was as red as the valentines hearts that hung from the trees, and she trembled with every step. Not only had Frank made her wear the outfit, but he was now taking them to Finneous's town so they could buy treats. Heather and the others would be seen by dozens of other players who would likely flood the forest looking to claim the rewards themselves. It was the perfect ending to a wonderful experience, and Jaina would remember this day forever.

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