The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-106 A fantasy for a discount

The night descended on Paradise city as Roric and his family retired to Rajeen’s inn. Gisley and Evalynn were more than happy to retire to the harem, with Gisley showing off her magical rose. Chandice sat across a table from Rajeen a chess set between them as the two squared off in a battle of wits. Roric sat at a table across the room with a blue drink spiked with a little fairy glitter. Jaina sat beside him drumming her fingers on the table her patience wearing thin.

Roric looked through his interface for the hundredth time, reading one character class after another. He had been at it off and on for days, carefully working his way down the list of potential choices. Thus far he had focused on classes that would add to combat, but it offered very little advantage. His conqueror class already had excellent combat options and much of what was offered was redundant. He poked through a few magical classes but he never liked the idea of being a wizard, and it didn’t appeal to him now. The healing classes held some interest, but they were hard to use in the middle of combat. Rogues were only good if he wanted to remain hidden, and archery based builds were pointless when he could throw his spear.

“This is harder than it should be,” he sighed.

“Oh, just pick something,” Jaina urged and looked over his shoulder. “Or do you want me to pick a class?”

“I told you before, I want to make sure your gift to me is honored,” Roric explained.

“Then pick another slaver class so you can take more girls,” Jaina urged.

“I also told you that I have all of Rajeen’s harem, and another slave class would only double up on skills I already have,” Roric said.

“Lots of the slave masters have special skills unique to them,” Jaina corrected.

“A few, yes,” Roric agreed. “But the vast majority of the skills will be the same and doubling up offers no advantage.”

“Just limit the search to slave masters,” Jaina suggested.

With a few taps he complied to her request and together they looked at an impressive list.

“Their are one hundred and forty one different slave masters?” Jaina gasped. “I had no idea their were so many.”

“I can narrow it down a little more by removing classes that are based on race,” Roric said and tapped a button reducing the number to just over a hundred. He then began to scroll through them as Jaina asked to see a few in detail.

“Alright, I appologise,” she groaned. “I had no idea it was so extensive.”

“You didn’t look through the master list when you picked your classes?” Chandice asked.

“We both had a good idea of what we wanted to play,” Roric said. “I wanted something bestial and Jaina wanted a shapeshifter with skills good at teasing men. When you limit the criteria by that you only have twenty or so options. Even when I picked my slave master class I limited to only ones that had offense skills and slaves were combat buffs.”

“And what kind of skills are you looking for now?” Rajeen asked as she moved a chess piece.

“Something useful to my girls,” Roric said. “I have been considering a healer now that they can fight at their full potential.”

“I don’t see you as a healer,” Chandice replied as she moved a pawn. “You’re all offense and drawing in the girls for power. Speaking of which I am looking forward to seeing if the womb curse takes effect when he picks.”

“What do you mean takes effect when I pick?” Roric asked as he looked up.

“She’s talking about the requirement that one of my lovers has to be watching in order for me to orgasm,” Jaina said and looked at Roric. “I have been having no trouble with orgasms, so we assumed it was because you hadn’t picked your class yet.”

“I doubt it,” Rajeen said as she turned to regard Jaina with firm eyes. “Yet you are having orgasms?”

“I have had plenty, even when nobody is around but me and the person I am having sex with,” Jaina explained.

“How odd,” Rajeen replied and scratched her chin. “I wonder why you aren’t being penalized.”

“It has to be because he hasn’t picked his class,” Chandice said.

“Hmm,” Rajeen said as she returned her gaze to the board. “Or perhaps it is something we have not yet considered.”

“Maybe, everybody loves me,” Jaina teased then looked back to Roric’s list. “What we need to do is narrow the criteria more.”

“If your goal is to have more girls, set the criteria to harems and not slaves,” Rajeen suggested.

“I don’t need more girls,” Roric argued. “And they already provide me with a plethora of buffs.”

“This is true,” Rajeen said before moving a piece. “But have you considered going the other way. There are master classes that use their slaves as combat minions, and provide them with buffs.”

“Their are?” Jaina asked as she looked at Rajeen who nodded.

“There are a few, but nobody plays them because of the way the collars limit the primary class,” the tiger woman said. “To compensate these classes provide excellent combat buffs to the slaves, but are still considered too weak.”

“But our collars are unlocked,” Jaina said with wide eyes. “We have full access to our skills.”

“And the combat buffs would be icing on the cake,” Roric said as he began to tap through the list.

“I believe the class you are looking for is the Thrall keeper,” Rajeen said as she scrutinized Chandice’s last move.

Roric tapped down the list and pulled open the class description as Jaina’s eyes went wide.

“That’s perfect!” Jaina cried. “Look it allows us to share a health pool.”

“And borrow combat abilities from each other,” Roric pointed.

“Goodness, if you spend ten points on that skill we can borrow any ability we want from each other. They could all shapeshift like I can,” Jaina gasped.

Roric had to agree the class looked devastating considering his collars were unlocked. He had buffs to make them stronger and faster in combat, while also healing them and providing very short but powerful boosts. The more girls he had under collar the more powerful they all were, sharing any damage taken while also dishing out brutal attacks. He saw the potential of Evalynn and Gisley borrowing Jaina’s regeneration ability, making them very difficult to take down. Or Jaina borrowing Gisely’s very powerful area of effect heal to aid them in a pinch. As the master he was more of a manager, using his slaves for combat while trying to avoid it. However, paired with the conqueror he would be able to wade in with them.

“Roric, if we share a health pool and you pull on our health to heal you will be neigh unkillable,” Jaina said.

“And if all three of you are using your regeneration to heal, the health will never stop coming,” he agreed.

“Do not get overconfident,” Rajeen cautioned. “A large enough group or a few high level players will be more than powerful enough to overcome your advantages.”

“True,” Roric agreed as he looked over the class. Rajeen was right and there were other details to consider. The girls couldn’t use their powers unless they were close to their master, which meant being caught alone was a problem. Also if the enemy focused their fire on him, they might be able to eliminate him before the girls could act. Also a lot of the good buffs only lasted thirty seconds or in some cases a single attack, meaning he had to devote time and concentration to managing them. If he was heavily engaged in combat he wouldn’t have the time to keep the girls at maximum efficiency. Still, with their collars unlocked they would formidable to anyone but large groups or extremely high level players.

“I am going to take this one,” Roric said and tapped the class and then submitted it. He felt Jaina’s warm arms around him, hugging as he effectively became a chosen. Rajeen joined the hug a moment later, congratulating him on his choice and encouraging him to take any woman from her harem.

“Why would you suggest that?” Roric asked as she smothered him with her embrace.

“Most of my collars are not locked and I have a wide selection of classes and skills in my collection,” Rajeen replied. “If you need a particular skill set I am sure I have girl who could fill the role.”

“That is very generous of you,” Roric said as he considered the idea. “We could add and remove girls as needed for whatever task we are doing. We could even add them just to share a particular skill.”

“Hmm, too bad you can’t share a skills with us,” Jaina said.

“What do you mean?” Roric replied. “I could already do that.”

“Wait? You can?” Jaina balked.

“I had that with the conqueror class,” Roric replied and reached out a hand. He smiled as Jaina jumped and exclaimed that she could feel a tingling coursing through her body. Roric then turned gray, his form melting as he shape shifted. A moment later he was a copy of Jaina, smiling back at her with her own face.

“Oh, I like this,” Rajeen said seductively. “Quickly, fetch me a collar.”

“Ha,” Jaina laughed and got up to look her copy in the face. “I wonder what it’s like to kiss myself.”

“I was just showing you how it….” Roric began but was cut off when Jaina pressed her lips to his. She pressed the kiss while climbing into his lap her hands beginning to wander.

“What are you doing?” Roric asked as she tried to reach between his legs.

“Just following my master’s orders,” Jaina replied. “I have a thing for beautiful girls, and I intend to eat this one until she screams for mercy.”

Roric immediately let the form go, his normal shape returning as Jaina jumped back.

“Roric,” Jaina protested. “What did you do that for?”

“I am not making love to you as a woman,” he stated with folded arms.

“Why not? Aren’t you the least bit curious?” Jaina pleaded.

“Perhaps she needs to spend a day or two in the harem to get used to such a form,” Rajeen cooed and rubbed his shoulders.

“I am not making love as a woman,” he insisted as Rajeen leaned low, her breasts resting on his shoulders as she began to nibble at one of his ears.

“Oh, but you would look so good in my collection,” Rajeen whispered. “I could collar you and forbid you to take your male form. You would be one of the girls forever more.”

“Even more reason not to do it,” he said as Rajeen started to laugh.

“I was only teasing you,” Rajeen said as she stood up. “But I see no reason why you should be afraid to experience it. You might learn something in the experience that would help you understand your girls better.”

“At least let me make love to you,” Jaina begged. “Just once.”

“And where does it stop?” Roric asked. “I have an experience with you and then the others will want it as well. You will undoubtedly try to convince me to let you take a male form and give me that experience. Then how long before you are suggesting I try other men?”

“Alright,” Jaina said with a hand raised. “I see where you are going with this, and your right all that did play out in my mind. But I am prepared to agree to never make love to you as anything but a woman. Nor will I ever suggest taking a male form, or other men at all.”

“Hmm, I always find it funny how many men love the idea of lesbians, but can’t consider another man,” Rajeen commented. “But if you do decide to have a female experience you must do so with a collar.”

“I am not comfortable with where this conversation is going,” Roric said. “All I wanted to do was show you I could borrow powers like the rest of you could. I did not want this turning into a bargaining session over what kind of sexual experiences I could have.”

“Well, I think you would be silly not to try it once. I bet there are plenty of men who would love to experience a lesbian encounter as an actual woman at least once in their lives,” Jaina said. “But I understand how you feel, and I won’t pressure you into anything.”

“Somehow I doubt this conversation is over,” Roric said as he glared at her.

“I won’t say another world,” Jaina said with a smile. “But I can’t say the same for Gisley or Evalynn.”

“If I promise to consider it will you let it go for now?” Roric asked.

“Roric,” Jaina sighed and leaned into him. “I am your slave girl. If you tell me you never want to hear about this again I will obey. You are the one in charge and I will do what makes you happy. All I am saying is I think you should try it one time. That’s all.”

“So, with his new class all of you can effectively change shape?” Chandice asked.

“It would appear so,” Jaina said. “And he has three more collars meaning you could wear one if you wanted.”

“Sorry, I like the sexual benefits but being a slave girl isn’t me,” Chandice replied.

“Oh, Even Heather has become a slave girl,” Jaina pointed out. “Why are you holding out?”

“I like to play with the slaves, not be one,” Chandice said. “Besides, I like knowing my girlfriend has to have sex with other people because her master demands it.”

“Which reminds me. I have some shopping I want to do later,” Roric said and looked at Jaina. “And you are going to earn me some discounts.”

Jaina trembled at the idea of being bartered but it wasn’t the first time it had happened. She settled back and they discussed Roric’s new class, going over some of the details. This new path brought back Roric’s idea of delving the depths of a world dungeon in search of treasures. Rajeen suggested they practice their skills a bit first and moved a piece only to have Chandice put her in checkmate.

“How did you manage that?” Rajeen asked as she studied the board.

“You were distracted,” Chandice replied. “And I was on the chess team in school.”

“Hmm, we will play again,” Rajeen purred as she glared at Chandice. “After I give you your reward for beating me.”

“Why don’t we go shopping,” Roric said as he stood. “So Chandice can collect her reward.”

Jaina smiled and waved goodbye to the pair as Roric attached a leash to her collar and led her away. She trembled as they passed into the common room where guests were able to see her leashed and following her master.

“Put that valentines day outfit on,” Roric said as they approached the door.

Jaina smiled and used her bodies layering skill to mimic the outfit and after a moment of blurriness she was dressed in the white lace with metallic red panties. Out into the streets they went drawing looks from people as they passed by. Jaina heard some of the comments and even saw a few smiles but noted a head shake or two as well. Not everyone approved of the slave classes and a few people even thought of them as wicked, but they could think what they wanted. Jaina loved being a sex slave and it was these moments she lived for.

Roric took her through the city in search of a weapon shop but Heather’s new city was still in its early days and the shops he found had little of interest to him. He decided to use the magic gate, stepping into Gwen’s city where the player population was much older and well established. Jaina smiled to see that Gwen had decorated the city for Valentine’s day, with flowers and decorations on every corner.

Roric eventually stopped to ask a guard for a weapon shop and the man listed seven that could be visited. He gave Roric directions to the closest two as they were on the same street about a block apart. The first shop specialized in bows, crossbows, darts and slings with a small selection of javalins and spears. Roric briefly looked over the spears but didn’t find what he was looking for. The second shop was larger with racks of weapons lining every wall. Special or magical weapons were mounted on displays and Roric went right to the wide assortment of spears to begin picking through them.

“Is their anything specific you are looking for?” a man asked as he stepped out of the back room. He was bald with a thick brow and solid blue eyes. His skin was a waxy tan with ridges on his forearms indicating he was some kind of monster raced but Jaina couldn’t place it. He had big powerful looking hands that looked like they could crush a skull with ease. Even without pupils Jaina could tell he was looking her way, especially at the panties so clearly on display.

Roric didn’t seem to notice as he explained to the man that he wanted a spear suitable for somebody of level forty to fifty. The man took him to a rack and explained how all of these were suited to that level. He then went over the various materials and the advantages they conveyed. Some were better for breaching armor, others good at breaking magical defenses and one particularly odd one flew farther when thrown. Then of course came the weapon Roric seemed to favor, a spear whose tip was made of two metals.

“The darker metal is black iron and lighter silversteel,” the man explained. “It will hit anything that requires magical weapons to damage, and do bonus holy or unholy damaged to creatures weak to those things.”

“Hmm, and it’s still enchantable?” Roric asked.

“Oh, absolutely,” the man replied. “All the bonus is in the materials used. You can still add a primary and secondary enchantment.”

Roric gave the weapon a few swings then held it up as he admired the detailed work on the tip. He asked the man how much and looked displeased to hear it was fifty thousand gold.

“A weapon with two material bonuses is very rare,” the man explained when Roric questioned how high the cost was.

Jaina could see his hesitation as the other weapons in the rack were all five to ten thousand gold. This one weapon was a significant cost and she could see that he wanted it. She knew exactly where the conversation was going to go next as Roric tugged on the leash.

“How about we negotiate a little discount,” Roric suggested. “I have something to trade.” The man raised a thick brow as Roric pulled Jaina before him and held out the leash. “Twenty thousand and a blow job,” he offered.

Jaina felt her heart start to race as the bargaining began the two men arguing over the price she would pay. The weapon maker rejected the offer out of hand, saying he wouldn’t part with a weapon that rare for a mere blowjob.

“Forty thousand and I get to fuck her,” he demanded.

“Twenty five and you can fuck her,” Roric retorted.

“Hmm,” the man said as he turned his gaze on Jaina. “She isn’t really my type.”

“Is that so?” Roric laughed. “But this is no ordinary slave girl. She can be any woman of any type you desire.”

“Eh?” the man said in confusion.

“Show him,” Roric demanded.

Jaina couldn’t believe she was actually nervous as she shifted forms becoming an elf with blue hair, then a human woman with a large chest. She changed through several more forms before the man started to smile and nod.

“She can be any woman I want?” the man asked.

“Anything you heart desires,” Roric replied. “Assuming I like your price.”

“Thirty five and she’s mine for an hour,” the man offered.

Jaina nearly jumped a that offer, being sold to a stranger for an hour. She didn’t understand why that would shock her, especially considering she had been sold as a prostitute hundreds of times. But the way that man looked at her made her blood run cold. He had something special in mind and wanted more time to enjoy it.

“Twenty five and she’s yours for four hours,” Roric countered.

Jaina was even more alarmed that the duration had gone up. Her body tingled with that mixture of nervous anticipation and arousal as she was bartered like a slave girl. The man looked as if he was about to refuse then made a final counter offer. Thirty thousand gold but Jaina was his for the rest of the day.

“Deal,” Roric said and hand the man the leash before reaching for one his bags of deep pockets.

Jaina trembled as she looked into the face of the man who had just bought her for the rest of the day. It was the single highest price anyone had paid for her so far and judging by his smile he planned to get his money’s worth.

It took Roric and the man several minutes to count out the gold but when it was done, Roric took up his spear and said he would be back in the morning. Jaina watched him go as her leash as tugged and she was pulled to the arms of the big man.

“Now,” he said with a salacious smile. “From now on you will talk to me like you love me, and you will beg me to fuck you.”

Jaina trembled even more as the situation became even more unique. This man wanted her to act a certain way and be his committed slave in every way. She nearly jumped out of her skin when he grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up, setting her on a counter and telling her to lean back. She moaned as a strong thumb ran up and down the silky fabric of her panties causing them to become wet from her arousal.

“So you can be anyone I want?” he asked.

“Just tell me what you want,” Jaina replied as her nervous increased. She knew he had something in particular in mind and whatever it was it had him aroused.

“I saw you a few days ago in that keep it the swamp,” the man said. “Walking with those other girls, wearing your red panties like little sluts.”

“You saw us?” Jaina asked with a gasp.

“Yeah, and I wondered why that prince guy was walking around with you,” he said and rubbed her panties harder. “I guess he gets all the little sluts he wants being the prince and all.”

Jaina realized that he was refering to Frank and the fact that he was out with a group of women all prancing around in white lingerie and red panties. She wondered where this was going but her question was short lived.

“If he gets all the girls he wants then I want the one girl that’s his,” the man said. “I want you to be Princess Hannah, and I want you to beg me to fuck you like a whore.”

Jaina’s blood ran cold as she heard his command and instantly looked to the door. She wanted Roric to tell the man the deal was off but he was long gone and she was committed to obeying this weapon smith. With trembling lips her body went gray, then reformed as the blond haired and large breasted princess Hannah.

“Ha, that’s exactly like her,” the said. And ripped her panties away. He took a leg I each hand and spread them wide so he could see her pussy in all it’s glory. “So this is what her pussy looks like.”

Jaina felt a sense that she was somehow betraying Heather, and yet at the same time felt an intense erotic thrill. He ran his fingers through the folds of her body as she started to writhe from the touch.

“Oh, master, please,” Jaina begged in Heather’s voice. “Fuck me like a whore. Fuck me until I break and become a whore for real.”

“I like that,” he said with a wicked smile. “But let’s do a little role play. Let’s pretend I caught you fucking somebody else and your desperate to keep it a secret from your husband. You came here to convince me to keep it at any cost.”

Her mind began to race as the scene became more and more intense, his desires pushing at her sensabilities. She realized she didn’t know his name so she asked him and learned it was Gregor.

“Please, Gregor,” jaina pleaded. “Don’t tell Frank about what I did. I’ll do anything you ask.”

He smiled and worked at his belt, throwing it open before dropping his pants. Jaina looked up with Heather’s face, a pleading look in her eyes as he reached down and leaned over her. She felt the pressure between her legs as he skipped any semblance of foreplay and went right for fucking her.

“Uhhh,” Jaina groaned as her back arched and her body was invaded. She felt his cock sliding through her soul, stretching Heather’s delicate folds wide. There was a sense of shame in what she was doing but she couldn’t say no. She was a sex slave and she had been sold to another with the promise to be anything he wanted her to be. That he wanted Heather was a shock but one she was in no position to deny. He leaned over, his weight coming down on her as she spread her legs wide with feet bouncing in the air.

“I love you!” she called as he ground her pussy firmly.

“Louder,” he instructed. “Beg me not to tell anyone that your a whore.”

Jaina felt her head spin as he spun a scenario of sex and debauchery where he had caught Princess Hannah having wild sex with another. Now she was here paying with her body to keep him quiet, agreeing to be blackmailed into regular sex.

She did as instructed, begging him to keep quiet about Roric as the pounding grew more intense. Her first orgasm came rushing out, her feet twitching wildly as she screamed for him. Over the next five minutes he hammered away bringing her four more orgasms until finally he began to groan. She pleaded with him not to do it, saying she couldn’t betray Frank again. That drove him wild and the fucking took on a new intensity that ended when he finally lunged in deep.

Jaina shared the orgasm that was coursing into her body, his cum spilling into her womb. He lay panting overtop of her as she trembling in the intoxication of the moment. His scenario had somehow done wonders for her arousal and her body responded desiring not to be caught impersonating Hannah. His demand that she be loud only made it all the sweeter as it ran the risk of attracting attention. It was then she realized she had orgasmed freely and easily despite the limitations of the tattoo.

“That was hot,” he breathed and leaned up, his body slowly pulling from hers. “You even sound like her.”

“I am glad I could help you fulfill a fantasy,” Jaina replied as she looked up with a smile. She kept her legs spread wide as he stepped away and inspected her pussy to see she was oozing with his cum. “How long have you been dreaming about Hannah?”

“Ever since I saw her,” he replied and thought back. “Maybe three months ago. Just something about how honest and innocent she appears.”

“Oh, it’s the innocence that fuels your fire,” Jaina said in Hannah’s voice as she sat up. She put on a timid expression and begged him not to force her to suck him clean. He enjoyed the act and demanded she get on her knees and start sucking if she wanted her secret kept.

Jaina fell to her knees and sucked his cum soaked cock in, looking up with pleading eyes as he smiled. She was struck by how tense she was not wanting to betray Heather or soil her good name. They were in the middle of the shop where anyone could walk in and see them and that danger sent her blood racing. She used her sex slave skills to harden him up and before long he was groaning in pleasure. Jaina prolonged him, and drove him wild with oral mastery, keeping him at the very edge of intense pleasure. It made her tension rise as well as every minute that went by was a minute that somebody might walk in and see Princess Hannah sucking a cock. When she finally allowed him to cum she shared a delicious orgasm, and wondered once again how she was having them. Surely none of her lovers were on hand to witness the sex, so why were they happening? It was a mystery but one that was quickly put aside when Gregor shattered the mood.

“I think I will make some of my money back,” he said with a smiled and cupped her jaw. “I bet I could charge a healthy sum for a chance to fuck Princess Hannah.”

Jaina was immediately thrown out of the mood as her sensibilities came racing back in. Pretending for his personal fantasies and risking being caught was one thing, but this was too far.

“No,” Jaina said firmly and stood to look in him in the eyes. “I happen to know the real Princess Hannah and she’s a sweetheart who would never do such a thing. I will not play an active role in starting a salacious rumor about her and soiling her good name.”

“But your master agreed you were mine for the day,” he countered.

Jaina didn’t like where this was going but thankfully she was perfectly equipped to deal with this.

[lvl 2 Seductress Skill: Pleading innocence] Fall into a state where she appears to be innocent, causing angry or aggressive targets to change their opinion of her. Even swaying people to believe she is innocent of crimes she has actually committed. Friendly targets will become more reasonable and open to the users suggestions. Targets already attacking are not affected. Does not affect undead, or constructs.

He stepped back and blinked as Jaina took on a softer more vulnerable appearance. She came to his chest, laying her head on him as she sniffed like she was about to cry.

“Please, I am enjoying my time with you. Don’t do something to ruin it. Hannah is a good person and what your suggesting would cause her harm. If you want to prostitute me out I can be any other woman you want, but not her. If you really do love her innocence, don’t take that away.”

“You’re right,” he agreed and looked away as if ashamed. “That was a terrible idea.”

“You were just excited,” Jaina said to help him passed the guilt. “But I can still be her for you, and make the rest of your day special, but if somebody comes in I have to change. We can’t let Hannah’s reputation be damaged just to play our game.”

“Of course,” he agreed with a nod and put an arm around her.

She smiled at how easy it had been to bring him around and enjoyed the power of her seductress skills. She spent the rest of the day pretending to be Hannah and served his every need with all the passion she could muster. When night fell she went to his bed and she lay on top, doing all the work as they made slow passionate love. When he was finally exhausted from her efforts she was able to lay still and think about what had happened.

Pretending to be Hannah and risking being caught had been a wild experience, sending her to levels of excitement she hadn’t known since her first days in the world. She was alive with ideas, not the least of which was one she remembered from her dancing experience. She thought of the day where she offered to dance as any woman present and one had readily volunteered. Jaina had danced and stripped for the crowd, revealing what that woman’s body looked like for all to see. However, when it came time to service the guests, the actual woman took her place. The guests lined up thinking they were having sex with Jaina when in reality they were fucking the actual woman. Jaina couldn’t help but smile at the memory and the decadent fantasy that she might one day do the same thing for Heather.

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