The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-107 All is right

Jaina walked with Roric and Chandice, who returned to collect her in the morning. She was lost in thought, trying to make sense of what happened and sharing bits of it with the others. The main topic was the fact that she could still orgasm despite the limitations of the succubus curse. None of them could figure out why it was working, except Chandice, who posited an unusual idea. She suggested the men fell in love with her as they had sex, thus completing the criteria. Jaina didn't think that would be the case but couldn't refute it either. She had to admit that the orgasms were coming easily despite no loved one being on hand to witness them.

“Well, did you have a good time at least?” Chandice asked.

Jaina wasn't sure how to explain just how good a time she had. She explained the man's fantasy and how acting it out put her in a state of sexual tension. She was afraid that somebody would walk in and catch them in the act, which might damage Hannah.

“I can see where that would add a layer of tension,” Chandice agreed.

“It was so exhilarating, but I would hate myself if It had caused any harm to Hannah,” Jaina replied.

“You took a risk you should not have,” Roric insisted. “You should not have mimiced Hannah.”

“But, I have pretended to be other people before,” Jaina protested.

“Those other people weren’t our friends,” Roric cautioned. “Nor were they so important to the local culture. If anyone had seen you it could have caused a scandal. Hannah would be irrevocably harmed unless you came out and publicly admitted what you did, and even then it might not fully help. Can you imagine yourself trying to explain what you did to Hannah?"

“I’m, sorry,” Jaina said as she looked down. “You’re right, what I did was awful, but it’s so hard to think straight when I am in that mindset. I knew what he was asking was wrong but it was also so daring that the fantasy ran wild in my mind.”

“Hmm, so much about sex with you is the mindset,” Roric surmised.

“Of course, it is,” Jaina said. “What's going through your mind is every bit as important as the sex itself. Setting a good scene or creating a powerful scenario can take it to another level.”

“I know I was always shaking when I used the magic ropes to tie myself to the bed for the imps to take me,” Chandice agreed. “What if the innkeeper or one of the other girls came in and caught me?”

“The innkeeper would probably have joined in,” Jaina laughed. “But it is a valid point. That fear playing through your mind helps raise the tension and make the sex more exciting.” She leaned into Roric and smiled at him before suggesting he could learn all about it by experimenting with being a woman.

“I told the other girls about the new class,” Roric said to change the topic. “They were all thrilled with the idea.”

“It’s not hard to see why,” Chandice laughed. “They basically act as buffs for each other now.”

“They were anxious to practice some of the skills, but I wanted them to wait until you were back,” Roric commented as he took Jaina’s hand. “And I missed you.”

“I love you too, master,” Jaina replied, putting her arm around his back. “I love obeying you, especially when you're pushing me to do new things.”

“I am glad you are my slave,” Roric replied, pulling her close. They returned to Paradise city by going through the magic gate, walking from one city to the other without any sense of distance. Jaina looked to the mountains in the back and marveled to see a large stone platform with white marble walls and what appeared to be trees in a garden floating above the city.

“They started their magic fortress,” Jaina said.

“There was some kind of trouble here the other day,” Chandice said. “I came to work the rogues guild, and word is Frank was dealing with a group of problem players. They killed some woman Frank and Hannah were friends with.”

“So now they are building their castle?” Jaina asked, not sure how the two points were related.

“They want to impress on the city that they are watching, and bad behavior will not be tolerated,” Roric said.

“They really do care about people,” Jaina remarked as they rounded a corner and headed into a market square. She could smell something wonderful cooking and looked about to see dozens of players lounging about the central fountain. Their city was coming along just as they wanted, and people were making it their home. They were also coming to the forest on a regular basis, and the girls were enjoying the game of stalking them.

“Those two are too nice,” Chandice said as they crossed the plaza. “And I worry about them. Most people wouldn't dream of defying King Kevin. Yet here they are, building a kingdom that welcomes monster players and punishes hero players who won't respect that. I hate to say it, but they aren't near high enough level to make a stand like that. They might find their kingdom occupied by a much more powerful force if they draw enough attention.”

“I shudder to think what would happen if they tried that,” Jaina said. “I may not know Heather well, but from what I know, she is prone to standing her ground and fighting.”

“I have heard Frank say that, in other words,” Roric agreed. “Hannah fights back, even against impossible odds.”

“Where will we stand if that happens?” Jaina asked as her mood soured.

“We stand with our friends,” Roric replied and hugged Jaina. “As will Rajeen and her army of harem girls.”

“That army isn’t going to last long if players over level one hundred show up in mass to enforce Kevin’s orders,” Chandice pointed out.

“They have the goblins as well,” Jaina pointed out. “Plus, who knows how many undead.”

“Let’s not worry about it,” Roric suggested as they entered the street that would take them to Rajeen’s inn. He brought them inside to see the main room was full of players, sitting and talking as the harem girls worked the tables. Jaina enjoyed the stares and glances as they crossed the room and headed for the back, working their way through layers of defenses until they reached Rajeen’s harem chambers.

They found the tiger woman sitting on her throne naked with a brown-haired lovely licking between her legs. Rajeen used her claws to delicately comb the woman's hair as she pleased her mistress.

“You are a good pet,” Rajeen said in a low purr as her eyes fixated on Roric.

“I see you have brought back my little plaything,” she intoned.

“It looks like you have plenty to play with,” Roric pointed out as other women came to kneel before their mistress.

“Oh, but I like to play with them all,” Rajeen replied. “However, I see the wisdom in having one or two who can be sent to play with others.”

“It does seem to help gain favors,” Chandice agreed.

“Yes, favors,” Rajeen purred as another form appeared at the far end of the harem. A black feline woman in the barest of silks walked through the mass of other women who called out and blew her kisses.

“It is a very good day,” Rajeen purred. “Both my wayward pets have come to visit me.”

“Lady Blackbast,” Roric said with a nod as the cat woman came to stand before them. He went to say more when he noticed how wet the woman’s eyes were. “Is something the matter?”

Rajeen noticed it as well and bid the woman between her legs to stop. She got from her throne and went to Blackbast to draw her into a hug.

“What is troubling you?” Rajeen asked. “You look upset.”

“I am not upset,” Blackbast replied as she smiled. “I am the happiest I have ever been since before I had to part with you.”

“Well, that's encouraging,” Jaina said as Chandice nodded. She watched as Rajeen stepped back and asked what had put her in such a mood, and what Blackbast said nearly toppled Jaina.

“Frank has come to ask me to be his wife,” Blackbast said, wiping away a fresh tear. “He said he does care about my role in the temple, but not enough to keep us apart.”

“He asked you to marry him?” Rajeen asked with wide eyes.

“Yes,” Blackbast said with a nod. “And to manage his growing harem.”

“He called them his harem?” Jaina interjected as even Roric looked surprised.

“He was very specific about it,” Blackbast said. “He wants me to help him play the role of master. He doesn't have the mindset to play with them the way they want, so I will help guide him.”

“You accepted then?” Rajeen asked as she stepped back. “You finally have a proper love.”

“I did accept,” Blackbast explained. “And I wanted you to be the first one I told. You mean everything to me, and I told Frank about my love for you. He says that he wants us to continue our love, and it will make him happy to know we are together.”

“Wow,” Jaina said as she was stunned by that remark. “What happened to Frank? I would never have expected this sudden change in attitude.”

“I wonder if it was what I said to him,” Roric answered as the women looked at him.

“What did you say?” Rajeen asked.

“He was in the west garden watching his girls play,” Roric began. “He looked lost in thought, so I struck up a conversation to discover he was thinking about Blackbast. He told me how happy he was now and recognized that it was all thanks to Blackbast. He expressed exceptional levels of gratitude and remorse that he felt unable to tell her. I asked why, and of course, he said because of how she had to serve in the temple. He told me how guilty he felt because she had helped the girls see past his flaws to find the man inside. So I suggested he might learn from that to see past her flaws and find the woman inside Blackbast.”

“You said that to him?” Blackbast asked as her eyes went wide. “Roric, you wonderful man.”

“That was very impressive, Jaina agreed.

“A most skillful way to open his eyes,” Rajeen agreed. “That must be what has brought about this change.”

“It sounds to me like he wanted to do it. He just needed somebody to confirm it was the right decision,” Chandice said.

“Yes, and somebody came along at exactly the right moment to do it,” Jaina agreed.

“Oh, my sweet love,” Rajeen cried, wrapping her arms around Blackbast. “I am so happy for you!”

“I don’t know how to express how happy I am,” Blackbast replied. “Those girls are so wonderful, and now they are mine.”

“Does this mean they will be serving in the temple?” Chandice asked with a funny expression.

“Absolutely not,” Blackbast replied and stepped back. “Frank had a discussion about this with Heather and the others. They laid down some requirements, one of which was they belonged to him and him alone. No other man is allowed to lay a finger on them, and they are not to serve in the temple.”

“Oh, I was so excited,” Jaina said with a frown.

“Wait, did he say no other man?” Roric asked.

“Are you hoping to get your hands on Heather?” Jaina asked with a narrow gaze.

“No, I was focusing on the choice of words,” Roric said. “He said no other man, but what about a woman? Some men are fine with their partners playing with other girls.”

“Please let this be the case,” Jaina begged with her hands folded.

“I can honestly say I do not know,” Blackbast replied. “He specified men, but it might simply have been an omission.”

“Or it might not have been,” Rajeen purred. “For example, he told you that you could play with me. That is another woman.”

“This is true,” Jaina said excitedly. “And if that’s the case, then Frank might not be averse to a little interplay between our groups.”

“That would not be fair to Roric,” Blackbast cut in. “To allow Frank to play with his girls while denying the same in return.”

“You're right,” Jaina sighed. “Besides, we aren't sure that's how Frank feels.”

“There is a way we can find out,” Rajeen offered as she smiled.

“What way?” Roric asked as she came to him and leaned into his chest.

“Well, it seems to me like this is a special occasion, and we did both attend their wedding with no gift to give them,” Rajeen purred as she stroked the side of his head. “So, I thought we owe them a gift, especially for the magic doors. Why not give them Jaina as a wedding gift and see if he accepts.”

“I am so on board with this plan,” Jaina said with a smile.

“Of course you are,” Chandice laughed. “You have had the hots for Heather ever since you saw her blond hair.”

“I happen to love blond hair on a woman,” Jaina said, putting her arms around Chandice. “If it helps, I will ask them if you can come over and play as well.”

“And now I am on board with this plan,” Chandice agreed.

“You are surrounded by harlots,” Rajeen laughed at Roric as he shook his head.

“I worry this idea might put Frank in an uncomfortable situation,” Roric said as he thought about it. “He is rather new to all this, and he just added Blackbast. Heather has expressed a worry that she is pushing him too far too fast. I think we need to give them time and space to find their footing.”

“This is probably a wise decision,” Rajeen agreed.

Jaina let out a frustrated sigh but couldn't deny their logic. She knew Frank was a very caring and inexperienced lover, and this was more than a little over his limits. Rajeen proposed the idea that Heather and the other girls would be welcome in her harem and that she would be willing to give Frank the same level of access Roric had.

“I love that idea,” Jaina said but shook her head. “But the obvious flaw is two men. If Frank has access to all the girls, then so does Roric, which means he would have access to Franks's girls.”

“You could guarantee him that Roric wouldn't take them,” Chandice offered.

“No, that wouldn’t be fair to Roric either,” Jaina sighed. “The fact of the matter is they need more time. We’re going to be here for the next forty billion years, so there is no hurry. I am sure they will open up eventually.”

“I am sure that will be true,” Rajeen agreed. “But in the meantime, I would like to do something to recognize my beloved's change of fortunes. I wish I could present you and Frank with your girls as a proper harem.”

“I would greatly enjoy that, but give me a little time to get them into shape,” Blackbast replied.

“Very well,” Rajeen agreed. “But I demand a display of your place in this new household. I want you to bring your lover and harem to my temple and sit in one of the master’s thrones with your harem at your feet.”

“Hmm, can I be there to see that?” Jaina asked with a smile.

“You will be allowed to lay with the other slave girls,” Rajeen replied. “While we masters sit and talk together.”

“Well, this is all very exciting,” Jaina replied. “I can’t wait to start interacting with them as slave girls.”

“Speaking of slave girls,” Blackbast interjected. “I was wondering if I could borrow Jaina. I have a new girl I am training, and Jaina would be of great help to me. I only need her for a few hours.”

“She’s all yours,” Roric replied. “Just make sure she is back for tonight. I miss her when she’s away too long.”

“Oh, my master loves me,” Jaina said with a smile and blew him a kiss. They parted company, and she followed Blackbast down the halls of the inn.

“So, how is the new girl?” Jaina asked as she smiled.

“She is doing well,” Blackbast replied. “Two players found the temple while she was there the other day, and she satisfied them both.”

“I am so happy for her,” Jaina exclaimed. “I can't believe she worked up the courage to do this.” They entered the protected hall of magic doors and went to the one in Blackbast's temple. Jaina was excited to enter the temple of love and followed Blackbast to a large mirror. Blackbast put her hand to the side and commanded it to show them her slave girl.

An image came on the screen showing Gwen suspended by chains. She hung from bound wrists, so her feet were a few inches from the floor. Not that they were anywhere near the floor at the moment, as a man was firmly between her legs, holding them up as he pounded her pussy.

“She really is doing it,” Jaina gasped as she was transfixed by the mirror and the display of sex. Gwen was helpless to resist, with her hands bound and her body suspended. He was holding her legs and thrusting from below, but gravity was pulling Gwen's body to him. She was riding on that cock, taking every thrust to the very limit of her body. Her massive chest bounced wildly with every firm impact that echoed in the temple with a wet slap.

“Here, let me show you how it works,” Blackbast said and gave her basic instructions on hand gestures to do just over the glass to change the angle or zoom in and out. Jaina was surprised it worked for her, but Blackbast explained she had given Jaina and a few others special permission. Now Jaina zoomed in on that lovely elven pussy as it was stretched and abused by a firm cock.

“I know what I'm going to be eating later,” Jaina said with a smile. The mirror made it all more exciting as the scene between Gwen's legs was enlarged to an enormous size. Jaina could see the trembling of her flesh and the rush of honey-like goo as Gwen had an orgasm. It hung down in thin strings dancing with every brutal thrust.

Jaina was lost in watching her pussy slowly begin to turn purple, swelling from the abuse. She was so aroused by the sight she reached down to touch herself. A moment later, warm hands slid over her rear as Blackbast reached for the slave silks and pulled them away.

“What about Frank?” Jaina asked as the cat woman’s hands reached around to take over Jaina’s touching.

“We are in my temple, and I am free to entertain guests here,” Blackbast replied. “Besides. I think Frank has a thing for seeing women together. He loves to watch his girls play as much as Rajeen does.”

“Oh, what a handy trait for a man to have,” Jaina said with a smile as a prickly tongue licked the small of her back. She used a hand gesture to zoom out the mirror so she could see the expression on Gwen's face as a complete stranger used her body. She looked intoxicated with the feeling Jaina knew well, that feeling of tension and lust that made the sex astounding. Jaina smiled as she looked at the man, going at Gwen as if she was a common whore. He was probably in his mid-teens to low twenties in level and yet was unaware he was fucking the most powerful woman in the south. She could only imagine how Gwen must be feeling to know so insignificant a player was fucking her like whore. The mindset of a slave was everything, and she knew Gwen was probably deep into those thoughts.

As she felt those feelings, she also felt a tongue licking at her rear while skilled fingers played with her pussy. Her body was responding as Blackbast began to make love to her. She wasn't even sure why she was here yet, but sex was in the air, and her hunger was calling. That feline tongue went up her rear, licking a spot few dared to touch. In New Eden, it was just another opening that was useful for sex, but still, many held a stigma against it. Blackbast displayed no such feelings as she reached in deeply, licking with passion. Jaina’s eyes closed as she let out a stuttered sigh, loving the attention.

All her focus went to what was going on below as two fingers slid into the entrance of her soul. One hand played with her clit, the other thrusting into her body, while a tongue reached in from behind. It wasn't long before the magic of the slave collar pushed her over the limit, and her body convulsed. With her head thrown back, she enjoyed a delicious orgasm as Blackbast finally ceased her assault.

“Goodness,” she panted and turned to look at the cat woman. “Have you done that to Heather yet?”

“Heather isn't ready for that,” Blackbast replied, stepping in to press her tongue into Jaina's mouth. The two kissed for a minute as Gwen cried out in her own orgasm, then went silent. Jaina looked as soon as she could to see the orgasm had been a shared one, and her lover was done with her. He dressed in his armor and left, not even bothering to thank her. Jaina used a quick hand gesture to focus on Gwen's abused pussy. It was a swollen red cake covered in sticky cum dripping to the floor as she watched. She instantly desired to be on her knees before the woman, lapping at that delicious treat.

“Go,” Blackbast urged. “I know what you desire.”

Jaina gave her a peck of a kiss and then hurried off before Gwen did the unthinkable and used cleans to clean up. She entered the main temple chamber to find Gwen displayed in the central hall. The woman was lost to her panting, her body still trembling from the shared orgasm. She didn't hear Jaina approach but cried out when Jaina's tongue tasted her flesh.

“Oh!” Gwen moaned and leaned forward to look down. “Jaina?”

Jaina looked up with bright eyes but said nothing as her tongue slid through the tender flesh. She loved eating women right after they had been fucked, and Gwen’s body was as fresh as they came. She could taste the sweet milk pumped into the woman's folds mixing with the honey of Gwen's orgasms. It was a delicious and erotic mixture made all the sweeter by the slave collars. Thanks to their power, the fluids of sex were never bitter or harsh. Instead, it was a flavor she couldn't quite describe but was so pleasing she could never get enough.

Her head began to roll as she lapped at the fruit of Gwen's body, squeezing between the succulent folds. Gwen began to tremble as the sensation set her body on a course with only one destination. A minute later, she threw her head back in another orgasm, the spasms pushing new flows of cum from her womb. Jaina was there to lap it all up, feasting from the queen who had become a whore.

Jaina collected a mouthful and pulled away, standing before the queen before leaning in for a kiss. Gwen was forced to take the kiss and tongue coated in the nectar of her own body. She tasted the cum and honey mixture with Jaina as the two kissed like passionate lovers. Then Jaina returned to her work, lavishing that tired pussy until three more orgasms had pushed all the man's cum from her body.

On a whim, Jaina grabbed the woman's legs and spun her around. Hanging from the chains as she was, she could do little to prevent it. Jaina looked at that tender rear and pulled the cheeks apart to see the tight little hole in the back. She thought of what Blackbast had just done and decided Gwen could also use an introduction to it.

Gwen moaned as Jaina used her morphic power to make her tongue longer than it should be. She licked so deeply into the woman's body that Gwen's legs went wide and ridged. Jaina was surprised at how much space there was inside, but then why wouldn't there be? Players had all the usual organs one would expect, but in many cases, they were useless. A player never needed to pee or defecate, and though they had intestines, there was nothing inside them except maybe a firm cock.

A wonderfully decadent idea came to mind as Gwen was helpless to prevent Jaina from trying. Suddenly Jaina's form went gray, and her body began to collapse. In moments she was more liquid than solid, her morphic powers turning her into the slime monster she really was. That fluid slid up Gwen's legs as the woman looked down with wide eyes.

“What are you doing?” Gwen cried as her pussy was suddenly invaded by a rush of morphic liquid. Her head snapped back, and she cried out as Jaina began to pour into her body, filling her tunnel and finding the womb. Gwen thrashed and began to twist as her stomach swelled as if pregnant. Jaina pushed as much of herself into the woman's womb and then spread the rest of her fluid over the queen's body. In a moment, she coalesced her form into a sexy black bondage outfit. She dressed Gwen with the mass of her body that wouldn't fit inside. She even reached out around her neck, becoming a posture collar, then a red ball gag, completely dominating the queen.

Gwen groaned and thrashed as she became the vessel for a liquid Jaina, her stomach swollen like a woman about to give birth. Jain sloshed around inside, creating bumps and ridges to rub against the pussy walls. A flow of gray ooze spread to the tight hole, and Jaina began to fill the queen's ass as well. Gwen cried into her gag as the black straps of the Jaina bondage harness wrapped over her colossal breasts. Small mouth's appeared over the nipples, and Jaina sucked them in unison as she pleasured both of Gwen's holes.

Jaina realized she could feed like this by driving a woman to orgasm while filling her body. She could absorb the fluids of the orgasm, and with the slave collar making that a full meal, she could live on Gwen's pleasure indefinitely. More importantly, every time Gwen came, Jaina earned experience, making it possible to level up by tormenting the woman.

Gwen cried out as loud as she could, but the gag muffled much of the sound. Her body came wildly as Jaina absorbed it, relishing in the new way to feed she had found. The woman kicked and thrashed, but it was all in vain. Jaina was essentially her skin and outfit, and much of her mas was floating in her womb. All the queen could do was enjoy being completely consumed as her chains held her fast.

Twelve orgasms later, Jaina became completely fluid again and began to pour out. She collected on the floor at Gwen's feet then rose like a creature from some movie. When her body finally appeared, Gwen was lost in another world. She had been pleasured beyond the point of coherence and was now delirious and dazed.

“That was impressive,” Blackbast said as she joined Jaina’s side. “When did you learn to do that?”

“Just now,” Jaina admitted. “You gave me the idea by how fully you worked at me in the other room. I was just playing at first, trying to see how far inside her ass I could get, then I realized I could fill that space if I wanted. It was so exciting to be inside her body like that. I felt like I was a part of her, and she a part of me.

“She was wearing you like a second skin,” Blackbast commented. “That outfit choice was rather interesting.”

“It’s something Evalynn wears for the gnolls,” Jaina remarked as she admitted where the design came from. “But you never told me why you brought me here?”

“Oh, that,” Blackbast said and put an arm around Jaina. “I just wanted you to take the form of a few men and keep her busy. The temple is still well hidden, and the men are slow to find it. I don't want her to have too much time to sit around and reconsider what she is doing.”

“Ah, you want her to keep pushing ahead and ensure she takes to this life completely,” Jaina nodded.

“Yes, but it appears she found something to do in my absence,” Blackbast commented. “However, there is something you can do for her tomorrow. It would appear Gwen has a royal visitor in the morning. He is a half-orc named Ulthamec, whom she does not get along with. He wants to try and rekindle their political arrangements before her kingdom was lost. He apparently is prone to making lewd suggestions, so she wanted your help. She will meet with him and endure his comments, and then when he goes too far, offer him her slave girl instead. You will pose as her slave form and be brought to the meeting room. Gwen will say she will arrange to have you delivered to his room after they are done negotiating. However, you and her will then switch places. You will pose as Gwen and deliver her instead so this Ulthamec can ravage her for the rest of the night.”

“Ah, she wants to give in to his lewd desires without him knowing it’s her,” Jaina said with a nod.

“And help establish the presence of a slave girl. He will tell others about the girl, and his testimony to seeing you both together at the same time will remove any suspicion,” Blackbast said and turned to smile at Jaina. “Also, she is having trouble sleeping, and it would appear that is your fault.”

“How is that my fault?” Jaina asked, clueless as to how she could be blamed for that.

“She tells me that you gave the guards permission to use her for sex at night,” Blackbast explained. “And now twenty to thirty men come every night and ravage her so completely that she often falls asleep while still having sex. She said that she gets less than three hours of sleep some nights.”

“Oh,” Jaina laughed as she remembered her standing order that the guards could fuck their queen. “I will go and suspend that order for a little bit. She needs a good night's sleep to deal with this half-orc.”

“I suspect she will sleep well tonight,” Blackbast said as they turned to the woman still hanging from the chains. Gwen's eyes were shut, and her breathing was steady as she slept off Jaina's liquid torment.

Jaina helped Blackbast get her down and watched as the queen was put in Blackbast's private bed. The cat woman tucked her in and pulled the blankets over her shoulder before kissing the top of her head. Gwen had become a proper temple whore and would now enjoy all the clandestine sex she could ever desire. Blackbast was with Frank, while Heather and her sisters had become a harem. All seemed right with the world as the magic kept growing. One day she hoped Heather and the others would bare Rajeen's mark, and together they would all be one big harem.

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