The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-108 I will help you

“We are having lunch with them?” Jaina asked as Roric finished with Gisley leaving the fairy smiling and content. They had spent the morning in a private room at the inn, and all three girls had satisfied their master. Gisley was the last to be taken, thrown to her back on the bed so he could lay over her and take her lovingly.

“Thank you,” Gisley cooed as he pulled away and left her trembling body lying on the bed.

Jaina smiled to see that gooey fairy pussy glittering with silver sparkles and begging to be eaten. She ran to the bed and grabbed her legs as Gisley looked up with an innocent chew of her lips.

“Oh, don't give me that look,” Jaina said, pushing the soft purple legs wide. “You know what happens next. I am going to eat you up, and you will lay there and have orgasms.”

Gisley squealed and giggled as Jaina kissed her way down the woman's thigh until arriving at the freshly stirred flow of fairy nectar oozing from her flower. Gisley threw her arms wide in surrender as Jaina's tongue went to work, lapping up the fruit of their sex. Evalynn took care of Roric, falling to her knees to suck at his cock as he looked deep into her eyes. She and Jaina had a sort of arrangement where Evalynn always got to suck Roric’s cock in exchange for Jaina cleaning all the pussies.

Roric finally answered her question and explained that it was a formal lunch to put Frank's girls on display. He also wanted to sit down with Blackbast in her place and recognize her as their master. Jaina listened to the answer as she tormented Gisley's glittery center, eventually driving the woman to an orgasm that they shared. Gisley heaved with cries of passion as Jaina drank deeply of her honey, savoring every drop. They shared four more orgasms leaving Jaina's own pussy soaking wet, and Gisley turned the tables, getting on her knees to clean her lover off.

“Who wouldn’t want to live this life?” Jaina moaned as the fairy’s lips nuzzled at her mound. “Beautiful girls to eat and be eaten by all day long. Men lusting for a taste of our bodies and paying for them.” She looked down with a smile and played with Gisley's hair as the fair women looked up. “And a beautiful fairy girl on her knees giving me a soothing nuzzle.”

“We do have to go in a minute,” Roric pointed out as he dressed.

“Oh, and she looks so happy on her knees,” Jaina teased. “Don't worry; I will let you nuzzle me all you want later.”

Gisley came away with a kiss and stood to share a proper one as the two hugged.

“I want to nuzzle you all day,” Gisley said with a smile. “I love how you taste.”

“All girls taste good,” Jaina laughed. “The visitors made it so were like sugar and spice.”

“And yet we all taste a little different,” Evalynn pointed out as she dressed.

“Oh, are we going clothed?” Jaina asked as Roric nodded.

“Slave silks and collars for you three,” He said and donned a red coat. “Formal attire for me.”

Jaina shrugged and happily put on her silks, then helped Gisley into her lovely black ones. She noted Evalynn went the extra mile with thigh-high stockings and a delicate pair of lace gloves. Jaina put her golden shield back in, sighing as the red stone resumed its place deep inside her body. It made her think of Zorac and how much she missed him, wishing he was here to use her body.

Once dressed, they headed out and went to the harem, where girls were just as busy as they had been a bit ago. Jaina watched as women pleasured each other, and the cries of a few in orgasm echoed in the air. Jaina longed to join them and feast on a few more bodied, but they had other business. Maybe she could sneak in later and spend the night in a warm snuggle pile.

“I love the harem,” Evalynn said as she took Jaina’s hand. “So many beautiful women to snuggle with.”

“They don’t seem to be doing much snuggling,” Jaina laughed as they headed for the doors in the back.

They found Rajeen being dressed by two girls as they wrapped their mistress in black silks trimmed with golden chains. Her material was pulled tight around her chest, making their curves distinct. She smiled as she saw the girls and hurried to kiss each of them, then took a moment to lavish Roric with a long tongue-laden dance.

“I have missed you,” Rajeen purred as she curled into his arms.

“I missed you too,” Roric replied with a smile. “How long has it been? A few hours?”

“Don’t ruin the moment,” Rajeen said and pushed out of his arms. “I am looking forward to sitting down with Blackbast and her girls.”

“So they are really going to play at being slave girls?” Evalynn asked.

“Who can say,” Rajeen replied with a shrug. “All we know is Frank asked my beloved to manage them. How far they choose to take that is up to them.”

Jaina supposed that was true as she had a hard time believing they would take it to the same level Roric took them. Still, she could always dream, and maybe Gisley was right that they would slowly open up to wider possibilities.

They sat and spoke for a bit until a harem girl arrived to tell them that Frank and Blackbast were here. They had been seated in the space set aside for them and were now waiting. Rajeen smiled and told the girls it was time to begin before taking Roric's hand. He led the way, taking them through the inn and into the common room that was bustling with a significant amount of people.

Jaina walked in line with her sisters but quickly spotted the destination ahead. It was two great throne-like chairs of golden wood, with a blanket of pillows and cushions before them for the slave girls to lay on. To her utter surprise, Heather and her sisters were in slave silks, lying among the cushions.

“Well, look at that,” Evalynn laughed. “She has tamed them already.”

“Let’s not get our hopes up,” Roric cautioned. “You know they like to play at this.”

“I am getting my hopes way up,” Jaina countered. “And I am looking forward to this now.”

“Ha, I bet you are,” Gisley giggled. “I will entertain Umtha and Quinny so you can stalk your blond-haired lover.”

“I will talk with Breanne,” Evalynn agreed. “Heather is all yours.”

Jaina tried not to smile as the group drew closer to see Frank sitting like a noble lord with Blackbast tucked beside him and reclining into his side. His girls watched their approach with interest, especially Heather, who wore gold on every arm, wrist, and ankle. The girls were all adorned with gold and gems, sparkling in the light like treasured slave girls.

“Now I’m jealous,” Jaina stated as they got a good look at the adornments. “When are you going to decorate us?”

“Just take your places,” Rajeen laughed. “Let us masters have our discussion.

Jaina and her sisters were perfectly happy to climb into the cushions and join the other slave girls. Gisley went right to Quinny, the two sharing a hug and a brief kiss before Gisley excitedly told her and Umtha about one of her sexual adventures. Evalynn sat beside Breanne, the two elven women appearing like family as they smiled and held hands. Jaina locked her eyes on Heather, who was lying on her side with her head propped up with a hand. She crawled into the cushions, stalking her prey like a lion as Heather's eyes registered the danger.

“Well, well,” Jaina said, crawling up to Heather. “You finally made the leap.”

“I haven’t made any leap,” Heather protested as her eyes locked on Jaina. “This is just for fun.”

“And why do you think we do it?” Jaina laughed, enjoying her obvious discomfort. “This is for fun as well.”

“I suppose it is,” Heather agreed, but Jaina was done with small talk. Ever since the Valentine's day event, she had dreamed of kissing those soft lips again. Despite Heather's devilish form, her lips were as soft as rose petals, and she always responded with a gentle part, inviting a tongue in. Jaina went right for the kiss, pressing her lips to Heather's, who did not try to resist. Jaina managed to trace the woman's lips with her tongue before pulling away to see her startled face.

“Did I frighten you?” Jaina asked as she hovered over Heather, just inches away from another kiss.

“No, I just wasn’t expecting a kiss,” Heather replied nervously. “But seeing as you are so close, there is something I would like to ask you. But please try to keep it between us. I don't want the others to know what we are talking about.”

“Oh?” Jaina said as she enjoyed the sudden invitation. “Shall we get close enough to whisper?”

“How close is that?” Heather asked, but Jaina decided to show her. She dropped behind her, pressing her body into Heather's warm back. They were as close as she would normally lay with Evalynn or Gisley, sharing every inch of skin she could manage. She reached around the woman and pulled her in as tight as she could, even hooking a leg to hold her in place. Jaina smiled in delight to be so close and gently stroked Heather's arm as if they were lovers.

“Now, what did you want to ask me?” Jaina said with a pleased smile.

“You have no shame,” Heather protested but made no effort to stop her.

“Run!” a voice echoed in Jaina’s ear, causing her to go silent. She leaned back, momentarily startled, wondering where the voice had come from.

“Run before she devours you!” the voice repeated.

Jaina had to blink as Heather noticed the strange pause and asked if she was ok. Jaina nodded and focused inward, realizing where the voice was coming from.

“I'm sorry, I just need a moment,” Jaina said and closed her eyes, focusing her thoughts inward to reply to the distant creature. “Hezzrigozza?” she said silently in her mind.

“Yes, now take those you care about and run!” he ordered, his voice carrying great urgency.

“Who am I running from?” Jaina silently asked.

“The creature you are curled against,” the dragon roared. “I thought I felt something when I first saw her, and it grew when you kissed her in the forest, but now that you are so close, I can see it. She is not what she claims to be, and you are all in danger.”

“Hannah is not dangerous,” Jaina argued back. “And we know this isn’t her true form. She is wearing a disguise for personal reasons. Her crown grants the change, but we all know what her true form looks like.”

“Ha,” the dragon laughed. “You think the yellow-haired woman is her true form? She is something much more than you realize, something that rivals even my great strength.”

“What are you talking about?” Jaina demanded as worry began to creep into her mind. She knew a little about the other stories that circulated around Heather and the potential dark past she had forgotten. Could the dragon sense something of that past through his connection to Jaina?

“I can read your thoughts, and you are correct. I can sense her power radiating out like a great fire. She is tainted by a black madness that corrupts her soul and those of everyone around her. You are not safe to be near her.”

Jaian couldn’t believe what she was hearing and couldn’t keep Heather waiting much longer. His dire warning caused her to wonder if maybe there was a danger, but then she remembered the kiss. Heather kissed like a lover, and no matter what he said, Jaina couldn’t accept that Heather was some kind of dark monster about to devour them.”

“I have heard your warning, but I need you to trust me,” Jaina replied. “She has done great things for us and for others that prove you are wrong. There is more to it, but I will explain it later. For now, I need you to watch over me while I talk with her.”

“I can do little to protect you if she decides to strike,” he replied. “Her power is beyond your reckoning.”

Jaina decided to let it go at that and opened her eyes to return her focus to Heather. She wanted to explain what had just happened but didn’t want to alarm Heather, especially not here.

“Sorry about that,” Jaina said as she opted for the simplest answer. “I have a magical link to another being, and they chose this exact moment to pester me.”

“Oh, so you got a phone call,” Heather teased with a smile.

“That’s a good way of looking at it,” Jaina replied with a smile. She was relieved that Heather had brushed the moment aside and left the door open to change the subject. “Now, what did you want to talk to me about?”

Heather became nervous and explained she had a choice to make. Jaina asked about the choice, causing Heather to launch into a lengthy description of her Lilithu race and how it made her a monster player. Jaina wondered why it was so important to stress that, and Heather finally explained.

“Well, because as a monster player, I get evolutions, and I have one of three paths to pick,” Heather groaned and looked away nervously.

“Chandice told me about the woman in the crown,” Jaina said with a nod. She and the others had heard all about the attempt to detect the crown's magic and the very interesting results it generated. “She said the woman physically appeared and told you that you had an evolution to become a succubus. Are you worried about taking that?”

“Yes,” Heather sighed. “But it's a little more complicated than that.”

Jaina didn't understand why that would be complicated, but then Heather had a tendency to overthink things. Breanne once joked that it was her strength and curse, causing Heather to see problems where others did not. She realized it would be much easier to see it for herself, so she sat up and leaned into Heather.

“Show me,” Jaina said.

Heather opened her panel right there in the cushions, but nobody seemed to care. She took Jaina to the evolution paths to show her the three available choices. Jaina's gaze immediately settled on one of the options as it portrayed a very sexy-looking woman. It appeared to be a succubus but had a very different name that caught Jaina's attention.

Lilim: Greater Devil. Mother of succubi.

“Alright, what's a Lilim?” Jaina asked as she looked over the sample image of a sultry devil woman blowing a kiss that produced red hearts.

Heather explained that the Lilim was what she wanted to talk about. She opened the base description, and Jaina started to read. She was stunned by what she saw and couldn't help but smile as every delicious word went by. The Lilim was a more powerful version of the succubus with powers and abilities to match. She could shape-shift into any humanoid, appearing as a man, a woman, or both. She could also use seduction powers and had nearly every skill Jaina had. She could summon whips and chains and could grow four arms to wade into combat. She had bat wings and a long rope-like tail that ended at a point. Both could be called or dismissed at will to help maintain her disguise.

“So, a Lilim is a more powerful Succubus,” Jaina said. “It even calls it the mother of succubi. Goodness, it comes with shape-shifting and seduction powers like me.”

“Yes, it does, but I am nervous about taking it because of what it says about me,” Heather said.

“What does it say about you?” Jaina asked, not following where Heather was going. “That you're a woman, and you enjoy a little intimacy with your lovers?”

“It’s basically a more sexual succubus,” Heather pleaded. “I feel embarrassed about taking it, especially how it has to feed to restore its power.”

All Jaina heard were excuses as Heather tried to hide behind its sexual nature to avoid taking it. It was clear that the woman wanted to take it but didn't have the courage to follow through. If she was going to help Heather, she needed to dispel that irrational fear calmly as if it was silly to worry about.

“Hmm, show me that again,” Jaina insisted, and Heather took her through the list. The class had a passion pool that it could use for racial powers, but it could only be replenished in the act of intimacy. It came back slowly while with a partner, but she had skills that allowed her to aggressively drain stamina, strength and even magic from a person and convert it into passion. Of course, those powers only worked during sex, or at least through an intimate kiss, which was what Heather was stumbling on.

“Alright, so it has a sex requirement,” Jaina said. “You have five partners. I doubt you will have much trouble replenishing that.”

“I know. I feel so timid about it,” Heather said. “I am not like this.”

“You are overthinking it,” Jaina urged and rubbed her arm. How was she going to make Heather understand these things were opportunities, not pitfalls? She realized the problem was that Heather hadn't come to this world to play and was only now starting to embrace it. “Just relax and listen,” Jaina urged. “You didn't come here like the rest of us did. You were dragged kicking and screaming into the world while we came in to have fun. Thus from your perspective, everything is part of some nefarious plan to keep you here. But, from the perspective of a person who wants to have fun, that race looks amazing. I think you will love playing it, and you shouldn't let the intimate requirements hold you back.”

“Maybe you’re right, and I should take it,” Heather agreed.

Jaina was proud of how quickly Heather saw reason and settled back to rub her arm soothingly. She wished Heather would take the slave collars more seriously and embrace what it meant to be a real slave girl. If she could just get Heather to taste what it was like to submit and give up control, she knew the woman would be hooked. It was then that a marvelous idea came to her and, with it, a chance to put Heather to the test. If the woman took the challenge, she would feel that marvelous intoxication of fear and arousal and be hooked on its power.

“Actually, I have a better suggestion,” Jaina corrected. “I know how to make this situation exciting for you, but I have a price.

“A price?” Heather asked with a raised brow. “Do I want to know what it is?”

“A kiss,” Jaina said as she began to plan it all out. “A passionate one to prove you are ready to play that race. Then I will tell you exactly what to do.” She said it as calmly as she could, trying to make it sound as if this kiss should be trivial. Heather's first test was to see if she was ready to stop playing and take her collar seriously.

“Do not kiss her again,” Hezzrigozza warned.

“You need to keep quiet,” Jaina insisted, doing her best to focus on Heather.

“You already got a kiss,” Heather pointed out.

“That was me stealing one from you,” Jaina corrected as Heather stumbled at the first hurdle. “Now I want you to give me one because you want to.”

“Does it have to be a kiss?” Heather asked nervously.

Jaina could see her gamble was failing, and she needed a way to salvage the situation. If Heather was going to stop playing and take her role seriously, she needed to be confronted with the truth.

“Sweetheart, you are asking me if you should become a sex devil,” Jaina reminded her as she decided to be blunt. “I think you want to take it but are too timid to step outside your box. I hate to be so blunt about this, but you are either ready to play the part or not. If you can't manage to kiss me with some conviction, you may as well take one of the other evolutions.”

Jaina felt her hopes sink as Heather took a long breath as if about to sigh. Then to Jaina's surprise, Heather turned her head and leaned up, planting her lips firmly on Jaina's. Those tender lips parted, and Jaina felt Heather reaching with her tongue, eager to share more. Jaina welcomed that dance as her heart started to race; Heather was ready to take the next step!

“Now that was a kiss,” Jaina said with a pleased smile after the kiss ended. She was amazed at how Heather had embraced that choice. That kiss had been full of passion and even a bit of pleading hunger as Heather gave her everything.

“You are a terrible friend,” Heather said with a roll of her eyes.

“I bet you change your mind after I give you my suggestion,” Jaina countered, knowing that Heather’s blood was pumping. All she had to do was get Heather to take the next step, and she would be washed away in the river of submission.

“So I earned my reward?” Heather laughed.

“Yes, I think you earned some wise advice,” Jaina replied, batting her eyes at Heather. She was excited to be the one taking Heather by the hand and leading her into a new life. “You need to learn how to bow your head and acknowledge that you are not in charge. So here is what you should do. You show Frank your evolution choices and let him pick what he wants you to be.”

“Why would I let him pick?” Heather asked,

Jaina wanted to roll her eyes and groan as Heather stumbled at the second hurdle. She simply didn't think like a slave girl, and her first thought was always to do things herself. Still, she had been willing to do the kiss, so maybe it was time for a little more bluntness.

“Listen,” Jaina said firmly as her tone changed. “We both know you are just playing at this being a slave girl. You are wearing the collars for the disguise and the benefits during sex, but the rest of it is optional. What you don't know and will never discover unless you truly submit is the overwhelming rush of being a slave girl. You have a real chance to feel that rush here and now, and once you do, you will never want to go a day without feeling it. If you really want to know what it's like to be a slave girl, give the power of that choice to your master. Let him decide if he wants you to be a sex devil.” She came right out and told Heather about the sensation of letting go and how addictive it could be. She hoped Heather would be curious enough to taste it, which would quickly lead to more. Jaina waited a moment as Heather chewed her bottom lip, nervously thinking the option through.

“Trying to decide if you should do it,” Jaina asked as she stroked Heather’s side, hoping to instill some comfort in the nervous woman.

“Yes,” Heather replied with a shake of her head.

Jaina could see she wanted to do it but couldn't make that final step that would open the door wide. She briefly considered using some of her seduction powers to make it easier but worried that would lower the tension and Heather wouldn't feel the full effect. However, there was a more direct way to solve the problem, one that required no skill at all.

“Do you want some help making the decision?” Jaina asked as she smiled wider. Heather nodded, and Jaina wasted no time. She stood up as Heather looked at her with a lost expression and interrupted the four master's discussion.

“I am sorry to interrupt,” Jaina said to get their attention. “But Frank's little devil pet has something important she needs to show him.” She looked down to see the terror in Heather's eyes and felt a twinge of pity. Jaina had just taken the option to keep the choice a secret away. Now all Heather could do was move ahead, which meant showing Frank.

“What did you need to show me?” Frank asked as he leaned forward, carefully cradling Blackbast with an arm.

“Come forward, my pet,” Blackbast urged and used a hand to gesture Heather closer. “Show him what is so important.”

Jaina could see how badly Heather was trembling as the woman got up and went to stand before her two masters. She knew that Heather was feeling that tension racing through her blood as she faced them not as equals but as their plaything to do as they wanted. It was a deeply personal choice for Heather, but they would make it for her now.

Jaina was proud of the woman as she raised her arm and activated the interface, showing her masters the choices they could make. It was a bold step in the right direction, but it would be a long time before they were like Gisley or Evalynn. Still, Jaina could see that sooner or later, the games would end, and Heather and her sisters would truly be slave girls.

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