The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-109 A dragons dream

Jaina took a deep breath as she stood at the shore of Gisley’s beautiful lake. White petals from the flowing trees floated on the surface as a large blue moon floated overhead. The beautiful voice of the fairy woman drifted on the air as she danced under that moonlight, enchanting the waters and the night air.

Jaina tried to see the beauty, but her mind was troubled. She had spent what should have been a wonderful day with Heather and the other girls. She had managed to get a lovely kiss and help Heather take a firm step in learning what it was like to be a slave girl. Frank looked touched that Heather wanted him to pick her evolution, and he took his time reading all three paths thoroughly. He then debated the choices with Blackbast before she told him to pick what he wanted most.

Of course, he chose the Lilim class, and Heather was now as much a sexual player as Jaina was. She would require frequent acts of sexual intimacy to sustain her powers. Thankfully Heather had more than enough lovers to sustain her needs, and Jaina secretly wished she could be one of them.

The night only got better when Blackbast suggested the girls dance for their masters. Jaina got to stand side by side with Heather and sway seductively to a haunting melody. It was a moment she would remember for a very long time, but a dark shadow hung over all of it.

She looked into the water to see her naked reflection and the winding blue tattoo of a dragon across her skin. Hezzrigozza had shouted a warning that Jain and her family were in great danger, and Heather was the source. He had tried to convince her to run and escape Heather before they were devoured. Jaina couldn't possibly imagine what he saw in Heather that made him say such things. From her point of view, the woman was a saint, with an absolute devotion to her family and a nearly equal level to her friends. She cared about people more than anyone Jaina knew and handed out gifts of kindness to everyone she could.

Jaina had to force the dragon from her thoughts and continue the day, pretending she hadn't heard what he said. Now she was finally alone, and she needed answers. Now was the time to face the dragon and discover why he was so alarmed.

“Gisley,” Jaina called into the night, her voice carrying over the pond. The beautiful fairy song came to an end, and a soft purple light fluttered over the waters to Jaina.

“Yes, my love?” Gisley asked with blue eyes that sparkled with moonlight. Her soft lavender hair fell about her shoulders in beautiful curls framing her pert breasts. Jaina always considered Gisley beautiful beyond the beauty that most women had in this world. She radiated a charm of magic and love that made anyone who looked too long fall in love. Jaina had to focus on her task and reached out a hand to help the fairy to shore.

“I need you to help me with something,” Jaina said as Gisley landed beside her. “I need you to put me to sleep, then watch over my dream until he comes.”

“Who comes?” Gisley asked with a twitch of her antenna.

“Him,” Jaina said, running a hand along the blue tattoo. “I need to speak with him.”

“Oh,” Gisley said with a nod. “How do you know he will come?”

“I don't,” Jaina replied, as that was the truth. She had no idea if the dragon could interact with a dream or if he cared enough to do it. She was gambling that his warning was dire enough that he would not miss a chance to speak to her face to face. If he did, she hoped to have a less frantic conversation.

“Is something the matter?” Gisley asked and ran a hand along Jaina’s arm. “You didn’t seem happy when we left the inn.”

“He was trying to speak to me at the inn,” Jaina admitted. “But what he had to say was upsetting, and I tried not to listen. Now that I am alone, I hope he will talk to me and explain what he was on about.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” Gisley asked.

“No,” Jaina said with a somber voice. “I need to see him alone. I also need you not to eavesdrop on me. I know I can trust you to give us some privacy. Just watch over me while I sleep, so nobody disturbs me until I wake.”

“Of course,” Gisley said with a smile. “I hope whatever he says makes you happier.”

“I do, too,” Jaina said but lacked any conviction in her voice. She picked a spot along the shore and settled into the soft grass closing her eyes as she curled up. Gisley held up a handful of silver glitter and gently blew it over her body, and Jaina felt the magic taking hold.

She opened her eyes to find herself in a shadowy place where the only light seemed to be coming from her. There was a stone path beneath her feet, but it looked ancient and blasted with sand in every crack. She could see no more than thirty steps beyond where she stood except to see a horizon in the distance where a dark line obscured a blue haze beyond.

“Is he here?” Gisley asked as Jaina turned about.

“I don't even know where here is,” Jaina replied, trying to get her bearings.

“This is a deadlands,” a voice replied as blue eyes appeared in the darkness.

“Is that him?” Gisley asked nervously.

“You can go,” the voice said as a black form of a dragon appeared at the edge of the shadows. “I wish to speak to my mate alone.”

“Ok, good luck,” Gisley said and went silent.

Jaina looked up as the dragon's massive head towered over her, his eyes looking at her angrily. She could feel his displeasure in how he glared at her as if trying to decide how best to punish her. She trembled before his power but stood her ground, desperate for answers.

“We need to talk,” Jaina began as the dragon lowered its head until she was looking into his fearsome jaws.

“Indeed, we do,” he said in a voice that rumbled like thunder. “You must flee these lands and go as far as possible. Or come back to me; I will do what I can to protect you.”

“What do you mean we have to flee?” Jaina asked as her heart began to twist.

“For your sake, I will speak clearly,” he began as his head lifted high. “I am what is known as a great power, a dragon of exceptional might. I have been alive for many thousands of what you call years, and I have witnessed many things.”

“How could you have been alive that long?” Jaina asked. “New Eden has only existed for a fraction of that.”

“This world you call New Eden is older than you think, but even then, this is not my home,” he said. “I was born on another world and brought to this one by the abductors. This place is my prison, and I am not a willing player.”

“Wait,” Jaina gasped as her eyes went wide. “You mean, you’re a player from another world? You’re really a dragon?”

“Yes,” Hezzrigozza replied. “And I have only been here a short time by my years.”

“So, it’s true,” Jaina said as she looked away. “There are dragon players, but they are real dragons brought here from a world where they exist.”

“Many are the races that have been collected in this prison,” the dragon replied. “I have been here longer than most and have seen the transitions as powers rise and fall. This place where you stand is what is known as a dead land, a world destroyed by those you call players.”

“Players destroyed a whole world?” Jaina gasped as her head began to spin.

“It has happened several times, and each has suffered its own death,” he explained. “I warn you about her because I sense she is a greater power than me. It is powers like her that lead to conflicts that decimate worlds and leave them barren husks.”

“Heather is more powerful than you?” Jaina gasped, unable to believe what she was hearing. She stumbled a few paces trying to wrap her mind around what he was saying.

“There are few who are,” he replied in a rumbling tone. “But when they meet in conflict, the devastation can be catastrophic. I can only sense her connection to the power, but I cannot tell the nature of it. However, I am disturbed by this game she plays, pretending to be something far less than what she is. She must be hiding and biding her time while building up her power.”

“Hiding,” Jaina repeated. “Oh, right, the polymorph!” She looked up to the dragon as he tilted his head to the side and explained that Heather was under a polymorph that she knew nothing about. She then remembered some of the stories of how Heather suspected she had multiple past lives and that somehow she had died and forgotten them. She explained all of it to Hezzrigozza, who rumbled with discontent at the story.

“She claims to have no memory?” he asked as if he doubted the claim.

“As far as she knows, she has only been in this world a few months,” Jaina replied. “She only learned about these past lives by accident, and there is still some doubt as to if it's her.”

“So, a great power has lost her memories,” the dragon said as she scratched his chin. “And now she plays at being a slave girl. It would save this world a great deal of suffering if that collar could be locked and she bound to a master forever.”

“That’s never going to happen,” Jaina said with a shake of her head. “Heather isn’t like I am.”

“Then use your powers to snare her and lock that collar before it is too late,” he commanded.

“I can't do that,” Jaina protested. “She is my friend, and even if I did want to do it, she took that evolution to become a Lilim. So she is immune to mind-influencing powers like seduction now.”

“You should have encouraged her to take one of the other paths,” he roared and slammed the ground. “Look around you. This is the future of your world.”

Jaina did look around and wondered how a world could be rendered a lifeless husk of darkness. There weren't even stars in the skies as if they had all been destroyed in a war of gods.

“What if she never regains her memories?” Jaina asked.

“The power is still there,” he replied. “Even if she has no memory of its past use, she will eventually rediscover it, and then it won't matter.”

Jaina could see his point that Heather would use the power, even if she had no memory of how she got it. Still, Heather was so caring and kind. Certainly, a player like her could use such power responsibly. After all, Hezzrigozza was a great power and hadn't destroyed the world.

“This must all have to do with Hathlisora,” Jaina said.

“Who?” the dragon bellowed as his eyes narrowed. “Why do you speak the angry goddess's name?”

“Angry goddess?” Jaina repeated as she shook her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But Hathlisora is who Heather suspects she was before she lost her memories.”

“It's her!” the dragon said in a shocked voice.

“Is that bad?” Jaina gasped.

“So, the destroyer of gods has returned,” he laughed and looked down at Jaina. “You are in far more danger than I suspected.”

“Now, hold on,” Jaina protested. “I already told you Heather is a sweetheart who takes matters of love and relationships very seriously. I have done all I can to flirt and pry at her, and all I have managed is a few kisses. I know that she would never willingly harm us. In fact, I suspect that if we were in danger, Heather would move heaven and hell to save us. You should talk to Quinny if you want to hear stories about Heather and how she went insane when Frank was in danger.”

“Yes, insane,” the dragon replied. “For she has gone insane several times, and her madness has shattered worlds. She may be docile now, but when she recovers her memories, her madness will come with it.”

Jaina put her hand to her face and tried to calm a headache. She was arguing in circles and getting nowhere, except that he believed Heather was a great threat. She needed to find a solution to the problem as she didn’t want him imploring her to run every time they were together.

“I am not leaving Heather's side,” Jaina said at last. “Maybe she just needs a good friend to anchor her when those memories return.”

The rumbling laugh echoed in her ears as Hezzrigozza made it clear he didn't agree with her. He then lowered his head to sniff at her, and then a long narrow tongue came out and slid between her legs.

“Oh,” Jaina groaned as a single lick lifted her from the ground.

“I have delivered my warning,” he said as the world around them changed. “I value you, little mate, but you have invited doom on your head. I cannot protect you from here.”

“Then, come here,” Jaina urged, holding her arms out to him. “Come to the forest and make your home in the mountains. I am sure there is plenty of room for you, and you can breed me when you want.”

“You seek to provide for me with such ease. Why?” he asked.

Jaina wasn't sure why, but she felt something about him, a sort of need. She told him that she just wanted to see him happy. She didn't care about the dragon's power or what he could do for her. All that mattered to her was being a good mate and giving him all he dreamed about.

“You have no idea what I dream about,” he said as his voice softened.

“Then show me,” Jaina said and gestured around her. “This is a dream, after all.”

“Hmm,” he rumbled as the world became a dark cave of massive scale. Jaina looked about and nearly fell over to see the piles of golden treasures. There was a sea of coins and items of gold piled in the center of the cave and shaped into a bowl.

“Where are we?” Jaina asked.

“This is my home, little mate,” he replied. “You are the first to ever see it, though only through a dream.”

“Why have you brought me here?” Jaina asked as she dared to reach out and touch a leg.

“You are here to be bred,” he replied. “You are my mate, and this is our nest. I wish to share something with you that can only be done in a dream. It is my dream, and I would see it happen, even if it is not real.”

“I will do whatever you want,” Jaina replied as she detected a note of sadness in his voice.

“Then, take a dragon form,” He instructed. “And enlarge yourself to be close to my size.”

Jaina was about to argue that she couldn't get near his size when she remembered this was a dream. That meant she could break the rules and use her powers far beyond their normal limits. She stepped back, and her form blurred, collapsing into a gray mass. The mass swelled and grew, stretching into a long slender neck, a long tail, and a delicate dragon's body. She had sky-blue scales with flecks of white at the tips and eyes that glowed with blue light. Her was longer and more slender than his as she reached up to nuzzle his nose.

“Is this better?” she asked, stretching her long blue wings. “It's a character for a web series I used to read. Her name is Lilly.”

“I do not know what a web series is,” he replied and stalked around her. “But this form is very beautiful.”

“So what happens now?” Jaina asked as he circled behind her.

“Now, we breed,” he said almost tenderly.

Jaina was shocked when he stretched his neck out and licked along her throat. Then, he very gently climbed onto her back, using his tail to push hers aside.

“Relax and lift your rear higher,” he instructed in a voice that sounded amorous.

Jaina did as he instructed and lifted her rear, and suddenly he was pressing against her. She felt his weight on her back as his tail twined around hers. Strong arms came around her chest as he sank in, his cock sliding into her body all the way to the knot.

“Ohhhhh,” Jaina groaned as he lifted her head high. He licked at her throat as his arms locked around her, holding her in place as the breeding began. She felt every inch of that terrible cock as it slid through her tender body. He took up a firm pace, lunging at her from behind as their bodies twined more tightly. The knot slapped against her reptilian pussy, pushing firmly with every thrust. Jaina was lost in a sea of confusing thoughts, not the least of which was how much she wanted this.

His voice came out in short pants as the first orgasm exploded inside. His pace increased as he hungered for her body, causing Jaina to shake with every impact. She was mad with desire to please him and longed to feel that bulbous knot slip inside. She began to rock back into him, hoping to drive him inside and lock him in place.

Her second orgasm caused her to cry out, her voice going high as she tightened her tail around him. She felt desperate to hold on to him, even as he continued to lick her neck, caressing her in the moment of passion. Her powerful clawed hands dug at the gold and treasure as she was bred like a proper dragon. The third orgasm left her arms trembling as he suddenly pushed hard.

Jaian felt her body strain and then stretch as inch by terrible inch of that massive knot began to slide in. She groaned as the strain felt like it would tear her apart. He dug in his hind legs and pushed, while pulling her back, pressing his cock to her body until it finally gave way. Then, with a cry of pain, her body swallowed him whole and clamped in place, locking him inside. Now there was no way back until he was done breeding his dragon bride.

The thrusting renewed, only they were much shorter thrusts deep inside. Jaina could only groan and sway as her body built to yet another orgasm, causing her to shake as it finally rolled out.

“I can’t take anymore,” she cried.

“You must,” he replied. “I need you to do this. It is almost done. You only have to hold on a little longer.”

She felt her world melting away as the thrusting continued, her body driven wild with a strange hunger to mate. She felt like a bitch in heat, needing him to fulfill her body's hunger. He began to groan with her as his legs dug into the gold coins. His thrusts became deep, lunging impacts, that rattled her from the inside out. She was about to cum again when he suddenly let out a low guttural growl, and suddenly Jaina's world was maddening pleasure.

She shared the orgasm as he filled her body with hot dragon cum. She could feel throbbing inside as it kept coming, each pulse another load. She was driven wild by the power of the orgasm as it went on and on until she realized it had gone on too long. Thirty seconds later, she was still cumming, then forty, then a full minute. She was held tight by his powerful arms as he continued to pump more and more cum into her.

“What’s happening?” Jaina cried as her orgasm wouldn’t stop coming.

“This is how a dragon has a proper orgasm,” he replied in a panting voice. “I allowed you only a taste because you were too small, but now that you are a proper size, you will endure it.”

“For how long?” Jaina gasped as it kept coming.

“A typical dragon goes for five of your minutes or more,” he replied.

“Five minutes!” Jaina cried, unsure if she could endure five minutes of a powerful orgasm. Her whole body began to shake as her legs went weak. She slowly melted to the floor, crying out with every delicious spasm of her body as he filled her to bursting with his seed. She clawed at the coins uselessly as if trying to escape her fate. Minutes went by, and her tail was out straight, shaking as the orgasm continued to roll on.

“I love you!” she cried at last and heaved for breath, her strength long since faded. She finally collapsed into a state of absolute bliss as he continued to hold her tightly. She wasn't even aware when it stopped, but she felt him pull away. Her long neck was stretched out across the coins as his knot finally came free.

“Let me clean that,” she begged, lifting her head slowly, struggling to turn about. He presented himself to her, and she reached out with a long tongue, eager to clean her lover. She found that tongue delightfully useful and could wrap it around his cock twice. She savored the flavor of dragon cum, mixed with the fluids of her deep body. When he was clean, he picked her up and walked on his hind legs to the bowl in the coins. There he set her down and helped her curl into a ball, her tail wrapped around her tired head.

“Now you are bred and in our nest,” he said as she closed her tired eyes. He raised a hand over her head, and soft blue light began to fill her eyes.

“What are you doing?” she asked as she looked up.

“Close your eyes again, my little mate,” he urged. “I am working a minor magic to bring about the desired outcome. Of course, it will only be a dream, but for you, it will seem very real.”

“Please, call me Lilly,” Jaina urged and closed her eyes, putting her faith in him.

“Very well, Lilly,” he replied as her world descended into darkness.

She woke with a yawn to find she was still in the nest of gold. She felt something rubbing against her and lifted her long graceful neck to see he was tucked in right behind her, wrapped around her body as if protecting her. He looked sound asleep, which amused Jaina as this was already a dream.

“Do you dream if you sleep in the dream?” she wondered, twisting her long neck. She used her tongue to delicately lick him, stroking the length of his neck as he slumbered. She felt tired again, so she put her head back down and closed her eyes as the blackness returned. It seemed like all she did was blink, but when she opened her eyes, he was standing before her with what looked like a dead deer in one hand.

“You must eat,” he insisted and held the animal out. “You need your strength for the brood.”

“What?” Jaina replied with a yawn. “You brought me that to eat?”

“Please, I know it is not what you would normally eat, but you must,” he insisted, placing it on the coins before her.

Jaina looked at the dead animal and could only see a gentle deer. She felt terrible that it had been killed, and worse, he wanted her to eat it. She looked up to see the hopeful look in his eyes as he nudged it closer, urging her to go on.

Jaina closed one eye and sniffed at it, and suddenly it all changed. She could smell it like never before, and it smelled delicious. She could only assume this was some perk of being a dragon, but the more she sniffed at it, the more hungry she became. She opened her long maw and slowly bit into the meat, tasting its warm flesh, and she couldn't help herself.

“Good,” he said as she tore the animal apart and devoured it. “You will be grateful for that later.”

Jaina had no idea what he was talking about but she had never felt so hungry before. She devoured the beast and felt tired again, her world fading into darkness once more. She woke with yet another blink to discover he was hovering over her, licking her backside.

“What happened?” Jaina asked as she raised her long neck. “I keep dozing off.”

“It is part of the magic I worked,” he replied as he came away from her. “It is allowing you to experience a large amount of time quickly.”

“A large amount of time?” Jaina said in confusion. “And why are you licking me?”

“I am keeping you clean as you sleep,” he replied. “All males keep their mates clean as they gestate the eggs.”

“Gestate what?” Jaina questioned as he leaned over and rubbed his nose on hers.

“Go back to sleep, my Lilly,” he said softly. “It will make sense when you next awake.”

She nodded her head and lay it back down, her eyes suddenly feeling very heavy. She closed them as if she hadn't slept in years, and with a blink, she was awake again. She felt sore and could only assume it was from laying in the nest for so long. She felt like weeks had passed, and her body was stiff from being in one spot. She got to her feet and shook off as he appeared from a tunnel to look her over.

“It is time,” he said with an approving nod. “Are you ready?”

“Ready for what?” Jaina asked when suddenly her whole body tensed. She felt her stomach clenching down as it rolled and moved as if trying to push something out. Instinctively she hunched over and lifted her tail, crying out as something suddenly shifted and landed in the coins.

Jaina experienced the strangest sense of relief she had ever had until the pain suddenly returned. She hunched over once again, and a moment later, a second object fell to the coins.

“You are doing well,” he said with great approval. “Are there more?”

“More what?” Jaina cried as another wave of spasms rolled through her body. She cried out as this one rolled through and a third object fell free. She stood there panting and waiting for more pain, but after a few minutes, there had been nothing. He came to her side and nuzzled her long neck, assuring her it was over. She had no idea what was over until she finally turned about to see three blue eggs.

“Did I just lay those?” Jaina gasped in shock as the eggs dripped with a clear ooze.

“You have laid your clutch,” the dragon replied. “Now, you must rest again.”

“What is going on” Jaina gasped as he helped her lay down so she was in a ring around the eggs.

“Shh,” he urged. “Close your eyes. The dream is almost over.”

Jaina had no intention of closing her eyes, but the suggestion was overwhelming. She couldn't help but close them, and a moment later, they came open to find him hovering over her again. She lifted her head to meet his gaze as he held a finger before his mouth.

“Shh,” he said and pointed to the eggs. “It is happening.”

Jaina followed his pointing finger to the eggs and nearly jumped when one of them shook. She watched in awe as a crack appeared, and the shell started to part. Slowly, like a flower growing out of a seed, a blue-scaled creature emerged, its lizard-like eyes watching her with loving trust. As the first baby dragon broke free from its shell the other two began to stir.

Jaina felt a mad desire to clean the child and reached down with her long neck to begin licking. She cherished the moment as the little dragon crawled to her on unsteady legs. After a while, a black dragon emerged from an egg, followed by another blue. Hezzrigozza looked on in silence, but she saw a tear fall from an eye.

“What did you do?” Jaina asked as she looked at him. “What is all this?”

“A dream of mine,” he replied. “One I will never have.”

“You dream about having children?” Jaina asked as he nodded in reply. She looked down at her little dragons and cleaned the other two. They rushed to her side, piling on top of each other as they nestled in to sleep against her. Jaina was overcome by feelings she had never known before and an absolute desire to care for her children. She nudged them in closer, her eyes wet with tears as she fell in love with each of them. Then she felt the world around her changing and looked up in shock.

“The dream has come to an end,” he said. “It is time to go.”

“No! Please wait! I want more time with them!” Jaina begged.

“You must go,” he insisted. “I cannot keep you here any longer.”

“Please, don’t take me away from my babies!” she cried and tried to curl around them tightly to take them with her.

Then her eyes came open, and she sat upright in the grass. She looked about to see the shore of Gisley's lake and the stars filling the skies. Her heart raced as she crushed her arms over her chest, desperate to feel those little creatures in her grasp again. Tears rained from her eyes as she rocked, and she could swear she could still smell them.

“Now you know my pain,” he said in her thoughts.

“Why?” she said out loud. “Why did you want me to experience that?”

“Because I wanted you to know how I feel,” he replied. “And why I worry about you being near her.”

Jaina used the back of her hand to wipe her eyes as she tried to understand what he said. It was then that she realized what he was getting at, and it all made sense.

“You’re the reason I can still orgasm when nobody else is around,” Jaina said. “Because you’re always watching, and you love me.”

“I have grown fond of you, my Lilly,” he said, the use of the name sending renewed waves of loss through her heart.

“Can we do that dream again?” Jaina asked. “Maybe, pick up where we left off?”

“You wish to go further?” he asked in her thoughts.

“Yes!” Jaina sobbed. “I want more time with them!”

“It was only a dream,” he reminded.

“I don't care,” Jaina cried and stood up as if to argue with him. “I want more time with them and with you. I want to know more about what that is like. You must not understand what you just put me through, but I can't let go like that. You made me feel a strong bond, then tore it away. That was very cruel.”

“I only wanted to share the experience with you,” he replied. “I thought it was the best gift I could give you to express how I felt.”

Jaina could see he hadn't meant to affect her this way, but it had, and the loss tormented her. She longed to be in that cave again, nuzzling and naming her children.

“I worry I have caused you harm,” he said after a long pause. “But I can see your thoughts and will agree to bring you back. Ask your fairy to put you back to sleep, and I will bring you to the point where I took you away.”

“You mean it? Jaina said excitedly.

“If your master allows it, I will give you the whole night to mother them,” he replied.

Jaina smiled for joy and rubbed at her eyes before calling for Gisley. Soon she would be back in the nest with her mate and their children to spend the rest of the night dreaming about being a family.

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