The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-110 The dominant Male

Jaina put her arms behind her back and readied for Roric to take her. He grabbed her firmly and fed his cock into her body, leaving the knot just outside. She sighed softly as she felt him hardening, his long cock reaching deep within. Then the sex began, and he was rough, taking her forcefully as she rolled her hips. He went on like that for several orgasms, causing her voice to cry out in delight. Then he released her arms and swept her up, carrying her to a nearby bed where he gently lay her down.

Jaina looked up and smiled as he began to rub her body, caressing every inch of her as she writhed. His hands were strong, and her skin was smooth as silk, allowing him to glide easily. She moaned when they cupped around her breasts, giving them a firm squeeze before moving on. She worried he was being so gentle out of a sense of fear that Jaina might prefer the dragon.

After spending more time in the dream playing at being a mother Jaina began to feel guilty. She asked to be woken and immediately ran to find Roric to confess to him everything that had happened. He looked upset and asked a few questions before focusing on what Jaina wanted now that it had happened. Of course she wanted to spend more time with the babies, but not at the cost of harming her master. She confessed her feelings and how she had become very attached to the children, but acknowledged it was just a dream.

“You don’t have to do this,” Jaina said as she met his gaze. “You have nothing to prove to me. I would give him up for you.”

Roric let out a long sigh and crawled over her body as she spread her legs to welcome him. He fed himself inside once more and began a slow rhythmic thrusting that kept them both hungry.

“I appreciate you being so honest with me and choosing to honor me over him,” Roric replied. “But I can't ask you to give that up. It sounds too important to you.”

“You are what's important to me,” Jaina replied, stroking his head. “Putting aside the fact that I am your slave and need your permission, I still wouldn't do this without your approval. I love you, and I am here in this world for you. All that I am was crafted to serve at your side and be your slave girl. I won't let anything threaten that, Roric. You mean too much to me, and if I suspect for a second you are hurt over this, I will end it myself.”

“Jaina,” Roric replied and placed a finger on her lips. “I know you are mine, and I am touched that you ran to tell me what happened when you could have easily kept it a secret. I am only upset because you had a unique and profound experience, and I wasn't the one you got to share it with.”

“Oh, Roric,” Jaina cried, putting her arms around his back. “I am so sorry. Of course, I want to share everything with you, but sometimes things happen when I am not expecting them.”

“I know,” he said as they continued to make love. “But I am glad you got to experience that, and I wish I could have seen it, well, except for the part where you eat a raw deer.”

Jaina struggled not to laugh at his attempt at humor but agreed the deer was a bit shocking. She had to explain how in the dragon form, it smelled and tasted delicious, but now that the dream was over, she felt queasy about what she did.

“So, do you ever think about children?” Roric asked as she clutched his back.

“Sometimes,” Jaina admitted between moans. “But I knew coming in here meant I wouldn't have any. I haven't forgotten our talk about this and how we considered raising real children before coming to New Eden. We both agreed that the risk of one of us dying before they were raised was too high.”

“I remember,” Roric said as he looked deep into her eyes. “But I would not deny you the right to have children.”

“If I were going to have children here, they would be yours,” Jaina said firmly. “I would have objected if I had known what he planned to do. I had no desire to have or raise his children, but he took me by surprise with his dream, and before I understood what was happening, the eggs were hatching. I couldn't help but feel the children were mine, and I just wanted to care for them like a good mother.”

“I am sure you are a wonderful mother,” Roric agreed.

“I don't know,” Jaina retorted and had to close her eyes as her body began to roll with an orgasm. She endured it for a moment, holding on as he drove her wild, then cleared her head and continued. “I hate to say this, but I think I am a coward when it comes to things like that. Part of why I want to be a slave girl is because I don't want real responsibility. I like the idea of you being the one who makes the decisions, and all I have to do is smile and say yes, master. I don't know what I would do if I were put in a situation where small children were counting on me to be strong.”

“I think a lot of mothers question if they are ready to have children,” Roric replied. “But then nature takes its course, and the child comes if they are ready or not. Most women find they are a lot stronger than the suspected and rise to the challenge.”

“I want to agree with you, but I know I am a brat, and I like to be taken care of,” Jaina said with a smile. “But for that brief moment, I was overjoyed to have children.”

“And you wanted to protect them,” Roric reminded as he began to grind deeper. “Proving you would have done what it took to care for them.”

Jaina smiled and reached up to play with one of his ears as he once again made her feel good. He was the most understanding man she had ever met, and his desire for all his girls to explore their fantasies made him special. She couldn't help but love him and relished that she was locked in his collar. She wanted to be his slave forever and live her life for her master.

“So, what if I found a way for you to have children?” Roric asked.

“That was just a rumor on the forums,” Jaina replied with a smirk as she continued to enjoy their lovemaking. “Nobody even knew how it was done.”

“But the poster was very clear they had seen a woman have a child,” Roric insisted. “Others came forward and said they, too, had seen it happen.

“And none of them could ever say how it was conceived,” Jaina replied. “Probably just people posting sensational articles to get traffic to their blogs.”

“Didn’t you tell Gisley you had a theory about producing a child?” he asked as he pulled her arms wide and pinned her down.

“A theory is exactly what it is,” Jaina said between moans. “Once I am a full mimic, I thought maybe I could reproduce like they could.”

“And how do they reproduce?” he asked.

“They pinch off a small portion of themselves about the size of a tennis ball and leave it on a freshly killed carcass to eat. They call the process budding, and the small bit is essentially just an egg. It can't move and can only feed on what it is directly attached to. It takes it months to grow to about the size of a baby. If it dries out, runs out of food, or gets eaten by something else, it dies.” She paused to moan as her feet began to shake in the throws of another firm orgasm. She struggled in his grasp, then took a few deep breaths before continuing.

“The thing about the bud is it borrows information from the creature it eats while it's growing,” Jaina groaned. “So if you killed a human and left a bud on it to feed, the morphic that formed would have a default form that looked like the human it was feeding from.”

“Like a baby get's its genetic information from its parents,” Roric said with a nod.

“Yes, but I was thinking that if I put one of these eggs inside, say Gisley, it could attach to her womb and feed from her body. Then if you made love to her regularly, the bud would absorb the seed to feed on, and it would slowly gain traits from both of you.”

“Hmm,” Roric said as he gave her a few hard strokes. “So you plant an egg in the mother, and then a man provides the egg with food via sperm, and it will borrow from both sources.”

“And a womb is the perfect environment to grow in,” Jaina cried. “It's warm and damp, protecting the little mimic as it matures.”

“Have you thought about asking one of the others if they want to try it?” Roric asked.

“No,” Jaina admitted. “My issue is I have no idea how much the little mimic will eat from the mother. What if it starts to cause her harm or, god forbid, eats its way out? I am not ready for that kind of horror.”

“That would be unfortunate,” Roric agreed. “But if there was always plenty of food provided, would the creature need to harm the mother?”

“You mean plenty of cum for it to absorb?” Jaina asked as she rocked in his thrusts. “I think about that too, and I wonder if the bud might consider the mother an ally. In which case, it might gently feed slow enough that it is no more a drain than a real baby would be.”

He thrust hard, driving himself deep so that his knot slipped inside. Jaina's back arched as he suddenly came, and she shared his orgasm in a fit of passion. Finally, she was allowed to rest as he lay on top of her, gently stroking her head. She knew he was unhappy about what Hezzrigozza had done but hadn't been fully against it. Instead, he made it clear that he felt the dragon had overstepped his bounds and shared something that should have been his.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her body sated by his bestial cock. Then she heard a voice in her head as the dragon finally began to talk.

“Take him to sleep with you,” he rumbled. “Use the fairy and come speak with me.”

Jaina's eyes came open, and she looked at Roric with a start.

“Is something the matter?” Roric asked as Jaina squirmed.

“He is talking to me,” Jaina replied. “He wants us both to sleep so he can talk to you.”

Roric looked skeptical, and she wondered what was going through his mind. Then he pulled away, his knot jerking out as he left her alone on the bed. She thought he was angry at her at first, but then he leaned over, and his long tongue filled her mouth. She savored her kiss for a moment, then he pulled away and said he would return with all the girls, as he wanted them all to know what was happening.

Minutes later, they entered the bed chambers and sat beside Jaina, looking confused. Chandice was the last to arrive, questioning Roric about what was so important she had to leave her research. Roric had them all sit on the bed before explaining what Jaina had told him. She helped fill in the details about Heather and the warning Hezzrigozza had delivered. She then explained the dream and how she had experienced what it was like to be a dragon mother in a very short period of time.

“Wow, what was it like to lay an egg?” Gisley asked.

“I had no idea that's what was happening,” Jaina admitted. “I was frightened at first, and my stomach was in pain. But then I saw the eggs, and I felt a sort of connection to them. I don't know why. I knew it was a dream, but he was doing all he could to make me experience it like it was real.”

“So what are we all doing here?” Chandice asked.

“The dragon wants to speak with me in a dream,” Roric explained. “And as you are my family, I want you there to witness what happens.”

“He wants to speak with you?” Evalynn asked with a raised brow. “Did he say why?”

Everyone looked at Jaina, who shook her head. She had no idea what the dragon wanted. With no reason to deny him, they settled into the bed, getting comfortable before Gisley blew glitter over them. A moment later, they were standing on a round platform floating on the leaves of trees. Gisley explained that this was what the love wood looked like from above the canopy and thought this would be the perfect place to wait.

“I hope he doesn't make us wait long,” Evalynn said as she rubbed Jaina's arm. “And it sounds like you had a traumatic experience.”

“It was traumatic, and it was beautiful,” Jaina replied. “The worst part was how he ended it so abruptly. They had just hatched and crawled to me, and he made me wake up.”

“I am sorry you had to suffer that,” Evalynn said and supported her.

“Well, he realized I was hurt and allowed me back in,” Jaina said. “I got to spend three hours nuzzling the little creatures. It felt so real that waking up felt like losing them.”

“And this was his dream?” Gisley asked as she fluttered about them. “He wants children that badly?”

“It would appear so,” Jaina said as she looked across the ocean of leaves. “And now that he's trapped here, he will never know the joy beyond that dream.”

“And so we understand one another,” a rumbling voice said as a black form fell from the skies. The dragon flew right up to their little platform as the world around them suddenly changed, and they found themselves on the shores of an alpine lake. The water lapped at the stones as the group looked about to see the dragon was a dozen steps behind them, looking down with an annoyed glance.

“Well, we are here,” Roric said as he dared to speak. He had no idea what the dragon wanted and feared antagonizing him even in the dream. Still, the creature had helped them make the magic tattoo system and used his power to make the love wood special. He couldn’t deny that the beast was a boon, but he questioned who he felt Jaina belonged to.

“I brought you here to speak,” the dragon replied. “Because I have felt her sorrow and heard her tearful words. I had not expected him to feel as she did, and when she cried, I knew I had made a mistake.”

Roric held his stance as the dragon took a few steps closer, eyeing him as if eyeing a competitor. Jaina worried there was going to be an argument over who possessed her, but the dragon then let out a deep sigh.

“I did not miss how she ran to you and admitted what had happened,” he said. “I have also not missed how she has promised to deny me, even if she craves to see those children again. You are her master and the keeper of her heart, and I wanted to make it clear I understood this.”

“I am very glad to hear you say that,” Roric replied. “I had begun to question your motives.”

“My motives are greedy,” the beast admitted. “But she honored me by refusing to give up my gift, and I grew fond of her. You have also honored me by allowing me to enjoy her and call her my mate when you do not have to.”

“What is going on here?” Chandice whispered.

“The men are establishing dominance over Jaina,” Evalynn whispered back.

Roric nodded in reply to his statement and asked what the dragon wanted. Hezzrigozza wanted two things from Roric. First, he wanted to be able to bring Jaina into a dream for a few hours a week to be his mate. Second, he wanted permission to move his lair to the love wood.

“Why would you want to come here?” Roric asked as his ears twitched.

“Because of the danger the one you call Hannah represents to you,” the dragon replied. “I cannot protect you from the danger that is this Hannah from so far away.”

“We are aware of Hannah’s potential to bring the wrath of Kevin down on us,” Roric replied.

“I am not speaking of the dragon slayer,” Hezzrigozza growled. “I am talking about her, the woman you should address as Hathlisora. She is a sleeping goddess of madness and wrath. She will not hesitate to lash out when she awakens to her past.”

“Hannah is an angel,” Gisley cut in. “I danced over the flowers with her as she sang a beautiful song just for me.”

The dragon looked at Gisley with a funny expression before lowering his head to sniff at her.

“What manner of creature are you?” he demanded.

“I am a lunar fairy,” Gisley said as she nervously moved away from those sharp teeth.

The dragon snorted and scrutinized her a little more before lifting his head. “Jaina has explained her belief that I am wrong about Hannah, but I tell you, she is much more than she appears. If her memories are lost, as Jaina has explained, then it is only a matter of time before they return.”

“And I told you she would need her friends to stand by her when they did,” Jaina argued.

“When her memories return, she will slip into madness,” he insisted.

“Actually, I think she knows that already,” Chandice cut in as everyone turned to look at her. “What? I told you I ran the experiments to try and identify the magic surrounding her. She explained a great deal of what she knew about herself and this past life known as Hathlisora. She told me that she had been warned about discovering her past, that it would drive her insane with sorrow.”

“So, Hannah knows she will go insane if she learns about her past?” Evalynn asked. “But isn’t that what she wants most? To know the truth?”

“I don't know that she does,” Chandice replied. “Think about what Quinny said that night about how good Heather is at figuring out things. She is bending the rules of magic left and right in her quest to unlock power. But recently, she stopped doing all of it.”

“What changed?” Jaina asked as she realized Chandice was right.

“I don't know for sure, but I think it's her sudden embrace of her family,” Chandice said. “And I don't think Heather wants to be a slave. I think she's doing all this to keep her mind occupied, so she doesn't think about her past.”

“So this sudden embrace of the lifestyle is a means to keep herself from having to face her mysterious past?” Roric asked.

“She once told us that she was good at keeping herself busy, so she didn't have to face the truth,” Chandice reminded.

“Oh, poor Hannah,” Jaina groaned. “What a terrible thing to be trapped in a life like this.”

“You should encourage her to embrace the collar,” the dragon said. “It will check her power and keep her from losing control.”

“Wait, being a sex slave will actually save her?” Evalynn asked.

“The collar limits your power,” he pointed out. “That is exactly what she needs. She should be encouraged to lock her collar and embrace this life to the fullest to prevent her from walking down the path of madness. You should use your seductions to entice her into accepting it.”

“I can't do that to her,” Jaina insisted. “I, more than anyone here, would love to take her to bed and call her a slave sister, but I would never do it for ulterior motives. I would only do such a thing if she honestly wanted it, and I knew it would not damage her relationship with Frank. Besides, I already told you she is immune to my charms now. I am powerless to sway her.”

“And it can't be forced like that,” Roric countered. “No collar will lock if any form of mind control or manipulation is used during the locking period. She has to well and truly want it for herself, or it will never work.”

“Then let us pray she chooses to go further,” Hezzrigozza replied. “But until then, I would like to dwell closer to you where I can provide some protection should she lose control. However, I will not come to your forest without permission,” he said, glaring at Roric. “I will not upset your authority again.”

Roric was silent a long moment as the girls turned to him, waiting for an answer. When he finally spoke, he was calm and collected except for a slight twitch of his tail.

“First of all, you did not upset my authority,” Roric said. “I agreed that Jaina could be your mate. I was only upset because you shared such a powerful experience with Jaina, and I had nothing to say about it. Secondly, I want to recognize your role in creating the magical tattoos. That system will make our home unique in all the world, and I owe that to you.”

“I appreciate your humility,” the dragon replied.

“And I appreciate yours,” Roric answered. “So long as we understand that Jaina is mine and will always answer to me first, we do not have a problem. Though, I am curious as to why this dream was so important to you.”

Hezzrigozza was silent a moment, then he raised a hand and announced he would show them. The scene changed, and suddenly they were in a cave lit magically so all could see. Jaina jumped in alarm to see she was her dragon self, blue scales glittering in the light as Gisley fluttered up to marvel at her.

“Jaina? Is that you?” she asked, daring to reach out.

“It’s me, Gisley,” Jaina replied.

“And I thought we were wealthy,” Chandice choked, drawing everyone's attention to the sea of gold, gems, and other treasures that carpeted the floor.

“Where are we?” Roric asked as he turned about.

“My hoard,” Hezzrigozza replied. “And Lilly’s nest.”

Jaina turned to regard him as he directed her attention to the bowl-shaped depression in the middle of the room. There she saw them, her little dragonlings asleep and tucked into one another.

“My babies,” Jaina cried and hurried to their side. They all woke and lifted their heads to regard their mother as she lay beside them. Then, they quickly shuffled over, tucking into their mother as Jaina began to lick them clean.

“What am I watching?” Chandice asked with a funny expression. “Is she mothering them?”

“Jaina is a good mother,” Gisley said as she fluttered closer. “What are their names?”

“This one is Alexandra,” Jaina said as she nuzzled a little blue dragon with her nose. “She likes to roar at her brother. And this one is Sarah because she's the biggest, so she will be big and strong,” she added and nuzzled the other blue one.

“What about the black one?” Gisley asked.

“Oh, that's Hezzrigos,” Jaina said before licking him. “I named him after his father.”

“Two girls and one boy,” Gisley cried with glee.

“This is all a dream?” Chandice questioned.

“As far as I know,” Evalynn replied as she looked around. “Gisley would certainly know.”

“It is a dream,” Gisley confirmed as she fluttered back. “Why do you have trouble with that?”

“I have trouble with everyone getting worked up over something that isn't real,” Chandice said, gesturing to Jaina.

“What am I doing wrong?” Jaina asked as she noticed the movement.

“You're in bed with us dreaming,” Chandice pointed out. “Those dragons are cute, but they aren't real. Is it healthy for you to treat them like they are your children? I worry you will have attachment issues to something that doesn't exist.”

“I see your point,” Evalynn agreed.

“Hold on,” Gisley said as she fluttered higher, her beautiful wings beginning to glow. “How can you deny her happiness just because this is a dream? We don’t know anything about the reality of what is or isn’t a dream. Who's to say we aren't asleep in some alien spaceship, and all of New Eden is a dream we can't wake from? The waking world is just a dream with more rules as far as I am concerned.”

“The fairy also has a point,” Evalynn said.

“You show a great understand of dreams,” the dragon said as he studied her. “How have you gained such insight?”

“Lunar fairies can do a lot more than put people to sleep,” Gisley replied. “We can shape people's dreams just like you have done here. I was wondering how you did it. Are you some kind of dream wizard?”

“All dragons have power in dreams,” he replied. “We can sleep for ages, and during that slumber, we are awake in this world, living out our lives. In many cases, dragons will spend more time here than they do in what you consider the waking world. To many of us, this is the real world, and the other world is the dream. As such, we have great power to shape dreams and twist them to our wills.”

“This is so confusing,” Chandice said as she put a hand to her head. “I need the stability of a world with rules to function.”

“As do most beings,” the dragon replied as Roric walked across the treasure pile to where Jaina lay with her children.

“I think I see why this had such an impact on you,” Roric said as he put a hand to her massive head.

“It’s hard to explain how attached I feel to them,” Jaina replied as the little dragons snuggled in a pile against her side. “I know this isn’t real, but I just can’t give them up. I want to spend time here and be their mother, even if it will all end when I wake up.”

“So, are they NPCs?” Chandice asked. “Or is this really a dream happening in our minds?”

“We have our own Heather,” Evalynn laughed as Chandice couldn’t get passed the mechanics of how it all worked.

“It must be something to do with blonds,” Jaina added.

“Blonds are not known to be great thinkers,” Gisley commented as Chandice shot her a heated look, and the others laughed.

“Little fairy, I will tie you down and leave you to the imps for a week,” Chandice threatened, causing Gisley to burst with glitter.

“Alright,” Roric interjected as he turned to face the dragon. “Why did you want us to see this?”

“This is my dream,” Hezzrigozza replied. “I wanted you to see her in it and understand why she wants to return.”

“I didn't need to see this to understand that,” Roric replied. “I know Jaina and could see how much this meant to her. I can also tell that this dream means a lot to you, but why did you need Jaina to participate in it? Couldn't you have dreamed up a dragon mate?”

“I could have, but I wanted somebody to share it with,” the dragon replied. “Somebody who would understand. I will never know this joy for real so long as I am a prisoner in this world.”

“Ohh, he’s sad he won’t ever have a real family,” Gisley cried as she clutched her hands to her face. “He just wanted somebody to understand.”

“Surely there are more dragons in the world,” Chandice said. “Heck, there are dragon knights who ride them through the skies.”

“Those are not true dragons,” he replied. “They are the ones you call NPCs, and they lack the spark of the divine that makes a true living being. In truth, there are few real dragons in this world, and the abductors watch those few carefully.”

“Why?” Roric asked.

“Because, as your fairy has quite accurately stated, everything is a dream,” he replied. “And in a dream, we dragons have great power. Power enough to shatter the dream and remake it as we see fit. Power enough to see the layers of the dream and change how they interact. It was how I helped you create your magical tattoos and how I walk these false lands, living a life that is a lie.”

“You can bend reality?” Roric asked.

“All true dragons can break their rules,” Hezzrigozza replied. “But some of it requires effort and preparation. For example, I had to establish the statue as a magical focus to make your tattoos work.”

“I think I understand,” Roric replied. “Given time, materials, and effort, you could alter the rules on a massive scale.”

“It has been done before,” the dragon replied as he leaned in closer. “Or did you think the ones you call monster players had always been so easy to reset?”

“Wait? It wasn’t always like that?” Jaina asked.

“No,” the dragon replied. “They were not always tied to their lairs and limited in range.”

“This is amazing,” Gisley said. “We should bring Hannah here to talk with him.”

“No,” the dragon snapped and turned to stare at Gisley. “I am not prepared to talk with her. I fear that I would be a catalyst in waking her up.”

“And waking her up is bad,” Chandice surmised.

“Oh, come on,” Jaina retorted as she lifted her long neck. “It’s Hannah we’re talking about. We all know what a sweetheart she is. Does anyone else honestly believe she is so dangerous a threat that regaining her memories would be a disaster?”

“I do find it hard to believe,” Evalynn said. “But who she is now might drastically change when she remembers.”

“Even if we don't do anything to help her remember, Umtha is never going to stop trying,” Roric pointed out. “She is desperate for Hannah to remember the relationship they had before she lost her memories.”

“Which only proves we are right,” Jaina said as everyone looked at her.

“How are you right?” Hezzrigozza asked.

“Because Umtha is living proof that Hannah loved someone before losing her memories. You don’t have to talk to Umtha for long to realize just how deeply that love touched her. She hurts over Hannah not remembering what they had, which must mean it was very special.”

“A very good point,” Roric agreed and looked to the dragon. “So, back to the original questions. Jaina has my permission to spend some nights every week being a mother to your children. I will also invite you to move to the forest, but only under one condition.”

“And what is that?” the dragon rumbled.

“You never do anything to hinder Hannah,” Roric said firmly. “Not her or any of her loved ones. I understand if you don't like her, but I have great respect for her, and I will not invite an enemy of hers to stay in our home.”

“Then I agree with your terms,” the dragon replied. “I will take no action against her unless she becomes a threat to you and your slave girls.”

“We can agree on that,” Roric replied.

“So you are coming to live in the forest?” Jaina asked.

“I will be there soon,” he rumbled. “But first, I want to share something more with you.”

“More what?” Jaina asked as the cave faded away, and they found themselves in the grand bedroom in Rorics camp, all in bed together. Jaina went to sit up, but something was curled at her breast, and she looked down to see a furry gnoll baby.

“What?” Jaina said in alarm as she picked up the child.

Evalynn stirred beside her to discover she had a baby of her own, a tiny little elf girl with silver-blue hair. Gisley cried with delight as she came awake, throwing her arms high to hold up the little fairy girl with pink skin.

“What is going on here?” Roric asked as he bolted upright. “Please tell me we are still dreaming.”

“It is a dream crafted from my magic and your minds. I gave each of your women the child they most expect to have by mating with you,” Hezzrigozza replied, even though he was nowhere to be seen.

“Oh, for the love of, why does my child have a stinky diaper?” Chandice groaned as she hoisted her gnoll baby. “We can’t even poop here!”

They heard the dragon's rumbling laughter as they woke into the dream he had woven. It was a magical experience meant to provide a new experience that couldn't be had any other way. Jaina watched Roric play with his children and noticed how wet his eyes became.

“Can you still hear me?” Jaina asked silently.

“Of course I can,” Hezzrigozza replied in her thoughts where no one else could hear.

“If I am correct, you said you could manipulate the waking world nearly as easily as you can the dream,” Jaina began. “So, if I wanted to give Roric a baby, could you make it so I could get pregnant?”

“You would do that for him?” the dragon replied.

“I would do anything for him,” Jaina said as she watched him play with the children.

“If you ever decide that is what you want, I can show you how to make it happen,” he replied.

Jaina smiled at the news and the possibilities it meant for the future. She knew deep down that one day, Roric would be holding her baby.

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