The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-111 A boyfriend for my girlfriend

Chandice rolled over and nestled her head into Jaina's soft breasts. She ran a hand up the sleeping woman's stomach, savoring the silky warmth of her skin. With a smile, she wondered how she had come to this moment, a woman as her love interest. She supposed she had never been against the idea of loving a woman, but she always had a taste for men. Now she made love to women regularly and occasionally enjoyed a good romp with Roric.

Jaina had become her everything, and Chandice knew she had fallen for the seductive woman. She would happily marry her and spend the rest of eternity at her side as a wife, sharing everything. She looked forward to long nights of warm snuggling and gentle kisses as the two shared an obvious love. It didn't even need to be sexual anymore. All Chandice wanted was to be wrapped in those loving arms and feel that desire to be close. These moments where they lay in bed, tucked in tightly together, were the moments she loved most.

Still, there was one worry that lingered in her mind, and that was Heather. Jaina was obviously interested in the woman, and Chandice felt threatened. For some reason, she didn't mind Jaina sharing with other women, so long as they weren't called her girlfriend. Chandice treasured that title and had recently learned that Heather had referred to Jaina as her girlfriend.

“Hey,” Jaina said as she came awake to kiss the top of Chandice’s head. “Good morning, my love.”

“Good morning,” Chandice replied with a sigh.

“Uh, oh, what was that?” Jaina asked as her warm arms wrapped around Chandice to hold her tight.

“It was nothing,” Chandice said but knew the effort was wasted. Jaina knew her too well to let something like that go, and as expected, she began to pressure her.

“I heard you sigh,” Jaina insisted. “Now tell me what is going on in that mind of yours.”

Chandice wasn't sure how to explain how she felt, especially since she wasn't even sure it was a problem. Heather may have made the remark offhandedly or just as a tease, but not meant anything by it. She took a deep breath and explained that Gisley had told her about the lunch and how Jaina had gotten close to Heather.

“Oh, my goodness,” Jaina cried. “Are you jealous?”

“A little,” Chandice admitted as she curled into a ball. “I happen to love you a lot.”

“Chandice,” Jaina groaned. “You know you are my one and only true girlfriend. In fact, you're already like my wife. I spend most of my nights in your bed, making love to you.”

“Look, I know it's silly to feel this way,” Chandice explained as Jaina stroked her head. “But I feel possessive of you, and well, Heather is blond like me, and I know you like blonds. So I worry you would rather have her than me.”

“Never,” Jaina replied and pulled her tightly. “But I won't lie to you. I really like Heather, and I would very much like to take her to bed. However, you are my love and the woman I will marry someday.”

Chandice smiled as Jaina cradled her head and kissed it. She knew she was being silly, but in many ways, she felt threatened by Heather. She had to admit that she fancied herself the smart one of the group. She was the enchanter and the warlock giving her a wide range of knowledge and skills that came in useful. However, all she kept hearing about was how smart Heather was and how she could solve any problem. She felt diminished by Heather's superstar status as a princess, chosen, goblin queen, and notable hero.

“I’m sorry,” Chandice said at last. “I just feel like I can’t compete with her.”

“You don't need to compete with her,” Jaina replied. “But even if you did, you are the woman I turn to for advice and the only other person I obey outside Roric and Rajeen. Honestly, I was hoping you and Heather would form a relationship as well.”

“Oh, you want all the blonds to yourself?” Chandice asked.

“I like brainy blond women with that more dominant swagger,” Jaina admitted.

“So you think I am smart?” Chandice asked, enjoying the moment.

“Of course I do,” Jaina replied. “Honestly, I like smart girls. But you have always surprised me with your choices.”

“What do you mean I surprised you?” Chandice asked, not sure where Jaina was going with that comment. Jaina explained that Chandice never took advantage of her shape-shifting powers for some extra fun in bed. Chandice understood her point of view, but she never needed Jaina to be anything than who she was. She loved them all just how they were but admitted that occasionally she thought of asking Jaina to pretend.

“Anyone specific?” Jaina asked.

“Well, I have never gotten to make love to Rajeen because I am not a slave girl,” Chandice admitted.

“Oh, Chandice,” Jaina sighed. “Have you ever given being a slave girl more thought? Roric has extra collars now, and you could share in some of our powers.”

Chandice had indeed given it more thought, but she always came to the same conclusion. She didn't mind being Roric's slave girl, but she didn't want to be a whore. She was fine picking her own men and sharing her delights, but She didn't want somebody else demanding she spread her legs for strangers. She might be fine if Roric kept her to himself and his close personal lovers like Rajeen. She explained that point of view to Jaina, who nodded in understanding as she stroked Chandice's head.

“I see why you worry,” Jaina said. “Does it bother you that I do it?”

“No,” Chandice replied. “I know this sounds silly, but I enjoy knowing you're a whore. I feel special that I am the girl you want most and that you come to my bed more than others.”

“Oh, is that part of why my desire for Heather bothers you?” Jaina asked.

“A little,” Chandice admitted as she squirmed in Jaina's arms. “But then I wonder if you would enjoy having Heather and me in your arms at once.”

“That is my greatest fantasy,” Jaina replied. “If you and Heather were girlfriends, it would be perfect.”

“I bet,” Chandice laughed. “But I don’t think Heather is into it. I heard about that kiss, but I also heard you blackmailed her.”

“Maybe just a little,” Jaina giggled. “But I spoke to Quinny later, and she told me Heather was opening up to women. She said they had made love a few times now. She said Heather loves to cuddle like we are now. Besides, if we put our two brainy blonds together, I bet there wouldn't be anything you couldn't figure out.”

“Ha, maybe,” Chandice laughed.

“Getting back to the slave collar thing, though,” Jaina pressed, changing the subject. “I bet if we talk to Roric about it, he would agree to keep you as a personal slave with no sharing outside his bedroom.”

“I don't know,” Chandice said as goosebumps rose on her skin. She loved the power of the slave collar during sex, but she also loved playing with the slaves. She relished being the one who whipped Gisley's rear and tied Evalynn up for the NPCs to use. She was always the one in charge, but then that wasn't always true. There were many times prior to meeting Roric and Jaina where she had tied herself up and been used for hours by her imps and even her dog-like Grakkin creatures. Thinking about it turned her on, and she realized she enjoyed being bound during sex. It was the thrill of being helpless while somebody else enjoyed her body that turned her on. Still, she always had control in those scenarios to some extent. Her summoned creatures would never seek to harm her, and she deeply trusted her lovers like Jaina and Roric.

“You paused for a moment,” Jaina pointed out.

“I was just thinking,” Chandice admitted and told Jaina her previous thoughts. Jaina once again understood but began to tease Chandice about getting down on all fours for one of her Grakkin to breed her. Chandice threatened to use Jaina for one if she didn't let it go, and the two laughed as they snuggled.

“Sometimes I wish I could get closer to you,” Chandice admitted. “I love being in your arms.”

“Well,” Jaina began as she smiled. “There is a way you can get a lot closer if you're brave.”

Chandice wasn't sure she liked how that sounded but asked what she meant anyway. Jaina said she would show her, but if Chandice got spooked at any point, she would stop.

“Ok?” Chandice said, and suddenly Jaina's form became liquid. She leaned back as her body began to sink into Jaina, and suddenly she was moving. Jaina oozed across her skin, covering her body as she rolled Chandice to her back. Chandice was alarmed but kept her wits as she was gently covered up to her neck in Jaina's liquid form. Then she gasped as Jaina flowed into her pussy and rear, filling her insides as her form thinned out.

“Oh,” Chandice moaned as the flowing body of Jaina gently kneaded her breasts, and a licking sensation filled her pussy. It was like she was being licked from the inside out, and a gentle sucking teased her clit. “Umm, this is new,” she cried as her body shuddered.

“Doing this had never occurred to me before,” Jaina replied. “But the other day, I did it for the first time with Gwen.”

“Uh, huh,” Chandice replied as Jaina began flowing into and out of her body. It was like making love to five people at once, and it didn't stop there. Jaina massaged her feet, back, and rear as a sensation like hands rolled along her shoulders and stomach. Chandice was being overwhelmed by sensation as her body was absorbed by Jaina and used for her pleasure. It was like a fantastic new form of bondage, but no matter how she pulled her arms, she couldn't escape the jelly-like mass.

Jaina was slow and gentle, making love to Chandice as her body was drowned in sensation. Chandice struggled to let go and float in the mass that was Jaina as she was consumed. It wasn't long before she was moaning, and the sensation began to build up.

“Could you imagine how wonderful this would be with a slave collar on,” Jaina said as Chandice lost all sense of herself.

She did indeed wonder and worried it would be addictive. Would she be able to go back to her normal way of life once she tasted the power of sex like this with a collar on? Every inch of her skin would feel pleasure, and just rubbing her breasts would be able to bring her to orgasm. She worried it would be far too intense and would change her outlook forever.

She cried out as her body neared the edge of an orgasm that wouldn’t stop coming. She thrashed as if in a pool filled with honey, the thick mass absorbing her motion and preventing escape. That lack of freedom only intensified the sensation until Chandice could take no more. She came powerfully as Jaina simply absorbed and fed on her body's fluids, never letting her assault on Chandice slow. It pushed Chandice to new heights of stimulation and passion as her body became a meal source for Jaina. Orgasm after orgasm was forced out, only to be consumed by the always-hungry monster holding her body. She was helpless as she floated in the sticky mass; everything that she was being invaded by Jaina.

“Jaina!” Chandice cried as she couldn’t come down from her orgasms. “Jaina, it’s too much!”

“Oh, sweetheart,” Jaina cooed and slowed her motions, gently bringing Chandice down.

Chandice breathed deeply as the rubbing of her back and shoulders continued while everything else was allowed to relax. She settled into the bed as Jaina reformed her head and used it to kiss Chandice's shoulders.

“How was that? Do you feel closer now?” Jaina asked.

“I don't know how we could get closer,” Chandice replied, then had another thought. “Unless I had the same power and we blended.”

“You mean, both went fluid and mixed out bodies?” Jaina asked.

“Yeah, but I don't think that would work,” Chandice sighed as she continued to tremble. “I mean, even though you're fluid, your body is still your body. I doubt we could actually mix the fluids.”

“Well, if you put on one of Roric's collars, we can find out,” Jaina said. “You can borrow the power from me, and we can try.”

Chandice still wasn’t sure she wanted to be a slave girl. She liked being in charge and having the autonomy to do as she pleased. She wanted to spend her time running her shop and making love to the girls, especially Jaina. If she put on a collar, she would have too much of her life dictated to her by Roric and Rajeen, and that didn't sit well.

“Hmm, honestly, it sounds like you need to be one of Frank's slaves,” Jaina laughed. “He doesn't require anything of them except that they love him.”

“If Roric could offer me that deal, I would accept it,” Chandice said.

“Oh, love, Roric wants actual slave girls, whereas Frank wants wives. I don't think he would accept a girl who had no desire to be a slave,” Jaina sighed.

“Probably not,” Chandice agreed as she was suddenly carried up. “What are you doing?” she asked as the liquid that held her body flowed out of bed and stood her up at the window to look outside.

“It's a rainy day out. Why don't we run through the forest naked and see what kind of trouble we can get into,” Jaina suggested.

“You mean what kind of men we can debase ourselves with,” Chandice laughed.

“If you're not too shy about it,” Jaina said.

“I happen to like men,” Chandice said. “I just want to be able to pick them myself. I don't like the idea of Roric telling me I have to sleep with somebody or selling my body to a random stranger.”

“You have no idea how exciting that is,” Jaina argued.

“I do find it exciting when he sells you,” Chandice agreed. “But I am not so sure I want it to be me. Maybe I will try it, and we can see, but for right now, I don't think I will like it.”

“Well, good on you for understanding yourself so well,” Jaina said as she flowed off Chandice's body and reformed. “But we can still play in the forest, and if you do happen to spot a man you might like, then we can have a little fun.”

“You are a terrible girlfriend,” Chandice laughed.

“Ha, that's what Heather tells me,” Jaina giggled and took her hand.

A few minutes later, they left an NPC to run the magic shop, and the girls crept out a back door. They headed down a narrow forest trail holding hands as a dark sky slowly drizzled with rain. The forest smelled of earth and water and that unmistakable scent of wood. It also echoed with the soft patter of rain, falling on leaves and dripping to the ground. Thunder rumbled in the distance as cool water ran across bare breasts while the girls hunted through the growth.

They occasionally paused to kiss and run their hands across each other's wet bodies but kept their minds focused on the task ahead. They were here to find a man to play with, and many had started coming now that the word was out about the girls. Of course, there were other things to do in the forest, and some areas had been set aside for combat adventures. There were fox-like creatures with three tails called Kirazas that prowled the undergrowth in the south and the occasional bear or wild stag that roamed the entire forest. Some of the waterways were seeded with a type of large crab, and dark striped tigers were rarely found in the west. A few cave systems had wolves, or magical creatures called trappers, that hid in the rocks and ambushed players. All of it was moderately low in level and not meant to be a serious challenge. The real dangers were found near the water's edge where the forest met the swamp. Though Evalynn had claimed a good ten meters into the water, the swamp monsters occasionally came close to shore.

Jaina took them that way, slowly working their way down winding trails and across the two main roadways. Chandice took a moment to admire the tattoos on Jaina's back that marked the growing collection of achievements. She had a part in making that system work, and word about that was also spreading. A few women had come to dabble in the system, but soon there would be many who worked hard to adorn their backs with achievements.

“I love your tattoos,” Chandice said as they strode across a grassy trail. “I keep thinking I should do it.”

“Chandice,” Jaina said and turned about to look at her. “You are hovering on the edge of joining me as a slave sister. Just do it. I promise you won't regret it.”

“I like my freedom,” Chandice replied. “I want to be free to choose what I do every day and who I do it with.”

“But you love all the benefits of being a slave girl,” Jaina said, pulling her into her arms. “I don't know how, but I am going to find a way to put a slave collar on that neck so you are still free and can enjoy the benefits.”

“You already know how,” Chandice laughed. “I have to marry Frank.”

“I can see you as a princess,” Jaina replied with a smile. “And I bet you and Heather would make a great team.”

“They have plenty of girls already,” Chandice said as they resumed walking. “And besides, he can't have all the smart ones.”

“Ha,” Jaina cried as they entered a darkened path. The rain picked up, and a gentle breeze blew through the trees as they headed down the path. Thankfully all the proper paths were paved with stones, or they would be trudging through the mud.

Chandice looked about at the magical forest and felt content. She was a part of something wonderful and special in this place, and it filled her heart with joy. Plants and trees of great beauty grew everywhere, and all around was color highlighted over the dark tones of green and brown. She felt at home in this place of love and beauty, as if this was where she had always belonged. Even more, there was a woman at her side, holding her hand in love and experiencing it all with her. How much better could her life possibly get, and did she really need the slave collar?

“Stop,” Jaina said, drawing Chandice's attention out of her thoughts.

“What is it?” Chandice questioned as she watched Jaina bend down. She was looking at the print in the mud to the side of the trail, and Chandice could immediately see why. It was a large foot with spread toes that ended in hooked claws judging by the deep holes.

“I wonder what made that?” Jaina said and looked down the trail. “We're close to the water. Maybe it was a swamp creature.”

“Gisley says she flies over the water a lot, and the swamp creatures rarely come to the shore,” Chandice replied. “We should just have Evalynn block them out so they can't enter at all.”

“Roric thought it would add a bit more danger to the region,” Jaina explained.

“Well, something made that,” Chandice remarked as she swept her wet hair back. “But it can’t be much larger than an average man. Maybe, it was a player.”

“Hmm,” Jaina replied and smiled at her. “Let’s get closer and see.”

The two smiled and crept down the trail while still holding hands. Chandice felt excited to be naked and so far from the safety of her shop. If they stumbled on a man here, she would have no choice but to show him her body. It was a strange mix of emotions as she considered how much she enjoyed the loss of control yet couldn't seem to give it to Roric. Why was giving him such authority in her life so difficult to do?

“I see something,” Jaina said and pointed through the trees.

Chandice squinted through the dark trunks and into a distant mist. They were close to the water where the swamp occasionally fogged over and rolled in land to obscure the shore. Still, Chandice could see a shape on the shore or perhaps over the water; it was hard to tell. But it looked round with a peak at the top. Perhaps it was a small hut or house, but it was difficult to tell from this distance.

They slowly got closer, using the trees for cover as the trail went right to the shore. Here lily pads sand marsh reeds grew thickly, and the occasional trunk of a marsh tree broke the dense growth. The trail ended at a large clearing in the center of which was a campfire, smoldering as the rain fell on dying coals.

“Somebody is here,” Chandice said as she pointed to the dead fire and then to a path cut into the reeds. “And they are building.” She drew Jaina's attention to a man-made wooden plank ramp that went out over the water. Poles had been driven into the swamp mud, and a framework of poles and planks used to create a platform on which was a modest hut with thick nettles for a roof and woven sticks for walls.

“Who would want to build over the water?” Jaina asked as they watched from the safety of the trees.

“That one goblin tribe does, and so do some of the swamp monsters,” Chandice replied. “But I don’t see anybody here.”

There was a sudden movement behind them, and something fell from the trees. Chandice turned in time to see woven ropes closing around them as a net tangled them up. Before they could react, the net suddenly tightened, and they were yanked from their place beside the tree and into the brush.

“We’re stuck in a net,” Chandice cried as they were pulled away from the trail.

“Don't worry,” Jaina said when they came to a halt. “I will dissolve this and have us out in a second.” She went to do just that when a dark form stood over them, and reptilian eyes looked down.

“Today is my lucky day,” he said as he looked on the naked women in his net.

“Wait, why does he sound familiar?” Chandice said as the man reached down to untangle the net.

“Because it’s Zorac!” Jaina cried and folded her arms. “Is this any way to treat your lover?”

He laughed and squatted to begin untying the net.

“I wasn't expecting to see you so soon,” he replied and pulled the net open, freeing the two women.

Jaina jumped up and went right to his arms, taking him into a firm hug. Chandice felt a little embarrassed to be meeting him while naked. She shifted uncomfortably to the side as the two shared a lover's embrace.

“I remember you,” Zorac said as the embrace ended. “You came to collect Jaina from my room that first night we were together. You were also in the forest battle, but we didn't get a chance to talk. It's Chandice, isn't it?”

“Umm, yes, that's me,” Chandice said nervously.

“Jaina told me about you. I think she said you were her partner,” he said as he tried to think back.

“Chandice is very special to me,” Jaina said, coming to her side and putting an arm around her back. “She is my girlfriend, lover, and hopefully, one day soon, my wife.”

“Well, congratulations,” Zorac said with a nod, then stood back to take them both in.

“Thank you,” Jaina said, glaring at the lizard man. “Now, how long have you been here, and when were you going to let me know about it?”

Chandice felt more relaxed as the two engaged in what looked like a lover's spat. Zorac claimed he had only been here a few days and was going to make his presence known when his house was finished. He had learned of where they were from Rajeen and portalled to the nearby city five days ago. He took some time to learn the local lore and the layout of the region, especially the forest known as the love wood. He had only meant to visit but learned the forest bordered a swamp. As a lizardman, he could make homes in swampy areas and set out to see the swamp for himself. Two days ago, he decided to make a small home on the forest's edge, and they stumbled on him.

“So, does this mean you are staying?” Chandice asked as she nervously covered her breasts.

“Only with Roric's permission,” Zorac answered, lashing his tail. “Umm, would you like to get dressed?”

“Why would she need to dress?” Jaina asked and smiled at Chandice. “She once berated me for not bringing her to meet you and made me promise to share all my future boyfriends.”

“Is that so?” Zorac asked as he turned on her.

Chandice sighed and dropped her arms so her breasts hung free for him to inspect. She had indeed berated Jaina over not giving her a chance to have sex with Zorac, and there was no debating it now.

“I suppose any boyfriend of Jaina’s is a boyfriend of mine,” Chandice said with a smile of her own.

“Well, now this is going to be more fun than I expected,” Jaina said as she leaned into Zorac and ran a hand up his chest. “My boyfriend and Girlfriend are finally going to meet properly.”

Chandice was going to make a witty remark when Jaina rushed to her and took her arms. She insisted Zorac show them his house and quickly pulled Chandice along.

“Umm, what are we doing?” Chandice whispered.

“We’re going to make love to our boyfriend,” Jaina whispered back.

They walked across the wooden bridge to the hut that dominated the central platform. Zorac explained that he didn't have options for anything elaborate, but this was his home. Inside was a large rustic bed of animal skins and a small table with a crude chair.

“It’s wonderful,” Jaina said as she looked around the space.

Chandice watched as she went to a pile of what appeared to be vines carefully stripped and woven into a cord. Zorac explained that he was building walls with those, but Jaina asked if she could borrow some. She then came back to Chandice and smiled.

“Put your wrists out and hold them together,” Jaina instructed.

“Why?” Chandice asked as her heart began to beat faster. She knew what Jaina wanted, and it caused her to tremble. Jaina, of course, explained that she was going to tie Chandice firmly and told Zorac that Chandice loved being bound.

“Then let me help you,” he said, holding Chandice's arms out so Jaina could tie them at the wrist.

Chandice felt weak as Zorac tossed the thin cord over a beam above her head. He pulled the end, forcing her to lift her arms high, then tied the cord off. He then took another cord and tied her legs apart, spreading them just enough to part the lips of her pussy.

Chandice now stood naked and helpless as Jaina ran a hand between her legs to fondle her pussy.

“This is how you like it,” Jaina teased. “But first, you have to watch.” She then turned to Zorac and took him to the bed, where they immediately fell into each other's arms.

All Chandice could do was stand there and watch as the two made love, with Jaina always positioned so Chadndice could see that big cock stretching her pussy. Her heart beat fast as the sex continued, and Jaina started to sway from the intense orgasms. Eventually, they stopped after hours of sex and looked at Chandice.

“It’s time you two got acquainted,” Jaina suggested.

Chandice's blood ran hot as Zorac nodded and climbed out of bed, coming to stand before her. She closed her eyes and trembled as his lizard-like mouth opened, and out came a tongue as wide as her hand. He licked the side of her neck, then down her chest, easily coating her breasts with a single stroke. She could feel that heat on her skin as he worked his way down, before coming to rest at her spread legs.

She let loose with a groan as that powerful tongue tasted her body for the first time. His hands went to her thighs as he began to lick at her forcefully, using that tongue to sweep her entire pussy with every pass.

“His tongue is amazing, isn't it?” Jaina asked as she came to Chandice's side. “It can't go as deep as Roric's can, but it covers so much ground.”

All Chandice could do was nod as she was eaten alive by the hungry lizardman. She smiled as her body twitched in enjoyment, that powerful tongue spreading her pussy wide and rubbing along her clit. It wasn't long before she was pulling at her binds, her body building to a powerful crescendo. When it finally came, she let loose with a long moaning cry and had a wet orgasm directly onto the lizardman's tongue. He lapped her up as she struggled and twisted, but her binds were too tight to escape. His hands came up, cupping her rear as he licked her to a second orgasm, causing her to arch her back as he savored her like a wine.

“Isn’t she delicious,” Jaina asked as she finally released her and left her panting.

“She is,” he agreed as he stood and took firm hold of her breasts. “And she likes to be bound?”

“Every chance she can get,” Jaina replied, running a hand down Chandice's side.

Chandice heard them discussing her but was still recovering from her orgasms. Zorac had been licking her firmly for what felt like ten minutes as she took longer to have an orgasm. Without the slave collar, she would have to have them naturally, which meant much longer bouts of sex. She lifted her head to see them watching her before Roric stood. He crossed the gap, coming to stand between her spread legs as his cock bobbed between them.

She looked into his eyes and saw only a wild look as his very inhuman appearance made her tremble. His hands came to her side as he stepped in, pressing his waist to hers. She let out a soft cry as Jaina helped guide him into place and his big reptilian cock slid into her body.

“This is your boyfriend now,” Jaina said as Zorac began to fuck her body. “You and I are his girlfriends, and he's going to fuck us whenever he pleases.”

Chandice couldn't argue as her mind began to swim in the throws of passion. Without a slave collar, she had no accommodate skill, so her pussy had to stretch wide around that long cock. She felt every inch of it, ruining her body as she became his girlfriend. He was claiming her as his with that big cock, and a lesser man would never be able to satisfy her again. Jaina was at her side, encouraging her to surrender to him and be his lover.

Chandice rocked her hips in rhythm with his thrust, feeling her stomach stretch. She showed her eagerness to be his by hungrily joining him as the first powerful orgasm shook her body. She ran wet as his cock continued to stretch her wide, forcing her to endure his love. It wasn't long before the next orgasm came, her body unable to resist the pounding it was taking.

“I think she gets the idea,” Jaina said as Zorac continued to take her. “But just to be sure, I will leave her here for tonight.”

“What?” Chandice cried and turned her head to see Jaina. She saw Jaina smile and explain that Chandice was to be left bound and helpless while Zorac made sure she understood he was her boyfriend. By the time Jaina returned sometime the next day, she expected Chandice to be firmly committed to being his.

Just hearing those words sent Chandice's body trembling and pushed her over the next orgasm. When she opened her eyes, Jaina was gone, and Zorac was still fucking her tender pussy. She moaned as the reality of the situation sank in. She was here for the rest of the day, bound and delivered to the lizardman to be his lover. By the time the sun rose the next day, she knew that Jaina would get her wish.

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