The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-112 A meeting in the dream

Roric crouched low behind a fallen column peering into the dark room. Gisley assured them she could see nothing with her superior night vision, but his senses told him differently. He could smell the presence of something, and his keen ears picked up a slight shuffle. Evalynn was right beside him, her hand tightly gripping her spear as she waited for instruction.

“Why are we waiting?” Chandice whispered as she stood in the back with Jaina and Gisley.

“Because Roric can tell something is there, even if we can't see it,” Jaina replied, admiring her master's strong command of tactics.

“I could summon a dog to run ahead and see if something attacks it,” Chandice offered as the tension mounted.

“Let Roric handle it his way,” Jaina replied. “He will call for our help if he needs it.”

“I feel nervous,” Gisley added. “I can see everything as if it was in full sunlight, but there is nothing there.”

“Roric can smell the danger,” Jaina said as she, too, felt nervous. “And he's never been wrong.”

“Speaking of wrong, what you did to me the other day was wrong,” Chandice joked to lighten the mood.

“Oh, you didn’t enjoy being bound and left to Zorac?” Jaina teased.

“I don’t have a slave collar,” Chandice replied. “I was sore for hours after he was done with me.”

“I am surprised he let you loose,” Jaina said. “He should have kept you hanging there all night.”

“Some people have sympathy for others,” Chandice said. “And it turns out he really wanted to talk to somebody. He is worried his coming here was inappropriate.”

“Roric said it was fine,” Jaina said. “But I am not allowed to spend nights with him without Roric’s permission.”

“I think it’s sweet that your lover missed you,” Gisley interjected. “I wish my fairy lover would come looking for me.”

“She still hasn’t appeared in the dream?” Jaina asked.

“No, and I miss her,” Gisley pouted.

“I am sure she will show up soon,” Jaina consoled then went silent when Roric held up a fist and pointed to the ceiling near the far wall.

“I still don’t see anything,” Chandice sighed.

“Chandice, create a fire beneath it,” Roric commanded.

Chandice nodded and fell into a spell, pointing her staff at the target location.

“Combust!” she shouted, and the floor erupted in flames, filling the room with dancing light.

[lvl 13 Warlock skill: Combust] Cause any area you can see up to thirty yards away to burst into flames. The fire burns for thirty seconds unless there is fuel for it to ignite then it burns until the fuel is gone. It causes damage to any target standing in the fire and, to a lesser degree, anyone within five feet of it. The fire created will be roughly in a five-foot circle. It cannot be cast on water or other nonflammable liquids.

There was a sudden screeching sound as the ceiling above the fire began to contort and move away from the flames beneath it. Roric and Evalynn leaped over the pillar and hurled their spears as what appeared to be a flat sheet-like monster scurried along the ceiling.

“What is that?” Gisley asked as the creature was impaled by two spears and howled in rage.

“I think those are called cloakers,” Jaina said. “They are flat chameleon-like monsters that drop on their prey from above.”

“Whatever it is, it's going to burn,” Chandice said as she set her imps on it, then joined with a searing barrage.

[lvl 23 Warlock skill: Searing barrage] create a barrage of fiery bolts that streak out up to fifty meters to deliver blunt and fire damage to a target. The number of projectiles is dependent on caster level and additional skill points spent but is never less than three.

The room lit up like a firework display was going off as balls of fire filled the air and pummeled the poor creature. It ran across the ceiling, desperate to get over Evalynn, but she held her spear up and poked it every time it got near.

Gisley added glitter bolts of her own, and Jain used her mass powers to hurl projectiles until, at last, the beast dropped to the floor. It was quickly stabbed to death, and they were horrified when they could finally examine it.

“The underside is covered with what looks like little sucker arms,” Jaian groaned.

“That must be how it sticks to the surfaces,” Roric said as he looked about the room. “I don’t see any treasure to collect.”

“So, how long are we going to play around in this dungeon?” Jaina asked.

“We are practicing our skills and trying to level,” Roric replied. “”The city's dungeon is the perfect place to keep working on our progress.”

“Frank said he made the dungeon ten levels deep,” Evalynn added. “And that aside from the entrance seed, the levels were random. Even he wasn’t sure what was down here.”

“We should practice borrowing skills,” Gisley suggested. “I want to shapeshift like Jaina.”

“Why does everybody want to borrow my powers?” Jaina asked as she stepped around the fallen monster.

“Your powers are the most fun,” Gisley replied.

“Says the prostitute,” Jaina laughed. “I know quite a few men who would argue your powers are exceptionally fun.”

“But not useful in combat,” Gisley insisted.

“That remains to be seen,” Jaina said with a smirk.

“Let's move on,” Roric insisted and took the lead, using his sharp senses to look for danger. The next room had three giant rats, which were quickly dispatched, and they pressed on to find what appeared to be a storeroom. This room was protected by a centipede-type monster with sharp pincers, but it did little to slow them down. They paused to pick through barrels and crates to see what the dungeon spawned. Roric spoke about the treasures they might find in a world dungeon, reminding them of his dream to explore one.

“I hear those can be over a hundred levels deep,” Evalynn said.

“From how Rajeen described the one she had gone into, they are death traps,” Jaina reminded.

“Well, they ran out of food and water,” Gisley said. “But I can summon that, and we can feed through sex.”

“I can’t,” Chandice said with folded arms. “But I suppose I could borrow a collar.”

“Still not interested in one of the free ones?” Jaina teased.

“Don't push her into anything she doesn't want to do,” Roric interjected. “This is something a person has to want if they are going to be happy with it. Chandice is not like the rest of you. She doesn't want a master; she wants a partner.”

“She is more like Heather,” Gisley suggested.

“I don’t know,” Jaina laughed. “Heather is more like us now that she’s a Lilim. I mean, which one of us can claim to be an advanced succubus?”

“She only took that to play with Frank,” Chandice said. “She isn’t interested in all the sordid things that come with it.”

“And your teasing her won’t change her mind,” Evalynn added.

“You are all no fun,” Jaina sighed. “But she did call me her girlfriend.”

“I am sure she used it in the platonic sense,” Chandice argued.

“Are none of you going to let me have even a moment to enjoy this?” Jaina argued.

“No,” Roric laughed. “I hate to say it, but I think you’re barking up the wrong tree. Heather may have played your game with the kiss, but she isn’t going to embrace being a sex slave. Even Blackbast thinks it.”

“Personally, I think Idris is better suited for Heather,” Chandice said. “Assuming we ever see her again.”

“I feel very guilty about that,” Roric sighed as he lifted the lid on a barrel. “I am considering trying to locate her myself.”

“I can't believe nobody has seen her all this time?” Jaina said. “Rajeen has resorted to paying bounty hunters to find her.”

“Rajeen told me last night that Idris has been sighted twice,” Roric said.

“She has? Where?” Jaina asked.

“She is already passed Rajeen's old city, heading south,” Roric answered. “But she seems to have an uncanny knack for hiding and slipping through nets. She is actively avoiding the cities and the hunters on the roads.”

“Why?” Chandice asked.

“We don't know,” Roric sighed and ran a hand over his head. “We think she might have discovered the bounty on her head and gotten the wrong impression. She might be afraid to be found now.”

“Even so, how is she hiding?” Jaina asked. “She isn’t exactly a stealth class.”

“Again, we don’t know,” Roric said. “But the one person who claims to have gotten a good look at her says she followed Idris around a corner to find the woman had vanished.”

“That’s odd,” Jaina said with a raised brow.

“If she is coming south then she is heading for us,” Gisley said.

“Yeah, but she’s months away on foot,” Chandice said. “I never expected her to be in that belt longer than a week. She must be going mad with those plugs tormenting her and never being able to cum.”

“Oh, that must be fun,” Evalynn groaned.

“You horny little slut,” Jaina laughed. “Don’t the gnolls abuse you enough?”

“They scratch the itch,” Evalynn said with a smile. “But sometimes a little denial can really get your hunger going.”

“You’re the one who should be locked in chastity,” Chandice said with a glare at Jaina. “You sold yourself into it with Zorac.”

“I still feel guilty about that,” Jaina said. “I am glad he's here, but seeing me locked away meant so much to him. I feel like I betrayed him somehow.”

“None of us expected a man like Zorac to make the moment so special,” Roric said. “I am proud of you for feeling this way, but the choice is mine, not yours and I am not locking you away.”

“And if you did want to lock me away?” Jaina asked.

“You would be locked and have nothing to say about it,” he replied, tracing her lips. “Now, don't tempt me. I am beginning to enjoy the idea of a chastity slave.”

Jaina felt her heart race at how he said it, and the look in his eyes said she would be the one he picked to lock away. She wondered how Idris must feel, having been locked away for so long. It was strange that she hadn't tried using the fairy glitter to contact them and let them know what was happening.

“All that's in these containers is rotting foodstuff,” Roric said. “Let's move on.”

They shuffled out of the room and down the hall as they spoke about poor Idris. Roric explained his plan to get closer to her so that she would come to them. The problem was that none of them were sure where Idris was going or how she was moving about. The second sighting placed her a full day's walk south of the first, but it was only four hours apart.

Jaina mused on that thought for a long time, trying to figure out how Idris had moved so quickly. She must have realized she had a long journey ahead and purchased some magical means of travel, but in both sightings, she was walking. None of it made sense, and now was not the time to be distracted. They would have to talk about Roric's plan after they left the dungeon and had time to think.

“Hold it,” Roric said, raising a hand as they approached a wooden door. “I can smell something dead.”

He pressed an ear to the door and heard nothing but the smell was stronger, indicating the source was inside. He nodded to Evalynn, who took up a position directly before the door as he reached up and threw it open. Inside was a vaulted room with a wall lined with wooden coffins. Bodies in various states of decay littered the floor, and as the door creaked, they started to move.

“Zombies,” Chandice said with an annoyed voice. “Not much challenge here.”

“We are only on the first level,” Jaina pointed out. “It was never going to be challenging.”

“Jaina, I want you to fight up front for this one,” Roric insisted. “Chandice, you support her.”

Jaina and Chandice nodded and moved ahead as a dozen undead monsters shambled their way. Jaina had a few new tricks up her sleeve and now was as good a time as any to put them to use. She raced at the closest zombies, her body starting to ripple as she advanced. She suddenly flowed like water, easily avoiding their clumsy attacks.

[lvl 6 Morphic skill: Fluid Reflexes] By becoming partially fluid, your reflexes greatly increase, allowing you to flow around attacks, doubling your chance to dodge, and reducing slashing, stabbing, and crushing damage by 50%. Lasts 20 seconds.

As she passed between them, her arms stretched, and she lashed out using her absorb skill to literally consume the monsters.

[lvl 22 Morphic skill: Acidic absorption] Your absorption is acidic, eating through organic material at a rate equal to your level compared to the materials density. You do significant damage to organic materials in contact with your skin. Nonorganic material also burns away but at a reduced rate. Only magical items can resist this effect.

Zombies burned as they were dissolved in her acidic touch, quickly tearing terrible wounds across their bodies as Jaina flowed by. She went to meet the next group, rushing at her, but a hail of fire quickly toppled them as Chandice supported her from behind.

In seconds six zombies were down, and Jaina turned on two that were closing fast. She smiled as her form blurred and her body reshaped, quickly becoming that of a large black cat. She lunged at a zombie, tearing at it with claws and teeth while her touch still burned with acidic damage.

[lvl 18 Morphic skill: animal form] You can now assume the form of common animals.

Chandice had her imps on the most distant zombies, and by the time Jaina was done mauling her prey, the last few fell over from fire bolts. The group entered the room as Gisley ran to Jaina, telling her that she fought well and that turning into a panther was neat.

“I just thought of the idea in the heat of the moment,” Jaina said as she shifted back.

“This is why we are doing this,” Roric said. “We need to become skilled at our powers so we can tackle the big stuff.”

“Does this have anything to do with Blackbast making Hannah and her group train?” Jaina asked.

“She mentioned it over lunch, and I thought it was a good idea,” Roric said.

“Hannah needs the training,” Evalynn said. “I don’t know that I could keep all those classes straight.”

“With your animal forms, you could mate with anything,” Gisley said as she poked Jaina.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Jaina asked. “Are you suggesting I should arouse and breed every four-legged thing we stumble on?”

“No, I was just saying you could if we needed it,” Gisley said.

“Oh, and did you ever consider that you could do it as well?” Jaina asked. “Thanks to master's new class, you can borrow my animal form ability and be the one down on all fours while some hellhound breeds you.”

“I kinda want to see that,” Chandice said.

“Not me,” Gisley said nervously and covered her groin with her hands. “I’m the sweet one.”

“Oh, ha,” Jaina laughed. “She's too sweet to be used as a broodmare.”

“Come to think of it; we did say she could work the stables,” Chandice remembered, reaching down to grab Gisley's rear. “You were supposed to keep the pets and mounts of guests satisfied for the night.”

“No,” Gisley cried and scampered away. “Horses are too big.”

Evalynn burst out laughing as Gisley hid behind Roric, and Jaina asked why the first thing Gisley thought of was horses. Gisley refused to answer the question as Jaina tried to insist the fairy woman had a fantasy she wasn't sharing.

“Gisley already has duties to perform at night,” Roric interjected. “She watches over the dreams of all those in the forest and the inn.”

“See,” Gisley said with a smug smile. “I have sweet things to do.”

“I think a little fairy pussy being pounded by a dire wolf would be sweet,” Jaina countered.

“I can’t,” Gisley countered. “Besides, I wouldn’t be able to give Hannah good dreams.”

“Wait, what?” Jaina choked as everyone turned to regard Gisley.

“Did you just say, Hannah?” Roric asked.

“Umm, yes?” Gisley replied nervously and folded her hands behind her back. “She likes to drink glitter bombs and has one or two every day.”

“Oh my god! Jaina cried. “Does she know glitter bombs are made from your orgasm fluid?”

“I don’t think so,” Gisley said.

“Now, this is a funny turn of events,” Chandice laughed. “Which one of us is going to tell her that she has been drinking from Gisley’s pussy?”

“It's not my fault,” Gisley insisted. “I only provide the orgasms. I don't choose who drinks them.”

“Be calm,” Roric urged with a soothing pat. “They only use a tiny bit to make a glitter bomb.”

“I am sure Hannah won’t see it that way,” Evalynn said.

“Does she even need to know?” Jaina asked. “I mean, very few people actually know what they are made out of.”

“It does seem wrong to let her go on drinking them,” Roric said. “But I sure don't want to be the one to tell her.”

“I am more interested in what kind of dreams the fairy trickster has been giving her,” Jaina said.

“They are perfectly normal dreams,” Gisley said defensively. “She is almost always dreaming about Frank, so I set a beautiful spot for them, and they make love.”

“And you watch, don’t you?” Jaina questioned.

“Sometimes,” Gisley admitted as she looked down. “It's only natural for me to watch once in a while.”

“Does she ever dream about the others?” Chandice asked.

“Well, Quinny drinks them too, so I usually put her with Breanne, and they make love. You should see those two together; they are so passionate and loving. Sometimes they just lay in each other's arms naked and snuggle for hours.”

“I would love to see that, but you have been keeping it all to yourself,” Jaina countered.

“I don’t think it is a good idea for all of us to start spying on their private dreams,” Roric countered.

“Oh, please,” Jaina begged. “Can’t I have this one thing?”

“No, it isn't proper,” Roric countered. “These people are our friends, and they are very different from us in their dynamic. They consider their sex lives to be very private.”

“Just one night,” Jaina begged. “I will do anything you ask of me. I will work in the stables in place of Gisley, anything.”

“Sheesh, do you love her that much?” Chandice asked.

Jaina went to reply then stopped before turning to Chandice.

“No, I love you, and I want to be your wife,” Jaina said as she walked up to Chandice. “But you have to admit that Hannah has a certain innocence to her that is hard to resist. I know you see it as well, even though you try very hard not to show it.”

“I can admit her innocence is attractive,” Chandice agreed. “I would love to see her tied to a bed for the imps to use.”

“See,” Jaina laughed and took her into a hug. “This is why you and I are perfect for each other. We both think alike.”

“Well, if you are going to watch her, I want to see it too,” Chandice said.

“You both will do no such thing,” Roric said. “You can’t betray her trust in us like that.”

“It’s not betraying her trust,” Jaina insisted. “It’s only a dream.”

“A dream she will wake up from and believe she is the only one who remembers it,” Roric argued.

“Gisley is watching them,” Jaina countered.

“Gisley is granting her pleasant dreams,” Roric insisted. “I can't fault her for peeking once in a while.”

“If I may make an observation,” Evalynn interjected and stood between the two parties. “I think we are all aware that Jaina wants Hannah to be her and Chandice's girlfriend. So, have Gisley put Jaina in one of Hannah's dreams and have Jaina explain the dream and how Gisley's power works.”

“What good will that do?” Gisley asked.

“It allows Hannah to express her feelings on her dreams being watched,” Evalynn said.

“So I could essentially get permission to watch her dreams?” Jaina asked.

“You can find out if Hannah is alright with it,” Evalynn corrected. “But I think you should express that I won’t be watching them.”

“Nor will I,” Roric added.

“So, we have your permission?” Jaina asked excitedly.

“You have my permission for you and Gisley to go into her next dream and explain yourselves,” Roric said. “If she objects to her privacy being invaded, you will both apologize and promise never to do it again.”

Jaina accepted that offer with a smile, and they moved on to practice their powers. They spent the next four hours in the dungeon and finally returned to the surface after Chandice leveled. Jaina was excited about the night, but she first had to please her master. She spent some time dancing in his court, her chain connecting to his throne. Roric watched her with intense focus, enjoying the way her body swayed. He eventually pulled on her chain, and she fell to her knees before him to suck at his cock. By the time they went to bed, she had made love to him twice and curled up in his arms for sleep. He reminded her about the deal and how she had to explain everything to Hannah.

As she fell asleep, her dreams were filled with moonlight glittering off Gisley's lake as the fairy girl danced over the waters.

“Why are we here?” Jaina asked as she looked at the dark forest around her.

“Because it’s pretty,” Gisley answered. “And Hannah isn’t asleep yet.”

“So, where are you right now?” Jaina asked, knowing the fairy woman had parted company with them hours before bedtime.

“I am in Santo's tavern,” Gisley replied. “A funny dwarf with no beard paid me for an hour of fun. He's asleep beside me, but I might go out and look for another customer after I put you in Hannah's dream.”

“You’re not going to go with me?” Jaina asked in alarm.

“Oh, I will, but only to explain how my powers work,” Gisley replied. “Once she understands, I don't need to stay. I have prostitute duties to attend to.”

“You really enjoy being a prostitute now, don’t you?” Jaina asked.

Gisley fluttered to the shore and landed before Jaina with a playful smile.

“I love that look on men's faces when they see me naked and the way they tremble with my lips touch their skin,” Gisley replied. “I especially love it when they cry out passionately as I use my powers to make the sex special. I had no idea how wonderful sharing my body with others could be. Some men even cry at the experience, but a few jerks don't appreciate it.”

“There will always be a few jerks,” Jaina agreed. “But the funny part is most of them laughed at the idea of coming into New Eden. We got all the gamer geeks, and they seem to be very good at showing appreciation for our services.”

“I get so excited when they tell me they love me, and I know they mean it,” Gisley said.

“I like that too,” Jaina agreed.

“Oh, wait!” Gisley cried and peered into nothing. “I can see her. She is asleep and starting to dream about reading a book.”

“She dreams about reading a book?” Jaina asked.

“I usually find her dreaming about working at something,” Gisley said. “She has a very busy mind, and sometimes it feels complicated.”

“Complicated?” Jaina asked. “Complicated how?”

“Like, the dream is already being manipulated,” Gisley said. “I feel like I am fighting someone for control.”

“Well, that’s disturbing,” Jaina said with a bit of worry.

“It's nothing I can't handle,” Gisley said. “But it's kinda why I don't want to hang around. It gets tiring to linger in her dream for too long. Like that other thing is trying to push me out, and I have to expend more and more power to remain.”

“Hmm,” Jaina said as she began to worry this was another of the mysteries around Hannah. “Well, let's get this over with. If you notice anything odd, I want you to say so immediately.”

“Alright,” Gisley replied, then paused a moment. “Hey, why don't I bring her here?”

“Instead of going into her dream?” Jaina asked.

“Yeah, that might be easier for me to maintain,” Gisley said.

Jaina waited in nervous anticipation as Gisley reached out a hand, and suddenly a woman with long golden hair looked around in startled wonder at her sudden change of surroundings.

“What the heck?” Heather cried as she turned around in shock. “Did I just die and reset again?”

“No,” Gisley said and fluttered right up to her. “I used magic to bring you here.”

“Gisley?” Heather cried and then noticed Jaina standing by the shore. “So you brought me here?”

“Hannah, listen,” Gisley said softly. “You are actually at home, asleep in your bed. Everything you see is a dream that I am controlling so we can talk.”

Heather looked confused momentarily, then turned her gaze to the water. She was silent for a long moment as she stared at the moonlight dancing on the surface.

“So, this is a dream?” she finally asked.

“As a lunar fairy I can cause people who have been touched by my glitter recently to have good dreams,” Gisley said.

“But I haven’t seen you in days,” Heather said. “How was I touched by your glitter?”

Gisley and Jaina exchanged a tense look before Jaina realized there was no point in hiding the truth.

“It’s the glitter bomb,” Jaina said as she approached Heather. “The glitter in the drink comes from Gisley.”

“It does?” Heather replied in shock.

“That's part of why we brought you here,” Gisley said. “We heard you love the drink, and we wanted you to know our secret in case it upset you.”

“What you’re saying is I am drinking fairy glitter?” Heather asked.

“Well, yeah,” Jaina said with a tense smile. “Among other things.”

“Other things?” Heather asked with a raised brow, then shook her head. “I don't want to know, do I?”

“Honestly, I really think you don’t,” Jaina said.

“Uhhh,” Heather sighed and looked around. “So, what did you bring me here for?”

“We wanted you to know Gisley was tampering with your dreams to give you good ones,” Jaina said and then took a deep breath. “And to let you know, we could eavesdrop on them.”

“You have been spying on my dreams?” Heather asked in shock.

“No,” Gisley said and fluttered up. “I peeked at a few of them for a couple of minutes, but only because I wanted to make sure the dream was pleasant. Jaina and the others have never done it, and Roric refuses even to consider it. He says it is a violation of your trust in us.”

“I happen to agree with Roric,” Heather stated firmly as she folded her arms. “Where are we anyway?”

“This is my magical pond in the love wood,” Gisley explained as she fluttered over the water. “I sing to the moon here to gather my power and create extra glitter.”

“And because she likes to sing,” Jaina added.

“So this place is real?” Heather asked.

“It is, and you would know that if you ever came to the forest,” Jaina pressed.

“I hate to say this, but I need to go,” Gisley insisted. “Being here is starting to make my head hurt.”

“Of course,” Jaina said and waved the fairy off. “Run along and find somebody to play your games with.”

Gisley smiled and faded from sight, leaving Jaina and Heather alone at the shore of the pond. Heather bent over a translucent white flower and sang a soft song, causing it to grow larger.

“Her pond and the surrounding land is the most beautiful place in the forest,” Jaina said.

“I would love to see it,” Heather replied, looking around. “But I don't want to accidentally stumble on one of you doing what you do.”

“Hannah,” Jaina laughed. “Why are you so afraid of that?”

“I am not afraid, per se, and why do you keep calling me Hannah?” Heather asked.

“We all agreed not to use your real name, so there could never be a risk of giving you away to your enemies,” Jaina replied. “You will always be Princess Hannah to us.”

“I suppose that makes sense,” Heather said as she looked across the lake to the distant falls lit by moonlight. She took in the flowering trees and the night sky, filled with larger-than-life stars and other sights. “This place is beautiful. I wish I could bring Frank here.”

“You and your whole family are welcome to come here any time you want,” Jaina insisted. “You are all welcome to make love in the forest and enjoy the beauty of it. If you want, I will even ask Roric to establish a rule that we leave you in peace and don't meddle in what you're doing.”

“You mean, try to join in,” Heather laughed.

“I won't lie to you,” Jaina replied. “But Gisley, Evalynn, and even Chandice would happily join in if allowed it.”

“But not Roric?” Heather asked.

“Roric is a man, and he understands Frank,” Jaina replied. “He knows Frank can't share his girls with another man.”

“No, and I love that about him,” Heather said with a nod as she sat on the shore and reached a hand out to tap the water. “I have never met a man like him, and I love what he is.”

Jaina sat beside her as the two looked over the pond and listened to the wind blowing in the trees. Heather was silent for a long moment, and Jaina wondered what the woman was thinking; then, to her surprise, Heather turned and met her gaze.

“I suppose this is a good time to ask you something,” Heather said.

“Sure, you can ask me anything,” Jaina insisted.

“Do you enjoy being a slave girl and having no say in so many things?” Heather asked.

“What brought that out?” Jaina asked in surprise.

“The kiss at the inn,” Heather said as she stared into Jaina's eyes. “I don't know why, but it felt exciting to be kissing you with everyone watching. Then I asked Frank to choose the class for me, and he chose the Lilim. I felt something I never felt before when he did that, and I haven't known what to do with it since.”

“Oh,” Jaina said with a nod. “You discovered what it feels like to let go and obey your master.”

“Do you feel that?” Heather asked.

“All the time,” Jaina replied. “It's a powerful feeling, and you get addicted to it pretty quickly.”

“I can’t seem t get it out of my head,” Heather replied.

“Hmm, would you like another taste of it?” Jaina asked.

“Another taste how?” Heather replied.

Jaina laughed and motioned to the world around them as her heart began to sour. Heather was open to the idea, just needed a little help understanding the possibilities.

“This is a dream, and with Gisley's help, it can be any dream we want,” Jaina explained. “We could dance together at the inn, stripping for a crowd of hundreds before going to rooms to service them.”

“I don’t know if I can do that,” Heather gasped as her cheeks reddened.

“Ok, how about we shape the dream so that your serving at Blackbast’s temple,” Jaina suggested. “You could entertain a few guests as if you were a real slave girl.”

“Umm,” Heather said as she chewed on her lip.

“You are too reserved,” Jaina laughed. “How about something even more simple.”

“Like what? Heather asked.

“I could take you into the Rajeen's harem or even take you through the process of becoming a member of it,” Jaina offered.

“Quinny would love that,” Heather said. “But I am not ready for a small army of women. Just one person would be good for now.”

“How about we dream about the forest and surprise a lone man walking through it?” Jaina offered, but Heather was nervous about it being a stranger.

“Alright, then I have the perfect idea,” Jaina said with hope burning in her heart.

“And that is?” Heather asked.

“Me,” Jaina replied as she smiled. “We could make love right here, under the stars, and see how you feel.”

“Just you and I, and no one else is watching?” Heather asked.

“Well, Gisley might peek, but nobody else will ever know,” Jaina said. She was hopeful for a positive reaction, but Heather still resisted.

“I don’t know,” Heather replied and shook her head. “It doesn’t feel the same if I just do it. It had more weight to know Frank was watching. I wish he could be involved somehow.”

Jaina understood her feelings and looked to the sky before calling out Gisley's name. The fairy answered with a voice that seemed to echo from beyond, asking what she wanted. Jaina asked her if Frank was asleep and what he was doing. There was a delay before Gisley replied that he was asleep and was dreaming about arguing with Heather over colorful flowers in his graveyard.

“He’s still mad about that?” Heather asked.

“Oh, this is perfect,” Jaina said. “He is already dreaming about you, so Gisley can just put you in the dream as yourself. Then I can arrive a moment later like nothing is out of the ordinary.”

“You can’t just yank him here?” Heather asked.

“We could but then we would have to explain the dream to him,” Jaina said. “If we invade his dream, he can go on dreaming blissfully unaware it is anything more than a dream.”

“Ok,” Heather said with a nod. “So what do we do when you arrive?”

“It will disturb the dream to see Jaina in a memory she was not part of,” Gisley replied from the heavens. “You will have to guide his memory and remind him of the kiss at the inn. Once he starts to remember that he will accept Jaina's presence. The dream might change to the inn or another place he associates with Jaina, but let him go where he wants. All you have to do is ask him if he liked watching you kiss Jaina and then ask if he wants to see you two do more.”

“Gisley, were you watching us this whole time?” Jaina laughed.

“No, I just peeked back in as you started talking about doing more,” Gisley replied. “I really hoped you were going to dance.”

“We could still do that,” Jaina suggested as she watched Heather twist. It was clear she was seriously debating the options and might seriously pick something daring. Whatever the choice, it was bound to be an exciting night, and Heather pushed her boundaries just a little bit further. What really had Jaina's blood pumping was that Heather hadn't outright refused to make love to her. Instead, she wanted it to be more intense, with Frank commanding her to do it while he watched. She knew that dreamers often had altered states of consciousness and did things they would not normally do, but Heather was aware of the dream, and her choices were her own. Frank would still be dreaming and driven by that altered state. He would almost certainly order them to make love, and Jaina would fulfill her long-standing wish. Perhaps the next time they met face to face, they would blush at the memory of making love.

“So, what dream do you want?” Gisley asked.

“Well, Hannah,” Jaina said with a smile. “Just how naughty a girl do you want to be tonight?”

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