The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-113 Lovers at last

Jaina waited as Heather fretted nervously over the decision. She couldn’t believe that Heather was actually giving having sex with her serious consideration. She must have been so shaken by giving up control to Frank that she was willing to do almost anything to experience it again. Still, Jaina felt a pang of guilt over the situation as she was essentially playing on Heather’s emotions.

“Wait,” Jaina said and took Heather by the arm. “I don’t want you to do this unless you really want to.”

“Why the sudden change in attitude?” Heather asked with a curious expression.

“Listen, I would give anything to be in your arms as your lover, but if you came away from it with regret I would never forgive myself,” Jaina said. “So, let’s be honest with each other. I want to make love you. I have since almost the day we met, and I am really looking forward to this. I am also free to do this without it complicating my relationships with Roric or the other girls. Now, can you say the same?”

Heather was silent a moment as she thought about her situation and how this might affect her relationships. She explained that it was still only a dream, but that she understood that between her and Jaina it would be very real. Jaina asked her how she felt about that, making love to a woman outside her relationship. Heather was slow to respond, stating that she felt something for Jaina as well.

“You do?” Jaina asked.

“It’s hard to explain,” Heather admitted with a hand on her face. “I admire how free you are to express yourself, and now that I know how it feels to be commanded to do something so bold, I sometimes wish I was you.”

“That’s very sweet of you,” Jaina said and took her hand. “But I can tell relationships and love have a very deep meaning to you.”

“I wish that was true,” Heather said and turned away. “The person I am now feels that way, but I am not even sure this is who I am. The more I learn about Hathlisora the more I discover she was more like you. She had lovers all over the world, like, Umtha, Viylah, and even Kevin. But none of them knew about each other and that makes me suspicious. I can’t help but wonder if I was a terrible person, cheating on my lovers and using them to further my own goals.”

Jaina began to feel instant regret for having pushed this encounter. Heather had so many layers of emotional scars that she couldn’t trust herself to let go. She was terrified of taking a step too far and reawakening the person she was.

“We can’t do this,” Jaina said and stepped back. “I love you too much to risk harming you.”

“No,” Heather said as she turned around with a pleading expression. “You are the only one who can help me do this. I am too afraid to do it on my own, but if you helped me, slowly grow into it, and it was out in the open with no secrets, Maybe I could avoid becoming who I was.”

Jaina was touched that Heather was coming to her for guidance in such a matter. She wanted to experience the power of love and submission but was terrified she would go too far. She realized the key here would be to take everything very slowly, not pushing any boundaries until Heather made it clear she was ready.

“Sweetheart, I will do anything for you,” Jaina said and took both her hands again. “You name it, and I will be anything you need me to be.” She watched as a nervous Heather nodded and then spoke to the dream itself.

“Gisley, is Frank still in his dream?” Heather asked.

“Yes,” Gisley replied. “He’s sulking about all the flowers you grew on a little round tower.

“That’s my husband,” Heather laughed. “Oh, he was mad at me that day.”

“So what are you planning?” Jaina asked as Heather took a deep breath.

“You and I, provided Fran says he wants to see it,” Heather replied.

Jaina struggled not to trembled as Heather pushed ahead with the plan for them to make love. It was all so deliciously close and yet Frank was still the final barrier. With a call to Gisley Heather asked to be put into Frank’s dream. Jaina saw her vanish, and began to fidget nervously as she waited.

“Alright, Heather is in,” Gisley said a moment later. “She and Frank are arguing about the flowers again.”

“Am I doing the right thing?” Jaina asked as she was moments away from joining them.

“I think you are,” Gisley replied. “The secret to Heather is she only makes love to people she loves. So if she wants to do this, that must mean she loves you.”

Jaina’s eyes went wide as Gisley made it so clear. She was right, Heather didn’t do casual sex, it was intense and powerful, meant to forge a loving link between them. Heather had invited Jaina to share in that link and now the moment had come fore the final decision. If they went ahead with this their relationship would forever be changed, and Heather would be her lover.

“Are you ready?” Gisley asked.

“No,” Jaina replied nervously. “But there is no reason to wait.”

The dream suddenly changed and Jaina found herself standing at the threshold of an iron gate. Before her was a small graveyard that she could walk across in a minute. It had a few dead trees, some brush and a four old mausoleums. The outer perimeter was marked by an iron fence, that was twisted and bent in places. A mossy stone path lay at her feet, intermitently broken up by a mist that curled about the ground.

“Ok, last chance to back out,” Jaina said to herself as she looked across the yard to see Frank and Heather. Frank was the ghoul she rarely saw, but he was much smaller. Barely taller than Heather and then only when he stood straight. Most of the time he was hunched over, his long arms reaching the ground at his feet. Heather was her radiant beautiful blond self, wearing the sunny yellow dress and hate she seemed to favor. She was pointing a finger in his face as she insisted she wasn’t going to live in a drab graveyard devoid of color.

Jaina’s first steps faltered as she trembled to approach them. They were both reliving a dream from their earlier days together and she could see that even now they were very close. She made her way across the yard until Heather finally noticed her approach and smiled.

“Oh, Frank look, It’s our friend, Jaina,” Heather said and pointed her way.

Jaina tensed as Frank looked over and saw the woman who did not belong in his memory of the dream. She knew from Gisley that this could be jarring enough to wake him up, or cause a sudden shift in the dream as it tried to make sense of her presence. He lifted a gangly arm to scratch at his head and asked who Jaina was.

“She’s the girl we met on our travels,” Heather said. “You know, the one you told me I looked really hot kissing.”

Jaina was shocked to hear that and saw Frank begin to nod. He admitted remembering seeing them kiss, and as if on cue the dream began to shift. I moment later they were in Rajeen’s inn as the kiss brought back the scene from that night. Suddenly everything was as it was that day the two women lay in the pillows, sharing their first truly passionate kiss.

“See, you do remember,” Heather said and rubbed his arm.

Jaina was delighted to see Frank’s memory of that moment was sharp as she and Heather instantly appeared in slave silks. Breanne, Evalynn, Gisley and all the others appeared as did random guest in the hall. A few seconds later it was as if they were reliving that night, except that the two women were standing apart. Heather was the blue Lilim devil with curving horns and long sexy tail. She sauntered to Jaina as Frank watched, causing Jaina’s skin to prickle with goosebumps. She was suddenly taken into Heather’s arms and their lips met while his eyes never looked away.

Their lips came apart but only a fraction of an inch as Jaina whispered that their was still time to turn back. Heather trembled in her grasp as both women were unsure what to do, but hungry to share more than just a kiss.

“I have to go on,” Heather whispered. “Please, if he says yes, don’t let me stop until we have done everything.”

“Alright,” Jaina replied with a nervous voice. “If he says yes, we are going to make love right here before the entire inn. And from this day forward, I expect you to greet me with kisses.”

Heather smiled and nodded before turning away to look at Frank.

“Did you like that?” she asked while meeting his gaze.

“I love seeing you with other women,” Frank replied. “You’re so beautiful.”

“Would you like to see more?” Heather pressed as the knot in jaina’s stomach grew to titanic proportions. “You are my master, all you have to do is command me to make love to her.”

The scene had been set, the question asked and the moment come. Now Jaina’s dream hung in the air waiting for a reaction from Frank who was silent.

“I command you to make love to her,” Frank said firmly. “From now on she is your lover and I want you two to make love whenever you can.”

Jaina nearly fainted as her legs went weak. She had hoped for a single night to know Heather’s love but Frank clearly wanted something more. If only this had been said while he was awake, then it would have been perfect. She and Heather would be free to share their love as often as they wanted, unashamed of who saw or knew. Still, if he was willing to say such a thing here, he might say it while awake later. All Jaina had to do was so entice him by the display of their love, that he longed to see it again.

Heather stood motionless, unable to accept what he had said as Jaina’s hands curled about her waist. Jaina kissed at the hot skin of Heather’s back as her hands rolled up that taught stomach to take firm hold of those enormous breasts. Only Gwen had breasts larger than Heather’s but only by a slight amount. Jaina began to knead those pillow-like mounds as Heather trembled in her grasp.

Jaina kissed at her neck as she worked her way under the slave silk to free that magnificent chest. The silk fell away, exposing Heather’s chest to the group, as Blackbast, Rajeen and Roric took notice.

“Roric is looking!” Heather squeaked.

“It’s only a dream,” Jaina cooed and nibbled on Heather’s ear.

“All the people in the inn will see,” she insisted.

“It’s only a dream,” Jaina said again as she continued to roll those tender breasts while the masters watched.

“But what if Gisley secretly slipped Roric in?” Heather asked. “That might really be him and he might see everything.”

“So what?” Jaina asked. “You are a sex slave, and it is your job to entertain the masters. Frank has commanded that you make love to me, here and now. So surrender and do what your master says, you have no choice anyway.”

“I don’t know if I can do this,” Heather groaned as Jaina’s hands wandered lower, tracing slow circles toward the treasure between the nervous woman’s legs.

“You made me promise to make sure you went through with it,” Jaina reminded.

“I know, but I didn’t think so many people would be watching,” Heather cried as Jaina’s fingertips slid under the silk a her hips.

“None of them are really watching, well except Gisley. I can guarantee she is watching,” Jaina added. “But if you really want to call this off I understand.” She waited as Heather looked about the room that seemed so alive and real. Her gaze fell on Gisley who who stood up and walked over to join them.

“Will it help if you’re not the only ones making love?” Gisley asked.

“What do you mean?” Heather replied nervously.

“I can change the dream a little,” Gisley said. “I can make it so Evalynn and Breanne make love while Quinny, Umtha and I make love.”

“See, then you won’t be alone,” Jaina assured.

“I guess, that might make it easier,” Heather said and took a deep breath.

“Just close your eyes,” Jaina urged. “I personally find it exciting to know people are watching, but Evalynn was nervous about it at first.”

“How did she get over it?” Heather asked.

“A trial by fire,” Jaina laughed and squeezed Heather’s tummy. “Roric made her dance and strip before the whole inn. I copied her appearance so nobody could be sure which was which. But I also used one of my abilities to soothe her nerves a little. It helps take away a little of the fear.”

“Use it on me,” Heather insisted. “Please.”

“Oh, sweetheart, I really want you to do this because you want to,” Jaina replied. “It means alot to me to know you wanted to do this because you love me.”

“You want me to love you?” Heather asked as Jaina began to rub her stomach.

“Yes,” Jaina replied. “Because your love is so beautiful and rarely given. It’s like a rare treasure to a woman like me who has sex all the time.”

“But I do love you,” Heather said and looked down. “I just, don’t know how to make it work.”

“Because we are in different harems,” Jaina as Heather nodded.

“You could always join Rajeen’s harem, then we would be one big group,” Jaina offered. “But you would have to endure the initiation and eventually Roric.”

“Frank would never allow that,” Heather sighed. “And I love Frank with all my heart.”

“We all know you do,” Jaina said and looked around to see the dream was nearly frozen. “What gives?”

“You two are taking so long I slowed the dream down so Frank doesn’t notice,” Gisley replied. “I can only do it for a little bit so make up your minds. Are you making love or not?”

Jaina was alive with how tantalizingly close she was to Heather’s body, but she would never force this on her. She wanted their love making to be pure and honest, driven by both their desires.

“Well?” Jaina asked as she leaned into Heather.

“Make love to me,” Heather replied. “And don’t stop until we know every inch of each other.”

Jaina didn’t wait for Heather to change her mind, instead her fingers dived down, reaching bewtween those warm thighs. She felt the silky folds of Heather’s sacred flower and her fingers began to dance with the bud at the center. Heather clung to her other arm as she began to let loose little moans. Her eyes were sealed shut as she surrendered to Jaina’s touch and finally became her lover.

Heaher’s legs began to tremble as Jaina gently worked her flower, putting it all on display for Frank. He watched with an intense stare as Heather’s hips began to buck from the sensation going on below. It wasn’t long before Heather ran wet, her voice climbing higher as the entire inn turned to see what was happening. Then she clung to Jaina’s arm with a grip of stone as her body shook just before her orgasm came rushing out. Jaina groaned in delight as she shared her first orgasm with Heather. Both women’s bodies were pressed together as they swayed in the passion of climax. Jaina’s hand ran wet as Heather soaked her with orgasmic honey, trembling with every rub.

Jaina kept up the pace, burying her face into Heather’s shoulder as she rubbed Heather to another orgasm that sent her voice into a stuttering moan. Jaina bucked with her, sharing the release as they both came, panting and groaning with the power of sex. Then she turned heather about and brought her into a kiss the was full of the hunger of lust. Heather wrapped her arms about her body, pulling so tightly that the two became one. They clutched together, each lifting a leg around the other, so that they supported one another as they passion burned on.

When the kiss finally parted the fire had hardly begun and they quickly fell to the cushions in a tangle of arms. Jaina groaned as Heather’s soft lifts wrapped around a nipple, sucking with a gentle kiss. Heather’s hands rolled over her stomach and finally down a leg to pull them wide. Then something firm pressed into Jaina’s folds, slowly gliding through them like snake.

Heather put her long tail to work, firmly gliding it between Jaina’s petals to rub at her clit in long deliberate strokes. Jaina shook as the sensation drove her mad, that tail perfectly suited to tormenting a woman.

“Oh, Sweetheart, I love you,” Jaina groaned as Heather moved to suck the other breast. “I hope we can do this when we are awake.” Her answer came as that wonderful tail suddenly moved lower and Jaina felt the wide heart shaped tip suddenly press at her soul. She groaned in delight as it slid in, the tip disappearing into her body as Heather’s hand took up the task of rubbing her clit.

“I am a Lilim, and I am going to feed on you,” Heather whispered as her lips came off of her breast. Jaina looked up to see the smile of pointed teeth as Heather looked truly aggressive. She felt the power of that moment as the excitement burned through her veins. Heather had awakened to the hunger and power of the Lilim class and Jaina was going to be her first meal.

Heather’s hands wrapped around Jaina’s breasts as she leaned over to kiss the woman with a long powerful tongue. Jaina clutched at Heather’s rear, squeezing tightly as that tail began to thrust firmly into her body. They held that pose, the kiss never breaking as Jaina was pushed into an orgasm. Both women panted into each other’s mouths as they shared the blissful release, unwilling to separate even to breathe. Heather squeezed Jaina’s breasts mercilessly, rolling her thumbs over the taught nipples to make them sore. Jaina was pinned underneath the hungry woman, unable to do anything but hold on. When the second orgasm came they finally parted to gasp for breathe as Jaina clutched her back.

“Sit on my face and lean back,” Jaina whispered.

“Why?” Heather asked as she struggled to catch her breath.

“Because it will drive Frank wild,” Jaina replied. “Look into his eyes as he watches you get eaten by another woman and savor his expression.”

Heather nodded and climbed up, turning her gaze on Frank who seemed frozen in place. She slowly crawled up Jaina’s body until her knees were beside the woman’s head. Then she leaned back and planted her hands so the mound of her pussy was in full view before lowering it.

Jaina looked up to see Frank watching every move as she reached out with her tongue and tasted Heather’s pussy for the first time. She closed her eyes to hum as that sweet nectar flowed over her tongue. She went at the folds of Heather’s body with a passion and hunger that had Heather crying out in moans. She couldn’t believe this moment had finally come and Heather was hers to make love to. Even if it was a dream both women were well aware of each other and being intentional in their actions. Jaina savored every lick and kiss as she worked at Heather’s moist body until the woman’s back arched in delight. Jaina was awash in Heather’s orgasm as she had one of her own, sharing every second of the release. Heather leaned forward and clutched her chest, crying out as the whole in watched the sex. She had a second orgasm, and then a third, as Jain swallowed every one. Finally Heather turned around and collapsed, burying her face between Jaina’s legs as she began to lick back.

Jaina knew what it was like to have Roric’s long tongue between her folds but Heather’s was just as good. The Lilim tongue was long and pointed with a bumpy texture she could feel on her skin. Now that tongue was cleaning up her wet pussy as it became familiar with Jaina’s flavor. On the two went, each feeding on the other as they drove one another to orgasm after orgasm.

This moment was everything Jaina wanted and more but it wasn’t complete. When Heather finally came away, Jaina pulled her down and held her still. She whispered in Heather’s ear about how much she loved to eat a freshly fucked pussy and encouraged her to go to Frank.

Heather nodded and got her her hands and knees before turning to look at Jaina.

“Come with me,” she whispered and the two crawled together to the legs of Heather’s master.

Jaina could see the surprise in Frank’s handsome human face, but their was also the hunger of arousal. She was sure he was burning up inside as he watched his wife make love to another woman is so passionate a fashion. The two crawled between his legs as he spread them wide, enticing them to take what they wanted. Heather went for the belt as Jaina undid the laces and before long Frank’s firm cock burst forth from it’s confinement.

It was a good firm cock about eight inches long with an impressive girth. Heather immediately kissed at the base as Jaina wrapped a hand around the top and began to stroke. Frank’s hands gripped the chair arms tightly as Blackbast rubbed his arm and urged him to remain still. Slowly the slave girls began to kiss and suck at his cock, lavishing him with all the passion they could muster.

Heather was the first to take him fully into her mouth, sucking him deeply as she began to bob. Jaina settled for kissing his thighs and then sucking at the tender skin of his balls, pulling lightly as he moaned. Their passion went on for a minute until Heather came off and guided Jaina to take her place. Jaina tasted his slick flesh coated in Heather’s saliva and took over the motion of sucking him as Heather got up and turned around.

Heather leaned over and stood astride his legs as Jaina came off his cock and stroked him firmly. Heather put her hands over his and lowered herself down as Jaina guided his cock into place. She pushed it into Heather’s folds then watched as she swallowed it up, taking it all until she was in his lap. Then she leaned back and he put an arm around her stomach. She began to rock her hips, riding his cock with her legs spread wide so everyone could see how full her pussy was. She didn’t care or slow her pace as she made love to him for the world to see. She was lost in the passion that came from sex and the power of obeying her master. Jaina knew that all Heather wanted now was for the sex to go on and on. Eventually Heather braced herself, putting her feet on the seat of the chair so he could thrust from below. Jaina couldn’t tell how many orgasms she had but it was Frank’s she was waiting for. When he came he shoved deep inside Heather, letting our a roar as he filled her body. Heather shared it with a trembling cry that shook her to the core, then collapsed into his lap as the cum began to leak out.

Jaina was on hand to lap that up, savoring the flavor of their sex. She licked all around Heather’s stretched pussy as the woman shifted on the firm cock inside her. She slowly began to lift away, allowing Jaina to lap up the droplets as they fell from her pussy. When Heather finally came off, Jaina dived in, licking deeply as she enjoyed the taste of sex.

Heather sat there with her feet planted on the chair and legs spread wide while Jaina knelt on the floor between them feeding. She licked every inch of Heather’s pussy clean then ate her to an orgasm to dislodge the deeper fluids and rive them out. She was rewarded with a river of of cum and honey flowing from the valley of paradise. Heather put a hand to the back of her head and held Jaina their, encouraging her to feed until she had another orgasm.

Jaina finally pulled away when their was no more to eat but her eye fell on the cum soaked cock of Heather’s master. Heather saw her gaze and climbed away before guiding Jaina’s to him. Heather encouraged her to suck Frank clean and didn’t let go until Jaina’s head was bobbing in his lap. Jaina was lost to the passion of the moment as well and her eyes were firmly fixed on Frank as he looked down. All she cared about was pleasing him and to that end her oral mastery skill would do wonders. She sucked at him until he was hard as iron, then drove him to the edge but held him their with prolong. Frank twisted and turned as he depsperately sought a release but Jaina had more in mind. She came away and crawled up his chest, turning as Heather did to sit astride him.

His hands came around her waist and guided her down and she felt Frank’s cock for the first time. It slid through her body and filled her with a hunger to have him, and she settled in his wet lap. She began a hungry motion, riding his cock as he held her waist. She was lost in the terrible power of lust and passion as Heather’s soft lips came to her neck. She could feel something pulling on her soul and realized that Heather was quite literally feeding on her, using her succubus draining to quench her thirst.

“Take me,” Jaina moaned. “Feed on me and take everything.”

She felt the drain become more intense as Heather reached around her to cradle her breasts. For the next ten minutes she made love to Frank that way, cumming several times as Heather shared them. When at last Frank filled her body with his hot seed she was finally allowed off. She felt unusually exhausted and knew it had to be the draining effect of Heather’s power. Heather carried her to the cushions and gently lay her down, then pried her sticky thighs open.

“Oh, sweetheart,” Jaina moaned as Heather began to lick her flower clean, savoring the sex with her husband. “I love you,” Jaina moaned as her body neared another orgasm. “I wish we could be together.” Her back arched as Heather inserted two fingers and used a power to stimulate her. Jaina came with a wild passion, her body flowing like a river swollen by rain. Heather was their to feed on every drop of it, before finally climbing into her arms. For the nest hour they lay together, kissing and nuzzling with quiet moans and pleased smiles. No words were said, but they didn’t need to be, the look in Heather’s eyes was all she needed. They were lovers now, and when next they met, she expected a very different reaction from her new girlfriend.

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