The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-115 Helplessly Beautiful

Jaina stood before Roric, explaining her encounter with Heather and her very positive response. He asked a few questions and then went right to the heart of the matter, wanting to know if she had told Frank yet. Jaina had to admit that Heather hadn't told any of them yet, but she planned to. She also planned to open up to them properly and share her love as she had in the dream. She could see he was surprised by the response but also relieved. He had been worried that their home would be unhappy if the prince of the land bore them a grudge. How long would an angry Frank tolerate Roric and his family living beside them when he had the authority to make them disappear?

Now that he had been told everything, she moved on to Heather's odd request. Roric's ears went up in surprise as he leaned forward on his throne.

“Did she say what kind of dream this was?” he asked.

“She described it as a kind of nightmare, but not exactly a nightmare,” Jaina admitted. “She only shared a few details, but it sounds like she has the same dream every time she is rendered unconscious. She also suggested she probably shouldn't revisit this dream, but I think she's more interested in showing it to Frank.”

“Why Frank?” Roric asked as his ears perked up.

“She didn't say,” Jaina replied as she thought back to the conversation.

“This worries me,” Roric replied as he sat back. “Once we do this, Frank will be aware Gisley can manipulate dreams. He may start to wonder about the dreams he’s been having lately.”

“Oh,” Jaina said as she saw the danger. “And I will have to do a lot of explaining.”

“Let’s hope Heather tells him before that point arrives,” Roric said and stood before pulling her into a hug. “But I am glad you two spoke and are looking forward to a stronger relationship.”

“Are you giving me your blessing to date her?” Jaina asked.

“Her,” Roric said and stepped back. “Not Frank. I am sorry, but if he is never going to allow his girls to play in my harem, you are not going to play in his.”

“I understand,” Jaina sighed as she saw his point. “That's why you were so mad at me earlier. It wasn't that I made love to Heather; it was because I made love to Frank.”

“Yes,” Roric agreed and pulled her back into the hug. “I know we have agreed on our roles, and you are my slave girl, but I do love you and feel possessive of you. I admire and respect Frank's desire to keep his girls to himself, and I don't begrudge him for it. But if he wants to play with my girls, he must ask for permission like everybody else.”

“He didn’t know,” Jaina insisted.

“I am aware of that,” Roric replied and put a finger on her lips. “That was your fault, not his, but it will never happen again.”

“I promise,” Jaina insisted.

“Good, because you will be giving Zorac his forty-seven years of chastity if you do,” Roric said, rubbing her back.

“What happened to one year?” Jaina gasped as she worried about being locked away longer than she had been alive.

“I reconsidered and wanted to make sure you took the lesson seriously,” Roric replied. “Now, Heather wants to do this dream thing tonight?”

“I think so,” Jaina replied. “She was very excited about it, but she did seem intent on telling her family about our encounter as well.”

“Let's hope that goes as well as your conversation with her went,” Roric said, pulling her to his chest. “I know why you did it, but it does bother me.”

“I am so sorry,” Jaina replied. “I guess since you gave us permission to play in the forest, I sort of felt I could do what I wanted.”

“I can see why you would feel that way,” Roric replied, stroking her head. “But I think it best we do not mix our harems until Frank is ready if that day ever comes. Until then, you are free to date Heather, but your relationship must remain separate from him.”

“I understand,” Jaina replied with a smile. “And thank you for being so understanding.”

Roric nodded and went to his throne to take his place as Jaina stood before him. She could see his eyes looking over her body, making her tremble, wondering what he was thinking. He eventually beckoned her to join him, and she settled in his lap, sitting astride him as she looked deep into his eyes. With a practiced hand, she reached down and undid his belt, freeing that part of him that she so desired.

“I worry about this dream,” Roric admitted as Jaina began to stroke his sheath. “What if Hannah is trying to stir her forgotten memories?”

“What would be wrong with that?” Jaina asked as his cock began to glow in her hand. “She is very confused and upset that she doesn't know who she is. She told me she was exhausted from trying to put it all together and understand what is happening. That lunch at the inn where we kissed was a breakthrough moment for her.”

“How?” Roric asked as the tip of his cock began to tease Jaina’s pussy.

“Because she had been agonizing over the choice to pick the Lilim,” Jaina replied. “And giving that decision to Frank freed her from it. She realized how many decisions would be lifted from her shoulders if she let go and fully became a slave girl. She told me she was seriously considering doing it.”

“I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” Roric interjected.

Jaina was surprised by his response and asked why he felt that way while guiding his cock into her body. She sat on his lap and began to roll her hips as he shared his point of view on the matter. He felt that as Hannah was a public figure, she couldn't embrace such a lifestyle without damaging her reputation. He believed that since most people met her through the wedding, she had an image of purity and love. She was the woman who rode off on unicorns while flowers grew in her wake.

“You have a very high opinion of her,” Jaina groaned as her body began to respond to the intrusion. She felt his cock filling her soul as her pussy stretched on his knot. She smiled and shook out her hair as he grabbed a firm hold of her waist and helped guide the motion.

“You understand what I mean,” Roric said firmly. “Hannah was introduced to the people in a beautiful way, and stepping down to be a sex slave would shatter that image. It might mean nothing in the long run, but she will never get that image back. Also, I am not sure Frank wants to run the kingdom alone. He likes to do things as a team, and though he carries his girls, he always seeks their advice and help. I think he might feel abandoned if they started leaving all the decisions to him.”

“Hmm,” Jaina moaned as the rhythm made her body wet. She knew Roric was right but desperately wanted Hannah to join Rajeen’s harem. She supposed that was a greedy desire, and being allowed to date her would have to be enough. Still, how much fun would it be to watch Heather playing with all those girls?

“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you,” Jaina moaned. “Hannah can summon a collar. She can take a slave girl.”

“I am not surprised to hear that considering what her class is,” Roric said.

“She gets bonuses if she collars a succubus,” Jaina said as she teetered on the brink of an orgasm.

“That’s an odd requirement,” Roric said as Jaina finally lost control and came powerfully. “None of the collars I ever read about said it only worked on a specific class.”

“It works on everybody,” Jaina gasped as the motion continued. “She just gets extra bonuses if it’s a succubus.”

“Are you sure it didn’t say it conveyed the succubus class to the player?” Roric asked.

Jaina blinked as she considered the idea and wondered how thoroughly Hannah had read it. Her class had buffs and benefits it could bestow on a succubus, which was a very rare class. It would make sense if Heather could bestow some form of the class on somebody else. She wanted to believe something like that couldn't be done, but the slave collars did just that. It changed a player's primary class to that of a bonded slave, so why not succubus? For that matter, Hannah got her Lilim class from her crown, proving that other items could do the same.

“I really want to ask her now,” Heather moaned as Roric began to lick at her neck. She was feeling the power of her master and the sex they were having. Her body was alive with need as the slave collar rewarded her for being his obedient pet. She could feel him sliding inside as every inch of his firm cock made her tremble. She responded with a flow of honey that ran from her delicate pussy. She had to put her hands on his shoulder as she kept up the pace, working him through her body.

Her head went back as she had her second orgasm, the delicious power shaking her to the core. Her mind swooned as her addiction was fed, sending her into an almost intoxicated mindset. She worked her hips to get as much of him inside as possible, grinding her labia on his firm knot.

His long tongue found her lips, and she obediently opened her mouth to have it filled. She always found kissing him to trigger that sense of taboo, sending her arousal to new levels. She knew this was Roric, but her primal mind was screaming that this was something inhuman and animal. That internal conflict only made the sex more powerful as her mind tried to convince her she was making love to an animal.

Her third orgasm made her voice come out in a long, pleased moan as Roric kept up a brutal pace. Her breasts bounced before his face as his long tongue finally came free of her mouth and licked at her nipples. Her cries of pleasure became short gasps as her body continued its relentless ride. She was trapped by the hands around her waist as her master made her grind out another orgasm.

“I am so addicted to this,” Jaina groaned. “Oh, I love having sex!”

“You don’t think you will ever get bored of it?” Roric asked.

“Is that even possible?” Jaina groaned. “I loved it when you made us dance so you could whore us out afterward. I miss those long nights of endless customers waiting to fuck me. I miss knowing I had to give them my pussy because you had sold it to them.”

“You like your body being sold, don’t you?” Roric asked as he tightened his grasp.

“Yes!” Jaina cried as yet another orgasm rushed through her body. This conversation was making her wild, and her mind was flooded with the intoxication of her addiction. She was hopelessly lost to the power of sex and would agree to anything he suggested, especially selling her body. She loved being out of control and having no say to whom he sold her to. Just imagining it sent her to a new state of arousal, and the passion of their lovemaking intensified.

It went on for what seemed like an eternity until Roric finally growled and pushed deep into her flesh. She felt the pulsing as he started to cum and then cried out as she shared the orgasm made more intense by her sex slave powers. She heaved for breath as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight until she relaxed and could react.

“That was powerful,” Jaina panted as he pulled her to his chest.

“I love you,” Roric replied. “And I want you to have all your fantasies come true, but you must be careful with Heather.”

“I know,” Jaina said softly. “I don't want to damage her relationships. I don't know what I will do if I caused her any tension with Frank. I hope it all goes well when she tells them what happened.”

“I wouldn't worry about it anymore,” Roric said. “What's done is done, and it will have to work itself out now. What we need to do is figure out how I am going to sell your body regularly.”

Jaina's head jerked up, and she met his gaze that said he meant every word of what he said. He explained that he wanted her to be a prostitute from now on, and she was no longer allowed to have sex for free.

Chandice, Zorac, and Heather are the only exceptions,” he clarified but suggested that she might be forced to charge them on some occasions.

“But what if Frank offers me money?” Jaina gasped. “You know what my womb tattoo requires. If I don't give him my body, I won't be able to enjoy sex until I do.”

“Anyone who offers you so much as bent copper coin gets what they want,” Roric replied and scratched at his chin. “In fact, maybe we should let people know that.”

“No!” Jaina gasped. “Roric, please. If word about that got out, people would offer me pennies every time I went out in public. I would be fucking nonstop for days if I wanted to be able to keep enjoying sex. Besides, that wouldn't be you selling me; it would just be my curse.”

“I just wanted to make you jump,” Roric said, pulling her back into his arms. “I know that has to remain a secret, but sooner or later, somebody is going to jokingly offer you a gold for a blowjob or something similar.”

“Then I will concoct a reason as to why I agree to do it,” Jaina replied. “And give him no indication of my real motive.”

“Hmm, that still leaves me with finding a good method of selling you off,” Roric said as he rubbed her back.

“You could always sell me to Heather,” Jaina teased.

“I meant for a single encounter, not for good,” Roric replied, giving it some more thought. “It's too bad we don't have a brothel in the city. I could put you to work at it regularly.”

“Oh, goodness, if we had a brothel, Gisley would be on her knees begging you to make her work there night and day,” Jaina laughed as she dreamed of the image.

“How odd things have turned out,” Roric said as he stood up and carried her in his arms. “If we had a good relationship with Alexandria and she was here, I would put you and Gisley to work in her brothel. She would get everything she wanted and more, and we would probably be friends.”

“She never wanted to be friends,” Jaina said as she thought of the vile woman. In many ways, Alexandria was just like Moon, only interested in Jaina to exploit her value. All she cared about was the money she accepted to find slaves of exceptional value for the princes. Jaina could have forgiven all that if not for the fact that Alexandria had spoiled their first home, and most importantly, she made Gisley cry. As far as Jaina was concerned, making Gisley cry was as terrible a crime as could be committed.

Roric carried her through his rustic hall and out into the sunlight, where she could look over his camp, nestled high on the bluffs in the hills. It looked and felt like a true home, with dozens of lodges and tents acting as the various dwellings of an assortment of NPCs. He had hunters, cooks, crafters, and more, all going about their lives as if they had always dwelt here.

“I can't believe we built our home,” Roric said as he held her tight. “And my greatest dream was doing it with you at my side.”

“Oh, Roric,” Jaina said, nestling her head into his shoulder. “We deserve this happiness after the lives we lived. You most of all because you saw something in me nobody else did. You saved me from a life hardly worth living and gave me a life where all my dreams can come true.”

“You have very strange dreams,” he laughed.

“A girl is allowed to have her fantasies,” Jaina giggled. “Even if they involve having sex with gnolls and lizardmen.”

“I could sell you to the camp,” Roric mused. “But you do that anyway.”

“Please, they are all addicted to Evalynn anyway,” Jaina said. “There isn't a gnoll here who hasn't pounded that pussy a hundred times.” She watched as he nodded and set her down so she was standing before him. She smiled and put her hands on his chest as he stared deeply into her eyes.

“There is something we talked about but haven't really explored yet,” Roric said.

“Oh?” Jaina asked with a sudden curiosity.

“Hmm,” Roric growled and took her hand. “I know exactly where to do it as well.”

Jaina was surprised by this sudden turn of events and even more so when Roric took her back to the space inside, which was set their magic tent. Roric used it as his primary bedroom, set up inside his lodge, so it blended in. It also made it easy for him to collect everything of importance in one fell swoop and head out. He took her inside to a chest along the wall where Chandice kept her toys.

“Umm, what are you doing?” Jaina asked as Roric took up some of the magic rope and two of the smooth metal dildos.

“I have something for you to do,” Roric replied as he handed the items to her. “Now, come with me.”

Jaina looked at the items in her hands and wondered what he planned to do. There was only one good use for ropes, and that was bondage, something they talked about often and even practiced a few times before coming to New Eden. She always found it exciting, but what was Roric planning, and where were they going? She got her answer when he took her through the magic doorway and into Rajeen's temple. A few minutes later, she stood in the harem as dozens of curious women looked on to see why Roric was there with her.

“Stand here,” Roric commanded, taking the items from her hand.

Jaina stood by nervously as every eye watched with intense curiosity. She trembled as he took out a strap of black cloth and tightly blindfolded her. Then he tied a thin cord of rope around her head, looping it through her mouth to act as a gag. The tingling of excitement began to crawl across her skin as he took one leg and folded it back before tying it around her waist. The rope then began to circle her body, creating a network of binds. One arm was fastened around her back before he was carefully lowered down and laid on the floor. A rope went around her free leg several times, spiraling to her foot before it trailed off. Finally, her breasts were wrapped with a cord until they were firmly squeezed, presenting her hard nipples forward.

She wondered how far this would go, and then her expectations went out the window. Suddenly her leg was pulled up, and slowly her body followed. She began to lift into the air, suspended upside down by one leg as she turned in spirals, helpless to move. Ropes then went around her free arm, pulling it to the side to anchor her in one place as she hung upside down in the middle of the harem.

She was left dangling with her back fully arched and unable to move anything but her toes. She could hear women whispering and giggling as Roric tied her off. Then to her shock, one of the smooth metallic dildos slid into her pussy. With a command word, it started to vibrate and gently sway up and down. It only bounced an inch, but that was all it took, with the firm vibration adding to the effect.

Jaina moaned as her butt plug was removed and replaced with the second dildo, also set to vibrate. She then felt Roric's hand on her rear as he squeezed her firmly.

“I want you to get used to bondage as I want to start keeping you in it often,” he said as he tested a rope. “Today, you will be artwork for the harem, but tomorrow you will hang in the common room.”

Jaina groaned as the devices in her body began to drive her wild. Roric was planning to bind her like this for public display, and all she could do was whimper into her gag. It was his choice what to do with her body, and if he wanted it where others could see it bound helplessly, then that was his prerogative.

His hand pulled away, and she listened to see if he was leaving. She had no idea if he was gone or had just stepped aside, but it wasn't long before the delicate hands of women descended on her body. She felt lips at her nipples and a tongue on her clit. She was helpless to do anything to stop them as the harem girls took full advantage of her predicament.

She moaned into her gag as the women added to the sensation, caressing every part of her body they could reach. She was a sculpture of lust and passion groaning as her body was pushed to the edge. It took only minutes for her body to respond to their efforts, and soon she was in full-blown orgasm. Her body wanted to move and thrash as it convulsed in passion, but the binds held her firm. That restriction made it more intense, and she cried into her gag as the woman laughed at her predicament.

It went on for hours as Jaina was played with by dozens of women she couldn't see. They used the toys, taking them from her body and thrusting them by hand in deep rapid strokes. Tongues licked through the folds of her pussy, kissing and sucking at her clit as she had orgasm after orgasm.

Jaina found herself heaving for breath as the women were relentless, taking advantage of her compromised situation. She was played with until her pussy was overly stimulated, responding wildly to every touch. It was only then the vibrating dildos were put back in, and she was left screaming in wild stimulation as it vibrated vigorously in her body. She screamed with every orgasm as they started to come less than a minute apart, her voice a song of passion for the harem girls lounging around her. Her breasts were wet with the flow of honey that seeped from her pussy, running down her chest in a never ending stream. Occasionally, a woman or two would come to lick her clean, but otherwise, she was left soaking and helpless.

“I like you like this,” a voice echoed in her head, causing her to wonder if she had slipped into madness. “I will do this to you often.”

“Hezzrigozza?” her delirious mind asked as she began to tremble in another orgasm. She could feel the dragon pushing at her mind and reaching out over the distance. She could feel her skin tingling as her tattoo activated, and suddenly the dragon was touching her.

“Noooooo!” she screamed in silent protest as he used his power over her to begin teasing her body. As overstimulated as she was, it became a maddening sensation, and instantly, her orgasm took her to a whole new place. She was only vaguely aware of the comments going on all around her as the blue tattoo became visible, and the harem girls reacted with wonder.

“You are my mate,” the dragon's voice echoed in her head. “And you will be bred regularly. Perhaps I will find a way to alter the magic so you can indeed bare me the young I desire..”

His comments sent her body twitching as she struggled to resist. Her efforts were in vain, and all it achieved was an increase in her tension, bringing the orgasms on sooner. She groaned and thrashed as it went on and on while her body felt the sensation of a dragon making love to it. Eventually, she lost the fight, and the darkness closed in as she blacked out. He forced her into a dream where she was a dragon again and was bred vigorously by her dominant male. She was laid in his nest and gently licked clean by his long dragon tongue as he cared for her like a prized treasure.

For the next few hours, she was bred repeatedly by her dragon mate, having orgasms that seemed to last forever. Her mind was adrift on a sea of pure pleasure as she was unable to escape the endless torment of her body. When, at last, her eyes opened, she was no longer hanging in the harem. Instead, she rested on the white-furred chest of Rajeen, held firmly in the tiger woman's arms as she slept.

Jaina closed her eyes and enjoyed the warm embrace with a smile. Her life was one of adventure, love, and boundless sex, surrounded by people who treasured having her in their arms. She couldn't imagine how it could get any better but knew Roric would never stop trying to find a way. She was a sex slave, after all, and now that her collar was locked, it was all she would ever be.

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