The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-116 Who do I marry?

Chandice studied the strange mushroom with her wand but made little progress in figuring out if it was useful for anything. With a resigned sigh, she stepped aside and let Barnaby, her NPC alchemist, have a look. She had made him to resemble the stereotypical wise old man with a thin frame and a long white beard on an aged face.

“Let me see now,” he said, leaning over the black mushroom with purple stripes. He studied it momentarily as his bushy brows creased and his face grew long. Finally, he poked it with a finger, causing it to topple over before standing up. “Ah, yes, it's a weed.”

“It's a mushroom,” Chandice corrected. “You know, a fungus, not a weed?” By the look on his face, he had no idea what she was talking about, and she gave up and stormed away.

“Why are some NPCs so useless?” she mumbled, heading down the hall to her magic shop. She arrived to find two women looking over some of her magical trinkets. One was tall and slim with wavy brown hair and pure green eyes. The other was shorter and almost too thin, with dark hair that went to the middle of her back. They both appeared to be human, but Chandice knew the dark-haired woman had to be something else. They picked up a few magical items and then set them aside, one of them citing that there wasn't much selection.

Chandice wished she had more to offer but could only do moderate enchantments at her level. She tried to make up for that by creatively blending enchantments in complex ways like she had done for Idris and her plugs. She asked the women if there was anything specific they were looking for, and they said they were just browsing.

“On a different topic,” one of them said as she looked nervous. “We heard a rumor that there were women in this forest that stalked people for sex.”

“Oh, that's not a rumor,” Chandice said with a smile. “But they aren't always in the forest, so it's hit or miss on your chances.”

“I see,” the woman said as she blushed.

“I told you this wasn't going to work,” the other said, sweeping her dark hair back. “We should just look for a man and join him as his harem.”

“Oh, you two are looking for that,” Chandice nodded approvingly. “Well, you are welcome to stalk the forest for people to play with. But, if you really want a challenge, there is a way to earn magical tattoos on your back to mark your achievements in the forest.”

“You can?” the dark-haired woman asked.

“Yes,” Chandice said with a smirk. “All women are welcome to become forest whore, and earn achievements by playing with the people and creatures you find here.”

“How do you begin?” the taller woman asked.

Chandice explained how they had to bathe in the magical waters near Blackbast's temple and masturbate to climax. Then they would be marked by the magic, and their erotic encounters in the forest would earn them achievements. They asked her what some of them were, so Chandice listed a few simple ones, like having sex with ten men or ten women. A special mark for having sex with Gisley, Jaina, or Evalynn. She told them about the flame mark they got for having sex with her imps.

“What imps?” the brown-haired woman asked.

“Oh, I am a warlock,” Chandice explained. “I have a pair of imps that are well endowed. I use to entertain women who are into that kind of thing.” She tried not to laugh as the two exchanged nervous glances, neither wanting to admit they wanted to try it. “This way, ladies,” Chandice said and curled a finger to encourage them to follow.

She took them into her home and up a spiral stairs as the two tried to make innocent small talk to hide their embarrassment.

“So, you are part of this place?” the tall one asked.

“Oh, I am the girlfriend of one of the whores,” Chandice replied. “And maybe the girlfriend of the master of the forest.”

“Maybe?” the shorter one asked as they rounded a corner to walk down a hall full of bright windows.

“It's complicated,” Chandice sighed as she wished she knew for sure. She liked Roric and enjoyed playing with the girls, but even she had to admit Rajeen was a better fit for him. The two got along so well; their shared love of collecting women made them intensely compatible.

They arrived at the dark oaken door with a red symbol etched on the surface.

“Well, here we are,” Chandice said and threw open the door to reveal a dark bedroom. There was a bed large enough to sleep four as well as a few low tables, some stout chairs, and few good posts. Ropes and chains hung from the ceiling and walls and lay curled in neat piles on the bed.

“This looks like a bondage room,” the shorter woman said.

“It is,” Chandice replied. “This is how it works. First, you undress, and I bind your arms behind your back before casting a spell on your stomachs. This marks you as imp whores and drives them wild with the desire to fuck you. Then I lock the door and leave you here for an hour while they tie you to whatever they want and use you to their heart's content.”

“Umm, maybe we shouldn’t do this,” the tall woman said. “I mean, we were just asking around to see if the rumors were true.”

“Oh, is the woman who shacked up with those two dwarves for a week scared of an imp?” the shorter one asked.

“They were very nice,” the taller woman argued. “But what if she comes back to do something evil once we're tied up?”

“Like that group we ran into at Barlow didn't do something evil to you,” the shorter scolded.

The taller woman smiled as her cheeks went bright red, and she twisted her thighs together.

“Oh, that was evil,” she grinned. “I can’t believe they did that to me.”

“I will give you two hours if you tell me the story,” Chandice laughed.

“Oh, you see, we ran into this group of traveling minstrels,” the short woman began,

“Silthia, don't tell her!” the tall one cried,

“Hmm, trust me, whatever you two have gotten into, I have seen worse,” Chandice assured them. “So, are we going to play?”

“Does this cost anything?” Silthia asked.

“Well, normally I charge ten gold, but I am bored, and you two seem fun,” Chandice replied. “However, if you really want to make this interesting, you do it with a slave collar on. But that requires a reservation and advanced notice so I can arrange one to be here.”

“A slave collar?” the tall woman said, touching her neck. “Does it do anything?”

Chandice delighted in telling them how it increased the power and frequency of the orgasms, making each one stronger until they culminated in a powerful shared orgasm. She then pointed out that the imps could cum a dozen times before getting tired, so the girls would be driven wild long before their hour was up.

“How much?” the tall woman asked with wide eyes.

“Ha, and you were just being timid about doing it the regular way,” Silthia laughed.

“Don’t mock me,” the tall woman argued. “That sounds absolutely decadent. I have to try it.”

“All girls are the same,” Chandice laughed and told them it was a hundred gold and that she needed a day to make the arrangements. They could try it the normal way now for free, and if they wanted to really go wild with it, they could come back tomorrow. She left them naked and tied with imp whore curses and two hungry monsters. Before she was a dozen steps from the locked door, she heard them moaning in delight as the imps did their job and fucked them silly.

She returned to the shop to find a man handling a small glass as if trying to figure out what it did.

“It cools any drink you pour into it,” Chandice said as she entered the room.

“Ah, thank you,” he said and turned to smile at her. “Are you the owner of this shop?”

“That's me,” Chandice said with a nod. “Chandice, the enchanter and warlock, at your service.”

“So, can I…” he began when a woman’s cry echoed from upstairs.

“Pay no attention to that,” Chandice urged with a smile and went behind her counter to pick up a black witch's hat. She placed it on her head and leaned against the wall as the man quickly put the glass down and cleared his throat.

“So, as I was going to say. Can I sell you magical items?” he asked, walking toward the counter while unslinging his bag.

“That depends on what you have,” Chandice replied as she smiled excitedly. She was looking forward to these moments when she could buy in items players had found to add to her wares. The man put his pack on the counter and drew out three items, Explaining he had gotten them all in the swamps. One was a dagger with a nice straight blade but a lovely pattern of runes down the side. Another was a pair of black gloves that seemed perfectly normal. The last item was a silver armband shaped like spring but with a single green stone on the side.

“I am not even sure what these do,” he said.

“Well, I do offer identification services,” Chandice said as she drew out her wand. “But you say you got these in the swamps?”

“I got the gloves and the dagger in the lower swamps and the coil thing from a willowhisp in the upper swamps,” he explained.

Chandice nodded as she looked over the items. It was an interesting feature of New Eden that monsters could randomly have loot, ranging from a few coins to something more magical. Lower-level monsters had little, but you could find items like these if you fought enough and worked hard. She started with the gloves and waved her wand over them, chanting the spell of identification.

“Leather gloves of readiness,” she said as the magical weave began to spell out what they were. “Allows the wearer to hold a bowstring fully drawn without becoming tired.”

“That's a little useless,” the man said disappointedly.

“Not if you’re an archer. Being able to keep your bow drawn and ready to fire gives you a little edge in combat,” Chandice said and moved on to the dagger, working her spell as light began to form and spell out the weapon's powers. “Iron dagger of sure strikes,” she said. “Ignores ten percent of a target's armor.”

“Hmm,” the man said and pointed to the wristband. “And that?”

Chandice waved her wand over the band and started her spell. The words floated up and told her everything she needed to know.

“Cold, silver bands of poison resistance,” she explained. “It looks like it allows the wearer to deliver a freezing touch attack for a little cold damage and protects the wearer from poison, but only by ten percent again.”

“I thought that one was good for sure,” he said disappointingly.

“It has two powers,” Chandice replied, putting away her wand. “It really is a decent item. All of them are for basic drops from swamp trash.”

“Are you interested in any of them?” he asked as somebody came through the front door.

Chandice nodded and said she would take all three if they could agree on the price. He asked for five hundred, and she shook her head, saying she needed to be able to sell them for about that much. She offered him one fifty, and he looked skeptical and countered with four fifty. She agreed to go up to two hundred, knowing that would be as high as she could go. Unfortunately, the items weren't very powerful, and she would have to sell them individually for a hundred to a hundred and fifty. If she went any higher, she would not be able to make any money from them. He wasn't impressed with her offer, and she was about to say she couldn't do any better when she spotted Evalynn in the background. She was looking through the magical arrows and waiting for Chandice to finish, but most importantly, she was in her slave silks and collar.

“I have a better offer,” Chandice said, leaning on the counter. “One fifty and an hour with her,” she said, pointing to Evalynn, who looked up. The man turned to see Evalynn's tight elvish body, long, silky legs, and beautiful eyes full of life.

“You are being serious?” he asked as she took her all in.

“She is one of my slave girls,” Chandice explained. “She fucks when, where, and with whom I tell her to.”

“I thought you said you were an enchanter and warlock?” he asked.

“I am the girlfriend of her master, and he has given me authority over them,” Chandice replied with a smile and snapped a finger. “Evalynn, come over here.” She smiled as Evalynn nervously approached the counter, walking barefoot as the man stared at her. “Take off your top and show him your breasts.”

Evalynn did as instructed, pulling her top off so the man could see her beautiful full chest. He looked impressed but did something very uncharacteristic. He asked her permission to barter for her and wanted her to assure him that she was alright with this.

“That’s very sweet of you to be concerned about how I feel,” Evalynn said with a smile. “But Chandice can sell me to whoever she wishes, and I have no qualms about making sure you are well taken care of.”

“So, an hour then?” he asked, turning back to Chandice.

“And a hundred and fifty for the items,” Chandice reminded.

“Deal,” he said, and before he could turn, Evalynn took his arm.

“I know where the bedrooms are,” Evalynn said, tugging on his arm.

Chandice paid him before Evalynn could drag him away and set the items out for resale in her shop. She returned to the counter and wondered where her NPC shop girl had gotten off to when yet another person came through the door.

“Oh, look who it is,” Chandice said with a smile. “My girlfriend has finally torn herself away from the blond she is cheating on me with.”

“Oh, don’t be so mean,” Jaina said as she walked up wearing a tight black dress. “You would have slept with her too if you had the chance, and you might just get it.”

Chandice paused at that comment as Jaina came to the counter and leaned over to share a kiss.

“Ok, now explain that last comment,” Chandice demanded. She waited as Jaina smiled and explained that Hannah had a bit of an awakening from their time together. Not only had she realized that she needed to express her love to her sisters, but she wanted to fully be a slave girl.

“You’re kidding?” Chandice asked.

“No,” Jaina said. “She really wants to be a sex slave and even told Roric.”

Chandice was shocked to hear it, especially considering how strong Hannah was. She was the kind of person who led the charge, not bowed her head and took orders. She asked Jaina why she would want such a thing, and Jaina could only explain a little.

“It has something to do with all the pressure she's under,” Jaina said. “She and I talked for a little bit, and she tried to explain it, but I think I caught her as she was working it out. You know how she likes to overthink things.”

“She’s the smartest person I know,” Chandice said. “Being a slave girl seems a very odd choice for her.”

“She wants to be happy like we are,” Jaina explained. “She can’t do that with all the pressure she’s under. She told me that having Frank choose her evolution was a huge weight off her shoulders. She wants to explore what it would be like to give him more.”

“It won't last,” Chandice said with a shake of her head. “I have seen Heather in action. She's a very take-charge and deal with problems head-on kind of person. I can't imagine her being happy having somebody take charge of her.”

“She wants to let go,” Jaina insisted. “She doesn't want to fight this battle anymore and trusts Frank and Blackbast to guide her.”

“I still don't think it will last,” Chandice replied. “She's like me; she enjoys playing the role for a little bit but doesn't want it for good.”

“I am sorry to hear you say that,” Jaina said with a toss of her head. “Because as part of her new role, she is officially our girlfriend.”

“Wait, what?” Chandice asked as she nearly fell over. “Did you say our girlfriend?”

“Well, she was going to be,” Jaina said, tossing her hand. “She told me she would build a relationship with you as she did with me. But you don't seem interested, and you're right; this probably won't last.”

“Let’s not jump to conclusions,” Chandice said as she saw visions of Hannah tied to her bed.

“Oh, so having a chance to get into Hannah's panties has you rethinking your position,” Jaina laughed.

“Just stop,” Chandice said and stared at Jaina. “How do you do it? You corrupt every innocent soul you encounter and get them to spread their legs.”

“I didn’t corrupt her,” Jaina said defensively. “Gisley and I went to her in a dream to explain Gisley’s power so she understood what was happening when she drank the glitter bombs.”

“Did you tell her the glitter is Gisley’s orgasm fluid?” Chandice asked.

“Well, no,” Jaina said, trying not to smile. “We did tell her it was Gisley's glitter. Just not how we harvested it.”

“Ah, so you omitted the shocking part,” Chandice said.

“Honestly, I am not so sure she will care,” Jaina countered. “The woman ate my pussy for several orgasms and had no problem swallowing my ejaculate. She is doing the same for all her wives, and soon you, so why would Gisley’s bother her?”

“Hmm,” Chandice agreed with a shrug. “You are probably right. But where does all this lead? Will Hannah and her wives end up another honorary group of Rajeen's harem? Will Frank have access to the harem girls, and will Roric have access to Hannah? And what about Zorac? You share me as your girlfriend with him. Will you be sharing Hannah too?”

“One step at a time,” Jaina said. “For right now, it is enough that she wants to be a sex slave. Let’s see what she grows into on her own.”

“So, did you come out here to tell me this?” Chandice asked.

“Well, that and I wanted to talk to you about something related to Hannah, but not the slave stuff,” Jaina said.

Chandice sat back as Jaina explained how she and Hannah spoke after the dream and had a very good heart-to-heart. They admitted their love for each other, and Hannah firmly said she wanted to keep dating and would love to date Chandice. Then Jaina explained how they spoke about the dream, and Hannah became very excited about it. She wanted to take her entire family into a dream from her past so they could see what she saw and maybe make sense of it.

“What kind of dream is this?” Chandice asked as she wondered why it was so important.

“She described it as a sort of nightmare she only has when she is unconscious or incapacitated,” Jaina said. “She didn't give me any details except to say that she was only there for a few seconds whenever she had the dream. She said a woman's voice always screams out that she should run, and that always panics her and wakes her up.”

“That sounds like a nightmare to me,” Chandice said.

“It’s important to her, Jaina insisted. “But I wanted your opinion on something. She said she wanted everyone to go, but I think she meant just her family. Roric doesn’t like the idea of letting her face this dream for a prolonged period of time because of what she said about going insane.”

Chandice nodded as she thought back to the day Hannah explained her strange arrival on New Eden and the mysterious past she couldn't remember. Part of that past was a magical crown that turned her into a Lilithu devil, inside of which seemed to be a fully intact player personality. This player claimed to live in a prison plane called Abbadon, waiting for Hannah to open the door. However, in one of their brief moments when they could question the woman, she told Hannah that she had lived several lives. In many of these lives, she sought to recover her memories and, in doing so, went insane, causing terrible harm before finally being killed.

“Roric is right to be worried,” Chandice agreed. “And didn't you just say she was embracing being a slave girl to put all this behind her? So why is she taking a risk like this, then?”

“She has to,” Jaina replied. “It means so much to her to understand who she really is. She told me that being a slave will help her find moments of peace, but she won't fully be at peace until she knows who she is.”

“A mad woman who broke the sun and started a war that left thousands of players permanently dead,” Chandice pointed out. “Even your dragon mate said she was dangerous. What did he call her? The angry goddess?”

“I know,” Jaina sighed and looked around nervously. “But what else can we do?”

“Help her fully embrace being a slave so much that she gives up on any notion of recovering her memories,” Chandice suggested.

“You sound like Roric,” Jaina said with a hand to her head. “He has agreed to let Gisley send her into the dream, but he is uncomfortable with it.”

“So, what is your actual question?” Chandice asked, realizing they hadn’t come to it.

“Should you and I go with her?” Jaina asked. “I honestly think she only meant her family, but I thought we should offer to go with.”

“Why would we want to see this nightmare?” Chandice asked.

“Because we love her, and you're the smart one of our family,” Jaina said. “You understand magic and enchantments better than all of us. So, maybe, your being there will shed some light on things.”

“You keep overselling my power,” Chandice corrected. “I am still relatively low level, and my powers of detection will be useless in a dream. I couldn’t even fully identify her crown using an augmented enchanting table.”

“You learned more than anyone else did,” Jaina corrected. “And you were smart enough to recognize how to get that far.”

Chandice could see that Jaina was pleading, but she didn't think her presence in this dream would do any good. It would be a dream of a place only Hannah knew, and there would be no magic to identify or detect. All she could do was observe and maybe offer some insight into what she saw. But Jaina had no idea what this dream was about or what they would see, so for all she knew; there would be little to see.

“Alright,” Chandice sighed. “If you can get Hannah to say she wants us to come I will go with.”

“Oh, thank you!” Jaina cried and ran around the counter to hug her. “This means a lot to me.”

“You really do love her, don’t you?” Chandice asked as she held the hug.

“Why would you ask a question like that?” Jaina replied.

“Because you have sex with plenty of women, but I don't see you worrying about them. With Hannah, you worry and want more from her than a carnal relationship. You want what you have with me,” Chandice said.

“Yes, I suppose I do,” Jaina agreed. “She is a wonderful person, and like you, she is very intelligent. But I want to make something clear to you. If I had to choose just one of you, it would be you.”

Chandice could see the serious look in Jaina's eyes as she said those words and couldn't help b smile. She knew Jaina loved her, as they had begun to do more than just sex. They talked, laughed, shared meals, dreams, and plans for the future. Jaina wanted to be at her side, to hold hands, or talk about silly things, just to spend time with her. Chandice knew she loved Jaina as well, but what was going on with Roric? Was he going to marry her, or Rajeen, or somebody else? She wished he would make up his mind and choose already because if he wasn't going to marry her, she was going to marry Jaina.

“Oh, look. Now you are overthinking things,” Jaina laughed.

“I was just considering what Roric was doing,” Chandice replied. “I want to know if he is even considering me as a wife still. I just assumed he wanted Rajeen now, but to be honest, he spends more time with his two gnoll women than he does with all of us now.”

“I thought that too,” Jaina agreed. “And he makes love to them more than the rest of us.”

“I did want to marry him, but I can't match Rajeen,” Chandice said.

“Please don't look at it like that,” Jaina said. “Roric loves you, and he loves the role you play with us. You're the one who gives us a little pain and punishment in your play. He isn't into that, and he knows we enjoy it, so your perfect to be at his side.”

“But Rajeen is a slave master with her eyes firmly set on him,” Chandice pointed out.

“Rajeen doesn't want a husband,” Jaina argued. “Frank has his Hannah and Roric his Chandice. Rajeen will likely end up playing with both boys and mixing our harems.”

“So we might one day be waking up with Hannah and Breanne in our bed while Gisley and Evalynn are in Franks?” Chandice asked.

“Dare to dream,” Jaina said with a big smile.

“Hmm,” Chandice said as she reached down to firmly grasp Jaina’s rear. “And what if both boys decided to marry me and make one big family?”

“I would give anything to see that happen,” Jaina said. “I can see Hannah now, down on all fours while Roric takes her from behind while Frank takes her throat.”

“You are a slut,” Chandice laughed. “That is high filth, even from you.”

“But you would just love to see it, wouldn’t you?” Jaina asked as she batted her eyes.

“Harlot, don’t use your temptations on me,” Chandice insisted and thought about the idea more. Could something like that happen? She wasn't Roric's property after all, so why couldn't she also develop a relationship with Frank?

“Do you think that could ever happen?” Chandice asked.

“As I said, dare to dream,” Jaina replied with a smile and looked up when she heard a woman cry out. “Do you have company?”

“Yes,” Chandice said and smiled with a delighted grin. “You need to stick around. I have three pussies being pounded, and they will need cleaning when done.”

“Ummm,” Jaina moaned as she leaned into Chandice. “I love how you bring me gifts.”

“Speaking of gifts,” Chandice said as she put an arm around Jaina’s waist. “I am going to have to go shopping later.”

“What for?” Jaina asked.

“I only date slave girls who are firmly plugged,” Chandice replied. “If Hannah is going to be my girlfriend, she will have to let me plug her and keep it in.”

Jaina laughed as they tried to imagine Hannah with a butt plug firmly buried in her rear. It was an image both women were eager to see, and Jaina wanted to come with to pick it out. Chandice agreed, but only after Jaina took care of the women and made sure those gooey pussies were cleaned up. This was the role Chandice loved, sending Evalynn to be fucked and Jaina to clean up after it. She wanted to strap Gisley into leather harnesses and use her as an animal, watching wild beasts breed her. And how she would love to put a leash on Hannah's collar and walk her like her personal little pet. She smiled at the thought of so powerful a woman on hands and knees, naked at her side, as she walked down crowded streets.

She began to smile as she imagined being married to both Roric and Frank, her arm around their waists while an army of harem girls knelt at their feet. Perhaps it would be prudent to spend a little time with Frank. After all, shouldn't he be allowed to fuck the girlfriend of his slave like Roric demanded?

“Down on your knees,” Chandice demanded as she grew hot from the image. She put Jaina to use, eating her pussy as she imagined it was Frank pounding her while Hannah watched. Of course, it was all just a fantasy, but sometimes, fantasies became real.

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