The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-117 Nervous love

Jaina and Chandice sat side by side on a stone bench, waiting to see if their wildest dreams would come true. The two were nervous, and the tension inside was almost unbearable as the minutes slowly slipped by.

“You would think she would be done by now,” Jaina insisted as she looked about the dream copy of Blackbast’s temple. “What is taking her so long?”

“She is making love to her wives,” Chandice said, patting Jaina's hand. “I am sure she will be along soon.”

“Oh, why am I so nervous?” Jaina asked and looked at Chandice. “I have you, and honestly, that's all I need.”

“Oh, how sweet,” Chandice said as she smiled and leaned in to share a kiss. “But we both love Heather’s innocence and sweet nature. I am looking forward to her appearance, too, though I am worried she doesn't want to be my girlfriend.”

“Why wouldn’t she want to be your girlfriend?” Jaina asked. “Your smart, caring, and a little deviant.”

“Just a little?” Chandice asked with a smirk.

“Well, you like bondage play, and so might Heather,” Jaina offered.

“Do you think she will like my gift?” Chandice asked as she looked at the small box beside her on the bench.

“I am sure she will be surprised but warm up to it quickly,” Jaina encouraged. “I just wish she would get here. I know she said she wanted to continue our relationship, but she also said she wanted her family's permission. What if they said no?”

“Then we have to honor their wishes,” Chandice replied but sounded disappointed. “Roric would want us to respect their decision, especially Franks.”

“Oh, I am so worried,” Jaina said, putting her head in her hands. “I just wish I knew.”

“So do I,” Chandice agreed and looked around the temple space. “But Blackbast really did do a nice hanging gardens slash Greek temple kind of thing here. I love all the greenery separating the baths.”

“I would love it if Heather served in the temple so I could come to make love to her whenever I wanted,” Jaina sighed.

“I wouldn't get your hopes up for that,” Chandice urged. “She is very family-focused, and I don't think Frank would ever allow that.”

“Didn’t you tell me last night that you were toying with the notion of marrying Frank and Roric to unite our families?” Jaina asked.

“Well, that would be very different now, wouldn't it,” Chandice said with a smile. “We would be one big family, and she could focus on all of us. But let's be honest with each other; I am not going to marry both boys. It's fun to dream about, but we both know it won't ever happen.”

“Let’s not be so negative,” Jaina urged. “Heather told me herself that she wanted to embrace this life.”

“Oh, sugar,” Chandice said and leaned in for a hug. “She has embraced being Frank's slave girl. All that means is she will live her life how Frank wants her to. And we know what he wants.”

“He wants her all to himself,” Jaina said sadly. “She isn't coming, is she?”

“There is a good chance she isn't,” Chandice said. “I am sorry.”

“No,” Jaina replied and took a deep breath. “At least I had my one magical moment that I will treasure forever.”

“What will you treasure?” a golden voice called, causing the two women to look up in surprise.

“Heather!” Jaina called excitedly as the woman arrived in her Princess Hannah guise, her long golden hair reaching to her waist in a straight fall down her back. She wore a simple white dress and smiled nervously to see the two girls.

“Umm, hi,” Heather said and cleared her throat as the two nervously got up. “And, hello, Chandice.”

“Hello,” Chandice said timidly as Heather walked up to them.

“Well, this is awkward,” Heather admitted, struggling to look them in the eye. “But I suppose there is no reason to pretend we don’t know why we are here.”

“We can always talk a little first,” Chandice suggested, motioning to the bench. “Why don't you sit between us and tell us how your dreams went.”

“I would rather not think about that right now,” Heather admitted. “It got pretty intense, especially Umtha's, and I need some time to think about it.”

“Well, then, we can talk about me,” Chandice said as she sat beside Heather. “I understand if you are only interested in Jaina.”

“What? Oh, Chandice,” Heather began as her cheeks blushed. “You're just as wonderful, and I would love to date you, but are you sure you want to date me? I come with a lot of baggage and a fickle mind that is always changing.”

“I have been warned about your baggage,” Chandice replied with a smile. “But I see what Jaina does, a loving and deeply affectionate woman with a simple, almost innocent approach to intimacy.”

“Which does make you wonder what you see in Chandice,” Jaina joked.

“Be quiet, you harpy,” Chandice scolded as Jaina hid her smile. She took a moment to collect her thoughts and explained to Heather how she and Jaina met. How she was originally just another woman Roric was fucking for a night. But she had her first lesbian experience with Jaina when Roric commanded Jaina to eat her pussy. She was quite taken with Jaina after that, and Roric told Jaina to ask Chandice to be her girlfriend.

“So you two aren’t actually in love?” Heather asked.

“I never said that,” Chandice laughed. “I am deeply in love with her. All I am trying to illustrate is how odd our relationship began. If I can overcome a start like that to build a meaningful relationship with Jaina, I am sure you and I can find our footing.”

“All of this lesbian stuff is new to me,” Heather admitted. “I had one tiny moment in college that never got any farther than a hungry kiss.”

“So you have had all your first girl experiences with your family?” Jaina asked as Heather nodded. “Well, I am glad you shared that with the people who mean the most to you. It makes them special in a way.”

“I hope so,” Heather said, looking deep into Jaina's eyes. “But is this kind of relationship going to work? I mean, a single man and five women pretending to be his harem. Doesn't that sound crazy?”

“Not at all,” Jaina said and patted Heather's hand. “You are just very traditional, so it all seems a little wrong to you. The fact is you aren't on earth anymore, and there are no legal, spiritual, or moral reasons that say you can't have this kind of love. You and Frank must decide how your love will work and with whom you will share it.”

“I guess Frank isn't opposed to his girls sharing with other girls,” Chandice pointed out.

“No,” Heather agreed with a smile. “He loves to watch girls kiss. I found that out after we kissed at lunch. He told me later how excited that had made him.”

“And what did he think about my having sex with him?” Jaina asked nervously.

“He was not as excited about that,” Heather admitted. “Neither was Breanne, but she agreed that if that was what helped me open up, she was alright that it happened.”

“I am glad to hear that,” Jaina said, looking down. “But do you really feel like you are only pretending to be a harem?” She watched as Heather took a moment to reconsider her words and formulate a proper answer. She could see the woman was thinking about it carefully and wasn't surprised she took almost a minute to reply. When she did, she explained that as far as she was concerned, she was a slave girl, and they were all his harem. But she admitted that the collars belonging to Blackbast took some of the magic out of it. She wanted the collar to belong to Frank, but he didn't want to pick the evolution that would give him the option. Heather hoped he would reconsider, but she had forced him into so many situations in the past she refused to do so again on this. Frank was her master now, and he would decide on his own without her pressuring him.

“You sound like you are honestly trying to embrace this,” Chandice said. “But let’s have a more serious discussion.”

“Serious, how?” Heather asked and looked at Chandice.

“You say you are his slave girl and will do what he says,” Chandice stated. “So what happens when he tells you to do something you're not comfortable with?” To illustrate her point, she waved a hand to gesture to the temple and asked Heather what she would do if Frank told her she was going to serve in it.

“My first reaction is to say Frank wouldn’t do that,” Heather replied and looked down. “But that isn’t what you asked, and insisting that was the case would only be me trying to dodge the question.”

“You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to,” Jaina insisted.

“No, I want to answer it,” Heather replied and looked up. “If Frank could look me in the eye and tell me it would make him happy to see me serving as a temple whore, I would do it.”

“But you don’t want to do it,” Chandice stated.

“No, of course not,” Heather replied. “But I admit that even considering that answer stirred that strange tension I get when I am being obedient, but it’s just not me to be so casual with sex.”

“Well, if you ask me, you're more of a leader,” Chandice said. “You and Frank work together so well that tampering with that combination seems almost criminal.”

“We work together well?” Heather laughed. “Do you have any idea how often we used to argue?”

“All couples argue,” Chandice said. “Jaina and I argue, we argue with Roric; it's part of being in a relationship. The question is do you argue because you can't get along, or do you argue to help each other understand so you can get along.”

“Oh, I see your point,” Heather replied with a nod. “And you're right; our arguments helped us understand one another. We grew closer after each one.”

“See,” Chandice said and put a hand on Heather's leg. “And every time you chose the course, Frank supported you, even when he thought you were crazy.”

“He still thinks that,” Heather laughed. “Especially about this new choice to be his slave.”

“Jaina and I talked about this,” Chandice said as she studied Heather. “I think you chose this course to hide.”

“What makes you say that?” Heather asked as she turned to stare into Jaina’s eyes.

“You are trying to escape the possibility that you were once a raging madwoman who may be responsible for some terrible things,” Chandice said. “You also hope to hide from people like Moon by giving away all those worries to somebody else. I think you're under so much pressure you can't think straight anymore, and for one brief moment, you found peace. Now you will do anything to find it again, even embrace something you aren't.”

“I still think she can be happy this way,” Jaina insisted.

“I am sure she can, but her past isn't going to go away just because she has her eyes closed,” Chandice countered. “It will come for her even if she wears a slave collar.”

“This isn’t how this encounter was supposed to go,” Jaina argued. “We were supposed to make love, not try to talk her out of her choices.”

“Stop,” Heather said and shook her head. “Chandice is right. I am hiding, like I have been trying to do since I first got here. You two don't know this, but Frank tried to convince me we needed to move a hundred times. I refused to do it, not because I honestly thought it was a bad idea, but because I refused to open my eyes and see the danger. Then our base was attacked, and we were all killed because I wouldn't admit I was wrong. Time and again, he gave me sound advice, and I argued against it because admitting he was right meant I had to face the danger. I kept trying to pretend it would just go away, and when it didn't, I screamed that I wanted out. I am a self-centered brat that doesn't deserve Frank, my family, or my girlfriends.”

“Hey,” Jaina said and put an arm around her. “That isn't true at all. You are just scared and don't know what to do about your problems. Nobody knows how to handle the kind of pressure you're under, but if you ask me, you are doing great. Despite all the chaos around you, and the danger that hunts for you, you made friends, started a family, and built a home. People love and respect you, and your city is flourishing like no other thanks to your open arms to monster players. You are a symbol of hope for more people than you know. So what if you hide for a little while and use that time to clear your head? Honestly, I think that is a very responsible thing to do.”

“I agree,” Chandice said. “So long as you understand your problems aren’t gone, then there is nothing wrong with being a slave for a bit.”

“I just wanted to feel that tension I felt when we kissed,” Heather said, staring into Jaina's eyes. “All the pressure and worry went away, and all I could think about was you.”

Jaina smiled and leaned in, kissing Heather softly as the woman closed her eyes.

“That is very sweet,” Jaina replied. “And don't you worry, Chandice, and I will give you all the kisses you need.”

“It still seems strange to say I am married, yet I have two girlfriends,” Heather commented.

“Less talking and more kissing,” Jaina insisted, putting her lips back to Heather's, reaching deep with her tongue. Heather reached back and put her arms around Jaina before suddenly pulling away.

“Wait,” Heather said and licked her lips.

Chandice was delighted when Heather turned to her and took a deep breath.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” Heather asked with her beautiful blue eyes sparkling.

“Are you sure you want me?” Chandice asked. “Don't do this just because of Jaina.”

Heather smiled and leaned in, putting her lips to Chandice's as they began to kiss passionately.

“I think she’s made up her mind,” Jaina laughed.

Chandice was released to see Heather smiling with a slight blush on her cheeks.

“So, umm, do we make love now?” Heather asked.

“That depends,” Chandice said as she smiled wider. “If you want to be my girlfriend, there is a requirement you have to accept.”

“There is?” Heather asked.

Chandice nodded and reached for the box that had been sitting beside her on the bench. She opened the lid and revealed a silver plug with a thin stem capped by a beautiful ruby.

“All my girls wear one of these,” Chandice said. “It's my mark on my girlfriends. So if you want to be my girlfriend, you will have to wear one.”

“Yours is a ruby like mine,” Jaina said, turning around to show Heather the red stone in her rear. “Chandice wanted us to match since we are so close.”

“You two were made for each other,” Chandice laughed. “You are living proof that opposites attract.”

“We aren’t that opposite,” Jaina argued.

“You are a harlot, and she is as innocent as they get,” Chandice countered as she took the plug out of the box. “Now, stand up and bend over the bench, slave.” She waited as Heather nervously smiled and got up, her blush deepening. She did as she was told, leaning over the bench as Jaina grabbed the hem of the white dress and pulled it up. Chandice felt her heart racing as the tender white skin of Heather's rear was exposed, as were her silky white panties. She wanted to laugh to see the word princess spelled out across the rear, but held it in and carefully began to pull them down.

“Is this going to hurt?” Heather asked as her panties pulled away, revealing her pink hole and beautiful pussy.

“Not at all,” Chandice assured her. “But it will feel weird going in.”

“And it takes a few days to get used to,” Jaina added. “Especially when you sit on it for the first time.”

“So you wear yours all the time?” Heather asked.

Jaina explained how they almost never took them out unless Roric or some other man wanted to fuck their tight ass. Then, they put them back in as soon as possible and wore them everywhere.

“I guess it won’t matter much here,” Heather replied and then went stiff as Chandice tested her tight hole with the tip.

“She’s too tense,” Chandice said. “Loosen her up a little.”

Jaina smiled and knelt behind Heather before leaning in and beginning to lick her tender ass hole.

“Oh!” Heather cried as she tensed. “How can you do that?”

“Why?” Chandice asked as she stroked Heather's thigh. “We don't poop in New Eden, and that hole is never filthy. Honestly, it has no use except for sex now.” She waited until Jaina had gotten her nice and moist then tested the tender hole again, working the tip of the plug in. Heather groaned as her ass stretched around the plug, and Chandice held it right at the bulge. She played with Heather's ass, allowing it to slip in a little, then pulled it back to see her stretch.

“When you wake up, I want you to come to my shop,” Chandice said. “I have a real plug there for you. You will wear it from now on.” She waited for Heather to nod, then pushed, watching as that little pink hole closed around the stem, and her body suddenly pulled the plug in. Heather shook and moaned as the ruby cap settled into place, decorating her beautiful rear with a sparkle of red.

The two could stand it no more, and their hands went to Heather's back, pulling at the woman's white dress. Heather assisted them by working her shoulders and allowing the dress to come away, and be slid over her sumptuous hips. Warm tongues came to her rear and back as Chandice and Jaina descended on her, their hands reaching under to fondle those beautiful big breasts.

Heather began to moan in soft whispers as she writhed under their touch, the soft kisses of two women climbing her back. Chandice's fingers slipped over her rear and began to play with the folds of her pussy. She delighted in how warm and soft the woman's body was and how she was constantly wet like Gisley was. Heather was playing a race whose purpose was sex, and her body was fine-tuned to provide it.

“I love you,” Jaina whispered in her ear while continuing to play with a breast. “I want us to be lovers forever.”

“I am yours,” Heather whispered back as Chandice's fingers found her clit and began to rub gently. Heather shook as her body began to build toward the inevitable outcome of their play. Jaina and Chandice stood her up and continued to play with her body as Chandice held on from behind, and Jaina moved to the front. Heather and Jaina kissed as fingers danced in Heather's pussy, driving her ever onward as her moans grew louder.

“This is what you are now,” Jaina whispered as she held Heather's face. “You are a sex slave whose only purpose is to make love.”

Heather bounced with a cry as she teetered on the edge of her climax. Jaina pressed her lips to Heather’s when the orgasm came, the slave collar allowing her to share it as they danced with their tongues. When it finally passed, Heather was panting for air, and Jaina leaned back to smile.

“Chandice is our dominant girlfriend,” Jaina said. “She will play with us, but never let us forget we are sex slaves.” Heather nodded as Jaina kissed her neck, then down her shoulder until she took firm hold of a breast with both hands. Her lips wrapped around one of Heather's delicate nipples and began to suck as Chandice kissed the back of her neck.

“I love you both,” Heather sighed as Chandice reached around to begin playing with her free breast. Chandice slowly stepped around, coming to the front and joining Heather in a kiss. The passion flowed through that kiss as Heather’s tongue reached for Chandice. While they kissed, Jaina pulled away and started down, her lips passing over Heather’s stomach and across her belly button. Heather gasped into Chandice’s mouth when Jaina licked at her mound, that firm tongue tasting her body.

The kissing took on a new energy as Jaina worked on licking more of Heather's pussy. She teased Heather's legs apart and hungrily reached in, savoring the flavor of the woman's body. Heather was awash with honey, flowing like a river of sugar as Jaina began to lap her up. She dreamed of what it would be like to lap up that pussy after it had been freshly fucked and full of cum. Finally, she grew frustrated that she couldn't reach deep enough into the woman's body, so she lifted one of Heather's legs and put her foot on the bench. Now she was spread wide, and Jaina easily sat under her, licking the body of the woman above.

“Ohhhh!” Heather cried, tearing herself away from the kiss. Chandice reached down and grabbed the plug, slowly working it in and out as Jaina licked every inch of her pussy. It wasn't long before that combination brought her to the edge, and her body shook in the power of another release. Jaina shared every moment of it, her slave collar uniting them in pleasure.

“A pity I don’t have a collar,” Chandice laughed. “I would love to share some of these.”

“I have a collar you can wear,” Heather breathed in a voice nearly lost to the passion.

“Oh, that’s right,” Jaina said as she pulled away from Heather. “You can take a slave girl.”

“Hmm, do I love you enough to let you collar me?” Chandice asked before kissing Heather's neck. “Will you make me do naughty things?”

“Ha,” Heather laughed as she smiled wide. “I don't think you need my help with that. But here.” She lifted a hand, and a red mist formed, coalescing into a black leather collar with a metal band etched to resemble an unbroken ring of naked women feasting on one another. It was decorated with rubies shaped like hearts and had three metal rings space about it.

“Oh, that collar is beautiful,” Jaina said, breaking her feasting. “I wish mine was that pretty.”

“That collar is beautiful,” Chandice agreed as her eyes went wide. “Is it special?”

Heather nodded and explained that through it, she could turn the wearer into a succubus for a short while. However, Frank insisted she spend extra points on the skill, and now she could summon two collars, and the succubus change lasted forty-eight hours, or until Heather wished to dismiss it.”

“So you can turn me into a succubus?” Chandice asked in surprise.

Heather smiled in the most innocently seductive way. “Only if you want to be my plaything.”

“Oh, god,” Jaina laughed. “I have corrupted her.”

“You ruined her, is more like it,” Chandice scolded. “Her innocence is gone.”

Heather held her smile as she took the collar in both hands and reached up for Chandice's neck. With a click, the collar locked into place and magically tightened to fit perfectly around her neck. Then Heather's form blurred, and in an instant, she was a devil with black horns, soft blue skin, and blue slits for eyes.

“This is my default Lilim form,” Heather explained and ran a long nail up Chandice's neck to grab a ring on the collar. “Let's see what your succubus form looks like.” She leaned in for a kiss, and Chandice felt something flowing into her body as her skin tingled.

“Oh, my,” Jaina cooed as Chandice stepped back. She held out her hands to see her skin was a soft pinkish with red bands and dark nails. She quickly turned about the temple, knowing there were plenty of mirrors, and found one near the wall. She stood before it, looking at a completely different woman with curly black hair and a pair of small but sharp horns sticking out of her forehead. Her lips were a vibrant red, as were the slit-like pupils of her eyes. Her breasts were a bit larger and full, pressing together firmly in the middle. Most strikingly, she had a tail that reached to the back of her knees, ending in a smooth point. She quickly willed open her interface and smiled in wicked delight at her character sheet.

“Well,” this is going to be useful,” Chandice said as she turned that smile on Heather. They came together in another kiss as their bodies pressed together. “Let's go to a bedroom,” Chandice whispered, taking Heather by the wrist. The three couldn't help but kiss as they made love all the way to the hall and into the first bedroom they could find. The passion only increased when Heather was pressed into the bed, looking up with wondering eyes as Jaina and Chandice smiled down on her.

“Theirs that innocent look,” Chandice said while smiling with pointed teeth. She climbed over Heather as the woman watched with trembling lips to see Chandice's pussy getting closer. Chandice cupped her breasts as she pressed her body to Heather's lips and felt that warm tongue taste her flower. Jaina settled in between Heather's legs, licking and prodding as the three women moaned in delight. When the orgasms came, they all shared it, the power of the collars uniting them in pleasure. For the next hour, they made love again and again until all three of them sought the comfort of warm arms. With Heather in the middle, they snuggled together, the bed hot with the sex that had made them one. They didn't need anything but the closeness of their bodies to tell them they were lovers, and almost together, the three devil girls fell asleep, only to wake up in the real world.

Jaina opened her eyes and sat up, clutching the covers to her chest. She looked to her right to see Chandice curled into Evalynn in exactly the same position she had curled into Heather. Gisley was asleep over Jaina’s legs, her head resting on her stomach as the little fairy twitched and uttered the words love you.

Chandice opened her eyes and looked up as Jaina smiled down. Then, she carefully extracted herself from Evalynn and leaned over so she and Jaina could share a kiss.

“I think she loves us,” Chandice said when the kiss parted.

“I think she could teach Gisley a thing or two about love,” Jaina said. “She is so pure. I wonder what she sees in us.”

“Don’t spoil a good thing,” Chandice whispered and used a finger to play with Jaina’s bottom lip. “But let’s make a promise not to spoil her. I think we should always try to make our encounters beautiful. She doesn’t need the kind of trashy, slutty sex we sometimes engage in.”

“I agree,” Jaina said with a nod. “Hannah will always be treated like the beautiful treasure she is.”

Gisley opened her eyes and smiled a the girls before tightening her grip around Jaina.

“Did you three have a good time?” she asked.

“Didn't you watch?” Jaina asked and stroked the fairy girl's head.

“I did for a bit; then I saw a man in a dream where a woman he loved was leaving him. He was reliving that moment of heartbreak, so I decided to intervene and give him a good dream instead. But Blackbast watched the whole thing, I think,” Gisley answered.

“You missed some very passionate lovemaking,” Chandice said as she reached over to pet Gisley’s rear. “The kind of love I see you give people.”

“I like Hannah,” Gisley admitted.

“We all do,” Jaina said. “And we know Evalynn and Breanne get along well. We may as well say all of us are dating all of them.”

“That sounds fun,” Gisley cooed and closed her eyes. “Let’s all be girlfriends.”

“I like the sound of that,” Jaina agreed. “Our girls will date their girls.”

“And we can all be happy,” Gisley replied.

Jaina looked at Chandice as they both smiled in agreement with Gisley. They settled back down and enjoyed the warmth of their bed as they looked forward to seeing Hannah again.

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